Opening Statement

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Teacher Free Speech Spring 2020 News + Views!

HEY HO kEEP ChECKing BAcK! LaTeR AdDITIoNs WiLL bE AddED In LaRgE TYpe SeT! mY Acronym Guide IS @ hErE! MuCh, mUch morE to coMe ..... REadeRs gUiDe 2 TeaCHer fREE sPEech NeWs Y vIeWs @ HERE!  LiVe tWEEts @ davidchiarelli 


Go Home and Stay Home: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is quite clear about that in his daily Q+A outside Rideau Cottage. Our Canadian COVID-19 crisis begins with a good leadership example of self isolation and social distancing, after his wife Sophie is exposed to the virus @  CBC

"The Big Plan" or "Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan Support for Business and Canadians": Here's what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's minority Liberal government in Ottawa is planning to do @ CA

Emergency Aid: Canada's minority parliament votes unanimously to approve a record, emergency $107 billion aid package. However, Trudeau's forced to negotiate aspects of the bill that the opposition parties fear is a dangerous power grab. Now, his Liberal government must seek further parliamentary support before it spends any more money, hopefully maintaining more opposition input, oversight, and a sense of checks and balances. So that folks is why a really democratic political system really needs an effective opposition. And our minority government in Ottawa can actually be a good thing @ CBC

CCPA: A Social and Economic Analysis of COVID-19: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives appeals for "social solidarity, the primacy of collective care and non-partisan co-operation" @ CCPA

Capitalism 101: A socialist critique the Canadian government's COVID-19 response so far? In short: Tens of billions of dollars for big business. A pittance for healthcare and workers. Sound familiar? Who does our government really work for anyway?!? @ WSWS

COVID-19 Equity Issues: Canada's most needy are seniors, the poor and our new immigrants. Not only are they economically disadvantaged. They are also the most vulnerable to illness, if we really want to help flatten the curve and stamp the virus out @ Star

Right Wing Watch: 64% of Canadians who voted Conservative in last fall's federal election believe the pandemic threat is "overblown". They are defying instructions to stay home, social distance and properly follow the health procedures, endangering the themselves and the rest of us, as they continue to stubbornly spread the virus about! Polling @ AngusReid

Union Welcome: It's one thing to tell somebody to stay at home for the public good. Quite another thing to be be able to afford it. And so Canada's labour unions are urging the government for enough aid for our most financially vulnerable workers. Meanwhile, over one million Canadians have applied for unemployment insurance. And are desperately considering how to prioritize the basic essentials and pay the bills @ CLC @ Global

Oil Rigging? Trudeau's Liberals are also reportedly considering a multi-billion dollar oil and gas sector bailout in Canada. Ostensibly it's because of the COVID-19 crisis. Sinking gas prices and so on. But using a horrible public health crisis? As another excuse, to bail out and sustain the fossil fuel industry? For shame! All three of Canada's main political parties are in the industry pocket, so don't expect much real opposition, unless we strongly speak out! More @ Globe

Sneaky! Sneaky! The Trudeau government is about to quietly resume exporting controversial military goods to Saudi Arabia, undercover of the COVID-19 crisis @ Globe

Meanwhile In Ontario: At first, Ontario's Neo Conster Premier Doug Ford dragged his heals. Didn't pro-actively react to the COVID pandemic in our province until now. Not unlike the Donald. Think Trump North. Now, he seems very focused on helping his business pals, rather than the average everyday Ontarian. Nor renters, Or our working poor. Sadly, with a majority government, there's only Andrea Horwath's NDP and a leaderless, stump Liberal Party at Queens Park to keep him on his heels @ TO

Ontario COVID-19 School Closings are extended to at least May 4th, to fight the spread of the virus, on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health @ ON

Ford's Health Cuts: Labour is urging Ford to restore the $2.7 billion in healthcare cuts he already made this year, to provide tax cuts for his rich buddies. Ha! Now, let's just see how concerned about public health he really is @ UNIFOR

For The People? Sure! Dougie seems very, very concerned about our health and wellbeing now, here in Toronto, during the COVID-19 crisis. But remember a year ago? He planned to cut $1 billion in funding for the Toronto Board of Health, over the next 10 years! Best we be very cautious about Ford's sudden change of heartGlobe

Severe Outcomes: Ontario seniors, over the age of 70 are being warned to be especially careful and self isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic @ CTV

Our Dougie's List of Essential Services in Ontario seems pretty open ended, considering that there is public health crisis. A lot of our working families, especially in the service sector, still need to go to work, so that he can claim Ontario is open for business! Check it out @ ON @ CBC

Ontario's Second Revised List of Essential Workplaces: At least our Dougie is finally listening to the medical experts. Earning mucho accolades just for not being totally stupid, like his buddy Trump. But many of his utterances still leave a lot of us scratching our heads. See Oh Cannabis and @ ON

Ontario's Moronavirus Crisis: Consider this -Ford's copy cat anti media bias has only ended up making him look as stupid as the Donald. Now he's out in front of the camera's every day fielding questions. Think if it will make any difference? @ Spec

Tim's New COVID-19 Drive Thru Service? No Can See!

Boycott Tim's: Tim Horton's like to promotes itself as Canada's coffee shop. But it's owners are from Brazil. Nor do it's supposed Canadian values actually reflect those of many Canadians living here. Despite Tim's claims to the contrary, it's minimum wage workers are still being required to come to work, to serve you coffee and donuts, regardless of whether they are sick or not! Plus it's dismissing shareholder calls for stronger health and safety policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. All the while, denying it in their advertising and public statements. Hey! Look at what hey do, not what they say. Sigh. Alas. Tim is rimming it's workers during a public health crisis and endangering the rest of us too! Enough is enough @ Press @ Progress @ PP @ Star

"Spring Fever" or "Emergency Order #1+2": Springs here. Naturally enough, with the nice weather everyone wants to head outdoors. As a result, the City of Toronto is imposing tough regulations and fines that require physical distancing in our parks and public squares1 @ 2 

More Toronto Links to the other COVID-19 related municipal and provincial measures governing us, during the pandemic is @ TO 

Here's the Toronto Police Service's enforcement and ticketing report @ TPS

Know Your Rights: Download Unifor's info FAQ about income support and sick leave benefits for workers. Check for regular updates throughout the COVID-19 crisis @ PDF Also visit the online CLC: Canadian Labour Council Resource Centre @  CLC

Wet'suwet'en Update: Coastal GasLinks use of court injunctions to push their pipeline through First Nation lands, shows that Canada is strictly a "smash and grab" country, for the oil industry and other big business interests. But now the very troublesome issue has fallen eerily silent. The COVID-19 crisis has certainly pushed it to the sidelines, for the time being. How convenient @ Globe @ Huff

Pipeline Pandemic: The Union of BC Chiefs is still calling on Coastal GasLink to halt work on their pipeline through unceded First Nation lands. Unfortunately, with the COVID-19 crisis upon us, their workers aren't staying home, like everyone else. Far from it! Coastal GasLink seem posed to push the pipeline through as an "essential service". That's despite the widespread protest across Canada, up until we all got grounded. Sure, Trudeau often seems so helpful, and understanding about the COVID-19 epidemic. Out to help everyone. But remember SNC Lavalin? Sadly, our boy is often clearly in the big corporate boy's oligarchical pocket. Beware @ Tyee

Militarization: Few realize that Canada and the US have the longest unarmed border in the world. Both countries have now agreed to temporarily turn back anyone crossing it illegally, from either side, during the COVID-19 crisis, for public health reasons. Ummm .... hardly any of us want to sneak into the US illegally, at the best of times, so wants with the American troop build-up?!? 

Seems US President Donald Trump is as guns ho as ever. Wants to send any asylum seekers from the US back home to their country of origin, el pronto, as per his America First agenda. 

Canadian Deputy PM Christine Freeland strongly objects. An armed border is very bad for business. Also throws a real monkey wrench into the long term "special relationship" between our two countries, as "trusted friends" and "military allies". Der Donald backs down, for now, but lots of border issues remain @ Globe @ Global @ CBC @ WSJ

A COVID-19 Trade War?!? The US blocks 3 million N95 protective masks from being delivered to Canada as the pandemic escalates. Look, under our free trade agreements, the material for the masks largely come from Canada. Then they are mostly manufactured in the states. Do we really want to go down the hoarding path with each other?!? @ Guardian @ TStar @ USA 

Come From Away: Former Newfoundland Premier Dwight Ball reflects on 9/11. Canadians assisted the US travellers suddenly stranded in our country, without reservation, no second thoughts. Our two countries have enjoyed a very special relationship, or so it seemed, up til now @ Hill @ MW

What Next?!? Canada braces for the mayhem Trump seems about to unleash in the new US COVID-19 epicentre south of our border! Too bad, if wants to re-open the border for Easter. We're shut down tight, braced for worst. As the number of confirmed cases continues to skyrocket, with the US now firmly in first place @ Globe @ Globe @ BBC

Good Neighbours? Sadly, Trump's whole approach, or lack thereof, to the pandemic is creating a whole lot of fear and anger in both Canada and Mexico. We Canadians, in particular, are very committed to flattening the curve. Are now in danger of the deadly, long term community spread from south of our border. Not to mention all the horrifying political and economic uncertainty, due to Trump's sheer fucking stupidity, ineptitude and denial. It's impossible to ignore @ USA @ Huff


Social Distancing? Self Isolation? Or Quarantine? Different combinations are being used around the world in reponse to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stateside, President Donald Trump is now claiming that he'll relax his belated COVID-19 guidelines. Put economics first. Get America back to work early. Arguably mitigate the huge economic damage. But perhaps at the risk of of one's humanity? The nation's heart and soul? More @ ABC @ 

Go Early - Go Hard Verses The Laissez Faire Approach: The US and the UK have been pursuing a gradual laissez faire approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. While China, Italy, France, Spain and Canada are much more quickly utilizing a go early - go hard lock down strategy. So far, China and Italy seem to be making progress. While the US is in danger of becoming the new epicentre of the pandemic. @ Bloom 

Comparing The US Verses Canadian Response: Two different approaches. Now it seems, two quite different results @ Global

A question of priorities: Who does government really work for?

Fox On The Run: Sycophantic Fox News was in complete denial about the pandemic for far too long. Blindly peddling Trump's bullshit. Badly misleading it's MAGA viewers. Now Fox is in full damage control mode; back peddling and real, real worried! They're facing legal action, as the casualty rate from COVID-19 soars! Are Americans finally catching on? Albeit too late? @ Int @ Vanity @ Inq

US Stimulus Package: Trump is now rushing congress to pass a 2 trillion stimulus package. However, the Democrats put on the brakes, to insist on some oversite clauses. Ironically, these will also stop him from profiting from the crisis. This is not just partisan bickering. Sadly, the corrupt Trump organization and it's various business interests are posed for a major injection of new wealth, to er .... Make America Great Again, it seems @ BNN

US Doors, Spells + The Virus: Progressive Naomi Klein praises US Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for "opening the door" to what's politically possible in the US. In so doing he "broke the spell" of NeoLiberalism. As for the Donald? Well, he's been very busy trying to thrust his American brand of Coronavirus Capitalism down everybody's throat @ DN

Medicare For All? The US is one of the very few major developed countries without universal medicare, as the COVID-19 pandemic rears it's ugly head.
Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders continues to campaign for Medicare For All, as he goes down in the primaries. Sigh. Alas. @ Bernie @ More on Bernie, the Squad and health care as a basic human right @ P

Care Strike: The US action group is calling for a widespread emergency response to survive the COVID-19 crisis. The rent and labour strikes begin April 2nd @ Twitter

2 Different Visions: The GOP and Democrats response to the COVID-19 crisis reveal quite different approaches to how the US proceeds on a go forward basis, during or after the Era of Trump. Here's Democrat House Leader Nancy Pelosi's version of what an emergency relief bill should look like @  DC Also a right wing critique @ NR

From the White House to the CDC: Denial and confusion have been the order of the day. Important time was lost, as the pandemic spread @ WP 

Trump's COVID-19 Lies: A fact check @ Atlantic

More on US Leadership or The Lackthereof -Cuomo verses Trump @ ABC

Foxy Election Year: Fox News is at it again! Once again, they're been badly misleading Trump's legion of supporters. Claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic is fake news. Just an election year trick. Of course, a bad economy is very bad for Trump come the fall US election. But the evidence, from around the world, surely shows how short sighted this is. Meanwhile the US moves up to first place in reported cases of the virus. See below and @ DB @ WP @ CTV

Right Wing Watch -OANN: Beware! The One America News Network is an extreme right wing conservative news network. Trump is increasingly relying upon them for his own fake news stories, when Fox doesn't come through. Check them out @ MBFC

Viral Rebels: According to a rash of sensational media reports, wealthy adults and restless teens continue to thumb their noses at COVID-19 containment. It's happening from Florida to France. The March break horror stories from the US are particularly alarming. Remember, in the greater scheme of things, martial law usually follows next, when emergency procedures seem to need to be more strongly enforced. Just saying ... @ VOA

The Trump Show: Der Donald continues to misinform Americans and undermine his public health officials during his daily briefings. Too bad! With impeachment now off the Congressional table, he can't be "cancelled" before November @ Vox

What Next?!? According to the medical experts, here's how the pandemic plays out, when politics gets in the way of protecting public health, and one doesn't act pre-emptively to flatten the curve. Brace yourself for a total horror-show @ Atlantic

Of course, the economic impact of shutting down the country can be devastating too. But it will be anyway, if not to a somewhat lesser degree, if Trump stays his course. Perhaps, it's all a question of one's core ethics, values and principles. What comes first? Human lives? Or accumulating more and more wealth? @ NYT

Oil Rigging? House Democrats warn that Trump is considering a multi-billion dollar oil and gas sector bailout too. Truth be told, both the Democrats and the GOP are firmly in the industry pocket. Best beware the crocodile tears! See Oh Canada above. More @ Hill

"Hot Button" or "Temperature Rising": Sadly, climate change is often in danger of getting lost in the current COVID-19 pandemonium. However, this February was another record hot month around the world. The economic danger is much more costly than the virus. The environmental and social danger truly profound @ SA

Meanwhile in Cuba ...

Toronto Friendship School Santiago de Cuba: Professor Willy advises Teacher Free Speech that the school has been closed for the month of April, due to the COVID-19 crisis. A small health care package was provided for each student, to help them at home during the crisis. However, the situation remains dire. Even the most basic hygienic goods are very expensive and hard to find in Cuba, at the best of times. 

Meanwhile, Professor Jose's step son Ernesto, who's now in his first year of medical school, is helping out with the doctor's door to door visits, throughout the crowded, badly impoverished city. He and his wife Martha are, no doubt, very proud of him but understandably worried.

Like in Canada, the Cubans are being instructed to stay at home and self isolate. The hotels and resorts are all closed. Travel to and from the island is suspended, until at least May @ X @ Granma @ IC

Socialism or Death? Cuba's chronic food and supply shortages, under the crippling, US embargo, have been greatly exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic. It's very hard to stay home, when you don't have enough food to eat. With it's borders now shut, out of medical necessity, Cuba's tourism season and main source of income, has come to an early close. The future is very uncertain, but community spirit remains high @ R

US Embargo: A humanitarian aid shipment of 100,000 masks, along with desperately needed gloves, wipes and ventilators has been blocked, due to the illegal US embargo, from reaching Cuba. For shame! @ CTV

Joint Statement: To no avail, numerous aid groups are calling for the US to at least temporary lift or ease it's sanctions against Cuba, so that the necessary humanitarian and medical supplies can get through, during the COVID-19 crisis. Read @ WOLA

Cold War Redux: Despite it's difficulties, Cuba continues to send medical teams abroad. They've been bravely assisting in the international effort against COVID-19, as of late, in Italy and across the Caribbean. Indeed, Cuba has a proven track record in providing rapid-response support during a medical crisis. Also, in developing antiviral drugs. 

Sadly, US President Donald Trump has been working hard to block their efforts for awhile, most notably in Venezuela and Bolivia. But why step it up now? Especially when he's undermining the international effort  in crisis times? 

Seems Trump's desperate Cold War attacks against the beleaguered, socialist island state could help him score some much needed political points, amongst the Cuban exile community in Florida, as the US fall election approaches @ Nation

US Leadership Void 2: China and tiny, socialist Cuba are providing medical assistance abroad, most notably in Italy. Consider it as another sign that the US has all but abandoned any attempt at real leadership on the world stage. Maybe for the best? @ CC @ Granma

A Bolivia COVID-19 Coup: New elections in Bolivia have been postponed because of the virus. Hmmmm. Get this -Evidence has surfaced proving there wasn't any election fraud last year, to justify the US backed coup against anti-oligarch, indigenous President Evo Morales. How convenient @ Telesur @ Canary @ Dissent


UPDATED! A COVID-19 Real Time World Map and Counter: Watch the numbers rise and fall, country by country, around the world. An all too real horror show @ WoM  More numbers from in Canada @ CBC The City of Toronto info site is @ TO

What's a "Pandemic"?!? The WHO [World Health Organization] has declared COVID-19 to officially be a world wide pandemic? What does that mean? What could happen next? How to deal with the stress? More @ MNT

"Stepping Out" or "How To Avoid COVID-19 At The Grocery Store" @ Atlantic

COVID Projections: Estimates for the pandemic range from 2 months to a year and a half. I'll add more links as they show up. You can start handicapping the odds for yourself. 

Back In The USA: The conflict between medical and political priorities at the Trump White House has created a whole lot of confusion. Here's a look at the estimated long range trends and methodological challenges, in making an accurate projection @ Atlantic @ NPR

Global Prospectus: A worldwide look at the changing trends, forecasts and logistical uncertainties is @ Plos

Ontario Timeline: The official forecast based on present trends are that the crisis could last 18 months to 2 years. That includes a second or third wave. Toronto could see 600 to 3000 deaths. Ontario 3000 to 15,000 deaths. More than 100,000 of us could've died had we done nothing. A summary and a copy of the complete government report is @ TStar The modelling slide show PDF @ ON

Teachers Strike: The Ontario ETFO and OECTA public teacher unions have reached tentative contract agreements with the Ford government. We won't know many details until they are ratified by the members. Meanwhile AEFO teachers and OSSTF teachers are still in negotiations. Let's hope they haven't been sold short through concession bargaining, as in years past. More often than not, that hasn't been the exception, rather it's the rule. Moreover, it now sounds like the Ford government might've backed off on many of its cuts, for now anyways. We must remember though, that what they say and do in public, often isn't reflected at the bargaining table, nor followed through on later either, as CUPE has now found out. Teacher Free Speech wishes the teachers well, but urges everyone to be careful -very careful, in taking the Ford Neo Cons change of heart seriously. More @ OECTA @ ETFO @ CUPE

OECTA Contract: The Catholic teachers have ratified a new contract. The big secret? It was by a vote rumoured to be in the low to mid 90's range. Close but no cigar! That suggests that they managed to close ranks but that more than a few of them aren't exactly happy campers about it. No way. There's a 1% pay arise, which is below the cost of living. A 4% increase in benefits, another defacto cut. Class size increases have been mostly rolled back, though some of the language sounds vague. There's extra money to rehire teachers and for Special Ed. No contentious "me too" clause. Plus significant changes to the E-Learning clauses. 

Hmmm. With OECTA provincial, the devil is always in the details. We wait to learn more, before passing judgement @ OECTA @ TStar @ Global

Concession Bargaining?: Details of the OECTA tentative agreement continue to leak out but still remain secret and allusive. Please feel free to comment or provide any details in the Comments sections below. Did they engage in concession bargaining or not? More @ TStar

Some Real COVID-19 Home Schooling?

Learn At Home? Ford's latest boondoggle? A government sponsored on line program, for the province's students, while our schools are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently it was developed by teachers. Sure. Long ago. And it's very general at best. Sadly, the so called "plan" to help out at home, also excludes those disadvantaged students who could benefit the most from the extra help @ Star

Climate Change: Is it related to the spread of infectious disease? Consider this @ CCDR

"On The Good Fight" or "Fighting Back": Canada isn't broken. Far from it. True, there's the recent indigenous protests. Teacher and public service strike actions. The environmental movement. We know all is not well. But the robust political activism also show that the democratic tradition is still quite alive and well here in our country. So smile! Maybe there's hope for us yet. The revolution is alive @ Mac @ Guardian


Or Look At It This Way: What a great excuse to stay at home with your partner! Especially if you are empty nesters, or don't have kids. Yep! You're not so busy, busy, busy, all the time. On the run, doing this and that. So, what to do now? Ummm ... Well, remember -You can't spell quarantine without U-R-A-Q-T! 

Canadian Style Social Distancing: Hey-ho! It's easy for us true northerners to figure out! Just stand a hockey stick apart @ FD

Caremongering: Everyday Canadian's rally to help each other out, as we bunker down in our homes for the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the country, groups are organizing, often online, to help each other out; especially the elderly and most needy and distressed. It's a very Canadian moment, eh! With most of us understanding that we're all in this together @ WP

COVID-19 Sucks: Yup! Y'bet! Perhaps it'll serve as a call! For a bolder, braver and kinder sense of our basic humanity! As we reach out to help each other! Remembering, that we are all in this together! Right?!? Or maybe not? More @ TJ

In Dreams: R U experiencing vivid dreams that haunt you all day? Worry not! It's all part and parcel of the COVID experience. Here's what they might mean @ InStyle

Off The Road: Yup! All travel plans are on hold for now. Perhaps for the conceivable future. But we can still look at travel pictures! Here's some great ones, from a drone! Fun. Beautiful. But sometimes scary too @ TF

                        A su salud/ to your health -DC


Monday 23 March 2020

Oh Cannabis Spring 2020 News y Views!

Inhale! Hold! Exhale! Smile! ChEcK oUt My "STONERs Guide 2 Oh Cannabis News Y View" @ Directory! UpDAtEs AddED iN LaRgE TyPe! LiVe TwEeTs @ davidchiarelli 


Welcome to the COVID-19 Edition of Oh Cannabis!

Regarding COVID-19: NORML urges our cannabis community to come together responsibly to protect ourselves and the health and safety of others! Toking? Sharing? And cannabis activism? More tips on how to proceed below, and @ NORML

Regarding The Cannabiz Sector: ICC [International Chamber of Commerce] in collaboration with the WHO [World health organization] provides some COVID-19 safety guidelines for the cannabiz sector. The goal is to help reduce transmission of the virus, with a focus on the workplace, retailing, hospitality, and travel. More below and @ CIJ


Home Delivery: In Canada, the unregulated market is providing it, while the OCS [Ontario Cannabis Store] and other such government licensed outlets across the country, are cancelling same day service. From my own experience, here in Toronto, there's lotsa great deals, usually delivered safely and el pronto, for free. Quite frankly, so far, it's better than ever! But it's illegal! More @ CTV

Back In Business: Here's A big break through: Ontario's 52 government licensed pot shops are now allowed to provide home delivery service! Curb side pick ups too! Both should've been approved long ago, even before the COVID-19 crisis, to allow them to compete, and provide us with quality service. No saying these measures will be allowed afterwards. But consider this progress. Something to build on in the daze ahead @ BB @ FP  

Flip Flop: Ontario Premier Ford has now ordered that the province's licensed cannabis stores close for business, until at least April 19th. The only legal weed sales now available are online through he government run OCS [Ontario Cannabis Store]. As for Ontario's beer and liquor stores? They remain an "essential service" and are open for business as usual!!! For shame!

It gets worse! So far, the government licensed weed shops are still banned from home delivery and curb side sales. Without doubt, this is a big boom for our all ready flourishing unregulated market! Not so the struggling legal one @ BlogTO @ Global

An Essential Service: It's official! Ontario's 50 government licensed cannabis stores can remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Just like the beer stores and LCBO. Makes sense but nonetheless comes as a great relief. When it comes to weed, as with so many things, our Premier Doug Ford, far too often seems to be suffering from heh ... heh ... Er ... moronavirus @ BNN

The New NORML: Oh Cannabis welcomes Caryma Sa'd as the new, incoming executive director of NORML Canada. Caryma's "weirdly optimistic" that the COVID-19 crisis could prove to be a "catalyst" or "opportunity", for "reimagining" Canada's path forward with legalization, to make it more "sustainable".  

The board has also been reshuffled. New members Calyx + Trichomes founder Jennawae McLean and entrepreneur Derek Mascarenhas join as Retail Inclusion Co-ordinator and Treasurer respectively. Oh Cannabis wishes outgoing Executive Director Abi Roach all the best. Many thanks Abi! @ Jar 

How Legalization Went Wrong: Caryma Sa'd will be focused upon promoting more equitable, functional weed laws in Canada, during the daze ahead. She notes the COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of opportunities for change. Across Canada, cannabis has now been recognized as an essential service. So how about some emergency BDC [Business Development bank of Canada] financial aid for the struggling, legalized cannabiz sector too? Or allowing home delivery? Or curb side pickup? To start, realistically speaking, to put our all ready struggling, legal pot shops on an equal footing with the flourishing, unregulated market place? Read more @ MH 

Buddin' Lawyer Cary'ma Sa-d is no stranger to this site. Nor Toronto's cannabis community.  She helped advise us at my condo building with our new, cannabis positive, clean air policy. It was unanimously approved by an initially, very hostile board. So too, by the quite different mix of residents at our AGM! No small task BLOG

Fantino gits lit ... kinda sorta!

Busted: Remember One Plant Kensington Market, with its connections to former top Toronto cop and local reefer madman Julius Faction?!? [LINK] Now the corporate weed head at Aleafia??? 

Well, One Plant went ahead. Opened in the market. Just in time for the Covid pandemic!!! So it got shut down. Then re-opened with curb-sided sales and home delivery. Only to be shunned, by our progressive downtown weed community, who know better. Screw that @ BTo

Game Changers? The prospect of legal cannabis lounges in Ontario, and legalized edibles across the country, could also be long term game changers for the floundering legalized canna sector @ MF


Who'd Make The Best Cannabis in Chief: Biden Verses Trump? Support for legalization is way up, as the two presidential candidates square off, in the upcoming US election this fall. Neither are particularly enlightened about our favourite weed. So who's your best choice, when it comes to legalization? More @ HT

Reefer Madman Donald Trump Doubles Down On Weed: Nope! A vote for the Donald in 2020 isn't a vote for legalization. Far from it! He wants to remove medical cannabis protections and thinks smoking weed makes you dumb. Nuff said @ CT

Slo-Joe On Weed: Leading Democratic Contender Joe Biden can't decide if he'll legalize cannabis or not. Maybe he'll decriminalize it? So which is it Joe?!? More @ MM and @ Vice

An Essential Service: Across the US, cannabis shops are being allowed to remain open, to at least provide stay at home delivery service and curb-side pickup, during the pandemic. A state by state analysis @ MBD More @ Leafly

Budtender Shortage: They catch the virus. New workers need FBI criminal checks. A drug test. But the offices for these are now closed. As a result, at many pot shops, a staffing shortage looms @ Gr

No Relief: Congress is considering allowing cannabis companies and their employees to apply for relief, just like anybody else. Hey! In many states, they've been declared an essential service. But so far? Not much luck @ Leafly @ CLA

SAFE 4 Now: The House has passed a $3 billion HEROE's Covid-19 relief bill that includes SAFE banking. That'll allow the struggling cannabiz sector to work freely with the banks, just like any other legitimate business. Now the bill moves to the GOP controlled senate @ CBT @ CBT

NYC Cannabis Deliveries are flourishing as tokers' practice social distancing safely at home @ Complex

How the COVID-19 Crisis Might Make US Politicos More Receptive To Legalization: Just think of all the new, much needed tax revenue @ Yahoo

Get NORML: The US branch issues some excellent cannabis policy guidance for US Lawmakers and prosecutors, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Law enforcement? Incarceration? Home delivery? Curb side pickup? Financial aid? It all makes perfect sense, but is anybody listening?!? @ NORML

Indigenous Weed: US Justice department states that "Indian" tribes in the US are free to grow and sell pot, if they follow the federal laws @ Guardian


Highs y Lows

COVID-19 Strikes Canada's Cannabiz Sector: Weaker  companies are going under. Even those that are still relatively healthy are feeling the strain. Canntrust and  Wagner Cultivation are filing for bankruptcy. Cronos and Hexo are feeling the coronavirus pain @ FP

Be Safe: Here's 6 tips on how to protect your staff, customers and cannabis facility during the coronavirus pandemic @ GO

Cannabis Sales: Keep it clean and safe @ Leafly

Cannabis Stock Ticker: The corporate cannabis party is over as the stock market tanks. And that was before the COVID-19 crisis! What next?!? Consider @ GMR

Green Woes: All sectors of Canada's fledging cannabis sector are feeling the ill effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. Think supply chain disruptions. Trade show cancellations. Quarantines. And lockdowns etc @ Fool

All Time High: Sales of cannabis are way up across the US, as stay at stoner's choose to get quaren-stoned @ GO

Consumer Trends: Edibles are seeing an upsurge in sales. They make it easier to social distance. They're better for your lungs too. Vape pens have seen an uptick in sales. They are a lot better for regular indoor use. Think smoke, ash, your furniture, rugs and curtains ... More @ MJB

Eat It: Cannabis edibles are a more healthier way to get high! Sadly, smoking weed can create some respiratory problems, which might weaken you to the virus. Another pleasant upside, is that you can easily home cook a whole lot of different kinds of trez kool edibles yourself! See below. More @ Benz @ HL

Canned: Canopy Growth's new THC infused drinks are sold in yucky aluminum cans, which quickly reduce their potency. By law, they can only contain 10% THC or less to start with. That's not much fizz, for the seasoned aficionado. Imagine how many we'd need to drink to get a good buzz on. Then add up all the calories too! @ Yahoo

A New Green Rush: Cannabis enthusiasts are not just stocking up on toilet paper and sanitizer, but cannabis too @ Forbes

Screwed: Canopy Growth's greenhouse workers under Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program are being laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, most of them must now return to even more uncertainty and financial hardship back home in India and Guatemala @ TC

Sign The Legal Tender Petition: It's from a group of experts, associates and companies, with a small biz focus. They want the BDC: Business Development Bank of Canada, and our federal government to treat the regulated cannabis market like any other business, so that they can survive the COVID-19 economic crisis too @ LT

OCS: Ontario Cannabis Store: Find an authorized government outlet, using postal codes @ OCS

Another COVID-19 Dispensary Guide: Weedmaps is scrambling to provide an updated guide for which dispensaries are still open, across the US and Canada. It'll include links for online sales and curb side side pick up too. However, I've noticed that our local unregulated dealers, here in Toronto anyway, are still only listed on Weedmaps handy dandy app. There's lotsa great deals available nearby, with free delivery throughout the GTA! @ WM Site @ WM

Legally Speaking: Here are 7 new legal delivery or curb side options available in Toronto, during the pandemic @ BlogTO

Marc Emery Update: Marc advises Oh Cannabis that his Toronto ME Community Exchange has closed because "costs exceeded margins". Too bad. Nice while it lasted! 

Guide 2 Saving Money: Prices are going up as the shortages kick in. Consider buying moon rocks, crumble, and saving your keif. Use terps. Buy the higher THC strains. Some more shopping tips @ WM

Cheap Weed: Buy from the unregulated market! Or ... the government licensed stores, in Canada anyway, they've got lots of cheap, low THC, ditch weed for sale. Yahoo! Yip! Yip! Er ... Not! @ Leafly

Friendly Stranger - Friendly Advice: Canadian retail cannabis chain provides a COVID-19 update on the safety procedures they've put in place for shopping at their stores @ FS


Cannabis Cure? Can THC and CBD's help you fight off the COVID-19 virus? There's no medical evidence to suggest they can. But of course, weed can help keep you healthy and relaxed, during these trying times @ GS @ HE

COVID-19 + Weed: No! Cannabis is not, repeat NOT a cure for the virus! However it is really good for dealing with the stress and anxiety, to help you relax. Smoking weed isn't the greatest though, as the virus attacks your lungs. You might want to consider trying edibles, if you haven't already. Yummy. Yummy. More stoner survival tips @ Jar

Tobacco Vs Weed: No! Smoking weed isn't the same as smoking tobacco. It's not as bad for you, but of course, it irritates your lungs. It might also depress your immune functions, making you more susceptible to the virus. But studies indicate it doesn't cause any significant abnormalities to your lung functions @ ATS @ Herb

Vaping, Toking Or Edibles: Hands down the edibles win. Plus they're a lot safer for you right now, unless you eat too much @ Cut

Cannabis > Alcohol: Our favourite weed is a lot safer and healthier than booze. No hangovers, blackouts or weight gain. Plus weed doesn't make you aggressive etc. etc. etc. More and more, people are realizing that. Sadly, the reefer madness social stigma still scares a lot of folks away @ GE

How THC + CBD's Can Help Ease Your Flu Symptoms PL @ Leafly @ Ease

How to Avoid Germs: During your next toking sash; self isolate, if at all in doubt. Don't join in. Or smoke your own joint. Clean your gear regularly. Use a mouthpiece. And sanitize, sanitize, sanitize @ WM

Guide 2 Cleaning Your Gear: Glass? Vaporizers? Grinders? Lighters? More @ WM

RSO -Meet Rick Simpson: First thing I loaded up on? When I learned that we'd be stuck at home, for the duration of the pandemic? Rick Simpson Oil! RSO is a great organic medicine. Good for self medicating whatever ails on an everyday basis. Plus it helps with a whole whack of other more serious medical conditions! Besides the real nice CBD high, it provides a reeeeeaal great THC buzz too. Pffffft! Like totally el blotto! Learn more about Rick and his oil @ LCH @ Leafly

Grow Yer Own: It's spring. We're stuck to home. Feeling the $ pinch. 4 plants per person is perfectly legal in Canada .... What a great time to start our a home weed garden! Let's get growing @ CN @ Leafly

An Intro 2 Cooking With Weed: Got a little time on your hands these daze? Then let's get started @ MJ @ OCS @ Leafly

Cannabis Spirituality: Think indigenous in practice and in business @ DF

High Anxiety: Why do some toker's might freak out on weed, but others don't? Which strains are best, if you are anxious? More @ Leafly

Why Cannabis Can Effect Us Each Differently: Well, let's see ... There's our genetics, gender, biochemistry, health, environment, tolerance levels, and which strain we're toking. More @ RCBD 

"History Repeats" or "On Being Weirdly Optimistic": Sure, the COVID-19 crisis is wracking havoc on the cannabiz sector. But get this -the Great Depression, during the 1930's, helped end the prohibition of alcohol once and for all. Maybe the COVID-19 crisis will help do the same, for our favourite weed? More @ History 


Rolling Stone Guide 2 Getting High During The Pandemic: Roll your own joint 2 smoke? Switch 2 edibles? Lots more helpful tips, with advice from NORML @ RS

A Guide 2 Staying In + Social Distancing: What to do? Self isolation? Social Distancing? Or quarantine? Better safe than sorry @ WM

A Stoners Guide 2 Surviving Quarantine: Even more cannabis health, entertainment and creative tips to keep you feeling high, high, high @ CLN

Add A Spring 2 Yer Step: Let cannabis open you up to the possibilities of spring! While housecleaning. Listening to tunes. More @ HLS

Senior Service: We older folk are among weed's biggest enthusiasts. It's great for aches, pains, anxiety and insomnia. Plus let's face it: many of is remember it from back in the heady daze of the 50's, 60's and 70's @ Leafly

On Weed + Social Media: In some places cannabis is legal. In others it's not. So, is it safe talking about weed, or will it get banned on Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Reddit? Youtube? More @ ITJ

Get Cooking: Ten cannabis cookbooks are available online via Chapters-Indigo, to quickly get you started @ CI Some reviews are @ Forbes Find lotsa original weed recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacksOWR

Up In Smoke: Sadly, seems Vancouver 420 is cancelled due to the public health crisis. Expect many more April 420 events to announce that their folding too for this year, in the daze ahead @ 1130 

420 Toronto is postponed, for now @ Twitter

More 420 Updates: A lot of events across Canada and the US are scrambling to reschedule or go online. Links @ WM  

Toronto Karma Cup 2020: Here's something to look forward too! It's official! The Cup returns September 12 and 13th! Yep! There's still higher times ahead! See @ KC

Bored + Stuck At Home? Get cooking with weed! Meditate! Or there's always Netflix. More @ CM

RIP Charlotte Figi: The 13 year old epilepsy patient, activist and Charlotte's Web namesake, who helped get CBD's legalized stateside, has died from COVID-19 complications @ WW @ FB

RIP John Prine: The legendary singer-songwriter has died with an "Illegal Smile" @ Here and gone to heaven @ There!


Tuesday 17 March 2020

My COVID-19 Diary 1: Canuck Pandemic!

We're back at Toronto's Pearson International Airport from our winter travels. It's sheer pandemonium. Next day, the WHO officially declares the COVID-19 a pandemic. Today, the panic is quite palpable. So dense, you can feel it in the air. 

We join the long lines snaking through the jam packed terminal. Beneath the pensive gaze of the custom and border guards, some in medical masks and gloves. Some not. Faced with a seething, angry mob. 

People push. Shove. Heave to and fro. There's lots of line jumpers. Angry shouting matches. Janet and I are stuck, at the weary end of our long, winter journey. Two tired travellers seeking repatriation; to just be back in the safety of our own home. But faced with a frightening spectacle. A pandemic that's suddenly turned very real, for us. Along with everybody else and their mother, desperate to get home asap, before the shit hits the fan.

This winter, we've been to Japan, Florida, and Cuba. I've got a headache. We've both got the sniffles. All symptoms of the virus. But also very typical for this time of year. So who knows?

The politics of the Great 2020 Pandemic are maddening enough to burst a blood vessel!

Here in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford's Conservative government has eliminated sick days for our lowest paid workers. If away, they must pay for sick notes, they can ill afford. While Doug the Thug claims that no cost will be spared to ease the economic crisis. Perhaps for his big, fat corporate friends that is! 

Hello Corporate Socialism! Watch the big business bail outs begin. While the little guy once again, gets stuck with the bill!

Stateside a befuckled President Donald Trump has been all but in complete denial. Crying fake news. Wasting valuable time before he flip flops. Promising that he'll keep the stock market open for his big, business buddies. Other partners in crime. A small consolation for the poor working American stiff. 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is in self imposed social isolation for two weeks. There are so many words and terms that seem benign in our new COVID-19 lexicon, eh? 

His wife Sophie was diagnosed with the virus, so he's being prudent. Cautious. And very Canadian. Likewise, Toronto Mayor John Tory self isolates too, after possibly being exposed to the virus, while travelling over seas. 

Two different political. Different levels of government. Both setting a good personal example for a jittery public. Like them or not, and I'm not usually sold on either, it's a big plus!

Now a days, these emergency measures are called "flattening the curve". Think better safe than sorry. An ounce of prevention. Nipping it in the bud. 

Italy is in lockdown. Whole cities in China quarantined. Welcome to COVID-19; a new respiratory virus for which there is no inoculation shot, yet. Nor clearly defined public and medical procedures yet in place. Everything is evolving by the minute.

In Ontario, we're caught with our pants down, so to speak, amongst all Ford's health cuts to ... ahem ... balance the conservative provincial budget.

Hell, truth be told, testing centres are just now being set up here in Toronto and across Ontario. A full week after we've returned home! 

Most of us probably don't have the virus, though most everyone is very worried that they do. 

So here we are, trapped in our very own Toronto, Ontario, Canada existential crisis!

What can Janet and I do? Japan's close to the epicentre, but we travelled there in November. As for Panama City Beach, Florida? Or Santiago de Cuba? Could we have gotten infected there?

We've decided to self isolate for two weeks. Take it from there .....

Anyway, here we are, back home from our travels. But quite frankly out of everything. The kitchen shelves bare. 

My ... er ... unregulated weed man provides free home delivery, so I quickly load up on Rick Simpson Oil, a THC tincture, and some nice bud to tide me through the crisis. Calm minds will prevail! In our home, anyway!

The pharmacy renews all my other prescription for three months, over the phone. Delivers them too. 

But we absolutely need to make a grocery run to Costco. And so we do.

Oh no! A frantic crowd quickly strips a skid of water bottles clean, no sooner than it's wheeled out on the floor. 

The mad frenzy continues. Get this -there's no more toilet paper left! Anywhere! Explain stockpiling toilet paper for me, please! 

Only in Canada you say?

A couple grab at the Maple Syrup. Madly staring at us. Not so little knives shooting from their dazed eyes. 

Jeez. No problemo. it's yours!

It's only fitting, I suppose, that come March 2020 we are faced with yet more crisis, shock and awe. I should be very upset.

But here Janet and I are stuck at home for two weeks. With a great excuse to relax and do absolutely nothing! 

Family and friends call to check up on us. Our building super and neighbours too. 

I smoke another doobie. Put on some more tunes. Janet couch surfs the huge backlog of all her favourite TV shows on the PVR. 

How surreal! Despite the gnawing uncertainty, all is well. Still, it's hardly a happy occasion. And after so much adventure and excitement on the open road, the homebound boredom is definately setting in. 

Sigh. Alas.

Anyway, with spring just around the corner, we'll be off to the Land o' Lakes soon enough. 

Meanwhile, I hope you are staying well. Taking good care of yourself too, wherever you are. 

Remember, it's okay to go outside for a nice, refreshing walk. Some exercise, Maybe in the park. Or the countryside. Just so long as there aren't lots of people around.

Works fine for me. It was getting too peopley outside, anyway. 

Heh. heh. Er .....

Though last time I looked out our window it was rather eerie. Busy, bustling Weston Road is now quiet and empty. It's rather unsettling, but let's hope for the best. 

We are all in this together. So let's take every reasonable precaution, for both ourselves and the sake of others!

And hey -we've still got the internet! Expect lots more of my blog site updates in the daze ahead!


David C


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!