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Wednesday 18 September 2019

Oh Cannabis: Karma Cup 2019 Review!

The 2019 Karma Cup Results are in. See below and @ RESULTS!

Karma Cup 2019 was a totally smoking celebration! Our top Canadian indie, craft weed growers and producers brought along their very best bud, shatter, concentrates, edibles, topicals and CBD's ... well, you name it! 

Once again, they set up shop in the Church St village, downtown Toronto. With mad pot parties at our cannabis lounges. Plus lotsa other weed festivities and the like, throughout the city core.

Truly, A splendid time was guaranteed for all!

It was my third consecutive time, as a Karma Cup judge. I again somehow managed to complete all the blind taste tests, this time for about 115 of their fine products. Over an extended three week period. Carefully assigning a mark of between 1 to 9 for each, in 9 different categories!

9 marks X 115 samples = 1235 blind taste tests! So many numbers! All floating about my head! In-between countless, endless tokes, tastes and rubs.

Whew! It doesn't get much better than this! Puff, puff passing away the daze at my summer home, in the Land o' Lakes Ontario! In-between kayaking, camping and dancing around the campfire, with all my stoner family and friends! 

The price of the judges pack? The early bird special cost $650. Cheap and well worth it, for a hardcore, medical and recreational cannabis enthusiast like myself. 

Get this -you personally can sample most every type of weed product possible. See what you like. Mark it by preference. Then find out what each is afterwards. While enjoying the leftovers. Now able to buy and use them as an informed, knowledgable consumer! 

Forget our uptight, legal, licensed government dispensaries! At Karma Cup, everyone of legal age can smell, ouch and taste everything first before making a purchase. Just like the big boys and girls that we are. Very much reminding me of Toronto's great, green market market scene before legalization. Before the new reefer madness of prohibition 2.0, made that all but impossible to do!

Remo Brand Remo!

This year, I even noticed two Licensed Producers [LP] in attendance. To his credit Mr. Remo Brand showed up in person, with his camera, flying his cannabis colours. Scoring tons of accolades from the different winners for his fine line of plant nutrients. Ditto LP 7 Acres. They sponsored a kool, outdoor "Session Garden Lounge". Signing up tokers online. Actively promoting their "Respect The Plant" brand!  Both at our pot party deluxe! 

Yup! We actually smoke weed here! Screw that!

But it was the Unlicensed Producers whom were the true heroes! Winning handfuls of trophies! Setting up over 50 plus sponsor and vendor booths at the jam packed 412 Church St. Market. Providing a rich bounty of free tokes, dabs, edibles, and swag. With plenty of great bargains! Their business cards! And lotsa invaluable, product information. While the DJ's blasted the stoner tunes! And we partied away like there's no tomorrow!

High 4 or 5'ing It At The Cup!

My good buds and I began making the rounds Friday night at the High 5 Karma Cup Kick Off Party in Toronto's west end. Think of a warehouse party! With lotsa free dabs. A THC/CBD cocktail bar. A comedian. Pole dancers. Not what you'd think! Nothing sexist or demeaning. All in all? Plenty of great laffs. With lots of cheap goodies to buy! 

Next we headed across town, to the east end, for the Planet Paradise Karma Cup Kick Off Party. Planet Paradise is a converted bar where one can smoke weed and safely party in peace. We enjoyed the great tunes. Tokes! Dabs! Edibles! The tons of other giveaways. No end to all the good cheer!

On Saturday afternoon we attended the Karma Cup Speaker Series at Yonge Street's Vapor Central, a vape only toking space. This year's excellent panel discussions addressed everything from growing, licensing, and cooking with cannabis, to pets, weed and youth. There was also a heartfelt, special tribute to local cannabis activist Tracey Curley, who passed away this year. 

My two personal favourite sesh's were:

Legacy 420 Rocks The Cup!

Cannabis as Sacrament, Indigenous Medicine and Each Healing: The speakers included Legacy 420 alchemist Seaira Maracle and marketing/ training director Jordan Brant from the Tyendinage Mohawk Territory, outside Belleville Ontario

We leant a lot more about our favourite herbal medicine from a very enlightening,  indigenous perspective. Also about the First Nations' homegrown, community challenge to Canada's "Prohibition 2.0" cannabis laws. 

Sadly, the First Nations' weren't consulted about legalization. Nor have the various levels of government in Canada show any respect for their legal jurisdiction on Treaty Lands! 

Jordan was quick to emphasize that in the broader sense, we are all allies within the Canadian cannabis community. The government has shown complete disregard in so many, different ways towards each and everyone us, with it's highly flawed legalization "model", if you will. This is not just a First Nation issue! 

Hardly! Oh Cannabis looks forward to further following up with our indigenous counterparts in the legalization struggle, during the daze ahead. One quite respects the strong, activist and indigenous thrust that Jordan has voiced. And suspect that we'll see quite the shit storm, when push comes to shove on Treaty Lands. Like Tyendinaga. No bars hold. Remember Oka!

Cannabis Advocacy -Past Present and Future: 420 Toronto's Erin Goodwin, "Cannabis Amnesty's Reena Rampersaad, along with Justin Loizos Just Compassion and CFAMM's Sarah Coleco updated us on their cannabis activism efforts, past and present. Some of the names and initiatives will be quite familiar to readers on my blogsite. I'm glad to report that our movement remains alive and well. It's in great hands. There was a great mix of old and new faces in attendance. With our political novices in the audience eagerly asking about how to get more involved!

Sunday afternoon found me at the Karma Cup Awards ceremony. Much good vibes! Fanfare!  And more free giveaways! Craft cannabis growers and producers Phatpharms, LD Extracts, and Sofa King Bakery were among my own favourites, winning a handful of trophies. But there were many more @ RESULTS!

Over my last three years judging the cup, I've noticed that the number of entries in each category, quite accurately seems to reflect our changing consumer interests and preferences, in both the larger under and above ground market.

This year the number of Hybrid buds [15] was up. The number of Sativa ones [7] down. The Indicas [11] held their own. So too with Pre-rolls [4]. Sadly, Solvents [11] and Solvent less [4] seem to be in steady decline. Including hashish too. Boo hoo hoo!

Edibles [22] and Terps [14] held their own. More Topicals [15] Pens [8] and CBD products [8] were readily apparent. This should come as no surprise! Hopefully, the second wave of legalization will finally bring them to Canada's licensed dispensary shelves, just in time for Christmas this year. 

Harder to explain: Glassware was dropped altogether! Hmmmm. There also seems to be a drop in the THC percentages of Edibles. Generally to well within the 25 to 100 mg range. Perhaps that's a tip of the hat to the government's legal 10 mg limit, without going all the way? 

Some of the weed and Solvent/Less samples also seem to be getting smaller, and therefore harder to more fairly re-evaluate, as I continued to judge the different entries. 

Fortunately, a lot more attention was paid to properly wrapping the individual samples. However, the Topical, Term and CBD directions remain scant. The buds sometimes rather flat and squished. 

There's was far too much sugar, chemicals, preservatives and processed flour in many of the Edibles for my own liking. Not very healthy. But no doubt very popular and convenient.

All in all? For my money, despite these reservations, it's still a top notch judges package, which I thoroughly enjoyed! Without doubt, Sarah Sunshine has performed a Herculean task in getting the Karma Cup together for us, despite the many challenges, legal and otherwise. 

Retired and laid off teachers please take note: At the awards show, Sarah noted her concern over finding people whom can actually do the marking! Provide grades. 

Hey! It comes natural to us! And believe me, grading cannabis samples is a helluva lot more fun, than school projects, papers and activities ever were! 

So rah-rah! Let's help Sarah out! Be sure to apply next year!

Another word for the wise. If you have an entry, have somebody there at the awards ceremony in case you win. Prepare a little speech. Plug your wares. Encourage the shoppers to visit your booth. Makes $en$e -No?

Sarah y Craig Show Us How It's Done!

In conclusion, as Expert Joint's co-host Craig Ex pointed out, Karma Cup is what legalization should really look like! So true! The products are high quality! Carefully crafted! Very innovative! The growers and producers true aficionados! Bonafide originals with some real skin in the game! A lot of love and attention goes into each and every cannabis product, unlike far too much of the legal shit that you'll find on the licensed store shelves! 

As medical and recreational consumers, we can taste, touch and smell the goods. The samples allow to actually check them out and do some real comparison shopping. The actual growers and producers are there to answer our questions. Educate us about their wares. 

Just add lots of good times! Love. Peace. Lotsa great vibes! 

Hey! It isn't like we gathering together to take poison! Far from it! 

Karma Cup 2019 was a total blast. Come Sunday at 420, endless joints were freely being passed around. It's was a giant pot party! The pot party to end all pot parties! Culminating after the roaring countdown with a crowd sized super joint! []

Next year, come to Karma Cup! Don't trust the government! Or be fooled by it's rip off legalization scam. And Prohibition 2.0. The bullshit reefer madness. The endless lies.

Instead, learn how legalization can actually work, for growers, producers and consumers alike. See for yourself what our cannabis community is really like. And what we are all about! 


David C


Friday 9 August 2019

Oh Cannabis -Kayak Infinity!

Summer means endless days in my kayak floating atop the royal blue waters of Lake Mississaganon. Here in the Land o' Lakes, Southeastern Ontario, I'm far from big city life, deep in the forests on the rugged Canadian Shield. Huge towering fir, pine, birch and maple trees dot the rocky shoreline. Wispy white clouds drift slowly across the pale blue pastel sky, in the hot mid day sun. 

A pleasant lake breeze. A puff of smoke. Having paddled upstream, I relax. Fire up a doobie. Lazily drift back to camp on the gentle ebb and flow of the lake current. The swirling eddies. But a bobbing cork. Moving effortlessly by wind and water through another seemingly endless summer day.

Lying back, pleasantly buzzed, adrift in my kayak, I contemplate infinity. 

Wonder what's real? The lake? The vista?

Nothing is as it seems.

A hundred years ago, this was just a spring fed river, running through a deep natural crevice in the solid rock. Before this became Canada, it was the Land of the Mississaganon. After the river was damned, it was called Lake Mississaganon. 

20,000 years ago, 2 km thick glaciers carved out the crevice and future lake basin. Melting underground. Resurfacing to fill them with clear, clean spring water today. 

Go back 450 million years ago. Shifts in the earth's axis place us at the equator. Complete with volcano's. Even a tropical sea.

In fact, during the earth's 3 billion year geological history, there have been at least 4 continents where Lake Mississaganon now is. 

The only thing I can really know for sure, is that wherever I am, I am here. Drifting through nature's natural splendour, in all it's summer glory. 

At peace, floating atop the calm waters in my trusty kayak with a good joint ... 

Works for me! Hope you're enjoying summer too!


Eyles, Nick. Ontario Rocks: 3 Billion Years of Environmental Change. [UofT: 2002]


More on kayaking @ Here!

Even more on Land o' Lakes @ There!

On retiring and the like @ Here!


Monday 1 July 2019

Oh Cannabis Summer 2019 News y Views!

Inhale! Hold! Exhale! Smile! ChEcK oUt My "Readers Guide 2 Oh Cannabis News Y View" @ Directory! UpDAtEs AddED iN LaRgE TyPe! LiVe TwEeTs @ davidchiarelli 


Canadian Legalization Round 2: This fall, the federal government will legalize edibles, topicals and extracts. It's exactly one year into the legalization process. Sadly, more and more uptight, reefer madness restrictions are still the order of the day. Most of our heritage growers, producers and advocates are still legally shut out in the cold. Can Canada's pitiful licensed cannabis industry even begin to compete with the much superior and bustling, unregulated market? Especially in Ontario, our largest market?

More Pot Shop Lottery Madness: Ontario Premier Doug Ford does it again. 50 more licences are up for grabs. That includes 8 which are being set aside for our First Nation reserves; a quite contentious treaty land issue, considering the rules!

US Legalization: It could be a big election issue next year. You'll find a voters' guide, timelines, and the latest polling data below!

First Nation Rising: More news and views on weed sovereignty and indigenous pot!

Drink Up: Legal cannabis infused drinks take on the alcohol industry! Can they give them a good run for their money?

Please Stay Tuned: If my blogging seems sporadic, that's because it's summer and I am at the lake. Read all about it @ Here!

DIY: What's the consumer alternative to crummy, overpriced, government weed and edibles? Dig a garden! Start rattling those pots y pans!

Safety First Hi-Jinks: Gummy Bears verses the Tide Pod Challenge?

Spin Control: Green market reporting - the pet peeves?

Reefer Madness 2.0: On dealing with stigma and lies in the post legalization era!

The Blunt Truth: Yay or Nay: Smoking tobacco with weed?!?

A Child's Garden of Grass: Cannabis in the sixties and seventies revisited!

Cannabis for Newbies? Cannabis for seniors? Consideration this ....

Pot Tourism Canada: Come here to holiday this year! Lotsa links below ....

Much More 2 Come .....


Legalized Kinda Sorta: Edibles, extracts and topicals become legal across Canada October 17. They should be available in government licensed, recreational, pot shops by mid December, hopefully in time for Christmas. But don't get excited! They're no match for similar products all ready widely available through the underground market. Edibles are limited to 10 mg of THC per pack. Gummy Bears and many other novelty items and shapes not considered child safe, are strictly forbidden. Extracts are capped at 10 mg per piece too, up to a 1000 max per pack. Non alcoholic, cannabis infused drinks, including near beer and wine are okay. However packaging and labelling requirements are super uptight and unappealing at best. The focus remains on THC rather than CBD's. Getting high remains more important than getting well, despite government assurances to the contrary ..... None of this is much fun, nor a commercially viable way to go for consumers or producers alike. But at least they'll be legal now. Overtime, the courts and marketplace can sort out the mess @ GCA @ Globe @ NP @ FiC @ 

Warning Labels: Health Canada gives packaging somewhat of a makeover. They tone down the alarm factor a bit, but guarantee they'll still look and sound dull, dangerous and quite unappealing @ Leaf See the complete, new list of warnings @ GCA

Stuck With A Pig In A Poke: Welcome To The New Roll Out! Just Like the Old Roll Out! Basically, the newly legalized cannabis products must be as ugly and boring as possible to make them child safe and so on. Blah. Blah. Blah. Too bad for the legal marketers and producers! With their hands all but tied, it'll be impossible to compete CBC

Regulatory Reforms: Canadian cannabiz insiders speak out on the need to reform our super uptight regulations asap, so that they can actually make a go of it @ PRN

Med Pot Bluez: Canadian medical cannabis users are increasingly being left behind in the government legalization shuffle. Recreational sales along with the limited number of legal pot shops have increased the supply problems and resulted in higher prices, for those still trying to go the legal route @ Leafly

Another DoFo Lottery: This October, Premier Doug Ford's Conservative government will licence 50 more, new Ontario pot shops across the province. Don't hold your breath though. Last time less than half of DoFo's 25 lucky but largely inexperienced, pot shop lottery winners were actually able to open their doors for business on time, earning hefty fines. Applications can be submitted Aug 7-9th. News story @ CTV Government info @ ON.CA  Applications @ AGCO Also note that for the first time, 8 of the 50 licenses will be allocated to applicants from Ontario's First Nation reserves @ AGCO

Blame Game: DoFo blames the ridiculously limited number of government licensed pot shops across Canada's most heavily populated province on the feds. Apparently the Trudeau Libs can't supply enough legal cannabis to keep the shops in business. However, the feds counter that hasn't been a problem elsewhere across the country. They accuse the notoriously corrupt and inept Ford Conservative government of just making excuses @ CBC

But Not So Quick: Still, across Canada, our provincial premiers are increasingly demanding that the federal government clean up it's cannabis act. Licensing? Supply? Enforcement? Their concerns are many @ GO

And The Winner Is: No surprise! Our Ontario om"buds"man this year received the most complaints about ... what else?!? DoFo's online Ontario Cannabis Store Global

DoFo Backgrounder: Our Dougie was a scummy, high school, drug pusher back in the day. Now he's Premier of Ontario! Helps explain the bummers, burns and ripoffs with the legalization process, or lack thereof, here in our province. More @ Globe @ Globe @ Rabble

Oh No! Busted By The Toronto Blockheads!

Summer Whack-a-Mole: Frustrated Toronto City officials are now placing concrete blocks out front of the cities unlicensed pot cafes and dispensaries. It's a failed attempt to stop them from re-opening, after they are busted. Meanwhile, folks are getting locked inside. And arrested on the sidewalk outside, where the street dealers now gather. One CAFE dispensary in particular is fast becoming a chic Toronto protest hotspot, while the cops go after them gangbuster style ..... But consider the high cost of government weed, coupled with DoFo's pathetic lack of licensed dispensaries ..... what do you expect?!? So much for a robust pot tourism season! This year at least! No. This ain't the summer of love! Far from it! More @ Global @ BlogTO @ Vice @ CBC

DoFo Vs Ontario's First Nations: Opening government licensed cannabis shops on treaty land, as per DoFo's plan, faces some huge legal challenges. Many of Canada's indigenous reserves have voted for "community sovereignty". That means growing and selling cannabis themselves, by their own band rules on treaty land. Tax free. The community profits. 

Oh-oh! A lot of that's not allowed, according to our new cannabis laws! But the OPP aren't allowed to police the reserves without band council approval either. Would Ford be stupid enough to send them in anyway?!? Expect some very bitter standoffs, including but not limited to the legal court challenges, if push comes to shove! Remember Oka @ Global

The Tide Verses Cannabis Edibles Challenge ....?!?

The Tide Pod Challenge: So. Gummy Bear won't be allowed for child safety reasons, once edibles are legalized in Canada this fall?!? Ironically, youngsters across Canada are indeed gulping down poison! Lots of it. But little is being done. 

Yup! They're swallowing highly toxic, chemical detergents. The one's widely being marketed and sold in tantalizing, candy like "Tide Pods". Unlike with Gummy Bear shaped cannabis edibles, no alarm bells ring! 

Child safety?!? Definitely, Tide's corporate sales agenda comes first! The colourful Tide Pods were even being brazenly advertised with much fanfare, down the full length of a packed subway car or two in downtown Toronto, last week. For shame @ Huff @ Huff

Drunken Rapture: The Toronto Raptors finally won the NBA Finals for the first time ever! There was rioting, and shootings afterwards. Pumped up sports enthusiasts even trashed 2 police cars. Some city buses. Meanwhile the Ford government is about to allow alcohol at sport tailgate parties for the first time. Allow beer to sold at the corner stores across the province. Without blinking an eye. Even bragging about it too! Yet when it comes to cannabis, a lot safer, unaggressive drug? Ford is so tight about weed, he squeaks. Enough double standards! Consider carefully; would this have happened if it were mostly tokers rather than drinkers partying? @ Global @ Globe


State of The Union: As of this summer, cannabis is only illegal in 17 states. 22 have legalized medical cannabis. 11 have legalized recreational cannabis. Here's the latest breakdown, along with some insightful notes MF

US Voters Guide: Here's where the 23 Democratic presidential contenders for 2020 stand on federally legalizing cannabis @ Politico

No Way Joe: Biden's decriminalization platform might not be a bad idea. Especially considering our legalization folly in Canada! Still, he might also be secretly opening the door for a huge big biz weed grab. Just like what's happened here! Don't be fooled by all the fancy talk and kind words! There's plenty o' corporate weed rigging galore going on in the run-up to 2020 @ Vice

Timeline: Here's a handy reference for legalization and decriminalization in the US. Covers both medical and recreational cannabis. Also includes a summary of the most important bills to date, along with a prospectus for what comes next @ Fool

Galloping: Support for legalization in the US has surged to 66%. Here are the most popular arguments for and against it, among American today @ Forbes

Corporate Vs Grow Yer Own Weed: To protect Corporate America's profit margins, "big marijuana" lobbyists are putting pressure on the different state legislatures to prohibit or limit home gown weed. Here are the pro's and con's being put forward for growing yer own weed, in the debate that's ensued @ Leafly

California Cannabis War: West coast lawmakers have finally found a way to add injury to insult to the state's legacy growers. Thereby successfully putting them out of business, to make way for the big boys. How? Basically, by enforcing any and all permits, codes and by-laws they can think of. Then issuing huge fines, property liens, and forfeitures accordingly! Beware @ Leafly

Inside Europe's First Narco State: Fast cash comes first and foremost in Albania. Organized crime and rampant unemployment are the order of the day. Sound like a spy thriller? Get this -Albania is supposed to be one of the good guys; a NATO Allie.  About to join the Eurpean Union. Whew! Well that's okay then, eh! ... eh? ... eh? @ Vice


The Trouble With Government Weed:  Canada's cannabis retail rollout is creating a huge consumer disconnect. First with the legal bud. Now with legal edibles, extracts and topicals. For now, they're a novelty, so the newbies will go buy it at the government monopoly stores. But unless the restrictions are soon lifted and the process refined, the highly regulated, legal producers and sellers will hardly be able to compete. Not within Canada's bustling, unlicensed, free market place @ Lift

Overpriced BS: To wit, in Canada, the cost of illegal cannabis continues to plummet. Meanwhile legal weed gets more and more expensive. Be it the Trudeau Libs or the DoFo Cons, neither seem to have much canna-business sense @ CBC

LP BS: It's getting harder and harder to find a Canadian licensed producer whom you can trust. The market continues to under perform, there are supply shortages, followed by one controversy and scandal after another. On and on and on it goes .... What to look for? Whom to trust? Here's but one prospectus @ Tech420 

Cannabis CEO's: Typically, they are white guys, just like on most corporate boards. Do they truly represent our diverse cannabis community? Of course not. The corporate world stays the sexist course @ Bloom

Take It Away Lisa: Legacy cannabis activist [think Toronto "Green Market"] and now Chief CEO of Lifford Cannabis Solutions, Lisa Campbell, is out to introduce more gender equality into the corporate boardroom @ Globe

LGBTQ Weed: From a marketing perspective, advertisers are eagerly embracing the LGBTQ community without any qualms. Of course, there's lots of money to be made. Like from a lot of gay DINK [Double Income No Kids] couples, or at a popular gay pride event and so on. But that doesn't mean the LGBTQ are welcome elsewhere in the cannabiz sector, especially on the corporate board. Quite frankly, big biz often doesn't give a shit about the LGBTQ community and it's contribution to the legalization movement. For lots, it's just about profits. Beware @ RS

Hollyweed North: Transgender founder and CEO Rene Gagnon, like many LGBTQ entrepreneurs, figure WTF -they can do it better, both for themselves and their community, anyway @ HT

More Tynedinaga Pot Please! Canada's indigenous people have declared weed sovereignty on Treaty Land. Their thriving pot shops are an excellent free market example of how to sell pot. Last issue, I reviewed some of my favourite's at the Mohawk Tyendinaga Reserve outside Belleville Ontario. Will provide more throughout the summer. Here are 5 more, from another kool site @ DGTA

Cannabis Boom: Ontario's Tyendinaga Mohawk Reserve, with it's top notch, innovative indigenous pot shops is now experiencing an economic boom! There are over 40 to 50 shops, lots of construction and renovation work, and a new pirate radio station to boot @ CBC

Other First Nation reserves are also experiencing a welcome economic boom. Some have chosen to sign MOU agreements with the corporate sector, including Biome Grow and Westleaf to develop a viable and prosperous cannabiz industry on treaty lands @ EquityG

Vape Guide: I've got my trusty Pax and mighty Storz-Bickel. In a pinch, a handy Aspire will do. We've all got our favourites. But how do they rate? Here's a handy guide @ VG

A Game Changer? Will cannabis infused drinks give alcohol a run for it's money?  

Yea! It seems that the beer companies for one are worried, because it won't make you fat! @ TS

Nay! On the other hand  it takes longer to get high! Plus there are all the ridiculous, marketing restrictions. The manufacturing conditions. Especially in Canada! The THC count? 10 mg max! And no alcohol is allowed in the mix! Won't help export sales. Can't even advertise that it tastes like non-alcoholic wine or beer here in Canada. Sad. Sad. Sad @ Leafly

Only In Canada, You Say ......

Size Matters: It's official! Canadian pre-rolls are much bigger than in the US. Yup! In the True North, we like 'em big! One or a half gram sized, minimum! But stateside heh ... heh ... heh ... they're smaller -a whole 36% smaller!!! Hmmm ... Guess which'll become the norm? Once they're standardized? Will the .... er ... Yanks think biiiiig, like us? Or cut 'em short? To match their puny size? Har! Har! Har! Sigh! Alas! No wonder we Canucks often have a national inferiority complex! More @ Lift

CBD Percentages? Milligrams? Milliliters? Here's how to determine how much CBD content is really in that edible product you are about to eat, vape or otherwise consume @ CD

Spin Control: Yeah, a lot of time it's plain BS. Just butt kissing time. Happily, I write for myself. Got nothing but ideas to sell. Or rather give away. For free. Ha. Ha. Er ....  On the other hand, if you're trying to get mainstream media coverage to sell a green market product, and earn a living, you'll need to exercise a lot more .... ummm .... very special spin control! Over how you present yourself! And your product. Aren't getting the coverage you need? Avoid these reporter pet peeves @ Forbes


Yummy Gummy's: Ok. Ok. The Canadian government is only going to allow weak candy edibles and they can't look like bears. Oh noooooo? What to do?!? Harumph!  Simply make your own! The THC/ CBD dosage? As strong as you like! And in whatever friggin' shape or size you like. Here's to easily make your own gol darn gummy bears. So good luck Government of Canada! -Not! @ Leafly

Everything You Need 2 Know About Edibles [But Were Afraid 2 Ask]: Safety? Doing? Etc? Etc? Etc? @ DGTA

Get Cooking: Here's a handy THC and CBD dosage calculator for making your own edibles, instead of having to buy them off somebody else. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Got love in my tummy @ WB

Macrodosing 101: These popular strains reportedly have the most potent THC counts for getting high AF @ HM @ IBT @ Leafly 

Microdosing 101: Experienced tokers often build up a very strong THC tolerance level over the years. Plus lots of weed nowadays has a very high THC count. We are getting high like never before! But is more better? Especially if you are a new user? No! Not necessarily! Consider this @ Youtube

2 Young 2 Toke?!?

Underage Tokers: The verdicts still out! Indeed, a recent study of the relationship between adolescent cannabis use and adult brain structure, suggests toking might not be the big problem our "experts" are making it out to be. At least, with legalization, the issue can finally be properly studied, sans the reefer madness BS @ NCBI

Trashed: Empty vape oil cartridges are now adding to the toxic pollution in our garbage dumps. Sadly, there's no environmental friendly plans in sight to deal with the growing problem @ Leafly

Grow Yer Own Time: Yipper! Government weed sux! I$ expen$ive. Often so so in quality. Too low in THC. CBD's. Hmmmmmm. Don't want to go underground? So what to do? Here's a handy shopping list so you can grow your own weed! Much of it available for under $300 on Amazon. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Justin Trudeau you corporate prick @ MG

White Wash: Truth be told, legalization means that the business opportunities and profits from legalization are overwhelmingly ending up in white folks pockets! Many people of colour also contributed to the struggle. Are some reparations due, for the injustices they continue to suffer? An opinion piece @ Red

Blunt Truth: A "blunt" is often incorrectly used to refer to a nice, big, fat joint. Specifically, it refers to one rolled using a cigar or tobacco leaf. Gives you quite a rush. But do you know how addictive it is?!? I've spent much of my life battling the demon nicotine. Have nooooooo desire to do so again! Now see some newbies trying it without even thinking. Please -beware! Smoke weed, no tobacco @ TC

Plastic People: Plastic Straws are finally being banned almost everywhere because they are just so bad for the environment. Sadly, if hemp hadn't been made illegal, they never would've been a problem in the first place. Seems the plastics' people had a diabolical hand in stretching the truth about our favourite weed @ FTP

Back 2 The Garden! The aging Woodstock baby boomer generation is getting back to the garden, the weed garden that is. Rediscovering many truths about our favourite sixties plant. Yes! It's an excellent DIY remedy for aches, pains and so much more @ TGO Plus, a complete seniors guide to cannabis is @ Aging

Reefer Madness 2.0: With time, legalization will help dispel a lot of the lies and misconceptions about our favourite weed. Especially now that it is being declassified. Can be properly studied. But let's be realistic. It won't all be good news. But a lot of the stigma and unnecessary BS can finally be put to rest. And we can enjoy it eyes wide open. As well educated critical thinkers, who can decide for ourselves, what we want/ don't want to put into our bodies SAB


As If ....

President Donald Trump Tries Weed: Ho boy @ Youtube

Nugswap -August 10thDankmasta P next Nugswap will be held from 5-8pm at Vapor Central downtown Yonge St. More on Nugswapping @ Blog

Karma Cup -Sept 7-8th: It's official! The 6th annual Karma Cup, "Canada's Premier Cannabis Competition", will be held in downtown Toronto again this year. Better apply now, if you'd like to be a judge or submit an entry! More @ Facebook

Cannabis Tourism 101: What to know? Where to go? Some tips @ Leafly

The High Times Guide To Travelling With Pot: This interstate guide helps you navigate the different rules and regulations across the US @ HT An airport guide @ HT

The Lonely Planet Guide To Get Legally High in Canada: Here's a basic overview on what's allowed and what's not. Useful but kinda dumbass. Heavy on safety tips about the smoking devil's weed! Oh my my my ....... How Canadian @ Lonely Planet

Best of Canada: Where to go on your summer vacation, now that cannabis is legal across our country? Start here @ Leafly

Weekend Getaways: Here are some kool, pot friendly hotels, retreats and bed y bud deals from across Ontario too @ GO

Canadian Summer Festival Highs + Lows: Of course, concert goers are going to want to legally smoke cannabis outdoors this summer. Sadly, the new rules here in Canada are so fucking crazy and uptight, one might wish it were still illegal. Lotsa BS @ CBC

Fighting The Stigma! Nope! It just won't go away! To wit[less]: A "shocked" Vancouver man angrily objects to an ad showing somebody rolling a joint on the Cineplex movie screen! But he thinks the booze ads are okay. Faaaaaaak @ GO

"Reefer Madness 2.0" or "The Cannabis Multi-Verse": To realize how truly ridiculous prohibition and the stigma of cannabis are, imagine this: What if, in an alternate universe, a chef cooking food in a restaurant was illegal? But smoking and selling weed was not?!? @ Leafly

Original Schlong Bong: Yup! It's 4 real! Suppose it was bound to happen eventually. Notice how it's considered a "sex toy"?!? And that nope -the ads don't feature any guys??? "Grip" y "Rip" @ ST

Newbies Guide: Here are 10 helpful tips for the new toker. Like about expectations, product safety, and on choosing your smoking circle or tribe carefully. Here's to the high times ahead @ Leafly

Groovy Man! The Sixties and Seventies were quite arguably the dopest time for weed, way before it went mainstream. We tokers were a counterculture, which protested injustice. That's how we got to where we are today @ TGO 

Far Out: Drugs on campus during the sixties. A first hand account from back in the day. Consider for yourself, what it was like, compared to drugs today @ SEP

Spot The Sixties Stoner: What to look for? Tunes? Slang? Dress? Groovy 

New! Canadian Weed Forum: Sign up online @ DGTA


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!