Opening Statement

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Beatles 2014: On Abbey Road!

We step out of the St. John's Wood London tube station onto the posh heavily treed neighbourhood of Abbey Road on a mission: to visit the iconic Abbey Road street crossing and studio. Yes the Abbey Road album was recorded in 1969 and this is 2014. But quite frankly I haven't had a good nights sleep since the Beatles broke up. Maybe this will bring me some closure?

It's mid morning but the busy intersection is all ready crowded with tourists like ourselves, taking their picture singly or in foursomes just like on the Beatles iconic Abbey Road album cover. By law, the cars, trucks and buses must stop at a crossing. Not too many happy drivers here, but as Janet notes, you'd think they would know better than to come this way in a hurry by now. Hmmm.

The flip side is that if too many vehicles stop it ruins the photos. And there's nothing like somebody cutting you off on foot as you cross because they are impatient to get their photo taken too. It takes a few attempts before you get it just right. We finally lined up one street crossing perfectly only to have another fellow rudely jump in front of me. When we got across the street, I made a point of stepping into his next four photos. He left cussing up a storm. Tch. Tch. Sometimes I hate myself when I do things like that. But not now.

Most folks were just having a lot of fun. All ages. From around the world. We laughed, joked, took turns while the drivers waited impatiently. It was truly a Beatles moment. Better late than never.

Janet and I strolled up a few doors to the Abbey Road studios. Nope, the Beatles were not there. 

The driveway gate was closed but the famous Abbey Road door is highly visible nonetheless. It and the wall out front are covered with fan graffiti against a whitewash background. They are painted over once a month.

An older fellow dressed in Beatles regalia hands out pamphlets for his Beatles shop around the corner. He has a very, very thick English accent. Quite a crudge mudgeon, he gets irritated when we can't understand a word he says. We later checked out his store and I bought a t-shirt. Could've gotten it elsewhere for cheaper I suppose, but one peak in the door shows he is an obvious aficionado.

On our way back we stopped at the Beatles Coffee shop in the tube station. Some nice English girls serve us up hot cups of coffee behind a counter full of Beatle souvenir's. Beatle mouse pads. Fridge magnets. Buttons. Wallets.  You name it.

All in all: no big deal but a lot of fun. If your are a Beatlemaniac do go see when in London. Just beware the traffic and the antsy fans. As for me? I suppose I will sleep a bit better at nights knowing that at least the Abbey Road crossing is still around.


You can listen to the Abbey Road album @ HERE!

You can watch what's happening at Abbey Road crossing any time of day @ Earthcam

Info on the aforementioned Beatles shop is @ Beatles!

On the Road: London! Paris!

Or "Joys Of Retirement Part 2"

It's 5:15 pm Monday local time and Janet and I are flying in from Paris. The jet swoops over the city of Toronto, blanketed in smog, the CN tower jutting out of the haze. A picture perfect landing a Pearson International, a quick exit through customs and baggage. We are in rush hour traffic back in our world.

This was our second trip "over there" since I retired last June. Hence the subtitle "Joys of Retirement Part 2". What can I say? It was great! But after all is said and done there's no place like home, warts, blemishes and all. Perhaps its the familiarity of one's own life and milieu?

So. Our whirlwind trip went something like this: 3 days in the English countryside between London and Portsmouth. 4 days in London. 6 in Paris: Reading, Windsor Castle, the Royal Navy Yards, Harrods, Westminster, Brick Lane, Abbey Road, Arc de Triumph, Tocarado, Eiffel Tower, LaFayette's, Versailles etc. etc. etc....

I will post some travel blogs in the days ahead. Ostensibly we went to visit my niece Katie. She went to teach in downtown London after graduating from teachers college a year or so ago. She was excited with the plethora of job offers, and got to pick and choose a secondary religion and philosophy placement  starting this fall. Is wrapping up an long tern occasional at an inner city elementary school. Good news: lots of job! Bad news? A high teacher burnout rate under a neanderthal neo con government which makes the Ontario PC's seem enlightened when it comes to education.... or maybe like Ontario ten years from now had Timbo won his majority? .... I ramble.

We caught the election news the next day on the internet. Waking up in our hotel room. It was a massive relief that the Hudak neo cons crashed and burned. I could not hide my glee. The OLP majority does give pause. We recall how our last contract negotiations went with the MOU, contract stripping et. al. But more on all of this later. 

I plan to resume my regular blog features. Will post my ongoing news and views links for those of you who follow these starting with a Summer Edition, which should be up shortly.

I'm surprised my readership has remained constant. A lot of you seem to have discovered my Archives below this blog column perhaps? Or like the funny pictures? Maybe? Anyway, I picked up a whack of European reader visits while posting my regular tweets over there. Funny how the internet works ....

Speaking of which, I will be following up shortly with a twitter blitz of blog links on all matters related to our upcoming teacher contract negotiations with the newly elected Liberal majority government. It's a part of my ongoing "Thucydides: Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it series". Enough said.

Stay tuned .....

Thursday 12 June 2014

Liberal Majority! Hudak Resigns!

I'm sure I speak on behalf of most us here in taking this opportunity to thank Mr. Hudak for shooting himself in the foot by picking a fight with those of us in the public service sector. As a teacher in particular I heartily encourage him to use the extra time he now has on his hands since he has resigned as party leader to go back to school to learn math. With full day JK firmly secured might I suggest this would be as good a place as any to begin, considering his apparent skills level as demonstrated over the past year or so in pursing his so called Million Jobs Plan? Keep up the good work Tim!

Premier Wynne scores a majority win against the odds!

Congrats to Kathleen Wynne, if not the OLP! Glad Timbo got his just deserts. And now Andrea has 4 more years to get her act together .... Go Andrea go! Maybe you can do it! But please, get in touch with your traditional union supporters again!

Unfortunately we are not out of the woods yet, far from it. Remember we still have a new contract to negotiate with the majority Liberal government .... sigh. Indeed, the messaging from the teacher affiliate presidents has been mixed. While all are glad Mr. Hudak is all but done with that doesn't necessarily mean it is smooth sailing ahead. With some in trepidation one might check out the reactions HERE!

On is also advised to brush up on Bill 122 our new Collective Bargaining Act 2014 Here!


The CBC election website is Ontario Election

The Toronto CP24 election website isCP24

The Huffington Election web page

The Globe + Mail election page is Globe + Mail

The Toronto Star Ontario Election 2014 web page is Toronto Star

The Toronto Sun Ontario Votes 2014 web page isToronto Sun

By the way, the polls were decidedly wrong. What's going on?!? More on my Teacher Summer News Link blog including the pundits' post mortum for the PC's + NDP are @ Go here!


Monday 9 June 2014

Election Week Nail Biter!

The latest 308 aggregate poll above shows the Liberals entering the homestretch with a slight lead in the polls, perhaps a larger one in the number of legislative seats they will win. However, as we've seen over the course of the provincial election there have been incredible swings in the polls. Usually its with the OLP + PC's switching positions back and forth, while the NDP continue to flat line or go down

308s latest aggregate poll was updated this Monday morning in advance of the Thursday election date. We can still expect more polls from each of the big pollsters over the next few days. Maybe we might still well see Mr. Hudak form the next government, minority or majority. Indeed still pretty much anything seems possible. You can crunch the 308 numbers some more yourself @ 308

[PS: Keep checking 308. The numbers will change as the latest polls are added!]

It was interesting to hear Mr. Hudak lament that he currently has 19 unions campaigning against him. I suppose if they were pro PC neo con interests campaigning for him that would be okay. Or that it's all right to build an election campaign platform attacking us, threatening to cut jobs and all sorts of horrible other anti union moves but we aren't supposed to say boo or that's wrong. Duh. We can only hope that our teacher unions educational advocacy campaigns succeed in beating Mr. Hudak at his own game. No, it's often not a nice game to play, but sometimes one can only fight fire with fire. Let's hope Mr. Hudak gets burned for wanting to play nasty. Maybe cooler heads will then prevail in the PC party next time around?

The news story appeared this weekend in a Toronto Sun article, spitting out pure hate and venom at us, for purportedly spitting hate and venom at them. Numerous ridiculous allegations of brainwashing, lies and government kick backs were thrown willy nilly. You can read the article @  Toronto Sun 

Working Family court case: Liars! Liars! Your PC pants are on fire!

It is worth knowing that Working Families is all ready taking the PC's to court for defamation. The PC's have previously also made many false claims about Working Families alleged ties with the OLP on their party website. The PC's certainly haven't let up a bit. I would suppose they figure afterwards will be too late, the damage will have all ready been done. The article on the court case is @  Working Families

It certainly has been a dirty election campaign. From my own family events over the last weekend, I suspect many folks have had enough, made up their minds, or are washing their hands of it all and might just not vote at all. Indeed FIFA begins on June 12th! I'd be willing to bet many will go watch the game at home or at a pub rather than vote. We all well might be preaching to the converted in next few days ahead. That's a definite downside to these sort of negative campaigns. Well, we certainly didn't pick or start the fight, but let's hope we can finally end it!

The internet is rife with neo con twitters attacking everybody and anybody in sight. It's definitely overkill. At this late point in the election I can't see what good this will serve. Nor is it worth tweeting back. With a little luck we will have the last laugh on Thursday!

I was surprised when an OSSTF acquaintance in the Kitchener area told me that the union had strongly advised them to vote Liberal, so as not to split the NDP + OLP vote and let the PC's win. Would a teachers union get involved in an NDP/ OLP fight especially in an NDP held riding?!? It would be good to be able to confirm this story which unfortunately I otherwise have no reason to doubt. They were quite earnest and prepared to act accordingly. You will note that all the teacher unions continue to hold their endorsements close to the chest. We won't know the whole story until the elections over.

If I wasn't retired and still on union executive I would be for only providing financial support to a bipartisan group like Working Families. Fight the PC's on the issues rather than aid and abet any specific candidate or party. Also through providing educational advocacy campaigns like OECTA's excellent Speak for Children. Ditto ETFO's Building Better Schools! All three parties have turned on us now. I should think a moratorium on party financial donations and direct endorsements would have been in order this year, especially with the OLP after the MOU!

So how then can we constructively help out individually as teachers without comprimise? Here's one idea: If you want to make a difference volunteer to help out after school on election day for your party in a riding where you can help defeat a Tory! You could work the phones or help provide a drive for those voters who can't make it to the polling booths. It would be a good idea to get hold of the party campaign office now so they can plan accordingly.

Indeed, 308 has also posted the number of people polled who are likely voters. After all is said and done election day might well just go to the party who can get out most of their voters when it's so tight and uncertain like it is now! The fate of education and union rights in our province hangs on a very delicate thread with apathy so extreme. Check out the 308 numbers on those from each party who plan to vote: 


Friday 6 June 2014

Ontario Election: Fighting the Hudak Agenda!

Under construction ...

Timbo: "Lies? Who??? Me????

Is Ontario the next Wisconsin or even Michigan in the neo con fight to destroy the union movement in North America, first in the US and now in Canada too? The June 12th election could prove very decisive indeed. 

Fortunately for us living and working in Ontario the labour movement, including our teacher unions have been very proactive in fighting Tim Hudak's right wing neo con agenda. None have been sitting on their hands waiting until he is elected Premier and begins to implement his blueprint "Million Jobs Plan". It seems increasingly possible that we will now see him fail. If not, well at least we have not stood idly by.

Which party are teacher unions endorsing? Their provincial leadership is keeping their party and candidate endorsements close to the chest. I suspect the membership might be less than pleased if we knew the answers considering that we have now been screwed by all three parties over the years. Sooner or later we will find out. One wishes for more transparency but that has not been the case. It will be very interesting to find out which party and candidates they are endorsing and providing union donations to. It will tell us a lot politically about where our leadership is really at. 

However, that aside it is with some reassurance that we are seeing all three major teacher affiliates [ETFO, OECTA + OSSTF] act strongly as education lobbyists on our behalf. We have seen the frequent ads questioning the Hudak cuts and agenda. These have provided very powerful messaging even though they don't endorsed anyone. I feel more comfortable with that myself. Also with the comparison and summaries of the three parties positions on education issues being provided to the membership. This approach then leaves it up to you, the teacher member, to decide who you will vote for on your own. I prefer that a lot better than an endorsement when quite frankly like many readers here, I find all three parties lack of clear support for our unions to be so distasteful. Here then is the information that has been provided by each: 

OECTA is @ Speak for Children


ETFO is @ Buildng Better Schools

CUPE has also provided an election primer for it's membersCUPE

Kathleen Wynne: For the birds?

In addition to the anti neo con position advocated by our teacher unions, the Ontario Firefighters have also publically come out against Hudak's plan to cut public sector services @ On Fire!

Ditto the OPP [Ontario Provincial Police] in an unprecedented move @ OPP

When it comes to the Ontario no con right wing interests the gloves have certainly come off and the fangs bared in no uncertain terms. Consider this a preview of what's ahead if Tim Hudak forms the next provincial government on June 12th. The outright lies and contempt, along with the blatant attempts to create wedge issues to divide and conquor the Ontario electorate have, along with the negative PC attack ads reached a fevered pitch. Be forewarned: this is just the beginning if Hudak's PC's win the spring election. We went through this in the 1990's with Mike Harris' so called Common Sense Revolution when our schools and other public services were brutally gutted to provide tax cuts for the rich. Don't doubt how nasty it will get either. Witness the Hudak brownshirts in action vis a vis the recent Toronto Sun yuck yuck cartoon of Wynnes alleged defeat in the election debate. Like Kathleen or not, it's just plain brutal Donato

Here's another taster of Tim Hudak's Ontario. Northern Life explains how public education is in fact just a luxury that we can ill afford and avoid by electing a Hudak government @ Luxury?!?

Fortunately for us, Hudak has perhaps shot himself in the foot with his highly flawed "Million Jobs Plan" campaign. This election is indeed Hudak's to lose. Early suggestions are that lose it he might. Perhaps in retrospect we will be lucky to have seen that his stunning downturn in 2014 was in promising to cut 1000,000 public service sector jobs for a so called economic plan in which the numbers just don't add up. See @ Thumbs Down

When even the stolid Canadian Financial Post says Tim's math is wrong you know the prospects are increasingly looking bad @ Bad Math skills!

Some pundits even believe the wheels have all ready fallen off the PC Roadshow because his much touted job plan number don't add up @ Toronto Star

It's not just in the number games where Hudak has made a bad mistake either. Indeed the whole logic behind his neo con Million Jobs Plan does not hold up to close scrutiny as is explained @ On The Hill

Andrea Horwath: Holy cow! It's it's it's 1990 all over again! For sure!!!

You know its bad when the arguments against Hudak plan just continue to add up. 

The one and only leaders debate that Hudak would agree too, for obvious reasons [ie: His plan can't bear close scrutiny at all] doesn't seem to have been a game changer for any of the three party leaders so far. Moreover, it is plain embarrassing to see both the PC's and NDP buy front page news adds the next day claiming that their leader won the debate @ Buy win?

For a recap of the rather uneventful debate see @ Leaders

It increasingly seems that the NDP party leaders election gambit in pulling the plug on the OLP government might prove to have been a bad move, especially if her party ends up losing seats. When you try to be something for everybody, you end up being nothing to anyone as the saying goes. Read a Toronto Star critique on Andrea Horwath's flawed election gamble @ Leap Frog?

Speculation about the NDP backing a PC minority government has created some real shock waves. In fact all she has done is refuse to discuss the possibility but it has caused a great deal of unease @ Cohn

Horwath's right wing swing to try to capture some of the neo con vote has proven hard for a lot of union members to accept. The NDP until now have always been very vocally pro union, but no more. Is Andrea's toying with right wind populism a good move for the NDP to take? See @ Right Wing???

OLP leader Kathleen Wynne has announced that she will not form a coalition government with the NDP eliminating that possibility. I suppose considering that Andrea pulled the plug on her claiming she couldn't support a corrupt Liberal government, it would seem to have been inevitable that was impossible anyway. Now Wynne seems to be clearly drawing the battle line with swing voters who might want to park their votes with the NDP. There's more about Wynne's no NDP coalition position @ Toronto Star

Which way will the election go? It's still anybodies guess. We could still see a Hudak majority if enough voters decide to hold their nose and vote PC because of the Liberal scandals. Or we could even possibly see a Liberal majority as Hudak's thread bare neo con agenda is increasingly exposed. Quite frankly, the winner usually holds the political centre in Ontario elections, and so far this seems to be Kathleen's domain. Just what exactly Andrea Horwath stands for remains so unclear.

The polls suggest we could see another minority government, either Liberal or Conservative. However less than a week away from election day nothing seems for sure.* It is reassuring to know that OSSTF is preparing for the worst. Come what may none of the three parties has yet satisfactorily addressed nor promised to reverse the contract strips that teachers endured with the OLP MOU's. We know a Hudak election victory will be devastating for us. However, we shouldn't assume that the next upcoming contract negotiations with either an OLP or NDP government would prove to be very satisfactory either. Will the other affiliates follow suite? One can only hope for the best! Read about OSSTF's  new levy for a strike fund @ Strike?

Post script: An additional Toronto Sun article has been printed since I wrote this blog, on how royally p'o'd the PCs are with the union lobby groups. Seems the PC's US interests, big business lobbyists and their corporate agenda are okay coz they support him, and he them. But if not, well then, its all a big evil plot! On certainly hopes the union educational advocacy campaigns succeed and we beat Hudak at his own game! See @ Toronto Sun

* NOTE: The various polls continue to swing quite wildly. For the latest aggregate election poll see @ 308

June 13th 2014: The great Pharaoh speaks?


Sunday 1 June 2014

Beatles 1964: What Police Found In Their Bedroom!

Let's go back ... way back! "What Police Found in the Beatles' Bed Room!" was apparently first printed in a teenage Beatles fan magazine in 1964. Comments follow. 

By Rosa Magaro

The woman stared at the two fourteen year old girls.  “And what are you two supposed to be?”, she asked.  “Nineteen!”, they both shrilled back. The woman, mother of the young ladies didn’t bother to ask further.  She knew the reason behind the would be adult get-ups, the lipstick, the false eyelashes, so thick and fulsome that they almost hid the splotches of green eye shadow that lay heavily on the girls’ eyelids.  She’d known all day in fact – ever since their arrival in Las Vegas for what she‘d foolishly hoped would be a nice, pleasant and rather routine weekend – that the girls had begun to plot something.  Specifically, and as one of them had put it in loud and passionate whispering:  the “Crash of the Century!”  More specifically, a plan to invade that hairy Eyre up on the eighteenth floor of the Sahara Hotel – the Beatles’ bedroom – where the Liverpudlian lads, also recently arrived, were throwing an invitation only party for a few hundred local and Hollywood VIPs. 

For a fleeting moment the woman remembered back.  To New York City.  To 1943.  The Hotel Astor.  Herself, wearing one of her mother’s dresses.  Standing outside a room where a Hoboken lad named Sinatra was holding festive court.  Standing.  For hours.  Outside.  And never getting in.

“You’ll never get in!”, she said now smiling a bit, sadly, reminiscently, as she continued to stare at her young daughter and friend.

“Oh no??”, the two girls said back in unison, giggling, confidently.

“Well,” said the woman, "if you do be sure to let me know somehow.  And please don’t make little pests of yourselves. “

“Mother!  Really!”, came the reactions.  Deep throated.  Mature.  Oh, so mature.

It was ten minutes later.  The tower suites room 4718, 4720, 4722 high above what was once dead quiet desert were bouncing, Combos, uncombed (in honor of their hosts), played “A Hard Day’s Night” and “She Loves Me” (sic) unendingly.  Waiters by the dozen served hard and soft drinks and assorted hot and cold canapés to the assorted mob which included, to name only a few of the categories present this night of Thursday, August 20:  actors, producers, musicians, reporters, oilmen, their oil ladies, Strip impresarios, and the Strip show girls.

Everyone needless to say was having a ball.  Except for the four young men with the growingly strained smiles named George, Ringo, Paul and John.  Who’d arrived in Vegas in the wee hours and had barely gotten any sleep.  Who’d already attended a batch of similar receptions during the day.  Who, to boot, had given two long and tiring concerts at the Convention Center earlier that evening.

And except for the battalion of Sahara security police standing guard now outside the suite doors and shooing away – pushing away – the dozens upon dozens of shrieking fans who tried to squeeze their way past.

For the aggravation and tumult that ensued here, most of the hotel cops vowed on the spot that they would hence-forth hate all Beatles and Females forever and ever.

But there was one perhaps compassionate, perhaps just not too bright one, who at one point found himself listening to two of the girls. About nineteen they appeared.  Nodding to them.  Turning after asking them to wait.  And delivering their message. 

“They said what?”,  asked Paul, laughing heartily a moment later.

“That”, answered the security man, “one of them is a best American friend of Mr. Harrison’s friend Miss Patti Boyd.  That the other of them is a cousin of your feean-cee Mr.  McCartney – Miss Jane Asher, over in London.”

“George!”, Paul called now to the others still laughing.  He repeated what the security man had just told him.  “Now don’t you think, “ he added, “that such ingenuity should be rewarded? That we should invite these two girls in for a bit?”

The others nodded.  “It should be like a breath of home.”, dead panned Ringo.  “I’m verrrrry anxious to hear what the two birds have to say about dear Jane and dear Patti!”

The merriment around them continuing, the four boys waited now for the girls to be ushered in. Which they were.  Accompanied part way by the nice cop who needlessly pointed to the Beatles, turned and departed.  Leaving the girls feeling vastly alone now.  And trembling, uncontrollably all confidence and self-control gone.

They were bluntly and in short a laughable sight, these two so young fourteen year olds standing there gazing at their idols of idols, face to face trying their hardest to look like Suzanne Pleshette and Connie Stevens. Trying their hardest to keep from falling out of their unaccustomed high heels.

“Hello!”, said Paul finally, approaching them.  He cleared his throat, and bowed severely.  “My name is Lord Douglas-Home, Prime Minister, you know.  So nice to meet you.”

The girls tried to smile.  They couldn’t.  Instead, in fact and suddenly they began to cry, huge and helpless and awestruck tears.

“We lied!”, they confessed.  “We’re terrible.  We lied to get in here!”

As the others approached Paul smiled and nodded, “A little white lie,” he said and winked,  “I don’t think it’s that terrible.  Not at all.”  

Added George, “You’ve given our party a little charm.  For that we’re thankful.” 

Added John, “Stay why don’t you?”  

Added Ringo “A while, at least.”

A “while”?  Little did they know that was to be the laugh of the evening!

Two hours passed.  In that time the mob in rooms 4718-22 doubled and then almost tripled.  For a time of course, the Beatles had stood talking to their two charming and soon dry-eyed “crashers". Teasing them at first a bit about “dear Patti and Jane.”  And then listening and answering, as the girls began to bombard them with questions.

But after a bit, as the crowd grew, as others had to be introduced to the Beatles, a bigger session bore up.  And the boys were whisked away from their two young guests.  And the two young guests seemed to get lost in the human swell.

“It was wonderful, in a way”, as one of them recalls, “because this gave us a chance to sit and congratulate each other on what we’d accomplished.  And to talk about how  ga-reattt and Fab the Beatles were.  How nice they’d been to us.  And how interested they were in all the things we asked them.  How they must have been interested because they gave us such interesting answers in reply."

“For instance, when we asked Ringo what his favorite recreation was, he said TV, especially the commercials!”

“And when we asked George about the rumor that he was going to get married as soon as he got back to England to some mysterious and beautiful blond girl he laughed and said, “Roobish!”  That’s Liverpudlian for rubbish.  But he pronounces it so beautifully “Roobish!”

“And when we asked John if he missed his Cynthia and the baby, desperately he said, “Yes Yes.”  Twice!"  

"And when we asked Paul if he and the others, living and working so close together all the time ever fought, he said very honestly, “Sometimes.  Of course.  But most of the time we get along just fine. And we’re pretty good mates and friends, the four of us.  Very good, in fact!”

“Oh, I can’t tell you how we felt at that party.  And how eternally grateful we were to the Beatles for inviting us in.  We decided, in fact, there on the spot, that from that moment on – no matter what- we would buy every record they ever made!  As well as attend every concert of theirs within 1,000 miles!  As well as certainly every movie they were in!  That we would collect their pictures – all we could get our hands out!  That we would be their greatest fans and adore them eternally!"

“We also decided that even thought it was starting to get a little late by now, we would celebrate the night of nights by staying until everyone else had gone.”

“And by telling the Beatles – personally and from our hearts – about our decisions concerning them. As well as about our undying devotion…”

As the aforementioned moth of one of our two little crashers recalls, “It wasn’t until after ten that night that I began to get worried.  Worried first that they’d actually gotten into the party and made little pills of themselves. Worried next that if they had gotten in, they were certainly over-extending their stay.  I tried to phone the tower suite from time to time.  Someone would always answer, but there was so much noise going on up there that it was impossible for me to hear whoever it was on the other end of the line.  At about 10:30 I gave up.  I thought to myself, well, if they got in – they’re certainly out by now.  Must have gone to a movie.  I mean, where else could they have gone?”

And so the mother – unknowingly – let the matter rest.  For a time.   While a few flights above her plotting daughter and friend continued to sit.  Watching the other guests, as slowly now they began to leave.  Waiting- waiting for hours if necessary to be alone with their Beatles!

“Goodnight!  Good night there!”, and wearily, the four boys bid their last guests adieu.
It was after 11:00 now.  The boys were pooped.  Ready for a little quiet poker.  Then – and blessedly – for some sleep.

“Good night!” – One last time.  The door was closed…locked.   Paul began to unloosen his tie. Ringo and the others beginning to follow suit.

And then together they came, the two excited and vaguely familiar voices, “Surprise!”
And with the shout four stunned faces and two innocently smiling ones.

For the next long hour to so, with consummate patience and graciousness and understanding, the groggy Beatles sat around with their two wide-awake little friends.  Again answering all the interesting questions that came their way.  Even at one point, treating the girls to some music – a private hearing of a new song by John and Paul – which the girls agreed upon its conclusion was “Fab – just gear!” 

“I guess”, said one of the Beatle managers, who re-entered the bedroom during the hour, “that the boys let the two birds hang around because they didn’t want to hurt their feelings and tell them to shove off, because the girls in a way represented the True Fan, the sort the boys rarely had a chance to spend any time with because, mostly just because, they liked them.  But it was clear to me after a while that like them or not, these chaps were exhausted and these girls had to go.  I, in fact, initiated the abortive move."  

“All right, okay!”,  I called out, "Enough of this. It’s getting close to midnight! Time for all Cinderella’s to get to their coaches!”  

"Ringo, Paul and George were in complete yawning agreement.  They rose, said goodnight and scooted for their rooms.  John – since this was his room – of course remained.  And when I repeated my Cinderella remark the girls looked at Johnny and said, “We’re not tired if you’re not, John!”  

"Johnny simply shrugged and began to say, “Well...” And as if this were an invitation to make camp there, for years, for however long they wanted, the girls jumped in their chairs and said, “Oh good!  We’ll stay then!”

And stay they did.

And did. 

And did and did and did.

Talking, gabbing, chatting, giggling until John, try as he might – just couldn’t keep his eyes open a minute longer.  In seconds, he was fast asleep. For a moment after John’s as it were "departure", one girl pointed Beatlewards and whispered to the still wide-awake member of the Beatles entourage, “You know, he’s asleep.  Doesn’t he sleep gorgeous?”

“Girls,” said the exhausted Beatleman, “it’s terribly late.  Don’t you think you’d best be getting along? Won’t your mothers be worried?”

“Oh no, never,” answered the one, “my mother knows we are here.  You see we told her that we were coming here.  Oh  no, she won’t be worried.”

“Shortly before midnight, “ recalls the mother, "I began to get panicky.  The words, “lost” “kidnapped”, “hurt”, “accident” suddenly began to fill my brain.  The Beatles – their room – their party – none of this entered my mind when I phoned the police.  But when they arrived, two cops, a little while later, they asked me to remember everything the girls had said earlier that evening. I told them about the girls’ silly pan to try to crash upstairs. The cops both nodded and said, “Why don’t we start up there.”  

"I began to laugh.  “You don’t think...”, I started to say."

 “Why not?”, said one of the cops. “Lots of little girls around here like to crash entertainers parties and some entertainers, ma’am, they end up liking to entertain little girls!” 

“Oh noooooo!”, I moaned.  

“Don’t get nervous” said the cop, "I could be wrong.  My partner and I, we’ll just go up for a look-see."

"They left, I waited.  I asked myself over and over, “Where did I go wrong?”  Then I thought of the terrible scene upstairs when the two policemen barged into that room.  I nearly fainted from the shame of it all!"

The knock on the door was soft but definite.  The girls looked at each other but they did not budge, not a single inch.  “Who do you think it is?” asked one whispering.

“Probably some other girls!", whispered back the other.

“Fooey on them”, said the first.  

“Double fooey” agreed the other, as the Beatles’ man hurried to open the door.  And there stood the police.  They looked into the room and saw the girls. The cops asked their names. The girls identified themselves.

“What’s been going on in here?”,  one of the cops asked.

“Nothing,” answered one of the girls,  “We’ve just been with the Beatles.”

“Hmmmmmm”, said the cop,  “well tell the Beatles you’ve got to be going now.  That it’s getting late.”

“We can’t!”, said one of the girls.


“No.  They’re all so tired out by now.   They’re all fast asleep.  Only this gentleman is awake.”

The two cops looked at one another. Then, walking past the two girls and the Beatles employee they entered the room.  Grimly, very grimly, they walked to John’s chair.  “Wake up!”, came the martial command.

And for the next five minutes or so shocked pandemonium filled the air as John and his employee explained what had happened as the girls, tearful once again, corroborated the story. When it was over and the cops had agreed among themselves that they’d been hearing the truth, they turned to the girls sternly and asked, “What are you two trying to do?  Get these boys booked in jail?”

“Oh noooooo”, came the answer, “we were just…”

But before the girls could go on, John, obviously fearful of an all-night session groaned, “That’s all right.  It’s all perfectly all right!”

And nicely but firmly he escorted the entire troop to the door.  Saw them all out .  Then locked and relocked the door and went to bed.

It was an hour or so later.  The girls had been properly scolded and were in their beds asleep by now. In the next room the scolder sat, relieved and thinking back.  She thought back to a night in New York City.  To 1943.  The Hotel Astor.  Wearing one of her mother’s dresses.  Standing outside a room where a Hoboken boy named Sinatra was having a party.  Standing.  For hours.  Outside.  And never getting in.

She smiled a bit. “Tomorrow,” she thought, “I’ve got to scold them again.  And then – I’ve got to ask them how the did it.  And did they have a wonderful time?"


I first found this article on the  Meet The Beatles For Real website. The blogger is Sara Schmidt, a self professed "30 something 2nd Generation Beatles fan" who teaches reading to elementary school students @ Visit Here!

Here is what Sara wrote about the story: 

This is quite the piece of fan fiction. The only thing is that when it was written for a teenage magazine in 1964, it wasn't written to be fan fiction. It was written with the belief that girls who read it would believe the story and think they too could lie about who they know and get into a Beatles party without any consequences or issues. I don't know what part of this story is the most outlandish, but I think it might be the fact that the Beatles go to bed at 11pm. The photos don't actually go with the story, but I thought they fit in. [see 1st photo!]

Ha! I thought the readers on my site might also find this story of interest, especially if you teach English media, values education or the social sciences. I once did. So I'm reprinting it here.

Anyway, it's interesting because it shows that some things never change, despite the often impermanent nature of things in our life and times.The sentiments of the mother in the story make it quite clear that what happened even then was hardly new.

Today teens and "teeny boppers" as we once called them, have their own favourite bands. The "boy band" tradition has never gone away. Remember: the Beatles started out as  a "boy band". Of course they also wrote their own songs, were very artistically creative. They went on to help change and perhaps even help define the mindset of our generation. One wonders if fans will still be listening 50 years from now to whomever the flavour of the day is now?

Well I KNOW I won't be around to find out. Ha. Still, it's the 50th year anniversary of Beatlemania in North America this year. I was in a record store the other day. Yes they are still around, maybe even making a comeback. Rather odd perhaps in our digital age. Certainly worthy of a future blog. 

A young man was joking about his parents watching the Beatles on the "Ed Sullivan Show" in 1964. Suddenly I felt kinda old for a moment but just a moment, that's all. I enjoyed seeing the young folk going through the record bins searching for their latest favourite bands. Deja vu! A seniors moment of sorts?

Yeah, somethings never change. Here's to the music ~ whatever it might be! As for the Beatles? I have often thought that you really had to be there to truly appreciate them. However, it's noteworthy that there have now been second, third and even fourth generations of Beatle fans. And as I mentioned in a previous blog, their music catalogue recently sold for $1.9 billion. The Beatles are now being remarketed for the 21st century. [See Here! ] The next generation of Beatlemaniacs? 

Wonder if any of these newest Johnny Come Lately bands will be able to say that! :-)

The Beatles? We still love them yeah! Yeah! Yeah!


David C

Getting an autograph [on the neck!] The girls still love Sir Paulie!?!

Read My Other Beatle Blogs:

50 Years of Beatlemania: The Ed Sullivan Show @ Here!

Capitol Canada + The Lost Beatle albums story @ Here!

Alt: Beatle Albums + Peripheral Dependency @ Here!

New Capitol-"ist" Box Set + Remarketing the Beatles for the 21st Century @ Here!

I Remember John Lennon @ Here!

COMING: Demythologizing the Beatles!


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