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Showing posts with label Toronto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toronto. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 May 2020

My Covid-19 Diary 5: Toronto Trippin'

After being on the road, it's hard just staying at home all the time. Though it's only been about two months since we got back, it now seems like a lifetime ago .... 

Last fall, Janet and I hit the open road to celebrate her retirement. First Japan [LINK] and then Florida [LINK]. With stopovers inbetween; back home in Toronto at Christmas, and for a February protest rally or two. [LINK] Before we wrapped up our winter tripping in Santiago de Cuba.

Originally, we'd planned to stick around Toronto for only a month or so. Then go to our trailer in the Land o' Lakes [LINK]. Fully enjoy the Canadian spring, summer and early fall in the great outdoors. 

Instead, the Covid-19 pandemic struck. We've been grounded at home, ever since.

I'd planned a Cuban travel blog when we got back. That was interrupted by the pandemic too. It'll follow shortly. First, a few, more, catch up notes:

Covid-19 is truly, a silent, uncanny enemy. Since our close brush with Costco and the Zombie Apocalypse, I've acquired a real aversion to going outside, even just for our groceries and household supplies. [LINK]

One never knows where the nefarious coronavirus lurks ...

During November, we were in Japan. Apparently, that was before the pandemic struck. We saw some fellow Chinese travellers, but can't recall having any contact with them. 

We regularly rubbed shoulders with the German and Italian tourists In Cuba. Some of of them, as it turns out, were carrying the virus. We seem okay, but being good Canadians, are still staying at home anyway

As seniors, we're at high risk. Plus, who knows who's asymptomatic? Maybe the shopper next to us? The sales or stock clerk?

Better safe than sorry! Since crossing Costco off our shopping list, we decided to try grocery shopping at the nearby Metro Downsview instead. Saw lots of shoppers in gloves and masks. But only about half of them were social distancing. 

There were plenty of signs and announcements over the PA, but it's very easy to make mistakes, when the aisles are narrow. 

Still, it seems like many shoppers simply can't measure and stay 2 metres apart. Or maybe they think that either wearing PPE's or practising social distancing, but not both, will do?

All things considered, I'm not surprised that the infection rate here in Toronto hasn't yet shown a steady decline.

Plus, without proper testing, we've no idea how widespread the virus really is. Where it's spread. Nor if it's always being properly reported either, when there's an outbreak at the stores.

It disturbs me to no end. Sometimes, the tension is almost palpable. Janet's really good about it all, but likes to go shopping anyway. Like a big kid, she just wants to get out. Is going stir crazy.

I feel her pain. But am more hard assed about the safety precautions. Meanwhile, she's stuck indoors with me now all the time. Poor girl!

Still, we've been together almost twenty years. Are apt to verbally spar and squabble at the best of times, as is our way. Fortunately, we're very used to each other by now. We're still keeping it together, quite well. 

It's May now. It's been a very long stretch. Our condo is spacious. Very comfortable. Low maintenance. If need be, we can hang on here indefinitely.

Still, even the overhead flights to nearby Pearson International Airport have now all but stopped. Replaced with a quiet uncertainty among the endless hours of waiting ... and waiting ... and waiting to safely get back outdoors again; the new order of our day. 

Oh to be social distancing way out in the woods, in the Land o' Lakes! In my mind's eye, Janet and I are lounging on our summer porch, with two tasty steaks on the BBQ. I'm toking on a big, fat, outdoor sized reefer. Inbetween frequent kayak trips. Instead of this .... 

And so, we patiently await news on whether trips to cottage country will be allowed come the May 18th Victoria Day long weekend. When Toronto is still the provincial epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic?

And we're still tripping! Kinda sorta! Lately, I've been vaping some lighter, hybrid cannabis strains to rest and relax, legalization style. 

I'm finishing off the last of the Emblem Nebula, that I was telling you about. A little OHM leaves me feeling pretty dreamy and sedate. Or I'll fire up some 808 Headband, for a happy, euphoric buzz. Plus, I enjoy the old one-two punch of a lil' Pine Tar Kush, when it all gets too much. Yummy. Yummy. Yummy.

Last Saturday, a 100 mg THC Smiley Pop had me ... er ... smiling. A lot! That really livened things up!

Come evenings, Janet and I enjoy a pot of Yoni tea; 300 mg THC and 100 CBD per 30 gm pack. That's a lot of tea! 

It's a different kind of tripping, but very calming and relaxing. We'll cuddle together on the couch. Watch TV. Have our fun. Then drift gently off to sleep.

So, as we wrap up two months at home, we're still hanging in there. Hope you are too!

Be well!

Keep trippin' the good way!

David C.


Tuesday 17 March 2020

My COVID-19 Diary 1: Canuck Pandemic!

We're back at Toronto's Pearson International Airport from our winter travels. It's sheer pandemonium. Next day, the WHO officially declares the COVID-19 a pandemic. Today, the panic is quite palpable. So dense, you can feel it in the air. 

We join the long lines snaking through the jam packed terminal. Beneath the pensive gaze of the custom and border guards, some in medical masks and gloves. Some not. Faced with a seething, angry mob. 

People push. Shove. Heave to and fro. There's lots of line jumpers. Angry shouting matches. Janet and I are stuck, at the weary end of our long, winter journey. Two tired travellers seeking repatriation; to just be back in the safety of our own home. But faced with a frightening spectacle. A pandemic that's suddenly turned very real, for us. Along with everybody else and their mother, desperate to get home asap, before the shit hits the fan.

This winter, we've been to Japan, Florida, and Cuba. I've got a headache. We've both got the sniffles. All symptoms of the virus. But also very typical for this time of year. So who knows?

The politics of the Great 2020 Pandemic are maddening enough to burst a blood vessel!

Here in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford's Conservative government has eliminated sick days for our lowest paid workers. If away, they must pay for sick notes, they can ill afford. While Doug the Thug claims that no cost will be spared to ease the economic crisis. Perhaps for his big, fat corporate friends that is! 

Hello Corporate Socialism! Watch the big business bail outs begin. While the little guy once again, gets stuck with the bill!

Stateside a befuckled President Donald Trump has been all but in complete denial. Crying fake news. Wasting valuable time before he flip flops. Promising that he'll keep the stock market open for his big, business buddies. Other partners in crime. A small consolation for the poor working American stiff. 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is in self imposed social isolation for two weeks. There are so many words and terms that seem benign in our new COVID-19 lexicon, eh? 

His wife Sophie was diagnosed with the virus, so he's being prudent. Cautious. And very Canadian. Likewise, Toronto Mayor John Tory self isolates too, after possibly being exposed to the virus, while travelling over seas. 

Two different political. Different levels of government. Both setting a good personal example for a jittery public. Like them or not, and I'm not usually sold on either, it's a big plus!

Now a days, these emergency measures are called "flattening the curve". Think better safe than sorry. An ounce of prevention. Nipping it in the bud. 

Italy is in lockdown. Whole cities in China quarantined. Welcome to COVID-19; a new respiratory virus for which there is no inoculation shot, yet. Nor clearly defined public and medical procedures yet in place. Everything is evolving by the minute.

In Ontario, we're caught with our pants down, so to speak, amongst all Ford's health cuts to ... ahem ... balance the conservative provincial budget.

Hell, truth be told, testing centres are just now being set up here in Toronto and across Ontario. A full week after we've returned home! 

Most of us probably don't have the virus, though most everyone is very worried that they do. 

So here we are, trapped in our very own Toronto, Ontario, Canada existential crisis!

What can Janet and I do? Japan's close to the epicentre, but we travelled there in November. As for Panama City Beach, Florida? Or Santiago de Cuba? Could we have gotten infected there?

We've decided to self isolate for two weeks. Take it from there .....

Anyway, here we are, back home from our travels. But quite frankly out of everything. The kitchen shelves bare. 

My ... er ... unregulated weed man provides free home delivery, so I quickly load up on Rick Simpson Oil, a THC tincture, and some nice bud to tide me through the crisis. Calm minds will prevail! In our home, anyway!

The pharmacy renews all my other prescription for three months, over the phone. Delivers them too. 

But we absolutely need to make a grocery run to Costco. And so we do.

Oh no! A frantic crowd quickly strips a skid of water bottles clean, no sooner than it's wheeled out on the floor. 

The mad frenzy continues. Get this -there's no more toilet paper left! Anywhere! Explain stockpiling toilet paper for me, please! 

Only in Canada you say?

A couple grab at the Maple Syrup. Madly staring at us. Not so little knives shooting from their dazed eyes. 

Jeez. No problemo. it's yours!

It's only fitting, I suppose, that come March 2020 we are faced with yet more crisis, shock and awe. I should be very upset.

But here Janet and I are stuck at home for two weeks. With a great excuse to relax and do absolutely nothing! 

Family and friends call to check up on us. Our building super and neighbours too. 

I smoke another doobie. Put on some more tunes. Janet couch surfs the huge backlog of all her favourite TV shows on the PVR. 

How surreal! Despite the gnawing uncertainty, all is well. Still, it's hardly a happy occasion. And after so much adventure and excitement on the open road, the homebound boredom is definately setting in. 

Sigh. Alas.

Anyway, with spring just around the corner, we'll be off to the Land o' Lakes soon enough. 

Meanwhile, I hope you are staying well. Taking good care of yourself too, wherever you are. 

Remember, it's okay to go outside for a nice, refreshing walk. Some exercise, Maybe in the park. Or the countryside. Just so long as there aren't lots of people around.

Works fine for me. It was getting too peopley outside, anyway. 

Heh. heh. Er .....

Though last time I looked out our window it was rather eerie. Busy, bustling Weston Road is now quiet and empty. It's rather unsettling, but let's hope for the best. 

We are all in this together. So let's take every reasonable precaution, for both ourselves and the sake of others!

And hey -we've still got the internet! Expect lots more of my blog site updates in the daze ahead!


David C


Thursday 31 May 2018

Oh Cannabis: No Toking In Your Apt or Condo?!?

No toking allowed! Think you'll be able to peacefully enjoy a toke in the privacy of your own home once Canada's legalization bill is passed? Think again! [NOW!]

The Canadian Senate votes on legalization June 7th. Meanwhile, OREA's [Ontario Real Estate Association] realtor's, developers, landlords, property managers and a lot of lackey condo boards are racing to ban smoking cannabis from their buildings. In some cases medical cannabis patients will be clearly exempt. In many others? Not!

Summer is almost upon us! Regretfully, I'm busy consulting lawyers, cannabis advocacy groups, activists, and other various sundry. Tied up with meetings, messages, you name it. Why? Because it almost happened at our building, and I'm not sure we've heard the last of this yet!

So how will you fare! Have you been looking forward to a nice, legal toke in the sanctity of your home? Be it a condo? A rental? Or even public housing?

Are you aware of OREA's nefarious and politically motivated conspiracy to make that go up in smoke asap before the 7th? Do you realize how little time there is to act? Or you'll face a lot of grief?

Surprise! Neo-conster Tim Hudak is back! As CEO of OREA! That's right! The very same Timbo! The former Ontario Conservative leader! Who's political career crashed and burned along with his parties huge 2014 election lead! The original Mr. "100,000-Public-Service-Cuts" who declared war on our schools, hospitals and other public services!

Yup! Timbo is still very busy! Wasting no time! Remember the hard "hate on" he had for lobbyists and special interest groups! Well, now he's leading one! "Big Brother" and "Nanny State" style! To target cannabis users right in the privacy and sanctity of our home!

Timbo's lobbying the Conservative senators in Ottawa. Also our new Ontario government, whomever that will be. Trying to get ahead of legalization, force hands and subvert the process against everyday folk like you and me. The phoenix is rising! You can even visit his OREA website in full blown glory with all it's bells y whistles @ [OREA]

Be careful! Very careful! Tim Hudak knows that legalization is going to be a total legal mess! So he's being REAL sneaky! It's usually very difficult to change condo "by-laws". They require proper notice, quorum at a meeting and an 80% vote. For good reason! Especially here!

Consider this -OREA's goal is to "grandfather" the smoking of tobacco and cannabis at home for the large number of everyday folk who own a condo or don't live in a house or apartment of your own! It's in the interests of his corporate clients, disguised with a trendy "Smoke Free" thrust. No matter that it's a huge civil liberty issue, setting a very bad precedent for years to come. Our medical or recreational cannabis community be damned! So what's the plan?

Meet reefer mad woman Denise Lash of Lash Condo Law, a so called "boutique" firm! Working with OREA she's gleefully singing their tune! Piling on heaps o' fear mongering, conjecture, and game playing to forward the OREA agenda for Ontario's landlords, property managers, developers and realtor's across the GTA before June 7th.

Imagine this if you can! I certainly can't! Cannabis is legalized June 7th! Crazed pot smokers over run the hallways of your building! Starting fires! Setting up grow ops of the devil's weed that waste huge amounts of  precious utility dollars while rendering the units unsaleable.

Get this! Lash Condo Law, probably like a lot of these boutique firms, knows how your condo board can pass OREA's toking ban as a "rule" instead of as a "by-law". That way, it passes within 30 days unless 15% of the condo owners organize and object. If  not?

Verboten -No discussion, debate or vote allowed!

How democratic, and community orientated eh? Who's interests are being served? Certainly not the lowly condo owner looking forward to a legal toke in the comfort of their home!

Yup! Lash Law's been busy, busy busy, feverishly whipping up public and condo board support for "the rule". Then it seems, spoon feeding Denise's shocked readers with the low down, nitty gritty on how to use it to meet OREA's goals.

See for yourself! Read her "news" interviews and law blogs @ [LCL] [LCL] and @ [PC].

Alas! The boutique firm somehow left something very important out of the "Smoke Free Environment Rules", and the owner's "Notice of the Rule" that they drafted for our property manager to bring to our condo board for a vote. There wasn't any mention whatsoever of medical cannabis patient rights or accommodation at all!

Welcome to Prohibition 2.0 -condo style! Fortunately, as a board director, medical cannabis activist and patient I noticed right away. Raised the red flag of human rights violations. Made sure the rush "rule" got shot down at an emergency board meeting called for a week later. Sure it took a lot of time and effort. But if I hadn't?

Should your board pass "the rule", it could face a very expensive legal challenge and hike in your maintenance fees! While OREA sits twiddling their thumbs waiting to see how it all works out!

Regretfully, I for one, would immediately hand it over to any number of interested parties to run with as a human rights complaint at the drop of a hat! This is just so plain, terribly wrong!

Think about it! Under our new "rule", even medical cannabis patients "must sign" and identify themselves to the board of directors and by association, our property manager and building superintendant, as smokers. Same with recreational tokers, even though smoking weed is still an illegal activity.

The condo board then also has "sole and absolute discretion" to decide if we 're being an "annoyance or nuisance" and what to do, should anyone object to the smoke or odour from our medical cannabis, while indemnifying the board and holding it harmless! As a medical cannabis patient, I only vape at home, and always try to be reasonable, but this, of course, is totally unacceptable. On these issues the rule is silent. Very unclear for the layman/ woman, at least, among all the legal jargon. Probably our average neighbour, building superintendent, or board member who might act on it too!

No cultivation is allowed either. Hello ACMPR ........

The list goes on and on ....

For shame! Medical cannabis users have been waiting since 2001 at the very least for legalization to end the stigma and discrimination we face daily. We need safe, reliable, hassle free access to our medication, just like any other patient. We await further direction from Ottawa and the province. But not so OREA it seems, even though there will surely be plenty of human right challenges indeed.

Nor would we medical cannabis patients likely be alone! Are you young? Do you belong to a visible minority group? Are you a white collar professional with a legal reputation to uphold? Or just an everyday recreational toker? Or perhaps just someone who might want to try cannabis after it's legalized? You could face arrest for having to go outside for a toke instead. Yes! Under Ontario's Cannabis Act, that'll still be illegal! Hello, police .....? [VICE] [IPol]

Welcome to the new wrath, stigma and discrimination of Prohibition 2.0, courtesy OREA and "boutique" law!

My advice? Act now or get ready for a lot of grief and a big fight ahead! Best contact your condo board or tenants association! ASAP! It's high time to nip any such "rules" in the bud, right now where you live, before it's too late! 


Tuesday 24 April 2018

Toronto's "Terrorist" Attack!

Read the news links @ Teacher Free Speech News y Views!

It's Toronto's "Terrorist" Attack! Local, college student Alek Minassian, of European descent, is charged with 10 counts of first degree and 13 counts of attempted murder in a horrific rental "van attack". Quite deliberately, and at random he mowed down the unsuspecting late, lunch time pedestrians along 16 blocks of busy, downtown Yonge Street in North York, Toronto. It's a copy cat crime similar to recent incidents in London and Paris, but with a notable exception. 

No matter that there weren't any real indications whatsoever of an "Islamic Terrorist" connection! US Fox and Breitbart "news", with a lot of help from their Canadian right wing counterparts, the Toronto Sun and Rebel Media, decide to ratchet up the fear mongering and create one anyway. Targeted among the shock and confusion of the day were Toronto's incredibly diverse population mix, in an nefarious slew of nasty, racist, Islamophobic memes, rumours, accusations and outright lies! It was an incredible, fake news attack, on a scale rarely seen this side of the border! [News Links!]

However, with amazing calm and resilience, Toronto tensions didn't boil over. Instead a very detailed, criminal, police investigation has now begun. Cool heads prevailed as the inexplicable act and carnage was captured live on video by numerous, lunchtime eyewitnesses. The footage includes the brave, dramatic and very professional capture live of the accused by TPS [Toronto Police Services]. These will now methodologically play their part in the court of criminal rather than any public "mediated" act of injustice.

As Toronto's diverse citizenry rally together in our collective grief, Minassian is very much alive. He will now stand trial for mass murder, not political spectacle. It provides a very rare chance to better understand what happened, and why. Perhaps also to help criminally profile what makes such mass killers tick, beyond the bogus, unscrupulous and often quite manipulative fake news eye of our media driven times. 

Hopefully, it's also a chance to better precipitate and prevent such horrific crimes in the year's ahead, sans the divisive hysteria stateside in the Age of Trump. Or even our own domestic, terrorist, fear mongering mania during the Harper Years. It will be done from within a criminal justice perspective rather than the often, quite suspect, political news realm. From Toronto Canada eh, it's a refreshing, new way!


Read More About Canadian Domestic Terrorism During the Harper Years @ HERE! HERE!

The News Links: Teacher Free Speech Spring 2018 News and ViewsHERE!


Wednesday 8 November 2017

Cannabis Culture 5: A Court Settlement?


The Cannabis Culture 5 were back at Toronto's old city hall courthouse November 7th. It was another, long, drawn out, tedious morning full of procedural wrangling, with the case finally being remanded until December 4th.

Here's an important takeaway: It seems the pretrial resolution discussion process is going fairly well. A feisty Marc Emery is even hopeful that a settlement can soon be reached!

To wit: Our High Prince o' Pot advises Oh Cannabis that the crown isn't seeking jail time, which he's quite willing to serve. Instead, it sounds like they are raising the Prohibition 2.0 ante, seeking a huge, much larger fine than any we have so far seen in a case resulting from the ongoing, cross Canada dispensary raids. Eternally optimistic, our PoP has high hopes that a deal might still be reached by December 4th! Marc explains @ [Videoclip]

Meanwhile, Jody Emery expressed her dismay over the awful, supply shortages Canada's medical cannabis users still face prior to legalization in Spring 2018. Cannabis Culture, like our other, indie, craft weed dispensaries, was already up and running to meet our unfilled prescription needs, with a wide variety of otherwise still available products and strains. Ironically, as the police raids continue full thrust, Canada's much touted, corporate, licensed producers still won't be able to adequately meet  Canada's medical cannabis needs, let alone the new legal recreational demand, come this spring! Jodie speaks @ [Videoclip]

The CC5's Erin Goodwin tells Oh Cannabis that she's of course enthusiastic to wrap up the case asap. However, as Erin points out, it was only through active civil disobedience over the years that Canada's prohibition laws have been changed. One doubts the good fight to safeguard our basic civil rights will be over on December 4th, let alone next spring, come what may, on any number of fronts. Nonetheless, as a result of cannabis activism, better toking days are definitely on their way! Erin looks ahead @ [Videoclip]


News Updates/ LinksOh Cannabis News Y View @ Fall1 @ Summer @ May-June @ Spring 2 @ Spring 1 @ Jan-Feb @ December

On Cannabis Culture and Toronto's Wild West @ HERE!

On Marc Emery + The Ontario's Pot Busts @ THERE!

Oh Cannabis: More On Ontario's Dispensary Busts @ HERE!

Oh Cannabis: On LGBTQ + Inclusivity @ HERE!

Free The Emerys -The Cannabis Culture Bust @ THERE!

Oh Cannabis Culture: The Project Gator Busts @ THERE!

A Toke With Marc + Jodie Emery: @ HERE! 

Toronto Protest Videos @ THERE!

CC5 in Court @ HERE! 

Also follow me live on Twitter @davidchiarelli


Tuesday 7 March 2017

Oh Cannabis Culture: On LGBTQ + Inclusivity!

It’s high noon! I’m at Marc Emery’s Cannabis Culture 461 Church St. dispensary and lounge in Toronto Canada’s historical “gay village”.

Not even the nitty, gritty bluster of a cold, wet, miserable Toronto winter day can keep us away! Hardly! Come lunch hour? The crowds are already eagerly lining up seeking a high time respite from it's cruel ravages.
It’s a decidedly downtown crowd. It's a mad, happy mix of Ryerson university students, construction workers, tired shoppers and the office crowd from surrounding downtown Skyscraper National Park. Everyone gladly rubbing shoulders with Cannabis Culture’s LGBTQ Church Street regulars.

We're here for some good vibes, great times and a lot of potent, mind expanding and most excellent weed. Cannabis Culture’s latest offerings, for all tastes and budgets, greet us from the large sign posted overhead on the shop wall:
Since last fall, Canada’s High Prince o’ Pot and Cannabis activist Marc Emery has been busy breaking new ground here in Canada's largest city. He'd proudly opened Cannabis Culture’s first Church Street digs in October. I reported it here on my blog. So did a lot of other more mainstream Canadian media sources. [See "Links" below]

In the finest spirit of political activism and "in your face" civil disobedience, Marc has since succeeded in creating a very successful and vibrant LGBTQ user friendly dispensary and safe Cannabis lounge and dispensary. It's smack dab downtown, a short hop from the Eaton Centre and Dundas Square, a ground zero of downtown Toronto life!
Toronto’s Cannabis movement knows the wrath of  City Mayor and "Reefer Madman"John Tory. We've suffered a Toronto Wild West of his creation, while we await a federal legalization bill promised by Ottawa this spring. The Toronto Police “Project Claudia” dispensary raids continue unabated.

In the news and in the courts, Marc is continuing the good fight with his goal of opening 200 Cannabis Culture dispensaries across Canada in 2017. At Cannabis Culture Church Street, he's created a lively and gay downtown weed shopping and party hot spot landmark. It's a bright light on Toronto's progressive landscape, deserving our political and business support!

Mark the Doorman [with a “k”] directs traffic and provides security at the front door. He’s also quick to supply friendly cannabis culture etiquette tips. Which line up? How to take pictures? Or wiggle in to talk with Marc? Cannabis Culture is most decidedly a LGBTQ2 positive, safe and 4/20 friendly space! One with a very mixed but comfortable crowd, in a relaxed downtown Toronto setting.

As one makes our way through the dispensary, our eyes are diverted to the collage of news photos and articles lining the walls. They provide a fascinating insight into the history of Toronto’s gay community; a story of police harassment, bathhouse raids, and decisive protests that created change.

Others highlight the good fight to legalize cannabis. There's “gay” protest soldier in arm's Allan Ginsberg [“Pot is Fun!”], and the Le Dain report. An iconic image of a handcuffed but undaunted Cannabiz Culture Battle Grrrrrl Erin Goodwin. In the finest of protest style, she's being lead away undaunted by Toronto Police, during Mayor John Tory's current, ongoing “Project Claudia” dispensary raids.

Further along the walls towards the back lounge, are many more posters, highlighting the entertainment night schedules. There's live music on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Comedy nights. Also the monthly, free “Ganga Queen’s” drag show. A bright, colourful, new poster informs us that the next one's March 10th, from 9-11pm.
The lounge is very kool and laid back. As a “straight” toker, I never feel uncomfortable. I like the lively chatter which is friendly, inclusive, and progressively orientated. Much moreso than what we often find in other more seemingly “respectable” downtown clubs, bars and hangouts in the dark, mean streets of any big city, downtown Toronto included!

Truly, Cannabis Culture, Church Street lives up to the one and only “warning sign”  on it’s walls. This is, “No place for homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism or hate. We have zero tolerance for intolerance.”

Marc also re-directs receipts from the shop's growing sales to various LGBTQ and two spirited charities and groups. Further donations are also being used to help with Syrian refugee relief, and the worldwide human right efforts of Amnesty International. It's a profit driven but politically progressive and viable business model that vibrantly reflects Toronto's sense of inclusivity and tolerance with our LGBTQ community. It provides a fitting gathering place our cities progressives can heartily embrace!

On Cannabis Culture and Toronto's Wild West: My blog on the Toronto Police "raid" at  Marc Emery's first Church Street location is @ Here!
On Marc Emery and Ontario's Dispensary Raids: The Peterborough Cannabis Culture bust. Covers a speech by Marc outlining his views and philosophy on legalization and the police dispensary raids @ Here!
Oh Cannabis Winter News y Views: More recent Marc Emery links. Also a lot of other stoner news links from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the US is @ Here!
Oh Cannabis December News y Views: More news links. Includes exclusive audio video clips about the Montreal Cannabis Culture dispensary raids. A lot of other cool weed news stories too @ There!
My Statement on Medical Cannabis is @ Youtube!
Project Claudia: Toronto City Hall: A backgrounder @ There!
Note: "Oh Cannabis" is glad to highlight progressive Cannabiz initiatives. However, a "blogger" walking into your locale to take pictures and ask questions, rarely goes over well. So kindly forward me an invite, and let's see what we can do!
Next Show: March 10th, same time, place ....

Saturday 10 September 2016

On Cannabis Culture Vs Toronto's Wild West!

This Friday in Toronto began with a new twist to Mayor John Tory's self inflicted "Wild West" -another confusing shootout in our cities Not-So-OK Pot Coral! Yup! Tory's B-grade western crackdown on Toronto's pot dispensaries kicked back into high gear, with some more nefarious OD knock 'em, sock' em reefer madness! The target this time? Sadly, Cannabis Culture, a new Church St. marijuana medical/ recreational indie boutique specifically catering to Toronto's LGBTQ community! 

To Wit: by 10 am Metro's finest arrived outside the shop accompanying some seemingly very suspicious and shady characters! Leading the charge were landlord's 600 Church St Limited along with their reps from Sud Group a big, well known realtor, and property management firm!

Hopefully, any scumbags present among the curious entourage have finally met their match! Thinking quick Cannabis Culture's well know Canuck marijuana activist Marc Emery immediately broadcast the highly suspicious raid live on Pot TV [HERE!]. Toronto TV news channel CP 24 [LINK!] quickly jumped on the story then breaking it live across the city for the rest of the day. 

By high noon, the Toronto police officers had left. The situation was just too absurd. Is it a police job to enforce civil actions? In this case a very dubious eviction notice? Of course not! So why put "Metro's Finest" between such a disgraceful rock and hard place?!?

In solidarity, I quickly made my way downtown to Cannabis Culture's Church Street dispensary to find out more. Arriving at noon, the doors were back open again. Business booming. The dispensary packed with well wishers from Toronto's gay village and across our city arriving in mass to show their support!

Marc was quick to explain that Toronto police were always very polite, cordial and professional throughout the mysterious raid/ non raid. Certainly they weren't the problem. 

Highly perplexed, Marc showed me Cannabis Culture's rental agreement. It's specifically for a marijuana dispensary! 

Marc pointed out that the 600 Church St location is formerly the home of CALM, another pot dispensary who'd rented the same storefront property from the 600 Church St Limited/ Sud Group. How ironic! CALM has now advised him that they were also evicted for selling weed! So why rent to another marijuana dispensary? Then kick them too?

Get this -no refund or compensation was offered prior to or with the eviction notice! However, as we spoke, reps from the landlord/ property management firm phoned Marc hoping to make a deal. Of course, he encouraged them to go talk to Cannabis Culture's lawyers instead, to seek a way out of the highly suspicious legal mess they now find themselves in!

Cannabis Culture is certainly not in any position to abandon their new Church St outlet anytime soon. On Friday, it had only been open 8 days after a major makeover of the store front property, including some new Toronto digs upstairs for Marc, who's moved there dedicating himself round the clock to make it work. 

Unfortunately for Mayor Tory, 600 Church St Limited and the Sud Group, Cannabis Cultures believes in the "power of activism". It's clearly stated in their mission statement! The Toronto gay village dispensary initiative is certainly a refreshingly progressive, counterculture approach from a social, political and economic perspective! One that often seems missing from the good fight, as we move towards legalization next year. 

As Marc explained, Cannabis Culture wants to provide a comfortable, compassionate place within Toronto's gay village for their LGBTQ customers to meet and safely buy weed without the all too familiar harassment and bad vibes still often experienced outside their own business and lifestyle community. Indeed, Marc estimates that 90% of his male and 75% of his female clients are LGBTQ consumers. 

Perhaps 600 Church Street Limited and the Sud Group missed the subtle rainbow freshly painted across Cannabis Culture's new store front? Poised to wipe the gay smile off everybody's faces, the eviction seems highly questionable, mean spirited and exploitative at best. 

Think about it! Cannabis Culture signed a rental agreement to specifically open a marijuana dispensary. Now it turns out that another dispensary was also evicted from the same location for selling weed! What give$?!?

If neither Sud Group or Church St. Unlimited have been in close contact with the mayor's office, then Canada's big boy sellers Tweed and Tilray certainly have. There's been some pretty heavy lobbying going on! Tilray has visited the mayor's office at least three times to lobby Tory over the contentious dispensary issue. Tweed Weed at least 12 times. Oh to know what's really going on backstage in Mayor John Tory's Toronto Wild West Show! To be a fly on the wall as that ugly shit goes down at Toronto City Hall!

Currently, there aren't any municipal laws or regulations for or against Toronto dispensaries as we await legalization in 2017. Our federal and provincial court system will eventually need to try those being charged in city hall's ill advised "Whac-A- Mole"" dispensary raids somewhere long down the road. 

Cody @ Cannabis Culture: "No gangsta shit or bad vibes!" Joint Roller/ Artist -Instagram # roll_with_codyvangogh

Since weed is scheduled to be legalized in Canada next year, why create a big, legal mess now? Who is really protecting who? And why? 

Moreover, why is John Tory cavorting with these such seemingly very questionable landlord and property management types? To perhaps find a back door route to unduly bully, harass and shut out Cannabis Culture and Toronto's other boutique dispensaries from serving our medical and recreational marijuana wants and needs? Even more troubling: Why in this case, smack dab in the centre of our susceptible, often bullied gay community?

Cannabis Culture, like most of the Toronto dispensary movement are hardly some reckless fly by night hop head's trying to sell the devil's lettuce for quick gain. On the other hand, what is the mayor's real agenda? Or 600 Church St Limited? The Sud Group? Alas, Snoop Dogg's Tweed?

Toronto reefer madness vis a vis John Tory's 2016 Summer of Busts is certainly a call to activism for all our cities progressives and recreational/ medical pot consumers! Also perhaps the tip of some very nefarious bullying of Toronto's boutique dispensaries from the backrooms at Toronto City Hall!


Here are more Toronto news reports:

Cops show up @ Sun 

Marijuana Activist faces eviction @ City

More on the landlord eviction @ Star

Canuck licensed weed producers, including Snoop Dogg's Tweed are lobbying to have our boutique dispensaries shut down @ Globe and @ Vice


Marc Emery @ Facebook and @ Twitter

Cannabis Culture @ Facebook and @ Twitter

Pot TV @ Pot TV!


Towards Legalization: the Canadian government discussion paper @ Here!

Ontario Wynne government's crackdown on pot @ On Bill 45!

Reefer Madness Canada: The Harper Era @ Bummerz!

A Visit to Bob Marley birthplace in Nine Miles Jamaica @ Hi! Hi! Hi!

Also, read my monthly Teacher Free Speech News y Views blogs! Lot's more progressive links and updates on developments in the legalization of weed in Canada can be found there! 


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Have you seen them!

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Look! I can crawl thru walls!

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And a broken nose.

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No I'm not!

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