Opening Statement

Sunday 8 March 2015

Teacher Contracts: OECTA Initial Proposal!

OECTA Proposal to OCSTA and the Crown: 

March 4 2015: Noel LaPlante [Bargaining Contract Services]

[Highlights mine.]

Note: Public info independently provided courtesy your teacher free speech site!

As determined by the Association, should any of the 2012-14 collective agreements contain superior provisions to any central term(s) or conditions, those superior provisions shall endure and prevail.
Eliminate all existing superior provisions from local agreements and replace with central terms  (This provision will negatively impact every collective agreement in the province)

Term •  3 years – September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017
Salary Grids •  All teachers move through and across the salary grid as per the collective agreement •  Increase all grids, allowances, rates by COLA +3% each year of the agreement

Hiring Practice •  OT to LTO to permanent hire continuum with seniority and qualifications as the key factors

Occasional Teacher Roster Cap •  Minimum threshold established with opportunity for local ‘fine tuning’

Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting •  No additional requirements, restrictions or limitations placed on teachers •  Teachers exercise their professional judgment

Return to the Bargaining Unit •  Status Quo

Preparation/Planning and Workload •  Prep and Planning time is teacher directed •  Assigned in minimum 40 minute blocks during the 300 minute instructional day •  Prep teachers teach only subjects/programs with reportable strands •  Number of subjects/programs assigned to Prep teachers shall be kept at a minimum as determined by the JSC •  For FDK teachers 1 of the 9 PA Days shall be allocated for FDK preparation and planning activities •  All teaching timetables and supervision/on call assignments shall be assigned in a fair and equitable manner •  All on-calls or supervision assigned to an OT shall be credited to the absent teacher •  Divisional, Department or similar meetings restricted and scheduled by the teachers involved •  IEP consultation/completion release time to be provided •  All teacher absences replaced by an OT

Preparation, Planning and Professional Time – Occasional Teachers •  Status Quo
System Principals •  Status Quo

Maternity Leave – Status Quo •  Minimum 8 weeks at 100% of salary for teachers or LTOs dependent on term of their contract 

Paid Leaves of Absence  •  Status Quo 

All other leaves  •  Status Quo
Sick Leave and Short Term Leave and Disability (STLDP) •  Definition of illness includes absence for valid health related reasons including appointments with health care professionals and the illness of a person other than the teacher if the person is a member of the teacher's immediate family or the person is someone for whom the teacher is the primary care giver •  Increase Sick Leave available to 15 days (pro-rated) at 100% of daily rate •  Maintain STLDP at 120 days (pro-rated) at 90% of daily rate •  Unused Sick Leave is carried forward to the next school year to “top-up” STLDP days •  Same Sick Leave and STLDP for LTO teachers (pro-rated) •  No third party adjudication required for access STLDP days •  Absences due to illness or injury of 5 working days or more may require a note from a medical practitioner •  Unless there is an allegation that an absence is culpable, the absence shall be deemed to be an absence due to illness •  WSIB claimants have access to Sick Leave and STLDP as above

Long Term Disability and Extended Health/Life/ Dental Benefit Plans •  Board-paid LTD plans are maintained in DufferinPeel, Huron-Superior and London District •  The Association shall be the policy holder of the benefit plans for all teachers in Catholic schools •  The Boards/Crown shall contribute the necessary funding on an FTE basis to maintain/enhance the OECTA teacher benefit plans
Sick Leave/Short Term Disability Plan – Occasional Teachers  •  Same sick leave and STLDP for LTO teachers as permanent teachers (see previous sick leave and short term leave disability plan proposal slide 7)

WSIB Top-Up •  To 100% salary. 
Working Conditions and Workload •  Full Day Kindergarten class caps (same as Primary Classes) •  Address the issue(s) of combined grades, class size and composition •  Special Education including completion of IEPs, funding of programming, replacement if absent, assignments taken over by part-time administrators, etc…

Staffing •  Timing of surplus and redundancy notices •  E-learning – Staffing and Working Condition Equivalencies •  Credit bearing courses – Staffing and Working Conditions Equivalencies
Dispute Resolution/Enforcement Mechanism •  Expedited, binding arbitration to resolve any differences arising from the interpretation, application or administration of any central term

Recall Rights •  A teacher declared redundant shall have indefinite right of recall 

Changes in Full-Time Equivalent Status •  Establish processes to bring clarity to increases and decreases in FTE status 

Supported Schools •  Funds generated for Supported Schools to be spent on Supported Schools
Joint Board level Staffing Committee (JSC) •  Role clarified and reinforced

Occupational Health and Safety •  Equity in training for OTs and regular day school teachers •  Building keys provided to OTs as required •  Process for dealing with Harassment Complaints to be established •  Information, assessment and reporting on Risks of Violence in the Workplace 
Job Security •  No ‘contracting out’ of Bargaining Unit work

Early Retirement Incentive Program •  $25,000 for early retirement 

Attendance Recognition Program •  One day salary for using less than 6 sick days


Saturday 7 March 2015

Teacher Contracts: OCSTA Initial Proposal!

OCSTA and the Crown: 
Initial Management Proposal to OECTA

March 4 2015: Noel LaPlante [Bargaining Contract Services]

[Highlights mine.]

Note: Public info independently provided courtesy your teacher free speech site!

Eliminate all existing superior provisions from local agreements and replace with central terms. (This provision will negatively impact every collective agreement in the province)

Term, Notice and Renewal •  3 years – September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017
Salary, Wages, Direct Compensation and Benefits •  Salary freeze for 3 years •  Grid movement delayed until 97th day for each year in the term of the agreement

Hiring Practice — REGULATION 274  (any superior local provisions deleted) •  Delete Fair Hiring provisions and practices from all local agreements •  The government has indicated that it is prepared to revoke Regulation 274
Diagnostic Assessment - rescind PPM 155 – teacher determined diagnostic assessment  •  Boards shall determine the type and frequency of formal diagnostic assessment tools to be used by Teachers  •  Boards will establish a board-wide mechanism for Teachers to record the diagnostic assessment data to inform the Board and School Improvement Plans and the results will be shared with teachers to inform their teaching practice

Return to the Bargaining Unit •  The Board can place a Principal or a Vice-Principal into a vacant teaching position within the bargaining unit •  He/she returns with full seniority equivalent to all years of service with the Board while he/she was a Union member •  In the event there is no vacancy available, the returning P/VP can be placed into an LTO assignment

Preparation, Planning and Professional Time (PPP) – Elementary Teachers (any superior provisions deleted) •  240 minutes per 5 instructional days (PA Days not considered instructional days for allocating and scheduling PPP time) •  Preparation time can be directed by the principal •  Missed PPP time cannot be ‘banked’ except where a teacher is required by the principal to provide instruction during his/ her scheduled PPP time (rescheduled within 3 months or by the end of the school year) •  PPP to be allocated in minimum 20 minute blocks
Preparation, Planning and Professional Time (PPP) – Occasional Teachers  (any superior provisions deleted) •  On the first day of a daily occasional assignment, the OT may be re-assigned by the principal during any scheduled preparation, planning and professional time •  PPP time begins for OTs on the 2nd consecutive day of an assignment
System Principals – Letter of Understanding •  Boards can create or maintain Principal and Vice Principal system leadership positions; these positions do not require an assigned school •  No member of the bargaining unit will be declared surplus or redundant as a direct result of these positions •  The government has indicated that it will introduce legislation to allow school boards to create system leadership positions (as above) by not requiring a principal to be assigned to a school
Pregnancy Leave SEB Plan (full-time or part-time Teachers or LTOs) •  100% of salary paid for 8 weeks with no deduction from Sick Leave or STLDP (any superior provisions deleted)

Paid Leaves of Absence - Permanent and LTO Teachers only (any superior provisions deleted)

Bereavement Leave (with pay): up to 5 days immediately following the death of a “spouse”, parent or child; up to 3 days immediately following the death of a sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-inlaw, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent or grandchild; 1 day to attend the funeral of an aunt, uncle or grandparent-in-law
All Other Leaves (with pay) at the sole discretion of the Director/designate for up to 5 days per school year with proof. No carryover.  For part-time Teachers - up to 2 days per school year without carryover; for LTOs in assignments longer than 6 months - up to 1 day per school year without carryover •  Attending to matters directly related to the birth or adoption of a Teacher’s child (max. 2 days) •  Writing an examination scheduled during the work day (max. 1 day/exam) •  Attending an IPRC meeting for a Teacher’s child (max. 1 day/meeting/review) •  Attending to emergency circumstances 
Any additional leaves are unpaid and at the discretion of the Director or designate
Sick Leave, Short Term Leave and Disability (STLDP) – Permanent Teachers  (any superior provisions deleted)  •  Sick Leave days used only for personal illness, personal injury and personal specialist appointments •  Full time Teachers allocated 11 Sick Leave days at 100% salary in September (pro-rated based on start date and FTE status) •  Full time Teachers allocated 120 STLDP days at 85% (down from 90%) salary in September (pro-rated based on start date and FTE status) •  The school board determines eligibility for access to Sick Leave and STLDP •  When a Teacher is accessing Sick Leave or STLDP from 1 school year to the next for the same reason the Teacher can only access the previous year’s allocation.  No new allocation of Sick Leave or STLDP until the Teacher has completed 20 consecutive working days at regular duties and regular FTE.  If there is a recurrence (even in the next school year) the Teacher is required to start or re-open an LTD or WSIB claim •  If a Teacher has accessed 131 Sick Leave and STLDP days in 1 school year no new allocation of Sick Leave or STLDP will be provided in the subsequent year until the Teacher has worked 20 consecutive days at regular duties and regular FTE 
Sick Leave, Short Term Leave and Disability (STLDP) – Permanent Teachers (Continued) •  Teachers, on a graduated return to work may use any Sick Leave or STLDP allocations remaining to ‘top-up’ their work day •  Teachers who have reached maximum medical recovery at less than full-time shall have their FTE reduced proportionally •  Medical confirmation may be required as determined by the Board and on a form prescribed by the Board •  The Board may require an independent medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner of the Board’s choice •  Failure to provide medical confirmation or failure to cooperate with the Board may result in loss of pay

Long Term Disability (LTD)  (any superior provisions deleted) •  All teachers shall pay for LTD (includes current Board paid LTD – London District, Dufferin-Peel and HuronSuperior) •  No changes to the Teacher paid LTD Plan without board and Ministry approval •  Teachers who are absent from work for 30 consecutive work days are required to apply for LTD (premium increase)

Sick Leave/Short Term Disability Plan – Occasional Teachers (any superior provisions deleted) •  LTOs shall be allocated 11 Sick Leave days at 100% of salary (pro-rated for FTE and length of assignment) at the start of a full year assignment •  Sick Leave days may be used for personal illness and injury and personal specialist appointments only •  LTOs completing a full-time, full year assignment shall be allocated 60 STLDP days at 85% of salary at the start of the assignment (pro-rated) •  Sick Leave and STLDP days may only be accessed by LTOs in the year in which the allocation was provided but the days may be carried over from one LTO assignment to another in the same school year •  LTOs on a graduated return to work, may use any Sick Leave or STLDP allocations remaining to ‘top-up’ their salary •  LTOs who have reached maximum medical recovery at less than full-time shall have their FTE reduced proportionally •  Medical confirmation may be required as determined by the Board and on a form prescribed by the Board •  The Board may require an independent medical examination by a qualified medical practitioner of the Board’s choice •  Failure to provide medical confirmation or failure to cooperate with the Board may result in claw-back or loss of pay

WSIB Top-Up (any superior provisions deleted) •  A Teacher on a WSIB approved absence from work due to a work related accident shall receive the equivalent of 85% of gross salary for up to 12 months from the date of injury/ illness (no Sick Leave top-up allowed) •  A Teacher entitled to benefits from the WSIB is not entitled to benefits under a school board's Sick Leave and STLDP  •  A Teacher/LTO receiving WSIB or LTD benefits is not entitled to access Sick Leave/ STLDP for the same condition

Full-Day Kindergarten •  The government has indicated that it intends to change the Regulations such that ECEs do not always have to be in the classroom at the same time as the Teacher 

Dual Credit/E-Learning/Experiential Learning •  Delete all current collective agreement language, local practices, and understandings •  The government has indicated that it will be addressing these items through an unspecified mechanism to be introduced at some time in the future

Structure of Collective Agreement •  The collective agreement shall consist of: Part “A”- central terms and Part “B” – local terms

Central Grievance Process •  Establish a Central Dispute Resolution Committee made up of 3 representatives of the union, 3 employer representatives and up to 3 Crown representatives. The Crown maintains the right to veto any settlement between the OCSTA and OECTA. 


Thursday 5 March 2015

Cuba y the Night 3: Casagrande!

Part 1 @ Here! Part 2 There! [fixed]

The Casagrande Hotel sits at the corner of Cespedes park, the down town plaza in Santiago de Cuba. Graham Greene, the Ugly American, visited here in "Our Man in Havana" before the "Triumph of the Revolution", as it is known in Cuba. The terrace bar was full of revolutionaries, counter revolutionaries and spies. Recently renovated 37 years afterwards, it now sits nearly empty. 

I gaze up from my drink. Look across the marble floors, past the Greek statues at the mahogany bar, in vain search of a waiter. I'm comfortably seated at the edge of the terrace overlooking Cespedes Park, where the Cubanos sit looking at the touristas looking at the Cubanos. A perverse cinema of life. A theatre of the mind. A nightly event after classes since I've arrived during my Cuban School Project visit. 

On one side is an old Spanish cathedral with its towering spiral. On the other, the old colonial government buildings now liberated by the state sit quiet and foreboding. The police lean against it's walls watching the park with bored detachment as life passes on. Nobody makes eye contact. Nobody says boo.

At night I'd come after class for my evening Tropicola nightcap on the rocks with a twist of lime. Your man in Santiago de Cuba, 37 years after the more heady, glory days of the revolution have long faded into the past. Another broken dream? That can never be? Sometimes I'd bring a Cuban friend. Other times I'd meet another English speaking tourist, few and far between. We'd idly watch the park watching us, but tonight I m alone in my reverie. 

Suddenly, the heat of the Santiago night is punctuated by a mad woman's scream. She rolls around on the park pavement thrashing and shattering the quiet desperation all around. Caked in dirt and mud. Barely clothed in tattered rags. An angry Cuban man set ajar, leaps atop a park bench. Agitated, he leans towards the government buildings waving his fist in the air. Screaming an undecipherable Spanish invective. All hell has broken loose in the usually still, quiet, desperate Santiago night. In Cuba and the night!

The police leaning against the wall quickly snap out of their lethargy. They stand up straight. Gaze forebodingly around. Take note, fixing their stare upon the madness that ensues. A police cruiser tears down the street screeching to a halt at the scene of the crime. 2 plain clothed officers yank the angry man off the park bench, his fist still waving in the air. Throw him into the back of the cruiser. Race back off into the night, leaving the mad woman still screaming and thrashing on the ground. She rolls over a few times. Then she too becomes silent lying arms and legs spread out, flat on her back in Cespedes Park.

The Cubans in the park look sullenly at the tourists looking at them from our perch on the terrace of the Casagrande. The police lean back against the wall of the government buildings. Cross their arms. Bored. Stare out into the park. Ever watchful. Always there. Just in case something goes wrong. You never know. But all is silent again in the still dark night. 

More drinks? The manager is keen for us to go. A silent murmur ripples across the bar as we scant few patrons awkwardly excuse ourselves to call it a night. Head outside down the dark streets through the quiet desperation of Cuba and the night. Cuba nodding off into a deep sleep of broken dreams and silent nightmares. None to be spoken or given voice so as to disturb the way things are, the way they must be. A delicate balancing act hanging precariously on a slender thread. A dangerous tripwire nobody must cross. Not in the hushed world of the Santiago de Cuba night.

DTC 1996

To be continued! Cuba + the Night 4: New Creation!

Monday 2 March 2015

Teacher March News + Views!

Hello everybody! Welcome back! See the categories below for your latest Ontario Teacher Free Speech News + Views links. Updates are later included in large type. The 2011-15 Archives are located for easy reference top left of your screen. My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 


MOE announces a .8% GSN [Grants for Special Needs] cut in it's ongoing "austerity" budget balancing act. It's a very sad day indeed, when even the province's more neo con lite dramatics involve sacrificing our most needy students! As ETFO points out, more supports are still badly needed for integrating our special needs students within the classroom setting. However, the TCDSB Catholic board seems ready to score brownie points by even outdoing the MOE pay meister cuts. See below. Alas, MOE details and more @ Sped 

ETFO's concerns about Sped integration in the regular classroom setting is @ ETFO

OSSTF President Elliott responds with disappointment in government's lack of support for the development of "front-line" Sped services @ Here!  

OECTA President Ryan laments money wasted on building administrative empires and excessive testing while GSN's cut @ There!

Parents express their concerns @ Star

Special Ed students!?! The door is that-a-way ....

OSSTF President Elliot comes out swinging in his presidential address to AMPA 2015 @ Speech

OSSTF AMPA delegates learn of possible teacher + support worker strikes commencing the end of April at 7 boards: Peel, Durham, Halton, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, K-W. 10,000 teachers would be involved. News report @ Star

OECTA Strike rallies will begin April 7 with votes on April 23 and 24th!

MOU'er Ann Hawkins defeated Rene Jansen 330-311 to become the affiliates first non Catholic Provincial President. 4 anti MOU candidates have dropped out of the executive election races. They cannot reveal the reasons for doing so. My understanding is that the reasons for doing so were discussed in camera, at COP, so can't be repeated. Wow!!!

No motions were passed on Saturday, the first day of AGM.

OECTA LGBTQ Working Group approved at AGM! Congratulations everybody! Sometimes progress is measured in very small steps. Doesn't seem the local Gay Pride parades were approved too ....

OECTA AGM approved a $50 fee hike to $1000 a year.

My blog on developments at the OECTA AGM 2015 are @ Manufacturing Consent!

BTW: Glad to see more teacher bloggers throwing their hats in the ring! For an alt point of view on OECTA AGM 2015 see Mark W's blogsite @

MOE Liz Sandals appoints committee to recommend how TDSB can be better run @ TDSB

New TDSB committee's stated mandate is to examine governance, how to restore public confidence, and ensure student well being @ Globe

Videos of the MOE announcement @ CBC

OECTA TSU President Szollosy questions MOE Sandals on GSN's at AGM!

TCDSB teachers, support staff and students pay price for board accounting errors and MOE Special Ed funding cuts!!!! Follow up to story below: TCDSB trustees meet until early hours of Saturday morning to rush through $19,046,000 in cuts! Councillors Jo Anne Davis + Maria Rizzo worked hard to reduce the hit, notably for librarians, 5th Block, Fraser, and supervisors, with mixed results. More details, with news links as they become available, to follow!

@tsuOECTA quick fix on the approved cuts! More details to follow .....

TCDSB continues the charge to out cut their OLP paymasters with an austerity budget based in part upon an anticipated 2% cut in GSN's, that as it turns out is .8% instead. [see above]. The much touted consultation process, besides not being very transparent, or accountable, nor having much heart and soul continues to basically shut out meaningful union, parent and student input. The March 26th board meeting provides a case in point. 

OECTA TECT President Mario Bernardo was the only union voice allowed to speak, for 5 minutes at that. Also giving short presentations were CPIC, OACPE, CSAC + a few students, including 2 from Fraser. New lows were hit as Chair Mike Del Grande reminded a crying student, suffering from depression, that only 35 seconds remained in her presentation on the ill effect of cuts to support services!

Next on the cutting table? A 100% reduction in secondary school Gifted teachers, [Bright lights -go elsewhere!], 100% cuts in 5th Block + Junior Literacy Program teachers, a 96.6% cut in Elementary teacher librarians, [Reading + writing -who needs it?!?] $1.6 million in cuts for International Language Instructors, [Total elimination!] as well as 30 non classroom resource teachers [Chop! Chop! Good bye!]. 

Discussion also centred on a $5 a day staff school parking fee which could pull in an estimated $3 million in revenue. Meanwhile, board admin and governance only face a $546,000 budget cut. There was no mention of whether the new parking fee will also be extended to those working at the board CEC offices. 

OECTA TSU Communications plans to forward a copy of the union presentation to members asap, with timely unit updates going via it's "tsuOECTA" Twitter link. A news video from before the meeting isGlobal

The TCDSB claims its over $40 million debt is due to an accounting error in calculating benefits and from a reduction in ministry funding cuts for Special Ed. The local OECTA TSU TECT units meanwhile continue to push for accountability and consultation, neither of which the Catholic school board has a track record for being forthright or proficient with. 300 jobs are to be cut @ Docs

Cuts will occur in Special Education. All 57 primary and junior literacy intervention teachers and it's remaining 45 teacher librarians are on the chopping block @ TCDSB

OECTA TSU President Dave Szollosy has advised his members that possibly 123 secondary school teaching positions could be cut. Like TECT the elementary unit, TSU continues to seek, to little avail, a "fair and transparent reporting" from the board, as well as "more open and respectful consultation and good governance processes." Currently, grievances to that effect stretch back over 6 years! [TSU News List]

OECTA TSU continues to closely monitor the TCDSB budget debacle. President Szollosy reports that they still haven't received full disclosure of the school board's funding cuts and budget expenditure lines to answer how the "deficit" was actually created in the first place! To date there is no evidence of a 2% [$20 mil] cut in MOE GSN's [Grants for Special Needs] as the board claims! 

The Ontario Sunshine List 2015, of public servants earning over $100,000 a year was released today. Go take a gander at what schoolboard admin is earning! See list @ Sunny The news report is @ CBC

TCDSB Sunshine List: A sunny day for some, not so for a lot other!!!

BTW, MOE Sandals refused to answer if GSN has been cut when questioned from the floor at OECTA AGM 2015! [Twitter @ tsu OECTA]

The next TCDSB board trustee meeting is 7pm March 26 at the CEC offices Yonge and Sheppard. Info on the board's public consultation process can be found @ TCDSB 

Unofficial "Teachhard" blogger comes out swinging with a ton of scuttlebutt on the TCDSB @ Teachhard

Excellent ongoing and timely updates on the TCDSB budget debacle are available on line at OECTA TSU's Twitter link @ tsuOECTA. There is also an article @ Catholic Register

Excellent ongoing and timely updates on the TCDSB budget debacle are available on line at OECTA TSU's Twitter link @ tsuOECTA. There is also an article @ Catholic Register

Danger! Danger! TCDSB: Big $$$ missing!!!

TDSB teachers take note: the Sped funding argument is also being used to justify cuts too. One wonders if the boards are in part engaged in some fast political foot work before local contract negotiations begin in earnest?!? 

TDSB votes to axe 88 elementary and 168.5 secondary teacher positions, which will be eliminated through attrition @ Cuts! CBC  CTV

The cuts include 50 Special Education [Sped] positions. A review of Sped funding from the MOE is ongoing @ Globe

The cuts include: Elementary -59 ESL and 22 Sped, Secondary -34 ESL and 14.5 Sped @ CP24

ETT denounces TDSB cuts as hurting the "most vulnerable" students @ Cuts Hurt Kids!

Special Ed students to be left hanging despite board reassurances to the contrary @ Chop! Chop!

The TDSB was considering 100's of teacher and support staff job cuts, apparently to balance it's budget due to declining enrollment and funding cuts in Special Ed. On the chopping block are: 98 elementary positions, 168.5 secondary, 33.5 Speed support staff, 59 el ESL and 34 secondary. News @ Star

Required Reading: Hugh MacKenzies Harris-Era HangOvers: Toronto School Trustees Inherited Funding Shortfall is @ Download

Salary freeze? Fair Hire? Sick and other leaves? The initial CA proposals from "Management"; the Trustees and the province are posted @ Teacher Free Speech Contract Guide!

MOE Sandals is auditing senior board staff raises while insisting on a teacher salary freeze @ Globe

News links on the TCDSB "mystery" deficit continue below ...

USW Crown Plant Workers Toronto: Month 18 of strike!!!

Ministry of Labour sends in an "expert" to analyze the issues behind the 18 month USW 9176 strike. Boy! Took long enough @ 18 Months!!!

Support the United Can Workers in month 18 of their strike!!! Check any cans you buy to support the boycott. Here's how @ Crowned! 

Here's a link to the USW 9176 Facebook page for news updates @ Facebook 

Here's my report on a visit to the picket line way back when @ Week 5!

Boycott cans with the "Crown" logo on it!

Catholic schools in Alberta might "out" students to their parents if they want to join a GSA @ Alberta

MOE to ask medical body to ban gay conversion therapy @ Star

OSSTF D9 President advocates a one school system merger in Ontario. MOE reiterates support for the Catholic school system @ OSSTF

Ontario's hard hitting public awareness campaign against sexual harassment and assault spares no punches. Notch one up for the Wynne government's progressive social policies whatever else the political differences. More info, plus see the ads @ It's Never OK

Here's the governments 5 step action plan to stop sexual violence @ TVO

The CCPA's Orientation to Child and Youth Mental Health Services: A Guide for Teachers is @ Download!

US teacher threatened with termination for criticizing common curriculum on social media @ Free Speech?

Teaching Assistants at York University + U of T in the GTA are on strike after rejecting contract offers. Connect the labour struggles to the provinces austerity agenda @ Austerity

U of T strike over as TA's agree to binding arbitration @ Arbitration

York TA's reach another tentative deal, seem optimistic @ Star

Heated York TA strike turns ugly! See article + video @ Shocker

U of T and York TA strikes continue! There are 2 weeks of classes left @ Strike!

2 of 3 CUPE units reject York U offer @ Strike!

TA's are earning significantly under the Toronto poverty rate at both universities @ Living Wage?

For more info on the TA strike visit this website @ We Teach Ontario

University of Toronto students walkout to demand a tuition refund for classes missed during TA strike. The university has refused to meet with the TA's making negotiations impossible @ U of T

OECTA offers new modular online courses @ E Learning

Former NDP Education Minister David Cook has been nominated Chair of the EQAO @ EQAO

Some practical sexting + cyberbullying info for teachers and parents @ Blog

The psychology of workplace bullying by admin and even our colleagues, or for that matter some students, is often the unspoken elephant in the room whenever we talk about teacher school safety: How to spot a psychopath @ Here! What can be done @ Work? What if it's a fellow teacher @ Teachers?!

Report Card language continues to baffle @ Eduspeak

Don't blame teachers for the gobbledly gook on report cards! Honestly, we are forced to write this drivel. This is very insightful @ MOE

Awaiting Spring ...

Remember the Bill 115 Charter Challenge?!? Canadian Foundation of Labour Rights: "Summary of Current Challenges + their Impact on Union Security in Canada" @ Download


With enemies like the Ontario PC's, why would progressives need friends? The party leadership contenders continue to shoot themselves and the party in the foot. Patrick Brown seems to be taking the lead in signing up new members, each of whom will get to vote for him as the new, largely unknown party leader @ PCs

Critics from the Ontario religious right often seek support from the PC party over wedge issues like the current Sex Ed debate. However, as in this case, they are being mislead. The PC caucus is supporting the new curriculum inside the legislature, the other PC protest grand standing notwithstanding. It's a cruel trick they play on their fringe supporters time and again.

PC leadership race flounders on Sex Ed and Evolution issues in our schools @ Race

Patrick Brown -PC mystery man. Kind of a scary back rooms prospect @ Brown

Federal MP Cheryl Gallant's kiddie porn statements raise ire of PC leadership candidate Christine Elliott PC

PC footsies with the far right anti Sex Ed fringe are not proving to be a winning political tactic. Premier Wynne quickly delivered a KO punch to leadership hopeful hopeful McNaughton over his "homophobic" comments. Now conservative pundit Michael Coren is sniping at the fringe too PC's

Premier Wynne open and direct in dealing with criticism based upon her sexual orientation L Word

The Liberals go full tilt over PC Evolution statements. NDP Party Leader Andrea Horwath points out that the PC Sex Ed debacle is allowing the Wynne government to bury their latest political scandal in Sudbury @ NDP

My Teacher Free Speech Guide to Ontario's New Sex Ed Curriculum is Sex Ed


PM Harper is about to extend Canada's participation in the air war in Syria for a year. Europe and UK decide against it. Not only do we know very little about the political situation there, but its pretty certain there aren't any good guys for us to help, far from it @ ISIS Etc.

wades further into The Harper Conservatives are accused of using fear mongering to drum up support for Bill C-51: their new "Terrorism" Act. See @ West Edmonton Mall

Trudeau deflects criticism from an angry audience over his support for C51 the controversial new Terror Act. He claims he won't let Harper use it to make "political hay" during an election year. Shortcomings to the bill will be addressed in the party platform @ C51

C-51 unprecedented in peace time @ Segal

Feds conveniently release edited video of the Ottawa terror suspect. Basically any half wit could make up this sort of "political statement". IMHO? It proves little about the need for C-51 Kulture of Narcissism

For more info, see my blog @ Is Canada Under Attack?

It seems the terrorist interests have now gotten themselves a good Public Relations media team, just like everybody else. The focus shifts to how to counter the radicalization efforts. I dunno, you can't get the students to do homework but they are easily convinced to become a terrorist?!? Siddiqui probes deeper @ Radical

What does "normalized relations" really mean? Paris Hilton has been spotted in Havana! No word the Cubans are ready to back out of any deals as a result, yet! Yup! Paris is the kind o' capitalista girl Fidel y Che warned you about amigos y amigas! Still, our girl seemed more oblivious than usual posing in front of the Habana Libre [nee Hilton] hotel, that the family got beat for when it was nationalized after the revolution. I've stayed there. Pretty kool "room with a view" digs in the heart of the city, lots of history, close to everything. But in serious need of a makeover! Ditch all the furniture. Completely redecorate. Paris to the rescue?!? Huge empty, unused casino floors provide a challenge too! Don't forget: the Castro bros gave gambling got the old heave ho too while they were cleaning up the place! Story @ Hilton Scoop @ Havana Paris

Paris Hilton in Habana: Weeee! [See Hotel Libre rear centre!]

Canuck's continue to safely hang out and wander about Cuba with impunity. As the US moves to "normalize" relations with Cuba, US citizens can now travel to Cuba for 12 reasons, but tourism still isn't one of them. Unless you are Paris Hilton one supposes ..... Please note: It is the US government which restricts the travel options, not the Cubans.  However, a signed affidavit of one's intent will do. More @ Huffington

Tourism in Cuba spikes in the wake of the announcement that the US will rekindle relations with the island. Maybe everybody wants to see it first before it gets really crowded? @ Cuba Si!

Cuban government accuses the US "economic, commercial and financial blockade" of being a "flagrant, massive, and systematic" violation of the human rights of every day Cubans @ Euro Co-op

Researchers have analyzed 15,521 penises to determine that the average length, when erect is 5.16 inches. No relation was found with shoe size or the length of the index finger. Now you know @ Blinded by Science!

Russian President Putin makes public appearance after having been "missing" for 10 days @ Lost + Found Possible reasons for the disappearing act @ Putin

Top York civic leaders get a taste of a night on the streets as a part of a homeless fundraiser. The temperature drops to -27 degree Celsius @ Kim Z


March: Lion or lamb?

It's said that in Canada we can take perverse delight ranting on endlessly about how cold it can get! Well, this winter has been no exception! We had 23 Extreme Cold Weather Alerts in Toronto last month! Here's hoping for a warm weather snap! Hello Spring! Where are you ......?! @ Brrrrr! 

No. Teaching is nothing like in the movies @ Movie Misses

Xtra Magazine's decision to stop publishing a hard copy news box print edition raises issues of LGBTQ visibility, especially in Vancouver, Canada. Why not wait until the online edition makes it redundant? Anyway, Xtra ends a 31 year run @ Xtra!

OK. So what colour is the dress? Yes, it seems to change colour. It's all in your head. This was the major online story this week during the dog days of winter @ Dress?

So. Have you seen the Indian Beatles? These dudes are going to be big I tell you! It's a really big show @ The Indian Beatles

So sweet it almost hurts! Rene Dominique's ukulele version of the Beatles "I Will": Love and innocence lost and found @ I Will!


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!