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Monday 3 May 2021

More Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News + Views!

AddITioNs aDDeD In lArGE TypESeT! ReaDeRs gUIdE @ HERE! 



On Fire: Canada's unsuccessful Covid strategy, at both the federal and provincial level,  is only serving to extinguish rather than eliminate the Covid virus. Think of the pandemic as a house fire. Whenever the flames die down a bit, we open up the economy, loosening whatever half measures have been put in place. Of course, the pandemic flares up again, because we never completely put it out. 

Meanwhile, countries like Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan went into a complete lockdown long ago. They long ago snuffed the fire out. Now they can return to business as usual, with just the basic safety precautions.

If Canada wants to follow their example, we need to evoke the federal Emergency Management Act. However, that requires a concerted federal and provincial effort. Sadly, at all level of government, we lack the real political leadership that would take Tyee @ Macs Read the act @ Here 

Ontario Aflame: Ontario Premier Doug Ford completely fumbles the ball, as the full force of the pandemic comes crashing down upon us. His latest stay at home order is at best a dog's breakfast of confusing half measures. He closes the children's playgrounds and steps up police checks. The guidelines are unclear at best, the consequences for breaking them a joke. 

Meanwhile, few people are working at home anymore because most everything has been declared an essential service. The school's remained open for far too long. Plus we still lack a comprehensive sick day plan for our lowest paid frontline workers. Out of economic necessity, they continue to go into work sick, further feeling the Covid fire. Read the Ford government's latest stay at home order and weep ON.CA Here's the Ontario Emergency Management Act 1990 upon which it's based @ Here

The Medical Advice: The Ford government has largely ignored the Science Table's medically based recommendations as outlined in "The Way Forward" @ ST @ Macs It's dubious if he and his cabinet often even understand the Covid modelling being presented to them @ QPB 

The Legal Advice: Ontario Police rarely have a falling out with the Conservative party.  However, most quickly decline the new powers Ford grants them to arbitrarily stop and check where everybody's going. It's surprisingly that the lawyers in his cabinet didn't spot trouble right away. Certainly, the dictate is a constitutional fireball, so poorly thought out that it'll easily be challenged in court, as a gross violation of our most basic charter rights. Premier Ford quickly backs down, but the embarrassing news story goes international NYT

Ford MIA: It's not just the police whom are giving Ford a big thumbs down! Ontario's local public health units start closing our Covid infested schools on the own. He finally shuts them down across the province. Angry parents soon have him backtrack on closing the children's playgrounds too. 

So what does Premier Doug Fraud do? He goes into quarantine at his mom's place! Apparently he's been exposed to the virus in his office at Queens Park. He was hiding there at the time, dodging questions in the legislature! 

Ford's press secretary Ivana Yelich probably doesn't mean to be funny as she reports that the fraudster is now busy learning how to use a laptop. That's so he can still carry out his duties while in quarantine. He usually relies on a badly, outdated Blackberry Classic cellphone, but he often can't download files on that.

In a huge dereliction of duty, our Dougie then disappears from sight for the next two weeks! It's the height of the pandemic! Prime Minister Justin Trudeau somehow managed to regularly speak and answer questions while he was in quarantine last year. But not so Premier Doug Fraud!

There's lots more about Ford's hijinks QPB BlogTO @ Vice @ NAL

Timeline 4 Chaos: Here's how the Ford government fumbled it's way into a third wave catastropheChatelaine.

School's Out: Ontario's largest public health units in Peel, Toronto and Ottawa have finally managed to force the government's hand to stop the school spread. Students across the province are learning at home again. There's a lot more to the story below, under "Education Beat" and @ CTV @  GlobeCTV 

Ontario SOS: It's the Mother of All Shit Storms! Hospital ICU's are overflowing with the sick and dieing! Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sends the Canadian Armed Forces into the ICU's to help out. He also offers Red Cross assistance with Ontario's vaccine drive. However, a miffed Doug Ford declines the desperately needed aid @ CBC @ NP @ Global  

Resign Now! The NDP and Liberal opposition call for Ford's resignation. The PC government's huge majority at Queen's Park, makes that unlikely. However, speculation is rife that the PC's either provide adult supervision for him, or better yet, a replacement premier for the province @ CTV Global @ #ResignDougFord Ford is international news again @ WP

Blame Game: Ford tries to deflect attention from Ontario's poorly planned inoculation rollout by blaming Trudeau for not providing us with more vaccine. Meanwhile, he can't distribute the vaccines that we'e got all ready. Sadly, Ontario has the lowest vaccination rate of any province, with 300,000 doses sitting in the freezer unused @ Now

Tru-Anon: Canada's Conservatives lend Ford a hand stateside with his fake news game. CPC Opposition Leader Erin O'Toole courts CNN's Jake Tapper to blame Trudeau for Canada's vaccine woes. Of course, Fox New's Tucker Carlson jumps onboard with the big lie too. TNC @ PM 

To his credit, Trudeau has successfully out sourced plenty of vaccines from abroad. We'll be receiving them soon. Canada's like most other countries that lack the domestic ability to produce their own vaccine. The Bottom Line? The province's knew we'd have to wait. Moreover, it's the result of a decades old problem involving both the Liberal and Conservative parties. See the links to their joint negligence in the Spring 1 edition of my Teacher Free Speech news blog. More @ CTV @ Youtube @ Ipol

Political Hot Spot: Ontario's Auditor General is investigating why Ford didn't fast track the provincial vaccine into all of the postal coded, hot spots identified by his Science Table. Did he choose the ridings that voted for him first? @ CP24

Ford's Trumpian HWY 413 Covid Follies: Check out the rogue gallery of lobbyists and developers with close ties to the Ford government, eagerly waiting to cash in on his greenbelt highway plans

Sure, Ford acts stupid. He's not be too bright, but don't write him off as a fool. He's a fraudster too, but one who knows how to serve his corporate masters well. 

Ford's taking a wrecking ball to the province's conservation plans, while distracting us with all his non-stop BS. There's definitely a Trumpian method to Doug Fraud's Covid madness NO @ ED

Drat! Foiled? The federal cavalry arrive to carry out an environmental assessment of Ford's controversial Greenbelt highway plans. A whole whack of frustrated municipalities and environmental groups understandably asked Trudeau to intervene. Now that the project is delayed, it can be properly debated in depth, along with the findings. Bet Ford won't like that! Not with a provincial election looming next spring @ ED 

A Sterling Case In Point: Disgraced, PC hatchet man Norm Sterling of Walkerton fame has been appointed head of the Greenbelt Council. Before retiring as a PC MPP, Norm voted against the greenbelt. Now he's been put in charge of it!?!? More wrecking ball politicsCBC

LilleyGate; Ontario's mainstream media is shamelessly ignoring the blatant conflict of interest between the Ford government and the Toronto Sun. We know for sure that Sun reporter and number uno Ford cheer leader Brian Lilley is living with his press secretary Ivana Yelich. They are quite the threesome, with Ford and Lilley forever kissing each others butt. However, for reasons unknown, the QP press gallery is afraid to say boo. Something must be done soon. Caryma Sa'd explains @ LD @ CarymaRules More @ DB @ Passage

Freedom Convoy:  Anti masker Chris Sky is taking his covidiot clown show on the road to a stop near you. They're stirring up those of us who don't understand that rights come with responsibilities, to spark an insurrection against the government's lockdown. One of the speakers, identified only as "George", regularly makes thinly veiled threats of gun violence. Quite the copy cat eh?!? Think Washington, January 12th! Wonder if CSIS is paying attention @ DB CNBC

Boycott Tim Hortons: A London, Ontario outlet of the self styled, Canadian coffee chain fails to notify it's employees of a Covid outbreak. A part time teen worker infects her family at home. Workplace spread remains a major, unchecked source of Covid spread in Doug Ford's Ontario. It's killing workers, their families and possibly anyone else they come in contact with too. @ CBC @ CBC


Mattamy Homes: The construction workers are caught getting their jollies with a couple of strippers at work, after they post the photos online. So what'll Dougie do now? To show the construction industry that they too must follow the rules too? Perhaps limit his pals to one stripper per site?!? @ BlogTo

Border Closures: Canada's extending the US border closure again. This time, it's our fault, since we pose the greatest threat. Hmmmm. Now Trump's gone. Joe Biden is President. We can't just blame the American's anymore. The buck stops here @ CBC Forbes


Canadian Apology Time: Like a good Canadian boy, I want to apologize profusely. We are in a full blown crisis. Rest assured, more international coverage will follow, as soon as I can get a handle on all the bullshit up our way!

Vaccines 4 Canada: President Joe Biden promises Trudeau that the US will help Canada with our vaccine shortage. As he approaches his 100 day mark in office, over 227 million Americans have been inoculated. Joe's way ahead of schedule and now the US has more vaccines than they need! Hey! That's really nice, but we can't laugh at Joe like we laughed at Donald Trump anymore. Not much fun but we love you anyway! @ Global

Alaska 2 The Rescue: To help reopen the border, Alaska's Governor offers any surplus vaccine to their Canadian neighbours in British Columbia and the Yukon. Ok. Ok. Very nice, but Sarah Palin's now long gone too. Can't laugh at her either! Jeez, you're making this so hard @ CBC

A Joe Biden Fact Check: Canada's Mr. Fact Checker Daniel Dale reports that Joe made 29 false claims during his first 100 days in office. Trump made 214. Turns out Joe 's usually off script, ad-libbing stats when he gets it wrong, whereas his scripts are quite factual, unlike the Donald's. Hmmm. Bet if Dale could fact check the Ontario Ford government for us, Doug would make both Trump and Biden blush! @ CNN

RIP George Floyd: Surprise! Police officer Derek Chauvin is found guilty of all charges. His trial was quite the spectacle. It seemed like George was the one being tried. The defence clearly wanted to create reasonable doubt, using a lot of tired, old stereotypes and racist conspiracy theories. How sad @ SPLC


Covid Walks Among Us!

Murder Inclined: Big biz is clearly behind Ford's response to the pandemic. Our small businesses, working families and essential workers are being ruthlessly killed off en masse like never before. It's the perfect opportunity for Ford as a mass social murderer, to ruthlessly target, kill and maim the poor and less fortunate. Plus he doesn't have to fire a shot. Will he get away with it? @ Passage CD

QAnon Canada: Canadian Conservatives are playing copy cat with their GOP buddies south of our border. They've been coming up with lots of really wild and far out Canuck conspiracy theories throughout the pandemic @ Passage

Alt Right Watch: The alt right are trying very hard to mimic and co-opt the left's "civil rights" language at their anti masker rallies @ CD Often the media gives the most vocal extremists a pass on their white suprematist roots @ Passage The alt right's also trying to weaponize irony to spread hate. They aren't really being racist, sexist and homophobic. It's just a joke @ NPR

Sick Daze: The business lobby wants us to think that workers would just abuse a comprehensive, sick day plan. However, that's patently false and very short sightedRankFile

Flight From Hell: Faced with bankruptcy, the big airlines are flying through the pandemic by the seat of their pants. They want us to feel safe flying. However, feeling safe isn't the same as being safe. This passenger found out the scary truth, when an infected lady got on her plane @ Forbes  


Schools Out: International studies show that it's very dangerous reopening our schools before the staff and students are vaccinated. Proper testing, distancing and ventilation are absolutely necessary too, for everyone to be safe and stop the community spread @ Lancet @ Nature

Strike While It's Hot: Ontario's teachers, education workers and school staff have faced very dangerous workplace conditions, throughout the pandemic. Sadly, vaccinating them still isn't a priority for the Ford government. If he dares to re-open our schools this spring, it's time for a province wide walkout

The floundering Ford government would be cornered, if AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF took him to task and held his feet to the fire. But don't count on it happening. So far, the Ontario teacher union leadership hasn't shown the political will needed to really stand up for their members, students or the school communities, since the pandemic began. 

Can they still walk the union talk? Or will they be content to let Ford walk all over them again, as the virus spreads through our schools? To act decisively, the Ontario teacher unions need to organize now! 

NeoLib 101: Sadly, academia's response to the Covid pandemic continues to propagate the same old tired themes of commodification, competitive individualism and inequitable hierarchical structures. University faculty should be very wary. The times require that they push back hard and show some intellectual integrityOCUFA


Ultimate John Lennon Plastic Ono Band: John Lennon's first studio solo album gets the deluxe 50th anniversary treatment. There's a new remix, along with some really powerful raw versions of the album that rock out like never before. A disc full of impromptu jams is included. Others feature lots of very cool demos and studio outtakes. They're spread over 5 cds, repeated on the 2 Blu-ray discs, with some new 5.1 remixes thrown in for good measure. John also entertains us with some very experimental, guitar work, on the previously unreleased session tapes, from Yoko Ono's Plastic Ono Band album. All in all, it's one of the best Beatle reissues to date. It actually gives the bootleggers a run for their money. John Lennon's POB's is a very powerful yet minimalist album. This re-issue is absolutely essential listening for every rock fan @ Audio1 @ Audio2 @ Audio3

Siri I'm Getting Pulled Over: Here's how to set your iPhone to record and stream a police check, just in case you encounter any problems @ Verge

"Dollar Beers Leave The Worst Hangovers" 

-Ontario Proverb


Sunday 11 April 2021

Toronto Covid Diary: Third Wave Bluez!

Minister Elliott's Daily Numbers Hardly Tell The Whole Story ...

April 28 Update: 37 residents at our high rise in north west Toronto have now been infected by the Covid virus. That's just the cases we know about. Still it's a very serious outbreak. 

Unfortunately, Toronto Public Health doesn't release how many infections there are in each condo, apartment or workplace across the city. So unless somebody says something, we don't know much about what's actually happening here in our own building. 

That makes it very hard to "spot clean" or to get everybody to take this seriously. It seems like the pandemic is happening somewhere else, but really, it's just outside our door. 

We'll have to post a new notice. The original has been changed numerous times now. 

Welcome back to Toronto high rise hell! Since I posted this blog last week, the Covid cases in our condo building have more than doubled! The first jump was from 14 to 19. A few days later, 31 residents had caught the coronavirus. Now, there's also been another death, bringing the total to 5.

A year ago, during the first wave of the pandemic, our underground parking garage was always full. During the third wave, almost every one has been designated an essential worker. Now most days, it's nearly empty. Tragically, few of us are actually working from home, despite the latest, provincial "stay at home" order. 

Basically, most of the families in our building are middle or working class. They are desperately struggling to get by. They don't have enough time to get vaccinated. Plus, the two nearest inoculation clinics are booked solid until mid May. 

Few could afford missing work to line up over night either, in hopes of getting inoculated at the new, emergency, pop up station the next day. 

Meanwhile, very few of the local pharmacies have got the vaccine. I went across town for my shot. But that takes time, which they don't have, as they scramble to pay the bills. The options are definitely limited! 

I did not intend to get pedantic with this instalment of my Toronto Covid Diary. However, I'm very tempted to rant and rave about the lack of paid sick days, time off for inoculations and our bizarre vaccine roll out. It's a huge disaster in the making but I won't labour the details here.

Time will show that Premier Ford restarted the economy far too early. His insufficient half measures and the resulting confusion, are all ready documented in my Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News and Views blog. More links will continue to be added as the catastrophe unfolds.

Sadly, every day now just brings more and more bad news. Probably, our case numbers will continue to increase exponentially for the foreseeable future. If so, I'll post them here.

Meanwhile, the ambulance sirens rise and fall outside our window. Janet and I cuddle close together, all alone in Toronto and the deep, dark Covid night .....

And so, back to my original blog ....

It's so frustrating! We've faithfully followed all the lockdown, stay at home orders. We've self isolated for over year now since the pandemic began. 

Spring finds us still alive and well. However, the coronavirus is now spreading like wildfire through our building, the infection rate climbing floor by floor

This week, a new warning was posted at the elevators in our north west end Toronto condominium building;

" ... at least 14 residents have contracted Covid-19 in this building resulting in at least 4 deaths that we are aware of ..."

It's so sad! We usually love it here! Our building is very Toronto-ish. There's folks of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. Nothing too rich or fancy, nor down and out, it's just a good place to live. 

Fortunately, our board of directors are pro-active, perhaps moreso than most. We post updates so that everyone's in the know about what's going on. We hope that they'll continue taking the pandemic seriously, despite the inevitable fatigue.

By law, we can't include any names, addresses or personal details, that might identify anyone. Even in a state of emergency, it's not allowed.

It's certainly been scary living here in Toronto during the pandemic, bobbing along like a cork in the seething sea of VOC and Covid-19 outside our building doors.

However, most of us were careful. It felt like the pandemic was happening somewhere else, not here in our home. 

Now, with the third wave, it's spreading throughout the building. Our biggest spike was just this week. 

What can I say? As the pandemic dragged on and on, some of the residents got negligent in following the safety rules. There were less masks and social distancing in the common areas! There were more and more large family gatherings and parties! 

Pretty soon a lot of us got sick! Then there was another death. Now each day or so brings more and more cases and a lot of grief.

There's been some real gut wrenching mental health problems too. Usually they're just everyday folk, maybe seniors, who've reached the breaking point. Angry and confused from living alone in isolation for over a year, they might take to wandering the halls, desperately seeking attention in all the wrong ways. During a contagionwithout the proper public supports, there's often very little that one can do.

I swear, it's so sad, it could make me cry.

However, there's little time for that now. The virus has reached our floor. We need to focus and think quick. Who knows if that's it knocking at the door?!?

I am so glad that we took the first vaccine available when we became eligible as a part of the 60's cohort, a few weeks ago. 

It was the AstraZeneca vaccine, so the conflicting news stories made us hesitant at first.

We're retired, just staying at home anyway. Why not wait for a shot of Pfizer? Moderna?Something else? 

Well, we both got a sore arm. I even had a slight fever for a day or two. Bottomline? Covid is far more dangerous. Plus there's a greater risk of getting hit by lightening than suffering a blood clot, from AstraZeneca or any of the vaccines. If in doubt, consult with your doctor first.

AstraZeneca isn't 100% effective. Still, we're very lucky to have gotten vaccinated when we did. Sure, we need a second shot. However, we're very grateful for the added safety and peace of mind that it brings! It could save our butt!

Meanwhile, the new warning notice seems to be helping too!

When I stepped out to take down the garbage today, nobody was crowding aboard the elevator anymore. Everyone was also wearing masks again.

So far, the third wave of the pandemic is the worst. It's pretty hard not to feel blue. This isn't over yet! Who knows what happens next ...?

We're in a real leadership vacuum these daze. We can't count on our politicos for much direction or help. It's also hard finding information about what's really happening in other apartments and condos, let alone practical ideas about what to do.

Is anything being done where you live? In Toronto? Across Ontario? In Canada or wherever you are? Are your case numbers being posted in the building? Did you take the first available vaccine too? Or are you still shopping around?

As always, there's a space for Comments below ....

Be well!


Ummm. Hand me my air guitar ..... 

Ah 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 

Well, I got dem ol' Toronto third wave blues! 

Strum ... strum ... strum ... 

Ooooh ya ... 2021 style! 

A shot o' AstraZeneca too!SOME LINKS

Good Toronto Boy: Yup, this goes back a few years, but it still rings true @ HERE!

Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News + Views: I've left out most of the political stuff in this blog. The links to what's been happening with the pandemic here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and around the world are @ HERE!

Oh Cannabis Spring 2021 News + Views: Here's what I've been toking on to chill out. Remember, weeds beats booze. No fighting, hangovers, blackouts or shakes etc. etc. etc. @ HERE!

My Toronto Covid Diaries 

Canuck Pandemic @ #1

Toronto Daze @ #2

Spring Fever @ #3

Costco + The Zombie Apocalypse @  #4

Toronto Trippin' @ #5

Escape From Toronto @ #6

Trippin' With Doug Ford @ #7


Wednesday 24 March 2021

Oh Cannabis Spring 2021 Newz y Viewz!

InHale! hOLd! ExHaLe! sMiLe! AddItIoNs ADDeD iN lArGe TyPe! 

StONerS GuiDe @ HERE! LaTest Links @ TWITTER!


Canada's Drug War Redux: Since legalization, Canada's war on drugs has morphed into a retail battle between our licensed verses our unregulated sellers. The latest quarterly findings from the government run OCS [Ontario Cannabis Store] suggest that the newly created legal weed market now accounts for 40% of total sales. Perhaps that's because our pioneering heritage retailers .... yeah, those who actually fought for legalization, put some real skin in the game .... are finally getting their licenses too?!? Better late than never, I suppose! More @ MugH

Med Pot Blues: Sadly, Canada's flagship medical cannabis program has fallen by the wayside since legalization. Sure, we can easily buy recreational weed now, but that misses the point. Lawyer Harrison Jordan outlines how the government has failed @ HJL

Cannabis Tax Spoiler: Legal sales In Canada include an excise tax of 10%, or a dollar a gram, whichever costs more. Of course, an unlicensed retailer doesn't charge tax. That makes a big difference, when you're buying a quarter, a half and an ounce, or even a discount gram. It really hurts our small legal mom and pop growers, producers and retailers. Plus it's a big hit to the wallet for our medical cannabis patients too. Here's to a tax cut! Good luck @ StratCan

Dept of Big Secrets: Why are complete details of each province's bustling, cannabis trade figures being hidden and withheld from us? They could help create better business and consumer pot policies, now so sadly lacking. Duh @ MugH

Cannabis Amnesty: Where are the pardons promised to pot heads busted or incarcerated before Canada legalized weed in 2018?!? This is a grave injustice, especially for our people of colour, who've suffered the most, in a country that prides itself on being inclusive and multicultural, above all that! More @ CA @ TokeC @ Globe

Budding Toronto Cannabis Lawyer Caryma Sa'd explains why Canada's new system for erasing old weed convictions is a dud @ CTV

UNDRIP [United Nations Declaration On The Right of Indigenous People]: British Columbia is a signatory to the declaration, recognizing the indigenous peoples right to freely pursue their own economic development. Now Cory Brewer, an Okanagan Indian Band member from Vernon BC is claiming that he doesn't need a provincial license to sell weed on First Nation lands. Let's see if the province will actually walk the talk, rule of law style, like they said. Or whether it's all just talk, talk, talk? @ CBC

OCS Craft Cannabis: The Ontario Cannabis Store will soon be selling premium priced craft weed. They're hoping it'll help them corner the legacy market, by bringing us into the  legal stores to shop. The price will probably decide that. It's going to be expensive. Still, the OCS provides a useful working definition of craft cannabis and explains how it should be grown and preparedOCS

Craft Cannabis 2 The Rescue: Unfortunately, legalization has often resulted in lotsa low quality, corporate, ditch weed, that nobody wants to buy, piling up unsold on our dispensary shelves. Canada's micro-growers and the prospect of farm gate sales provide a viable alternative CIJ

Legalization's Second Coming: Like micro-brewery beer? Then you're going to love craft cannabis, if you haven't tried it already. CEO Lisa Campbell of the Mercari Agency explains @ Now

Legal Cannabis Shortage: The Ontario Cannabis Store is cutting back on deliveries from Canada's licensed producers due to the pandemic. Hopefully, that'll help protect their workers. However, since Ontario's legal dispensaries can't buy directly from the producers themselves, consumers now face a worsening stock shortage when ordering weed. Without doubt, Ontario's unlicensed dealers and producers will step in to make up the difference @ BNN


Garlands 4 Merrick: Thankfully, US President Joe Biden's new Attorney General seems to pass the cannabis sniff test! He thinks the feds should leave the state's who've legalized it alone, noting it's not the "best use" of Justice Department's resources. He also seems aware of the racial socio-economic impact and inequities of prohibition. All in all, a very refreshing perspective and quite a departure from the long lineup of nightmarish reefer madmen, formerly sitting in the all important AG's seat. More on Merrick GarlandNORML @ Brook @ MJBiz

Legalize It: Here's a handy guide to how the Democrats will attempt to push legalization through the senate, in the daze ahead @ Axios

US Safe Banking Act: Back to Congress it goes! If passed, the bill will finally allow the legal cannabis sector to do business with the US banks and other financial institutions, like everyone else. That'll be a big plus for the legal states. So too, Canada's LP's [licensed producers], hoping to expand their stateside operations. Sadly, the bill was taken off the table by the GOP controlled Senate late last year. Maybe it'll pass this time around, with the Democrats now in the legislative driver's seat? @ BNN @ MRLLP

Say It Ain't So Joe: Don't get too excited about the prospects for legalization, decriminalization or whatever. The Biden White House asked it's incoming staffers to be honest about whether they toke or not. Then dismissed over a dozen who admitted that they do. Yiikes! Actions speak louder than words @ DB @ MM

Or We'll Do It 4 You: Fortunately, thirty congressional leaders quickly admonish President Biden for firing the potheads. Also, senate majority leader; Chuck Shumer, defiantly insists that he'll act on legalization with or without Biden's consent. Hey! It's democracy in action. Sure beats Trump and the GOP! @ Norml

State Legalization GuideMedical or Recreational? Who's legal? Who's not? Keep track! This spring, 10 different state legislatures have legalization bills coming down the line.  You'll find detailed state by state analysis @ Leafly @ WM @ DISA @ NORML Plus handy legislative links @ MM

Not Whistling Dixie: Alabama lawmakers from both sides of the Senate floor are finding common ground in passing the state's medical cannabis bill, this time with renewed vigour @ MM @ MPP Read the "Compassion Act" @ MPP

Legacy of Exclusion: Blacks and Hispanics in New York State are hoping that they won't be excluded from the new legal marketplace. However, there are lots of barriers standing in their way @ Goth

School Daze: A Florida teacher at Space Coast High is fired, after a school drug test reveals that she's taking medical cannabis, for a workplace injury. Seems it's okay for the students, but not the teachers. Like Allison Enright! She was being supervised and taking it instead of opioids. But the Brevard County School Board was worried that'll affect their federal grants. What a cop out @ GO

Mexico A Go Go! Lawmakers in the lower chamber vote overwhelmingly to legalize and license adult recreational weed. It's still unclear though, whether it'll pass through the upper chamber of the legislature, when two thirds of Mexicans oppose legalization. If it does, Mexico becomes the third country after Uruguay and Canada, to legalize weed. Ironically, leaving the US, the odd man out in our new, three way USMCA trade pact. 

Corporate Weed: Many Mexicans are also concerned about whom will profit. It might well not be Mexican consumers, home growers or indigenous people. Activists insist that the new laws will continue to discriminate against, stigmatize and criminalize the grassroots cannabis community. While only furthering the government's nefarious, corporate weed agenda. Hmmm ... sound familiar?!? More @ NYT @ MugH @ MugH

Much more to come ....


Perhaps a separate section is redundant, what with so many business stories being posted throughout my blog this spring. Anyway, here's a tip o' the hat to what I myself am enjoying. More reviews will follow, especially as the warm weather takes me back to Ontario's Land o' Lakes, near all those fab Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory pot shops once again: 

Bruce Banner: Yep! After a loooooong winter lock downed here in Toronto, this hybrid bud is just about the only thing stopping me from turning into the incredible hulk. First, I scored a few grams of "Elemental" Bruce Banner shatter for just shy of $20 each from Toke Online @ HERE! Cheap and very relaxing! Plus it's helping keep me mindful, focused and alert too! I love it so much that I also scored an ounce of phat, earthy BC Bruce Banner buds from BudBox online @ HERE! $180 with shipping and tax! Top notch sales and service from both retailers. Was delivered to my door in no time flat! Definitely, two thumbs up!

Redecan Reign Drops: Earth to David! We have lift off! 28.5 grams. 30 mg THC. Mixed with MTC oil. It's quite the space trip! 30ml for $43.50. Like the next two products, available though Shoppers Drug MarketHERE!

RHO CBD Spray: My morning medical cannabis fix! 22 mg CBD. 11 mg THC. Too bad about the leaky dispenser. Spills all over the place. Is plastered with big dumb warning stickers. A real packaging turn off, but par for the course with the legal stuff! 15 ml cost  $34.99.

Zenabis Spray: At 27.9 THC it's a handy pick me upper, when I don't feel like rolling one, or getting out my torch. Two or three squirts will do. But again, it comes in a super leaky dispenser with a big ugly sticker on it. What a friggin' mess! So el cheapo looking and  downright clunky at 15 ml for $39.98.

"Turn! Turn! Turn!" Or "Too Everything There Is A Reason": The OCS, Ontario's government online retailer, has gone through 6 presidents in it's first 3 years. Insiders insist there's "unique circumstances" behind each executive departure. However, that still represents an alarming sense of "corporate discontinuity" at the bumbling Ford government's flagship cannabis store @ MJD

Celebrating 420 in Style: Edibles? Elixirs? Glass? Papers? Volcanos? Pens etc. etc. etc. Moreso for Mr. + Ms. Fancy Pants, or I suppose anyone wanting to liven up your sesh @ HT

Put A Spring In Your Step: Here are some strains that are especially appropriate come this time of year @ Civilized @ CN 

Much more to come ....


Grow Yer Own: Adult Canadians ... ahem ... can each legally grow 4 cannabis plants at home. So whatcha waiting for?!? Here's how to get growing, in just 8 easy steps @ TOk Plus some spring seeds suggestions @ H2GM

A 420 Beginners Guide: All day April 20th is a stoner holiday. We also celebrate together at 4:20 pm each day. Sound strange? Hmmm. Here's a guide to everything you could want to know about 420, but were afraid to ask @ Leafly

Fighting the Racist Stigma: Where to begin? Please! Everyone from Weed Nation; white, black, brown, purple or ... or ... or .... whatever ... just admit it! You smoke pot! Or maybe we white folk should go first? We're the least at risk. Love to toke. Can get the ball rolling. So that we can all work together to dispel the stupid social barriers, especially for our brothers and sisters of colour MIC

Call It Cannabis: Marijuana sounds more outlaw-ish and sexier. But it also has racist connotations that most of us know little about. Learn more @ LVS

This Ain't The Summer of Love: During the Covid pandemic, seniors are increasingly turning to cannabis. It's great for stress, depression, aches and pains .... whatever ails. There's lots of the usual fear mongering in this article about the effects of smoking weed. Will it make you dizzy? Lightheaded? Confused? Coz you're old?!? Funny how nobody goes on and on like that about booze, which makes folks get real aggressive and results in lots of fights. Still, like they say, "start low, go slow". Weed today is a lot more potent than back in the day, especially if you haven't toked in a while @ NYT @ Insider

Much more to come ....


Much more to come ....


Sunday 21 March 2021

Teacher Free Speech Spring 2021 News + Views!

AddITioNs aDDeD In lArGE TypESeT! ReaDeRs gUIdE @ HERE! 



Kinda Sorta Stay At Home: Ontario Premier Doug Ford finally issues another last minute stay at home order. It's for the next four weeks, as the third wave of the pandemic comes comes crashing down upon us. Meanwhile, there's a huge outbreak in our north west end Toronto condo, like in many of the more challenged parts of the city. The local park is packed with kids and lots of folks are walking about the streets without masks, enjoying the spring weather. His latest "plan" is wishy washy. Enforcement dicey at best. It's clearly another case of too little, too late @ On.Ca @ CTV 

Sick Daze: Tragically, there's still no readily accessible, paid, provincial sick days or mass vaccinations available for Ontario's most challenged, frontline workers @ CBC @ Canada Press @ CTV

School Daze: The staff and students at our schools still haven't been vaccinated. The classroom are overcrowded, understaffed and lack proper HVAC [heating, ventilation and air conditioning]. But Ford still refuses to close them down. Fortunately, our local public health boards are starting to do so anyway. More under "EduBeat below" and @ Globe  

Nope! Nothing Ads Up!

Move It: A new, home eviction ban has also been put in place, on paper anyway @ BlogTo

Covid Fever: As spring arrives, Ontario's daily Covid rate snowballs past the 3000 mark! What does Doug Fraud do? Issue a "stay at home order'? Nope! He applies an "emergency break". Orders a third province wide "shutdown", if we can call it that! Basically, Ford's closing our outdoor patios, tattoo, barber shops and other personal care services in Toronto again. While the rest of the province joins us in the already ineffective, half measures, still in place here since Christmas. While our schools remain open and his vaccine roll out stumbles out the gate. It's super scary! The pandemic has spun totally out of control CTV @ CBC @ CP24 @ BlogTO

Canadian Muddle: Sadly Canada's province's aren't working together to eliminate the Covid virus. Each is merely content with trying to contain or live with the pandemic instead. The third wave shouldn't be any surprise. It's like the premier's are playing whack-a-mole. While the cross country muddle of business and school openings and closures simply continues to feed the pandemic's exponential growth @ Tyee 

Surf's Up: As spring arrives, the third wave of the Covid pandemic hits Ontario with a  spike in new variants. It's now been a year now since Premier Doug Ford first declared a province wide state of emergency. He's still playing the same, political con games with the statistics, endlessly tinkering about with his confusing opening and closing orders, as he panders to his big business cronies. Luckily here in Toronto, Mayor John Tory continues to rely a lot more upon the medical experts advice instead, largely helping keep our winter lockdown in place, for now anyway @ Global @ CBC @ CTV @ NP @ CP24

Send Vaccine! The US recently helped out by donating 1.5 millions of AstraZeneca vaccine to Canada. We're scheduled to receive 2 million doses from India this spring. Sadly, there's an international shortage of vaccines, including Pfizer, Modern, and J+J, which are also authorized for use in Canada. They continue arriving from around the world in ribs and drabs, underscoring Canada's inability to manufacture them here ourselves. Tragically, our lack of a cohesive vaccine strategy is a federal problem, dating back to the 1980's, through successive Liberal and Conservative governments CNN @ Global @ Conv

Ford's Rollout Follies: In Doug Fraud's Ontario, online booking glitches, freezer failures, broken vials and long line ups for a vaccine shot, are the order of the day. Incapable of distributing what we've got, Ford instead deflect's the issue, blaming Prime Minster Justin Trudeau for not sending more @ CTV @ Narc

Hillier Express A Go Go: Retired General Rick Hillier, the head honcho of Ford's vaccine rollout, resigns just 4 months into the highly inept campaign. Worry not! Rick the Trickster has still got his side job as an international arms salesman to fall back on. Won't need to worry much about it anymore. Unlike the rest of us, left wondering what the F$!# Doug Fraud will do next?!? @ CTV @ OC

AstraZ: According to Health Canada, the evidence doesn't suggest that Astrazeneca is any more dangerous than the other Covid vaccines. That despite a mad flurry of suspensions across the European Union. Now, their initial concerns have been discounted by the medical experts too. 

Beware of Big Pharma! There's lots of nasty, fear mongering, competition and interference, as the inoculations begin! From my own experience, the end result was very unsettling, for those of us stuck awaiting our shot this week! See "Covid Beat". More @ CBC @ Global @ Reuters

Lilley Gate 101!

In BeddedMeet Toronto Sun reporter Brian Lilley; chief Doug Fraud butt kisser and alt right kook. Lilley loves to expose the Libtard's shortcomings. Nor is he one to let the truth get in the way. Now it turns out that he's quite literally in bed with Ivana Yelich; the Conster's Media Relations Director! Shamelessly, Lilley claims not knowing what she does at work, even though the two are living together! Have been for awhile. Pffft! Goes to show just how complicit the Sun is in Ford's big Covid lies. Read the whole sordid tale @ DB 

"Lilley-Gate" or "Compromising Positions": How come nobody has said anything about the Lilley Gate scandal until now?!? Think conflict of interest! And it still isn't breaking news!!! Nor is Doug being questioned about it at his various, daily media ops. Duh. Our Queens Park media gallery, what a sad, sorry, f'n lot @ Passage

Anti Asian Racism: Sure it's terrible in the states. But let's not get too smug about the recent shootings south of the Canadian border. Say it can't happen here. Trump's off colour, racist "China Flu/ Kung Flu" references and jokes, were often eagerly echoed across Canada. Anti-Asian sentiments run deep throughout our history too. From the Chinese head tax, to prohibition, fears of the  "yellow menace" and the Japanese internment camps in WW2. It's a horrible problem of our own making, that mustn't be ignored @ CBC @ CTV @ TO

Border Walls: The Canada US border remains tightly shut for at least another month. Yup! It's been closed to all non-essential travel for over a full year now, by mutual agreement, due to the pandemic. Rest assured, out of sheer necessity, very few of us are arguing over this @ CTV

Much more to come ...


Keeping It Competent: US President Joe Biden quickly reverses many of Trump's most offensive policies on climate, Mexico and the WHO. He's taken decisive action on the Covid pandemic and an economic relief package, as promised during the fall election. He's even surpassed a promise to inoculate 100 million Americans within his first 100 days in office. Also, the lack of embarrassing tweets, hissy fits, cronyism and presidential attempts at fomenting insurrection are a great relief. More @ CTV CNN @ MSNBC 

American Justice On Trial: Think OJ Simpson. Or the police beating of Rodney King! The US remains deeply divided along racial lines. Hold on tight! Former cop Derek Chauvin's trial in the death of George Floyd, has just begun @ BBC @ NYT

Trump -Welcome to 2021: the US + Abroad Revisited: President Biden might be getting onboard with the international community, by rejoining the Iranian JCOAP nuclear deal. So maybe the Iranians won't assassinate Trump after all, now that he's no longer president, like I said in my new year's blog? No more drone strike on the golf course at Mar-a-Lago?!? Hmmm. Let's see @ AP @ Politico My @ Blog

More On My Trump Musings: Turns out that Trump was a whole lot sicker than he let on, when he caught the Covid virus last fall. Apparently he's "recovered" now, but watch carefully. I still bet that he'll eventually succumb to the various medical complications, like I said in my Welcome to 2021 blog. Won't be around in 2024. Maybe? Maybe not? @ Global My @ Blog

What Next 4 Donald?!? 

Biden,Trudeau and Cuba: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Joe Biden continue to parrot Trump's lies and banalities about Cuba. That despite the socialist state's new constitution, election process and move to a mixed economy. Seems Cuba still isn't "free". It continues to resist the Neo-Liberal agenda, most notably the unfettered flow of US capital in and out of the country. Wonder how many of our human rights we'd still enjoy here, if Canada like Cuba was living under a permanent state of emergency? Due to an illegal American economic embargo? The very real threat of military attack? 

Sadly, despite Obama's effort to normalize relations, Biden's aggressive tone towards Cuba, coming Post Trump, isn't much of a surprise, especially in the swing state of Florida [Blog]. However, Trudeau's lackey response remains downright perplexing, given our policy of constructive engagement with Cuba since the 1959 revolution. So too, his toadyism within the "America First" Lima group's Neo Lib offensive against Venezuela and Bolivia @ CD 

Read more about the new "Canada-US Agreement on the America's" @ Global Affairs Canada

Dept of Socialista Vaccine: Cuba is rushing to develop and distribute 2 new Covid vaccines; Soberana 2 and Abdala. Venezuela is participating with the stage 3 trials, as they race to get access to a vaccine too. Hopefully, Cuba will be immunized by this August. Meanwhile, it's also thinking ahead by working with China to develop the Pan Corona vaccine, to protect against the new, more dangerous SARS-CoV-2 strains @ Global @ Telesur @ Telesur

Covid Cuba: Cuba is trapped in a desperate race against time to develop it's own Covid vaccines. It also wants to share them with it's Latin American and Caribbean neighbours in the developing world. Offer them to any tourists visiting their country. But sadly, the US embargo is cutting off the medical supply of equipment and raw materials needed to quickly test and produce the new vaccines. While Pfizer and Moderna are bowing under pressure and refusing to export theirs to the beleaguered socialist state. It's truly a horrific and frightenly overlooked state of affairs @ Granma @ Pleng

Bobi Wine Rocks: Uganda's defacto President-in-Waiting is bravely standing up eyeball to eyeball against Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, a notorious Idi Amin style dictator, unwilling to blink. Museveni still enjoys strong US and World Bank support, despite ruthlessly kidnapping, torturing, and murdering his political opponents with complete impunity. But is anybody even paying attention in the west?!? How long until Bobi Wine [aka Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu] disappears too?!? What next for the struggling African nation? @ BBC @ AF @ Ugmon @ PRI

Much more to come ...


When I'm 64: Out the blue, those of us aged 60 to 64 suddenly get to line jump in Ontario for a surprise shot of the Astrazeneca vaccine. I had a sore arm, a mild fever and chills for the next few days. Overall, a minor discomfort, in exchange for some sorely needed peace of mind! Still, one can't help but wonder why the surplus shots didn't go to our frontline teachers and education workers instead?!? It just doesn't seem right! Now, I've got a much sought after Ontario Ministry of Health vaccination certificate. With the promise of a second needle sometime within the next four months. Very strange and Sgt Pepperish. Yours sincerely wasting awayCP24 A Beatlesque interlude @ Youtube Now I'm 64 @ Youtube

DIY Risk Assessment:  Premier Doug Fraud is playing real loose with Ontario's daily Covid facts and figures, to further his own highly dubious political agenda. You can better assess the actual risks for yourself! To help you out, Teacher Free Speech will continue to monitor and post lots of helpful charts and timely tips on Twitter Here! Often they're from family Doctor Jennifer Kwan @ Twitter Biostatician Ryan Imgrund @ Twitter  and Covid Schools Canada @ Twitter 

Vax Time: Dr. Makhija and Dr. Kwan Show Us How it's Done!

Expert Advice: Much more on Dr. Jennifer @ Global and Ryan Imgrund @ CTV 

Contact Highs + Lows: Ryan Imgrund's daily charts let us know how many people we can come in contact with, before we seriously risk catching the virus @ Outline

New Addition! Crush The Curve: Retired statics prof Bill Comeau also posts a handy, daily Covid's dashboard! He quickly shows us the latest numbers at a glance. Then his colourful charts and graphs break them down, so that they're easier to understand and make a whole lot more sense. Highly recommended @ Twitter

Women and Covid: Covid has had a disproportionate effect on women both at home and in the workplace throughout the pandemic. It's exasperated a wide variety of gender equity, human rights and social justice issues that remain largely unaddressed @ CTF

Better hear this ....

Third Wave Blues: So far the Covid pandemic is unfolding remarkably like the 1918 Spanish Flu. But we're very lucky. It's not nearly as virulent, or we'd be royally screwed. Still, contrary to popular opinion, we might very well not be out of harms way just yet! 

In 1919, the virus returned for the children and younger folks -those whom it missed the first two times around. A real horror show! Formerly "recovered" patients sometimes began to bleed from their eyes and ears. They were kind of lucky. Many others died suddenly in huge waves, from heart attacks and other lingering, medical complications, little understood at the time. Some cities got hit extra hard with signicifantly higher fatality rates than during the first two waves. While others escaped completely unscathed. Afterwards, the virus kept returning pop-a-mole style, for a few years to come, seemingly at random, all over the place. 

We're in a mad race now, to hopefully get everyone vaccinated asap. Perhaps modern science can better deal with whatever follows next. But maybe not right away. Will our politicos be listening? Will they follow their advice? 

Better safe than sorry! For a great history lesson and insightful read, I again highly recommend John Barry's The Great Influenza, as we now enter the third wave @ Amazon

History Repeats: No? Think it's BS? Then check out how the third wave of the 1918-19 pandemic in Hamilton Ontario, mirrored what's happening today. Very eerie @ McMaster

Dept of Covidiot RebukesHelp end the big lies about Covid-19 in the Post Trumpian Age! Here are 3 steps to stop the wild conspiracy theories, alt facts and talk of fake cures WF

Dear Post Covid Me: Writing letters to yourself in the future, about the crisis we are now in, is a great way to reduce stress @ NaPo

Much more to come ....


Education Minister Lecce's Got A "Plan" ...

How Safe Are Ontario's Schools? Why so safe, they're being closed indefinitely, after the April break! Yup! It's official! Education Minister Stephen Lecce finally closes the our public elementary and secondary schools @ CTV @ CBC

School's Out: Toronto Public Health follows the lead of other local boards across the province. They finally issue a Section 22 order under the Health Protection and Promotion Act, closing our public schools while they investigate the safety concerns. However, it's only until spring break next week. After that, who knows what comes next? But at least they're exercising some leadership, in an otherwise gaping void @ Global @ CBC @ Globe

Teacher Vax: AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF finally make a concerted, collective pitch for the province's teachers and education workers to be vaccinated during the break. The Ford government agrees, or "promises" to do so anyway. However, the devil as aways, is in the details. Special education teachers, workers and those in a few, high risk areas come first, the rest by mid May. The vaccines will take at least 2 weeks to kick in, as the school year rapidly draws to a close. Better late than never, I suppose, but the Ford government still won't close the province's schools even for now, to really make sure everybody is safe @ CTV @ Global

Lecce's Safety Plan!

Sick Daze: Our school boards are so desperate that they're getting lunch supervisors and admin staff, to fill in when a teacher is away. Hardly anybody wants a full-time teaching position in Ontario anymore. Even retirees, like myself, won't supply teach. Who wants to risk going into a Covid infected classroom, when the student's teacher is off sick?!? By the way, do you really think it's a good idea sending your kids to school, when even the teachers are super scared to go in?!? Just saying @ CBC

2021 Bludget Cuts: Both the Ontario's school boards and the Ontario Teacher Federation are speaking out against Ford's projected $1.6 billion dollar education cut! Beware of how the big Fraudster is using the pandemic! He's hellbent on destroying our world class, public education system, so he can privatize it later on @  PP@ OTFEO 

Back 2 School: US President Joe Biden's "Five Step Plan" has everything Ontario Premier Doug Ford's school re-opening plan lacks; inoculations, testing, tracing, proper PPE's, teacher consultation, on and on the list goes! More @ Biden @ NBC @ EdWeek

On Right Wing Populism: Think Donald Trump. Erin O'Toole. Or even Doug Ford. The alt right is feeding on the very sense of disenfranchised public discontent with the status quo, that was once the left's exclusive domain. We desperately need a find a coherent response to this new brand of right wing populism, before it's too late @ Passage


Toronto, Eh: Is it pronounced "T-ronto", "T-ron-o" Or "T-raw-nah"? Hmmmmm .... the "6ix" is completely bogus. It's a useful, if not fake marketing handle. Only goes back a bit at best! So here's yer first lesson on how to really speak like a local, so you can ... er ... er ... ummm. Well, anyways @ Beaverton

Wag The Doug: Check out this monthly podcast on all things Ford @ CL

Escape From Toronto: Threatening to leave is a beloved past time, here in the city Canada loves to hate. Matter of fact, I can hardly wait to leave for the Land o' Lakes, as soon as the weather's nice. Here's how our rite of passage works @ Beaverton

Blogger Milestones: April marks the 10th anniversary of my site. I've also reached 2 million views. You can see the counter and archive links at the top right and left of your screen. Many thanks for reading me! Please stay tuned for more .....


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!