Opening Statement

Showing posts with label Quen's Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quen's Park. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 August 2012

OLP Recall Legislature Aug. 27!

More Links added.....

The OLP [Ontario Liberal Party] has recalled the provincial legislature at Queen's Park for an August 27 vote on their "Putting Students 1st Act" aka the "anti strike legislation". Depending on your POV [point of view] it's either a self serving politically motivated anti democratic attack on our labour act, or a decisive move to finally enforce their April MOU [memo of understanding] deadline in time for school to go back on September 4th, after months of unsuccessful attempts at negotiations.

Just to briefly summarize, the OECTA [Ontario English catholic Teacher's Association] and AEFO [the french language school teacher's association] have MOU's in place for when our last contract expires on August 31. OSSTF [Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation] and ETFO [Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario], while agreeing to a wage freeze remain strongly opposed to any of the other clauses forward in the MOE [Ministry of Education] original terms and those negotiated in the  OECTA-AEFO MOU's.

ETFO and OSSTF have strike votes pending for late August and September. ETFO could stage a one day protest strike if the legislation is passed, but otherwise both claim that any workplace actions would not interrupt the beginning of the school year. The OLP remains adamant that the anti strike clauses in it's legislation are to "put students first", in case of any disruptions this fall, and if the legislation is passed, for a 2 year period afterwards, between now and our next contract in 2014. Both the pro and con sides remain locked in a war of words about possible legal challenges to the new legislation and what the outcome would be.

For their part the OCSTA [Ontario Catholic School Trustee Association], OPSTA, their public school counterparts, and the provinces principals and vice principals association oppose the MOU's, in regards to fair hire, teacher profession assessment's, and in the AEFO case, teacher on call clauses. Both the Ontario NDP [New Democratic Party] and Conservative parties ostensibly remain opposed to the legislation, the first for it's alleged attack on labour rights, the later because it's not harsh enough and doesn't include a grid freeze too. Both remain non committal on how they will vote.

The OLP one seat minority government faces two by-elections on September 6th in Kitchener Waterloo and Vaughan. This has become the battleground for all sides to make their case in the ongoing  battle of ideas and words that has raged all summer long. A two seat win would give the OLP a majority in the legislature, in which case neither NDP or Conservative support would ostensibly not be needed after that.

Whew! I know it's dangerous to over simply, but I hope this helps put the current crisis in some reasonable perspective for any of our teacher's who may just be trickling back home from summer vacation and are in need of an update on the situation.

My previous blog or two provide many further news links for the events as of late. You will find many other going back man months. All my blogs are listed in the Blog Archive below this centre column on my site,and so on and on and on..............

And so, here's the latest news links on the OLP announcement of a date for the Legislature's summer recall:

Here's the Government House leaders press release:

The Toronto Star reports:

The Windsor Star reports:

The Canada Press reports:

The Toronto Sun reports:

OCSTA Catholic trustees and their public and french schools counterparts oppose OECTA-AEFO MOE:

NDP press statement, including reference to OCSTA:

OECTA President Kevin Dwyer warns of school board's intentions in opposing OECTA MOU:

ETFO's press release claims legislature recall is OLP political gambit:

Here''s an "Education Law Alert" report by the BLG law firm, more of an overview really, but worth a read:

An interesting blogger analysis

OECTA TSU and TECT have sent out notices to our members that:

OECTA Provincial's Kevin Dwyer and David Church will be explaining the OECTA MOU and answering questions at Wednesday August 22nd's TSU TECT membership meeting, tomorrow at Roy Thompson Hall Toronto, commencing at 1pm to 4pm.. Hope to see you there. I also plan to post a blog report for my readers.

More news links to be added. More below.......

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A careful analytical study!

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Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

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Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

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Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

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Here try this, it's very good!

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No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

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OK but I need a new hand too!

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You don't look well.

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No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

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The Temple of Kukulkan!

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Truly amazing!

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The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!