Opening Statement

Sunday 16 September 2012

PSAC-AFPC Toronto Court House Protest Report!

Teacher weekend protest news reports+ photo links continue to be posted on next blog! But first please see:

Saturday Sept. 15th

It's a sunny but cool September day as I head by subway to downtown Toronto, getting off the train at Osgoode Station, and walking a block north on University Avenue to the court house. There was a good sized crowd milling about, then taking their seats as 1pm drew near. PSAC-AFPC, CUPE, and ETFO flags waved in the breeze. Dark clouds gathered overhead, threatening rain. Fitting. Fortunately the sun broke out and smiled down on us half way through the trial.

A trial? Yup! On one side sat the accused: mock heads of McGuinty, Harper, Hudak and Mayor Ford. In the centre, the judge. On the other, the PSAC-AFPC [the Public Service Alliance of Canada and their french Canadian wing] prosecution, including OFL [Ontario Federation of Labour] President Sid Ryan. One by one the witnesses, victims of government public service cuts and attacks on our Collective Agreements, arose from the audience to make their case.

It was a very effective protest event. A witness for each union got up to speak in support of the charges against the different levels of government, with an often quite comical response from the defence lawyer. Then of course, there was the government leaders' bag man who kept throwing money at the judge and the crowd, as the evidence piled up. CUPE President Fred Hahn gave a very high spirited speech that was downright hilarious. TYLC President John Cartwright faithfully listed the litany of work abuses in the Toronto area. An injured migrant worker, a women of colour and a variety of new Canadians made their case. A few real whipper snapper university students, one from Quebec, did the unions proud with their vigour and commitment to the cause.

Wouldn't you know it! The federal, provincial and municipal leaders were found guilty! Off the bag man ran with the money! Perhaps rather long at two hours, but all in all a top notch show! A fine time was had by all who showed up! Top marks must go to the mad mix of comedy and politics. Very effective and engaging. The messaging was quite clear. Canadian unionists in the public service, the support sector, and our largest Ontario's teacher unions are united in the labour fight, federally, provincial and municipally across Canada. The "We are all affected" slogan was well illustrated by the wide diversity of working Canadians who took to the stage. It is my understanding that CPSA-AFPC held similar court house trials across Canada today. This weekend was especially fitting as the public school units move forward with a challenge to Bill 115, promising to take it all the way up to the Supreme Court of Canada if need be.

It was rather lonely being the lone OECTA face I saw in the crowd. I know many of our Catholic school support staff, such as the EA's [Educational Assistants] are CUPE members. Under represented at school without a full time union president or readily available reps, their problems are many and hard to address. Many of our CYW's [Child Youth Workers] are non contract agency staff the Catholic board can hire and fire as they please. For all we know few of them may have even been aware of the rally. And our OECTA teachers? Well, I didn't make the protest at Laurel Broten's constituency office last night, while many others did, including at least one rogue provincial executive figure who was there waving our flag, so suppose I can't complain when this is one of the busiest times of our teacher year, but still.....

Know this: We are all teachers. If our union will not get involved, we still can, on our own. Sad I know, and not very effective. But are we just going to stay home and not get involved? Be good Catholic boys and girls? Do as we are told? Even when many of us disagree? We don't do that for the board. Is this any different?

Let's face it! Both OECTA TSU and TECT's [Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers] retirement gratuities became little more than collateral damage when the MOU deal was reached. We were among the few OECTA units with retirement gratuities, which we have fought very hard to keep for many years. Our board couldn't believe it's good fortune! Neither unit president voted for the MOU when OECTA Provincial presented it to the local presidents at COP last July. And now? We are told it's a done deal. Basically, our hard  fought gains were a part of the trade off when OECTA provincial decided to gamble with a roll of the political dice on the MOU and the Ontario Liberal party. Now provincial sits quietly on the sidelines, outside the forum of action and debate, unlike when we had a gun held to our heads by the Conservatives, and the NDP in years past. We are not even sure if they will attend the membership info/ Q+A meetings in Toronto from Oct 1-3. I understand it is unlikely. For shame!

I KNOW from your many responses to my blog, and as I meet our members as your TSU 3rd VP, that your anger and sense of betrayal often runs very deep. Remember; at it's most grassroots and democratic roots we are the union. It does not belong to the provincial leaders you elected in trust, little suspecting they would ever even think of making a deal with the government to strip our contracts while we were away on summer holidays. Perhaps they are just relieved that it's the OECTA roadmap everyone is now being forced to take. Are you? Please don't give up hope!

I have always been treated respectfully, often even warmly greeted, by our brother and sister teachers and support workes from ETFO, OSSTF, and CUPE. I suppose I am becoming a common, lone figure at  the Toronto area protests. OECTA TSU has fought many big union battles together with our public school collagues before, most notably during the Harris years, and in the 2003, 2008 and 2011 provincial elections. There are still many familiar faces to be seen at the rallys, except for our own colleagues. The fight for justice still runs strong through my blood, and I am sure in many of yours too. It's time to get out and feel the fire running in our veins again. Unto your own selves be true! Granted, it will not be easy for us as Catholic teachers, but each small step into the protest fight raging all about us, is at least a step forward for us all. Hope to see you at the next rally!

My photos from today appear in the slide show top left of my blog screen. Enjoy!

See the "cast" of the Peoples Court on University Ave this Saturday on Facebook

Why do we need our contract rights, and why is Bill 115 so scary. Read Labour Ministry Employment Standards for Teachers and freak:

URGENT: The Sun Media is running an on line poll. Should Bill 115 be repealed? Share this link. Vote at:

Olivia Chow at the Court House Protest on Saturday!

Friday 14 September 2012

Teacher Weekend Protest Guide! [Sept 13-15]

Follow up News Links still updated regularly!

Feel like a good protest this weekend? Fight the Harper public service cuts + McGuinty's contempt for Collective Bargaining Rights! Toronto rally begins at 1pm Saturday September 15 at the Toronto Court House, 361 University Ave/ just north of Queen St. W. Sounds like it will send a strong message + be very entertaining too! I understand there will be a mock trial! The rally is being organized as a part of a cross country protest by PSAC/ AFPC. Hope to see you there!

I plan to take photos for my blog so if you see me, please wave!

Toronto Star article claims an all out war exists between McGuinty Liberals + Ontario's teachers.

Angry protests dog McGuinty + Broten across Ontario. See:

OSSTF Teachers + Educational workers also had a protest outside the Education Minister's constituency office at 701 Evans Avenue Etobicoke after school at 3:30 today. See:

See a slideshow from the Broten encounter in Barry:

CUPE President Fred Hahn outside Laurel Broten's office. See:

See the large crowd of protesters outside Laurel Broten's office. Note the OECTA flag. I saw you on Citypulse Live James. Ha. See:

A Facebook page of photos showing OSSTF outside Broten's office:

Teachers protest outside Dalton McGuinty's office today. See:

Ottawa Sun video + article on the McGuinty Protest:

For a Facebook page showing lots of cool photos from the McGuinty protest in Ottawa, see:

CTV report throngs of teachers, students + support workers closed down street in front of McGuinty's office. See the video:

Brantford CUPE support workers participated in Wednesday pause:

Mississauga South MPP Charles Sousa's office targeted in Port Credit. Brampton-Springfield MPP Linda Jeffrey, + a Peel District School Board meeting too. See:

And in Sarnia with OSSTF D10:

ETFO protests outside Brad DuGuid's office:

Windsor Star reports on protest outside Finance Minister Dwight Duncan's office. Lots of photos too:

Street closed with protesters outside MPP Jim Bradley's Niagara Falls office:

Read about the combined Hamilton teacher + workers union protest outside MPP Tim McEekins Waterdown office:

ETFO Algama protests outside former teacher MPP David Orazietti's constituency office. See:

Another way to protest: OSSTF flag flies outside a teacher's home. See:

Check out the Student Movement 2012 on Twitter! This is real good:!/search/?q=%23STUDENTMOVEMENT2012&src=hash

A Facebook page of photos from the August 28th Queen's Park rally is located here:

Gee! As an OECTA member I SURE wish I could find or take some photos of us participating in the fight against Bill 115. Surely, it is not what we agreed to either! Saying it is unacceptable is not enough!!! Furthermore, see the OECTA Provincial letter sent to our members this week:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3jDIBNLI2cfIwP30GBjAyNLdyNzc4sgQ3cvI_1wkA6zePdQJ9dQI0N_A3_jQDMDI49QC_dQHw9jAwM

Kindly notify me in advance and send a link +/or pdf flyer for your protest event if you'd like it posted on my blog! Perhaps I'll make this protest guide a weekly feature.

Crisis What crisis? Provincial deficit magically shrinks $3.3 billion! What will the Liberals pull out of their hat next? See:

Hudak gets haughty with McGuinty over more public wage freezes. No surprise. Tim just doesn't get it. Pay attention folks! Chances are if there were an election right now it would be the Conservatives, not the NDP forming our next government. Yikes! Hold your nose and read:

Kawartha students walk out in support of their teachers. Teachers under gag order. Principal claims 6 students, but reporter sees at least 200. Read: http://www.mykawartha

Backlash reported at some Toronto schools as extracurriculars and curriculum nights cancelled. Students and parents protest:

Mixed feelings in London as parents discover curriculum night is cancelled. They seem to understand the situation. See:
Find the CUPE protest guide and materials at:

Easy to use OSSTF on line kit can be used to let your MPP know how you feel about Bill 115. This is for their members but I would think the messaging could be adjusted accordingly for protesters from other affiliates:

Poll: Who do you blame for the cancellation of extracurriculars? OECTA members: This does not directly effect you but you can participate to help our OSSTF + ETFO colleagues too. Vote at:

See the The Student Movement 2012 youtube video: Wow!!!! At:

For more on OECTA's response to Bill 115 being voted into law see my Sept 13 blog below about the letter sent to our members this week! Vichy?

My Sept. 15 Blog: A Vichy Mentality: One can either vigorously oppose or isolate ourselves when one feels powerless to change a policy being forced upon us. On the other hand, to think Vichy, one can instead cooperate and modify our own policies to seek appeasement. The original reference is to the Vichy Government during WW2, which tried to appease and cooperate with the German invaders as they occupied France. In our sense this does not include the same racial overtones. Draw your own conclusions about how, or even if, there is a parallel to the OECTA "Road map" and Bill 115. Ouch! This hurts but needs to be said.
Read my blog.

Huffington Post Canada declares teachers must be the saviours of democracy. Sound a little over the top? This is a real blockbuster! A must read:

Toronto Star columnist Rick Salutin argues only teachers can save our schools. See:

ETFO President Sam Hammond remarks on Democracy Week in Canada:

So our gratuity payments are being grandfathered eh? Take a gander at what the MPP's get. Also under Mike Harris they got a pay out when the system was changed, but we don't from the Libs:

Counterpoint: Having been attacked by all three main Ontario political parties when they are in power,
whom do we realistically turn to now? Hold your nose if need be but read the National Post commentary at:

OECTA TSU members! Our Oct 1-3 MOU meetings might not have anyone from provincial executive present to answer your questions. Rene will be there. I will enquire further at our executive meeting this Tuesday. No, that doesn't seem right to me either!

And in the States:

Big news from south of the border! Wisconsin judge strikes down law that prohibits Collective Bargaining. Finds it "unconstitutional"! Appeal expected, but a big salute to our brother + sister teachers in Wisconsin! You rock! See:

We think we got it bad? Check out what US teachers are up against! The folks who propose this type of teacher evaluations ar Tim Hudak's hereos! See:

Ditto. Read + weep at the stupidity:

And get this!!! From Chicago:

Wow! American readers! We feel your pain! Keep up the good fight!!!

CUPE in solidarity at the Toronto Court House Protest in Toronto on Saturday.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Fireworks: OECTA Letter + More Teacher News Links!

OECTA Provincial President O'Dwyer latest letter explains the teachers' union's official position on what Bill 115 means for our members. This will be very controversial. Remember, OECTA TSU's MOU member info meetings are Oct 1-3 across Toronto, for any questions you might want to ask. OK now: Breathe in. Breathe out. Here's the letter:
September 12, 2012

Dear OECTA Member,

Yesterday the Ontario Legislature passed Bill 115, the Putting Students First Act, which quickly received Royal Assent. Now that the act is law, what does this mean for OECTA’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and for you as an OECTA member?

The MoU that the Association signed with the government on July 5 is now in effect. As a result the school board cannot change the terms and conditions of your collective agreement. Your employer cannot lock you out. And you cannot undertake job actions of any kind.

Because passage of Bill 115 has erased all uncertainty about the status of our MoU, OECTA’s local and provincial negotiators are now engaged in local bargaining with renewed energy. They must complete the process by December 31, 2012. The MoU will be incorporated into the Association’s collective agreements province-wide and will guide negotiations in every bargaining unit.

The end of uncertainty also means it’s business as usual in our classrooms, in our gyms and on the playing field.

We have come a long way since February, when we first learnt of the government’s demands to freeze teachers’ salaries and cut other benefits. My last letter to you explained how the Association mitigated the original government parameters after several months of negotiations. OECTA members now know the monetary conditions under which they will work for the next two years. They can also begin to appreciate fully the enhanced respect for their professional judgement and the improved treatment of Long-Term Occasional teachers provided by the MoU.

Bill 115 does not spell the end of collective bargaining for OECTA members. At the conclusion of this collective agreement, August 31, 2014, the Association will once again be operating under the full provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, which governs collective bargaining.

I encourage you to visit the Members’ Centre of our website, 
You can read the memorandum of understanding for yourself, as well as other information on negotiations across the province.


Kevin O’Dwyer


For the above news link see:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3jDIBNLI2cfIwP30GBjAyNLdyNzc4sgQ3cvI_1wkA6zePdQJ9dQI0N_A3_jQDMDI49QC_dQHw9jAw

OECTA's Sept. 11 Collective Bargaining Update on "Passage of Bill 115: Putting Students First" is available at:

Also see President O'Dwyer's Sept 7 interview video from TVO Agenda on "Putting Students First":

Comments? See my Comments link at the bottom of this blog. Please, don't shoot me! I'm only bringing you the news, and all the news, so help me God, or whomever else you might like..... :-)
In other teacher news:
Toronto Star's Martin Regg Cohn criticizes public unions for not negotiating, and now surrendering moral high ground by "putting students last" with extracurricular "pause". Not for the publicly faint at heart? Cohn has often spoken out strongly against government tactics. He is definitely not "anti-teacher". Agree or disagree, like with most of his recent columns this is a must read for a balanced consideration of the problems at hand. See:

Toronto Star article on public confusion over extracurricular boycotts. Who's doing or not doing what? See:

Doorey's Blog provides legal backgrounder on whether government can legally freeze wages:

Has McGuinty painted himself nto a corner with wage freeze strategy? See:

Gratuities? Teachers verses MPPs? What b.s.! See:

Wednesday's Star editorial cartoon "blasts" Liberals for picking a fight with teachers. Ha! See:

Come to the University Court House Toronto at 1pm Saturday Sept. 15 to protest!

More news link updates to follow!

Comment link below................................................

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Collective Bargaining RIP: A Funeral For A Friend!

Today's news links continue below this blog. I felt it necessary to edit these previous comments into a separate posting.

It was a very moving Education Workers' Funeral for Collective Bargaining Right's Funeral Tuesday night, before Bill 115 was passed into law, at Queen's Park! CUPE, OSSTF, and ETFO were in attendance. A rousing funeral march, eulogies, candlelight vigil, great media photo ops, were all pulled off with aplomb. The symbolism of the funeral was hard to misunderstand or miss. The evening finished with a rousing chorus of Solidarity Forever, the best I've heard since last spring at OECTA AGM when the Ed Minister left our assembly after getting the silent treatment. Hmmmm.

I stand by my principles. Stripping collective agreements is wrong. I rarely start fights, but I know how to end them. It is not my natural inclination, so I do not commit lightly. Once I do though, I won't back down. It was sad being there alone, but it brought back many strong  memories of similar vigils during the Harris years. Definitely stirred my blood, and I am ready for the good fight again. I have been since last spring's AGM. Through thick and thin OECTA didn't back down during the Harris years. But now! Whoa! MIA! Guess who's missing in action?

I am an OECTA member, and a proud one at that. I heard another member criticize our union at the speaker stand. She was quite right, many of us are very upset about the MOU. Now? OECTA Provincial has said that Bill 115 was "unacceptable". Unfortunately, that was about it. However, when she said that OECTA doesn't deserve to be considered a teacher's union, I kept my silence and winced. OECTA has done a lot of great work for our teachers students and schools over the years. We helped lead the protest throughout the Harris Years. I was there, I have seen us at our best, and we were second to none. And now? Well, it's our union, and it is worth fighting for. Still that fight needs to be taken up on the home front.

I salute my many ETFO, OSSTF, CUPE and EA brothers and sisters. The funeral at Queen's Park on the eve of Bill 115 passing into law was an A+ event all the way. It was like a funeral for a old tried and trusted friend; our collective bargaining rights! When the Liberal and Conservative alliance passed Bill 115 the next day, we all heard the cries of "For Shame" echoing from the Queen's Park visitors' galley across the province. Please know that I, and I'm sure many, many more of our members, aim to continue helping fight the good fight for our democratic rights. This is not over yet!

You can read for yourself what happened on Wednesday, when Bill 115 was passed by the Liberals and Conservatives into law. The transcript is recorded in the Queen's Park Handsard. Check these Hansard links. For the MPP's voting records see:

For the debate between Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty and the NDP Party Leader Andrea Horwath see:

For shame? For sure!

Sunday 9 September 2012

Bill 115: Teacher News Links Sept. 9-12 2012

Last updated 9:30pm Wednesday Sept. 12!

Wed. Sept 12: There's Got To Be A Mourning After.....

McGuinty speaks this morning at George Brown College on extracurriculars, the next election and Kathleen Wynne. See:

Popular Former Education Minister + possible Liberal leadership candidate Kathleen Wynne comments seem at odds with McGuinty on K-W by-election loss + Liberal tactics:

ETFO asks members to put voluntary activities on hold and observe Dalton Monday meeting boycott:‘mcguinty-mondays’-in-response-to-draconian-legislation/

ETFO actions are open ended, OSSTF only calls for withdrawn of voluntary activities for today:

CTV Kitchener video reports on yesterday in the legislature:

Public elementary Muslim and Christian parents requesting advance lesson plans so can exempt their children from lessons contrary to their faith + beliefs. See:

NDP party critique of K-W election win plays down teacher role + takes Hudak to task for statements made:

Doug Little Report analyses the Rise of Fascism in the Centre + applies it to McGuinty + Bill 115. Well argued. Some food for thought. See:

Doug Little provides an arms length look at the tension between Catholicism in education + politics [McGuinty, Broten, Cardinal Collins + the trustees] and the "social progressive" OECTA wing, as a "grassroot's" Catholic organization. Not for the Catholic faint of heart + I can't somehow see him being a big fan of our union right now. Still, consider all points of view + the truth will set you free. See:

Doug Little considers McGuinty + Hudak as a "Punch + Judy" show, + speculates on Tim performing "Hari cari". See:

Agree with him or not, Doug always provides a well argued + thought provoking read. See his Archives
for more topics of educational interest:

Tuesday, Sept 11

Today at Queen's Park: Collective Bargaining RIP!!!

Funeral Notice for last nights Ed Worker's Collective Bargaining Event at Queen's Park. See my report below and photos in slide show. RIP

Voting record by MPP and party. Total 82 for/ 15 against. Lib Bill 115 passes with Con support:

CBC video news coverage from Queen's Park today:

Teacher protests at Queen's Park as bill passed:

Globe article summarizes highlights and party + union leaders reaction as Bill 115 voted into law by Libs + Cons:

The Star/ Canada Press summarize events in recent weeks leading up to today:

Hudak claims victory + gloats over having Liberals "on his side" for wage freeze:

OSSTF President responds to passing of Bill 115. Will mount legal challenge and continue to
follow Labour Relations Act. See:

ETFO teachers to "put pause" on voluntary activities as a part of an escalating strategy including Dalton Monday meeting refusals:

Pogge's Blog summarizes public union actions to follow passage of Bill 115 with his own ongoing commentary:

Union heads removed from legislature:

ETFO, OSSTF, CUPE Press scrum outside QP. It will not be business as usual. See:

Ottawa Citizen summary examines OSSTF + ETFO strategy for after the election:

Photo of scrum at:

Previously: Education Minister + OSSTF President debate extracurricular activities on TVO:

Doorey's blog answers legal questions on Bill 115 implementation. Law voids itself in 2 years:

Globe + Mail video feature on what the new legislation means. See:

Horwath introduces Fife to NDP caucus:

Media Alert: OSSTF, ETFO + CUPE Presidents scheduled to speak outside Queen's Park today after Bill 115 is passed into law. A teacher protest is expected:

Media undertakers to quick to bury Tim Hudak? National Post to the rescue! See:

Monday, Sept 10: The Funeral Vigil At Queen's Park!

Photos being posted in my slide show. An A+ event all the way. Very well done!

Education workers funeral for bargaining rights is tonight Monday Sept.10 at 7pm on lawn outside Queen's Park. Wear black in solidarity. See you there! See:

OECTA TSU MOU info meets for our teachers will be scheduled across the city as follows:
Oct.1: Senator O'Connor/ Oct.2: St. Basil's/ Oct 3: Marshall McLuhan CSS. More info to follow.

Off theHotline:The WCDSB [Waterloo Catholic District School Board] + OECTA meet today to discuss board's application for reconciliation. The board does not agree with the MOU because of the fair hire and teacher professional clauses. More info when it becomes available.

Bill 115 expected to be passed tomorrow, Tuesday, at legislature. See:

Potential Lib and Con leaders at Queen's Park today rumoured to be lining up their ducks after K-W loss to NDP. Party stalwarts, of course, deny. See:

McGuinty annual leadership review comes at this fall's Liberal AGM. The party is worried about all the teacher members who could be in attendance:

University of Toronto Varsity weighs in on "education crisis". See:

K-W Record letter to the editor from a teacher veteran during the Harris years. See:

Sunday Sept.9

Lib MPP + Former Education Minister Kathleen Wynne addresses Bill 115 in legislature. Kathleen was always a big favourite of myself and many teachers. Agree or disagree with her, this is worth watching. Argument about rhetoric is especially challenging:

Counterpoints [Worth a repeat back to back]:

OSSTF President Coran speaks on "Putting Student's First" on Steve Paiken's TVO show "The Agenda". See video at:

Previous episode, ditto, with Education Minister Laurel Broten

TDSB public school trustee Howard Goodman responds. Concern over constitutional rights regarding school boards and cabinet is interesting. However, my OECTA colleagues will notice the constitutionality of Catholic Schools is then ignored with a cost argument. Issue of using reduced sick days for observation of religious holidays in multifaith public schools is poignant for many teachers:

In other teacher news:

Contractual trade offs paid for our sick day bank and gratuities. Now all gone up in smoke. Read this letter to the editor in the Kingston Whig

Star's Cohn column on Hudak's union bashing, scapegoating and other two bit tricks definitely a must read if you haven't all ready. See:

Not a happy teacher camper these days? "Dalton's Deals: The Expendables" cartoon might strike your funny bone. See:

Allan Gregg's "Attack on Reason" examines Canadian Politics within an Orwellian "1984" context. You can easily apply it to our own teacher crisis. Never frivolous. Some real food for thought. This reads definately a couple of cuts above most, in my humble opinion: See:

No texting in his class allowed! See:

Last laff.............................>

Saturday 8 September 2012

Xtra! Extra! Read All About It!

Saturday, Sept. 8th

Come to the Sept.10th Funeral for Collective Bargaining Rights protest at Queen's Park. You will find easy to access details on Facebook

OSSTF has provided an easy to use media kit to email, phone or meet with your MPP to stop the Bill 115 attack on Collective Bargaining writes before it is too late. OECTA still seems to be missing in action, again:

A shocking expose on the horror show at Windsor-Essex Catholic Board as supervisor Hartman uncovers nepotism, a bloated admin, child workers, running deficits, inaccurate budgets, and deliberately provoked teacher strikes to balance the books. Good Lord. Please read my "Backgrounder" blog on the OCSTA trustees and COCP principals' protest strategy from last week. Then see:

Are we the author's of our own demise? I realize a lot of our teachers don't trust Xtra, but I print all points of view here. Read and think for yourself about the various different perspectives. Challenging? Perhaps! Ultimately the truth will set us free from the lies, whatever they might prove to be. We are professionals! We can handle it!

Allow me to be quite blunt. Most regretfully, OCSTA, COCP, and perhaps even our own usually highly principled  OECTA Provincial, with it's controversial MOU, have now created, and opened a real Pandora's box for us all as Catholics in the days, months and years ahead. The debacle IS NOT a reflection of the vast, overwhelming majority of our truly dedicated, committed and caring Catholic teachers, parents, or students. Is it even Catholic for those of us who believe in faith, truth, honesty, and social justice?!? For shame! If in doubt, look at the results:

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!