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Showing posts with label TSU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TSU. Show all posts

Friday 6 February 2015

Teacher February News + Views!

Hello newbies! Everybody else: Welcome back! See the categories below for your latest Ontario Teacher Free Speech News + Views links. Updates are later included in larger type. The 2011-15 Archives are located for easy reference top left of your screen. My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 

Snow! Snow! Everywhere snow! I just got back from a short trip to Cuba. Met the teachers. Got to the beach. Photos: top left slide show! Story to follow soon ....


A cellphone video of two teenage females assaulting a police officer outside of a local high school goes viral amid much amusement. Listen: when it's okay to swear, and hit teachers at will with virtual impunity nowadays, what sort of message do you think young people are getting about respect for authority figures in general? See my blog @ School Safety?. The news story + video is @ Funny eh?

Ontario's new sex ed curriculum is released. The provincial government says it will not be "cowed" by social conservative critics, this time. The program will be implemented at school beginning this fall. It is the first overhaul since 1998. See "Party Politics" below. A separate easy access Sex Ed blog, has been posted for your teacher free research, resource, erudition and discussion purposes has now been posted on my site @ Guide. News story @ Sex Ed

5 myths about the new sex ed curriculum are refuted. What do the MOE documents really say? @ Huffington

The times they are a changing: For contrast, the CBC digital file archives from "Take 30" show us how the sex ed debate unfolded in Canada during the 1960-70's @ CBC

MOE adamant new sex ed curriculum, due within weeks for implementation this fall, won't be pulled off the table this time around unlike in 2010 Sex Ed

Boo hoo hoo! We can't add. We have a deficit. Oh no! We have to negotiate new teacher contracts! TCDSB @ How Covenient?

TCDSB faces 2 unpalatable plans for cutting suddenly discovered $16.9 million deficit. Program cuts are pending. The MOE has appointed a consultant to work with the troubled Catholic board. Trustee Rizzo stresses under funding is also a big issue @ Rizzo

Trustee Rizzo alarmed + feels betrayed by board staff over $10 million accounting "estimation error" in benefit payments @ Hard to Count?

TCDSB Trustee Rizzo not impressed!

BTW it was great seeing local OECTA TSU/ TECT Presidents Dave Sollosy + Mario Bernardo respectively on CP24 news during the meeting last night eloquently keeping close tabs on TCDSB accountability @ Needs to be Done!

Q+A on Toronto measles outbreak, vaccinations, autism, school etc @ Measles!

Fear vaccines can cause autism high despite medical assurances to the contrary @ Autism?

The case against vaccine causing autism in children is explained @ Measle Parties?!?

Toronto Public Health says students will need to be immunized to attend school @ Proof Needed!

100's of inoculated London Ontario students face suspension @ Measles

MOE Sandals cheesed with TDSB response to directives: Principal hiring process, Quan provisos and school repairs found wanting @ Not Far Enough!

PC's accuse OLP of using crisis to shut out community leaders and fast track school closings. Sandals claims new guidelines for parent input will be in place in about a month. Interesting: no mention of teachers. Also, how'd the NDP miss this one Andrea?!? PC's

Axe hangs over 48 TDSB schools as trustees scramble to meet MOE's "Directive 9" cut deadline @ Star

Advocates argue changes to funding formula could save schools. Some are of the schools also used as Community Centres for Adult Ed and Daycare. BTW: Differences in Catholic and Public land development taxes distribution vary too. Article @ Global

Local Schools are "community assets" @ Globe

MOE Sandals claims the the province knows "schools are more than just buildings". However, critics argue they still aren't adjusting the funding formula to acknowledge their use as "community hubs" @ Inside Toronto

Liz: Bad school numbers! Bad! Bad!

ETT president John Smith speaks out against closings @ Toronto Elementary

Local Neo Cons must be gritting their teeth over this one: Survey shows 69% of Toronto residents would approve of a tax hike to keep the schools open as Community hubs @ Survey

60 local TDSB schools are being targeted for possible closing as the MOE cracks down on the scandal plagued board @ Yiikes!

How do our politicos decide which schools are closed? Sometimes they might just be playing the number's game @ Star

NIMBY? Majority of school closures would be in city's poorer neighbourhoods @ Star

Mapping the school closures @ Torontoist

Meanwhile know that many TCDSB Catholic schools are currently over capacity. An aggressive international students recruitment program with fees of $3500+ is underway. This could get very nasty!

Pay Back Time: What to do when you are caught red handed?!? Senior TDSB staff scramble as their pay hike violations are rolled back. For many it boils down to a question of whether they should quit or pay back the money @ TDSB

Educators Matter is seeking stories about teachers and staff who have selflessly helped others in a significant, and meaningful way @ You Matter!

Alberta teachers possibly face up to 2,500 layoffs as province's oil industry tanks with the world market. Controversial Oil Sands Project now a pig in the poke? Hmmm. Story @ Alberta Bound

Quebec MOE unfazed by marijuana strip search of 15 year old female student. Ontario MOE says it would be a no go here @ School Strip Search

OECTA's Catholic gay teachers continue to be the only group in Canada who can be legally discriminated against contrary to our Constitutional Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The OECTA TSU Human Rights Committee hosted a well attended + very constructive social for the union's LGBTQ members, allies and friends on Feb 5. Provincial President James Ryan and local president Dave Szollosy were in attendance. A handout on the teachers' existing CB rights as well as the text for a motion to be forwarded at the March AGM creating a new working group was presented. Notice will be forthcoming for the next gathering this spring. I will repost the handout on a separate blog in solidarity for your erudition. Guest blogs are also most welcome of course. Stay tuned for updates!

Code of Silence Alert? Tight!

"Observed at this month's OECTA COP"/ or "The Mystery of the "My OECTA includes Marshall Jarvis" T-shirts!": Objectively speaking Marshall was one of our top Catholic teacher union warriors during the good fight against the Ontario Harris Eves Neo Conservative government. Marshall deserves this recognition. The honour is due whatever political differences now exist years later. As a retired OECTA political activist and a fighter on our front line classroom and picket lines, I don't doubt this. 

However, during my OECTA years I saw 2 different management styles of delivery for General Secretariat service; Marshall's political one, and the more arms length administrative style of Greg Pollock before him. Putting aside the obvious politics of the moment, I have to wonder if the deeper problem facing OECTA right now is a question of which approach is best for the organization, and hopefully not one of personal allegiances. As such, the t-shirts timing is certainly questionable to say the least!

Do the t-shirts presence at an OECTA COP the month before the OECTA Provincial Presidential election at March AGM smack of a power play? The very thought makes me wince. Is there a move a foot to manufacture consensus for a Hawkins, O'Dwyer Jarvis triad at the head of OECTA after the March presidential election? Or to make sure whatever way it goes, that the union continues to be managed in the same way as it is now, without the deeper and more open discussion that should entail? 

more important question of direction in governance is what needs to be resolved to clear the air and help OECTA get it's mojo working again. At such, the mystery t- shirts regretfully seem quite disturbing and distasteful considering the more recent controversy's since the 2012 MOU, Marshall's other considerable and noteworthy contributions to the association notwithstanding. See my Teacher + Union in the January Teacher Free Speech News + Views for more info @ Here

You can easily make a cone o' silence too! Or something like that!

MOE admits inconsistencies in tracking info on "violent incidents" at school boards across province. Great! Also note how the info only includes attacks on students. Meanwhile the boards are playing innocent. However, my experience in Toronto was that everybody has got one of those them there darn "Cones of Silence" [see above] on, when it comes to disclosure. The public has no idea of how bad it really! Read @ Sun

Parent transfers her autistic child from a Catholic school in Algonquin and Lakeshore citing the board's inaction on a violent incident involving a death threat and bullying @ Inaction 

Toronto parent carries a sign advising others her son is autistic for when she has to deal with a meltdown in public @ Idea

Expect some details finally on what the province is offering teachers at this month's Collective Bargaining talks. If the OPSEU negotiations are any indication, it's very slim pickings indeed! Teacher union affiliate updates continue to be posted on a separate blog. The OPSEU details as well as some upcoming provincial CB + OLRB meeting dates are posted here. More news continues to follow as it comes to my attention. Please feel free to provide Comments + info in the space below the blog @ Ontario Teacher Free Speech Contract Guide! 

Solidarity forever? USW Toronto Crown Plant cannery strike enters month 17!!! Please check your beer and pop cans to see where they are made and BOYCOTT!!! Pass it on!!! News article @ Star and my first hand blog coverage of the strike from Oct 2013 is of course still @ On the Lines!

A new Supreme Court ruling might've just struck a major blow across Canada against the neo conservative war against our union movement when it comes to limiting our right to strike @ Precedent?


Queen's Park legislature resumes: 6 big issues for the Wynne government @ OLP

Useful: Visit the Queens Park website for orders, notices, committee meeting dates and more details etc. etc. etc. @ Here!

Behind the scenes with Pat Sorbara; Premier Wynne's controversial Deputy Chief of Staff and allegedly one of the most powerful unelected figures in the government @ Sorbara

Pat Sorbara sits tight while police investigation mounts into Sudbury election scandal @ Globe

Former NDP MP/ Liberal candidate Glenn Thibeault handily wins the Feb 5 Sudbury Ontario provincial by election. BTW, he had the mine workers' endorsement. Would seem like another wake up call for our "well, we're not a socialist/ union party anymore" Fed + provincial NDP to me, but hey ..... @ OLP

PC McNaughton breaks party ranks to wade into sex ed debate.

Premier Wynne accuses some sex education protesters of being homophobic @ Wynne

PC Leadership Race Schism: McNaughton + Brown appeal to anti sex ed protesters, Elliot plays coy. Meanwhile party supports the new curriculum @ Split

PC MPP Rick Nicholls advocates students opting out of evolution studies @ Dinosaurs?

No to evolution + sex ed? Social conservative pandering threatens effort to reform PC's into a moderate governing party @ Leadership Race

5 spectacular PC leadership meltdowns @ Issues

PC's wrangle with their spectacular knack for clutching defeat from the jaws of victory during the the past 4 provincial elections. Possibility of rapprochement with teachers also discussed Leadership Race

Dept of Do As We Say: The OLP majority government continues to preside over a new QP legislative season unfazed by the opposition protests over yet another patronage scandal. Why don't the PC's and NDP get any traction? Don't Ontarian's care? Or, is it more an incredulous question of them usually being guilty of the same unsavoury patronage politics of which they doth protest so loudly Cohn 


Bill C-51: Canada's New Terrorism Act, is to be passed into law asap!  News story now moved and incorporated into my Feb 23 blog: Is Canada Under Attack 2! @ Here!

Obama's recent speeches on terrorism and Islam avoid the jingoism of Harper + Bush. Indeed, one might want to consider promoting better development and growth throughout the Muslim world rather than continue waging tragic wars we don't win. [Saaay: wasn't the US victorious in the Iraq War 13 years ago?!?] However, Obama still continues to publicly ignore that the west and it's allies do not have a good track record, to say the least, in the Muslim world. 

The US and it's western allies continue to prop up corrupt, oppressive regimes [ie: We like the Arab Spring. Oh wait -no we don't!] and exploit the region for natural resources [read oil]. That has created a historic and ongoing void where terrorists can readily spread hatred and recruit extremist followers. 

The real truth of the "terrorist threat" actually lies much deeper than the usual usual platitudes and glittering generalities we constantly hear in the media both in the US and now in Canada. Are the "terrorist attacks" really being mainly fueled by terrorist hatred of "freedom" and "democracy"? These might help manufacture consent for dubious adventurist wars but alas, quite frankly, folks in the middle east often have historically much more profound reason to hate us! See how! More @ No Justice No Peace!

Canada's "Fox News North" goes the same direction as US "Target" stores: out of here! Yes, "Sun News" went off the air for good early Friday the 13th! Sun blames the low viewership for it's neo con rants on being denied access to Basic Cable TV Packages here in Canada. No more nasty attempts to Manufacture Consent for their right wing agenda on the public dime by blaming unions, pinko's, ne'er do wells and Muslim extremists for the nations ills @ Going Going Goon!

Raoul Castro to retire! Calls presidential election!

Cuban President Raoul Castro has announced that he will be stepping down! Cubans will be going to the polls in 2 years to choose a new leader. I haven't seen any coverage of the announcement in the mainstream news. Find out more soon here about local reactions to this and the recent announcement of efforts to normalize Cuba US relations. A separate blog on my recent February Cuban School Project visit to Santiago de Cuba is forthcoming. I'm still just trying to readjust to the deep freeze back home here in Canada. Brrrrrrrr! Stay tuned! 

Here's an odd sign of the times: police in Pakistan are instructing teachers on how to use firearms against terrorists @ School Attacks

How well do Prime Minister Harper's Federal Conservatives understand or care about the needs of the average Canadian working family? Not very, according to these revealing charts @ No way!?

After Pride survey finds only 16% of London Ontario LGBTQ feel safe with their same sex partner in public @ No holding Hands?!?

In Canada we love to brag about just how cold it is and how much snow we get! No doubt this recent "snow train" video is a klassic @ Toot! Toot!

Harper Weed Control: Go ahead given for growing 9000 more medical marijuana plants in Halton Region @ Agri-Business High!

Up in smoke: Ontario's "Peace Natural" Co. required to recall legal marijuana that's too strong. What BS! Word is street boo is stronger + cheaper. What to do Hi Low!

Justin T on Flag Day: Casual + Calculated = Cool?

Fed Lib's Justin Trudeau + Jean Chretien attended a packed rally at U of T Mississauga Campus Feb 16th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag. Justin pointed out the Maple Leaf Ensign was very controversial at the time. Many British Canadians still wanted us to fly the Union Jack! [Indeed you will still see it on our Ontario provincial flag today!] Jean pointed out the PET Liberal government was "building diversity" to the largely well healed + educated ethnic audience. The auditorium was packed with potential voters from the Toronto 911 riding's, no doubt central to the festivities! 

Justin was casual but calculated, a chip off the old block? Dunno what the old man would've thought about his stand, or lack thereof, against Bill C-51; the Harper "Anti-Terrorist" Act [see above]. Of course, that leaves the NDP's Tom [We're not A Socialist Party Anymore!] Mulcair alone in the anti-"Anti Terrorist" Bill bull pit but with little or no chance of toppling the Harper Conservatives once and for all in this year's federal election. All is certainly not well in our true north weak + cold! 

Goon but not forgotten: Rob Ford fishes around for pocket change for charity by auctioning off memorabilia from his recent fiasco as Toronto's mayor @ Ebay


Leslie Gore: Now it's Judy's turn to cry?!

60's Teen Dream Queen Leslie Gore dies of cancer at age 68! "It's My Party" [1963], she could cry if she wanted, aaaaaand you'd cry too -if it happened to you! Sorry! Loved it! Couldn't resist! Hey! Did you know Leslie was also a 60's proto-feminist. Yup! Life was not ALL "Sunshine Lollipops" [1965]! Check out her grrrrrrl klassic "You Don't Own Me!" [1964]. Tres rad! Not something a "nice girl" should think or say at the time! Seriously! Obit + music videos @ It's My party!

No! It's Bryan's Party: Johnny Bi Bye!

BTW: Ever heard Bryan Ferry's straight faced cover version of "It's My Party" [1973]?! Well, it's the early seventies now .... and so was "Ferry"! Very! Get it?!? Heh Heh Er...... most folks on our side of the Atlantic missed the point about "Johnny" . Still Bryan was a hit in the UK, where even Elton John could publicly admit that ..... Gasp! No! Really?!?! He's what???? ...... C'mon! Next thing you know somebody will be claiming that Liberace was actually gay!!!!! ...... well anyway, it's @ Youtube

Get it: Liberace = Liberation?!? Never mind ...

17 dirty reasons why Apple is NOT as trez kool as many folk might think @ Apple sucks?

My Youtube Bar below this main column presently features a selection of Gorillaz videos. My fascination lies in the groups fabulous combo of klassic 21st century pop music and graphic materials fueled by my rediscovery of the band's albeit pre-existing recordings on glorious vinyl. Nice big gate fold covers! Yummy warm vinyl sounds! You will find a selection of their trez kool videos there! Enjoy!


Tuesday 4 September 2012

Welcome Back: Teacher News Links Sept 4 to 6th!

See By-Election Results as they come in at:

[Last Updated news links + info added Sept 6, 9:45]

Welcome back!

Busy! Busy! Busy! Back to school means back to our routines! I survived day one, and if you are reading this, well then, you must have too! I will be regularly adding news links to articles and original documents etc. etc. etc. about our teacher struggle here in Ontario Canada throughout next week as I also tend to my classes .Keep checking in!!! 

For those of you who may have just gotten back, and haven't had time to check your mail, here is a link to the OECTA PDT MOU [Memo of Understanding]:

Here is a convenient comparison chart of the terms:[1]

The OECTA Q+A[1](1).pdf

Only OECTA, AEFO and the EA's have signed an MOU on behalf of the province's teachers. The Liberal Government is currently planning to legislate our MOU into law for the others. You will read many different views and news stories on this below. Here is what the MOE [ Ministry of Education] is claiming about Bill 115: The Putting Students first Act":

Here is Education Minister Laurel Broten's statement:

Please see my July 14th Blog OECTA Study PDT and previous summer blogs for more information My Blog Archive is located below this main column.

September 6th

The top two staff concerns with the OECTA MOU at my own school in Toronto are:
1] sick days/ gratuities + the 2] ratification process. There are ALOT of very upset teachers!

Stay tuned for election results in K-W and Vaughan tonite when they become availalble. News links and commentary will follow. Latest polling showed NDP win in K-W, Lib in Vaughan. McGuinty is allegedly heading for the election celebrations in Vaughan.

In the News:

Vote today! How to quickly find out where to vote if you live in K-W or Vaughan:

TVO's Steven Paiken on Projecting Ontario Politics into this fall and the post Drummond era:

National Post columnist Scott Stinson confused by conflicting polls in K-W. Speculates outcome still uncertain:

OFL [Ontario Federation of Labour] President Sid Ryan claims anti union rhetoric will cost the Cons and Libs the by election in K-W:

People for Education presentation to legislation committee on Bill 115. See:

See the ETFO presentation here:

Succinct ETFO fact sheet on Bill 115 concerns. Also includes easy to use letter writing kit and riding locator on line, so you conveniently contact your MPP with your thoughts on Bill 115. See:

It's Dilovely blogger makes direct teacher pitch for our profession in plain talk that's easy to understand and empathize with, while also tackling some pretty big issues. Nice! See:

September 5th

NDP surges in K-W/ Libs in Vaughan in by-election polls on eve of vote:

Con loss could mean party knives out for Hudak. He makes light of latest K-W poll:

McGuinty notes teacher salaries have risen 25% since 2003. Requests pause in wage increases in light of recession:

Latest Liberal campaign flyer on teachers in K-W:

Dufferin Peel Catholic Elementary votes 91.8% in favour of strike action in response to board "conciliation". [Also see my Background OCSTA COCP blog from last week!] Orangeville Banner reports:

OSSTF Communications/ Political Action Department succinctly summarize their main points on  Ministry of Ed and teacher conflict:

People for Education denounce Bill 115 vote at Queen's Park Sept.10 as too soon:

OSSTF provides Stop the Bill writer kit to help teachers protest to your local MPP. OECTA?!? Por que no? See:

Latest ETFO TV ad. My same concerns as before. Teacher talk and emphasis on contracts verses something that would evoke general public empathy. Dalton broken promises theme has been used by Tories for ten years now. Hypocrite is almost a ten dollar word. I'm confused! I saw a great ad on t.v. featuring a teacher student reunion. Evoked fond memories of favourite teachers who made a difference in life. Now there's a real choke-me- upper. ETFO too!? Two fisted right + left punch would make good sense. Will show when I find link. Meanwhile:

Walkom Toronto Star piece provides overview of Ontario concerns outside Toronto. We often ignore these here in the city, seems Dalton does too. Yes! There is this whole big province just beyond the outskirts of Toronto! See:

New OTF President will lead us into next pension talks:

Scuttlebutt: McGuinty will be at by-election celebrations in Vaughan tomorrow, not K-W. Hmm......?

September 4th

In The News: September 4th:

Welcome back to school from the MOE ]Ministry of Education]:

Welcome back to school from ETFO

Toronto Star K-W By Election article on candidates and issues gives recent polling results by Forum Research for the riding as: Cons: 34% Libs 30% NDP 30% , same as last weeks Nano`s Poll. Yikes! A vote split with the Conservatives going down the middle? We'll see. Meantime go to:

NDP Federal Leader Mulcair + Provincial Leader Horwath speak at K-W on Labour Day:

Windsor Essex Catholic secondary unit President Brian Hogan denounces Lib's teacher attacks in Windsor:

An advance poll indicator of voter turn out on Sept. 6 by elections. Read the tea leafs:

Teacher Affiliates all assure parents there are no feared school disruptions on first day of classes in Windsor. Look MOE! No job actions or strike! :

Possible ETFO, OSSTF + CUPE job actions this fall? See:

Hmmm. Alfred E. Newman "mad" McGuinty blocks him on Twitter:

No joke: Some schools are starting late in the morning in belief students will arrive on time if they can sleep in late. Great way to prepare for the workplace, eh? How about they just go to bed earlier? Is somebody actually getting paid to think these things up? Can I get a job there?!? Can I sleep in late before going to work in their office? What next?!? See:

More below! More to come!

                          Team TSU with family and friends at this years labour Day Parade!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

OECTA Deal Ratified By COP

OECTA COP [Council of Presidents] yesterday ratified our new PDT deal with the Ontario government by a 42 to 24 vote. President Rene Jansen will be sending our members a notice later.

I can speak for myself when I say that at Monday's TSU executive meeting I spoke out against the deal for a number of reasons I've touched upon here in my blogs, primary around issues of contract stripping.

So folks it's a done deal. Our CB [Collective Bargaining] team will now meet with our school board, the TCDSB [Toronto District Catholic School Board], to reach a local contract based upon the PDT terms. The government has said it wants all the contracts settled by December 31st. TSU is ready to get started asap anyway. Indeed our initial contract was approved at a General Membership this spring [see my Blog Archives]. It was forwarded to the board to meet the formal requirement that we had served them notice that we are ready to meet. We can now do so effective immediately. Remember, our current contract expires August 31st.

In my next few blogs I plan to briefly summarize the main PDT terms, and what they will mean for us as teachers. So please stay tuned. Much more official info will also coming through OECTA Provincial and TSU in the days and weeks ahead. I hope my summaries can help provide a useful overview in the meantime should you care to read them.

So, what are our other PDT partners now doing? OSSTF has announced plans to revisit the table, as has AEFO. ETFO seems committed to maintaining the hard line. They are in a particularly difficult position since their last PDT agreement 4 years ago ended up costing them 2% less in salary than the rest of us got.We now can only wish them better luck in this round. I mean that sincerely too.

Our Catholic Trustees Association is in a very interesting pinch. They walked out earlier during the all night session when the OECTA PDT agreement was reached. Snooze you lose! I hope to share their opening position on PDT with you. It was absolutely horrid and quite ludicrous. Shudder! Shudder! Shudder! Yup, three shudders worth, it was that bad! OECTA definitely opened the Ministry's eyes, and the trustees didn't get their way, big time. Plus they've also lost some of their management rights on a number of PDT issues. Out the window that goes. More about this when I write about the PDT terms.

For an interesting read on these developments and events, please see the updated Toronto Star article at::

Here's a link for the July 10th CBC Metro Morning audio clip titled "Had To Agree". OECTA President Kevin Dwyer discusses the PDT deal including the sick day plan and union solidarity. You need flash for this. Go to:

PS: Readers have asked if I can post the MOU here. It's 17 pages long, and that doesn't include the Appendice. Regretfully, no can do, in a blog! You will find a link to it in my July 5th blog though, and I think it's included in at least one other blog since then. I will try to learn other ways to post documents here on my site. In the meantime, please scroll down the page and you will find it there.

Interesting tidbit for anyone who's read this far: There are persistent, unconfirmed rumours making the rounds that Premier McGuinty personally intervened in the PDT talks, telling his team to cut us some slack on  sick days and the grid freeze. It would make sense. Our members across the province have been lobbying their local MPP's non stop all spring. Maybe he came to see the light on our equity and health concerns? Or maybe it was just a political move to reach PDT agreements before our teacher contracts expire August 31st?Or maybe both?

Anyway, the government PDT team would've been given the go-ahead sometime between the late June Liberal Convention in Sudbury, and the signing of our PDT agreement early in the morning on July 5th, if the rumour is true. There is quite a story here starting with the Education Ministry's about face with teachers this spring, any PDT Agreements reached, and whatever else happens next in Ontario politics this fall. Keep in mind our minority government situation, and a premier who might well soon leap to the national political stage, with the attendant provincial Liberal leadership race that would follow.

For any amateur sleuths out there might I suggest you start creating a time line of dates, times and events? Right now it would be good to focus on the the past two weeks or so, including overnight and the next morning of July 5th when our agreement was reached. Quite a few emerging details are scattered  throughout my past few blogs. Of course there are lots of theories. I am NOT suggesting a diabolical OECTA conspiracy or plot. Still let's play connect the dots to solve the puzzle!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

PDT, GSA, Inclusivity + Fee Excitement Ahead!

This weekend is the annual OECTA [Ontatio Catholic Teachers Association] AGM [Annual General Meeting]. Hundreds of teacher delegates will gather from across the province to hear reports, presentations and vote on our teacher association business. This year we are meeting in Windsor Ontario. It promises to be an especially interesting and even exciting 3 day event.

On Sunday afternoon, our Ontario Provincial Education Minister Laurel Broten will speak to the gathering, our first Q+A opportunity as members since the official PDT [Provincial Dialogue Table] announcements of a 2 year salary freeze, sick day reduction and provincial pension plan contribution cap last week. [See my March 1st blog]. OECTA has, of course, refused the province's opening contract offer. Unless there is a breakthrough during the two days of PDT talks this week, one can expect the frosty reception Laurel received at our BTC [Beginning Teachers Conference] will quite likely change to down right cold. [See my February blog]. It's a pity. She has been a big teacher supporter and advocate, who has enjoyed strong OECTA support since the 2003 election.

It will be interesting to see how Minister Broten handles the questions. The Liberal government's recent change in direction, from 9 years of working cooperatively with our teacher associations, is a contract shocker none us had foreseen. Now here we stand poised for perhaps a return to the deepest depth of labour strife and unrest since the Harris era. There hadn't been a single day lost to teacher strikes or work to rule since then, but now? Laurel, please prove to us it isn't so!

Windsor is in Finance Minister Dwight Duncan's riding. Perhaps he should come to speak too, so we can figure out who is really pulling the strings here! A provincial Liberal Leadership race is possibly not too far off. Could both Laurel, and our previous teacher friendly Education Minister Kathleen be having their teacher support rug pulled out from under them by Dwight "the cost cutter" Duncan as the party takes a sharp policy reversal that out Tories Tory leader Tim Hudak's Conservatives? Please see my February Blog Archive and roll this one around in your mind for a bit.....The implications are a very scary thought indeed!

Please note Laurel will not, repeat not, be staying to host the Liberal hospitality suite, as past Education Ministers usually have in year's past. I know for a fact that this is due to a previous scheduling conflict. She's off to speak at the OSSTF AGM in Toronto next. So Sunday morning AGM will be the moment of truth, her first public opportunity to take the floor and address our teacher troops as a partnership era of Liberal Party and OECTA co-operation quite possibly comes to an end. The NDP [New Democratic Party] must be rubbing their hands in glee! Who would've ever thought it would come to this?

The Harris Conservative era was an 8 year period of labour war with our teachers. The NDP government before them saw a previously pro-labour party impose a wage freeze and unpaid Rae Day "holidays" on our public sector unions. We have not had trouble with the Liberals alone. It was a proud, productive and relatively blemish free period of government, until now......

So what else on the agenda could be quite exciting? Well AGM's are hardly ever exciting, except maybe when Conservative Education Minister Liz Witmar showed up in 2003 to tell us if we didn't like the way we were being treated to go get a another job somewhere else. Whew! She did not walk out of there to a shower of praise let me tell you! I hope, hope, hope NOTHING of the sort happens to Laurel. She is indeed a fine, fine Liberal MPP and person as well who strongly supported us back then through until now. Barring that rather unlikely prospect there are still a few other policy potboilers ready to bubble over too. For example:

A Fee Increase? Our emergency reserves currently show a surplus but it would disappear quickly if we face a flood of job actions in the terse times ahead. We have a past AGM promise to roll back last year's election fee increase, but now the question could be, by how much? The fee proposals on the floor are from $950 to $975 per member a year but the issue now seems quite volatile. What happens next if we don't have contracts in place by August 31 this year?

Gay Straight Alliance Clubs [GSA's]? A TSU [Toronto Secondary Unit] policy motion for them to be recognized by OECTA pits denominational against civil rights in a quite possibly very divisive fight that would without doubt draw a lot of public attention to our Catholic school funding and Religious Affair issues. That could become a big problem in the next provincial election should anyone choose to use this as a political grandstand for eliminating public funding for our Catholic school system!

It will be very interesting to see how the issue is received by many of the OECTA units, especially those from outside Toronto. They  could well either make or break the question of GSA approval. Gay inclusivity issues have not been favourably received on the AGM floor in years past. A lot could hinge on the premise given in the motion's rationale that the GSA's enjoy the support of the Ontario Catholic Bishops. Cardinal Collins has recently stated that they don't. This could be a real nail bitter from both points of view as we see how the debate unfolds!

Another Human Rights Committee policy motion calls for OECTA to support  an inclusive learning and working environment for both students and teaching staff regardless of their sexual orientation.
The Ontario Government has insisted that bullying on sexual or any other grounds is unacceptable. That should be reasonably clear and acceptable to all Catholics who abide by the golden rule to love one another. However, if we extend that to openly accepting non heterosexual gender relationships within our Catholic schools, we are again facing a very heated denominational rights conflict for many members of our Catholic community. Many delegates could well find the motion totally unacceptable should it reach the AGM floor for debate. Expect even more fireworks here too, as the two opposite sides of the issue clash!

A complete OECTA AGM 2012 Agenda and Resolution handbook is available at the website should you require further info and details on these and the wide range of other speeches, motions and debates in the action packed weekend ahead. Please also keep checking on my blogspot for more of my own hopefully timely teacher news and views! This year's AGM could prove very interesting and perhaps even explosive in more than one starting this Saturday in Windsor!

Sunday 12 February 2012

New! Discipline Reporting Online?

As my regular readers have probably guessed by now, I am a high tech junky. Yup, I'm hooked. If you were at the board roll out for the Smart board computers last week, you would've seen me lined up eagerly to get a laptop. Then you'd have found me sitting in the front row for the first in-service on what this new board technology can help us do in Special Education. If you read my January post on telephone voting you'd have noticed I worked to forward a friendly amendment to have our unit step another rung up the technological ladder for our election this spring. So it should come as little surprise that I am now going to tout the new electronic discipline incident form finally launched by our board over the past month or so.

Our TSU Joint Safe Schools Committee [JSS]has been working for a few years now with the TCDSB to create a useful, user friendly and effective way to fill out and submit student discipline forms on line and according to the Ministry of Education's Safe School regulations. This is reflected in our co-authored Agreement of Principles you'll find on the opening screen. I know. I know. Only a teacher could be intrigued and excited about a development like this. Student wrong doers beware! Ha. Be that as it may it is a big step forward in helping us follow and implement a coherent progressive discipline strategy in an easy to follow way.

So far you should've received electronic copies of two documents; said Agreement of Principles, and the step by step PDIR [Progressive Discipline Incident Report] guide on how to use the new system, in your board email. Let's examine how they can be helpful for teachers, administration and students alike. To provide balance let's also examine some possible contentious issues and improvements as well.

Okay, here's a brief rundown on the steps. You enter the TCDSB Intranet, look across 3 columns to the Applications column, then scroll down to "Progressive Discipline Reporting Forms" link and click. The opening screen shows the Agreement of Principals developed by the TDSB and TSU Joint Safe Schools Committee. At the bottom are the two links main links for the "Incident Reports" and "Reporting Form".

The "Reporting Form" is a Ministry of Education requirement for any serious incident that violates the terms of the Safe School Act, and might require expulsion. These include threats, physical and sexual assaults, robbery, trafficking and so on. Our board has added vandalism, bullying and swearing at a teacher, also serious and repeated misconduct. See the form for the complete list. Please note it is MANDATORY to fill out and submit one of these forms when any of these discipline incidents happen, anywhere in the school, at a school activity, or on a school bus! I'm not too sure everybody knows or does that. Do you? More on this later.

The "Incident Reports" link takes you to a locally developed form covering a wide range of other discipline concerns including classroom behaviour, attendance, habitual neglect of duty, inappropriate comments and  improper use of electronic equipment [ie; cellphones in class]. The Safe School incidents are also listed there. Please see the form for a complete list of the incidents as there are a lot more. When you click the Incident Reporting link you will see a list of your own students each semester. You also have the option to see a complete list of all the students at your school. The drop down box to activate this option is at the top right of your screen.

When you click on a student's name you will be directed to an onscreen form to fill out. The incident may require suspension or another type of office follow-up. There is a checklist of mitigating circumstances they will might need to consider, the actions you have taken, and of course boxes for a brief factual description of the incident, your name and those of the witnesses and the alleged victim and perpetrator involved, the time and location, date and so on.

As the Statement of Principles states these forms can be filled out on line or by hard copy, because many of our teachers still do not have timely access to a school computer. A verbal report may also be made, which of course may be absolutely necessary right away in a serious situation. Investigation and detailed reporting of the incident is the duty of the administration. Further discussion of the incident with administration may be required, and administrative actions and follow-up should be provided in a "timely," "promptly" manner to you,  once you click the bottom box for it to be "referred to administration".

This last point is very interesting. It provides you with a progressive discipline option to follow in less serious incidents, let's say attendance, cellphone use, or other various acts of classroom misconduct and so on, before you send your form to the office. Indeed, you don't have to send the form right away. You can save them on line, listing the actions you have taken, such as warnings, a discussion, detention, phone call home, a parent conference, or what have you. If the problem still persists you then send them all in at once to the office where it's pretty much a slam dunk for them to act effectively. The proper progressive discipline steps have all been followed and documented. The student has had ample opportunity to change their behaviour, so now the administration can act swiftly and decisively from here with a suspension or some other suitable strong disciplinary action. The case has all ready been made with sufficient evidence to support doing so.

So, it all sounds pretty good eh? Yup, just a little something I thought up myself....heh,, not! Actually our TSU JSS [Joint Safe Schools Committee] has worked with the TCDSB for a few years on this, as the legislation was clarified, the forms developed and principles discussed to both our and the board's satisfaction. I worked for two years on the project, but it was this year's JSS team including Teresa Placha, Lou Trinchi and President Rene Jansen who finally nailed down all our collective hard work for you the teachers. So there you go, it's up and running now. Of course there are still some problems.. Nothing is ever perfect. Let me list a few from my own involvement in the project.

Where you aware of these options? The PDIR manual? The Agreement of Principals? The Ministry of Education Safe Schools form? Have you ever seen or used the online or hard copy versions? One fears in many cases perhaps not. In servicing and accessibility is a problem our joint committee has discussed at length with the board. In principle it's all set up and running now, and everybody has been advised accordingly. I'm sure the good intent is there but it would be interesting to see how widely it is actually being used. I hope I am wrong!

If not then maybe more further professional development is necessary? This is big folks! Everybody, staff and administration needs to get on board with the program. Indeed the whole process isn't something anybody at the board or TSU thought up for lack of something better to do. There are strong legal requirements from the Ministry of Education for the Safe School legislation to be followed! One could end up in pretty hot water if they are not, including possible legal action, or referrals to the Ontario College of Teachers. Should the progressive discipline model and reporting requirements under the Safe School Act not be followed correctly your job or even worse could be on the line! The school board and your school administration could get in big trouble, if they don't follow the legislation too!

Another major concern for us as teachers is access to all the discipline incident records for the students at our school, not just those we teach. When you click on a student's name, their picture will show up. That's good for identification purposes, but then so is a copy of the yearbook. Bottom line is that the only other info available is how many incident forms have been filled out for them. That can be useful in determining if we are dealing with a first time offender, or a student with a history of infractions. The problem here is that we don't have access at a glance to what the other discipline incident reports were for. Were they for lates or skips? Cellphone issues? Or were they for something much more serious like threats or fights? That can make a big difference! We encounter students throughout the school, most of them not our own, in the course of our on call duties, or performing supervision, let's say when they are outside our class when they shouldn't be. This unresolved issue could very much affect our own safety and those of the students in our care!

Unfortunately, an ongoing debate continues over privacy of information. There doesn't seem to be any easy answers from either the teacher's or the school board's point of view. Think of the "fresh start" students transferred to your school after a serious incident. You very well might not have any idea who they are or if they pose a serious risk to you or the other students when you are dealing with a disciplinary incident in the cafeteria, hallway, or schoolyard. I'm sure there are many other examples you can think of too. The question remains, do privacy rights trump our right to safety and security at our workplace, the school? 

Unfortunately it may take a precedent setting legal case before that is clear. TSU and the board have taken different positions while developing the new form. Although I would disagree with not providing full disclosure to any teacher who might be at risk, I can understand their concern with the legal intricacies of the rights of disclosure under the law. It's the proverbial argument about the rights of the individual verses those of the larger group. With Canada's contentious young offender legislation in mind, I can understand why a very cautious approach might be desirable until this is further clarified. I also shudder to think what might happen in the meantime, if not at our schools, then elsewhere to some innocent student or teacher victim faced with a potentially dangerous individual they know nothing about.

At our different schools teachers and admin alike have often had their own local approach to reporting and investigating problems over the years. Disciplinary actions have varied too. One can see how some of us might feel like these "PDIF" and "Safe Schools Reporting Form" requirements just interfere with what might've worked well for us in the past. However, we are entering a whole new age. School discipline has become a complicated systematic legal issue we can't ignore, or just wish away. Failure to deal with it correctly can have very dire consequences for all concerned. The simpler more direct methods are now long gone along with the seemingly simpler times of year's past.

These days we all face a huge mountain of paperwork at school. I personally believe we must inevitably head towards a paperless society. The new technology that is becomingly increasingly common at school suggests that may for practical reasons be coming sooner rather than later. When done on line our progressive discipline procedures and reports become a lot more streamlined, and easier to document and act upon, rather than relying on the cabinets full of paper files and the endless verbal exchanges it's taken over the past few years to deal with a problem.

In some of our inner city schools, the problems we are dealing with can be a lot more serious than in others, although there is ample argument to be made that the same are happening in other schools everywhere too. Many teachers are increasingly dealing with very serious problems involving gangs, drugs, fights, weapons, well you name it. Bullying is now recognized as an important legal issue, and it seems to cut across all the socio-economic lines between and in our schools. Perhaps it always has.

Canadians claim to place great importance on law and order, but everywhere that now seems to be breaking down. However, it's also been argued that the past was full of different injustices and abuses unless you were from a nice middle class white bread family like on "Leave It To Beaver" or "My Three Sons".Perhaps that was even just a television myth of what the societal status quo and our families were supposed to be like, even when they were being first broadcast into our homes at night. Was it really like that for blacks, Asians, Italians, Quebecois, aborigines or the poor fifty years ago? At any rate the reality of the situation is that is not what we are dealing with at school today, nor will it be anytime in the foreseeable future, if in fact it ever where the case for all Canadians.

As far as our current situation goes at school here in Toronto today, the new electronic discipline incident reporting forms are a step in the right direction to carry out our mandated Safe Schools legislation requirements, all the the remaining challenges I've mentioned notwithstanding. I would argue it is a big step in trying to establish some good order and procedure to help make the new progressive discipline methodology work fairly and effectively for teachers, administration, and  for all our students, be they well behaved or not.

Ideally we all need access to a school computer to do these forms properly online, an expensive prospect during these tight budgetary times. Our teachers are finally starting to get more computers for our administrative use. It's harder for our old school teachers, including myself sometimes to change and adapt to the new ways, but for our younger ones who grew up with this technology it shouldn't be a hard sell. These new changes in how we report and deal with discipline problems are an incredible challenge that will take time to come to terms with, but we must do so in this increasingly complicated world. I believe the Joint TSU and TCDSB Safe Schools committee has worked together admirably in at least taking a tentative first step in better trying to deal with our common problems effectively using the latest technology available. It may not be enough to have anybody dancing in the street just yet but we are all moving together in the same direction, no small feat itself.

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!