Opening Statement

Showing posts with label Premier Wynne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Premier Wynne. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 April 2016

MOE Sandals: Sick Daze!

 My Acronym Guide is @ Here!

Ontario teachers were sent reeling again last week! Ontario Minister of Education [MOE] Liz Sandals seems to be engaged in a little teacher bashing once again in our mainstream media. She publicly accused the teachers of misusing sick days. It was an especially low blow. It comes as many teacher units across the province are still struggling under the MOE's "new and improved" CB Act to reach fair and meaningful local contract agreements with their often intransigent boards. News story @ Intelligencer

So insulting and demeaning were the MOES comments to our province's teachers that ETFO and OSSTF have formally requested an apology from her. As noted, in my Teacher Free Speech April News + Views [BLOG], OECTA, the Catholic teacher union, was not named among the complainants. More @ Globe

But wait! The plot thickens! We've since learnt that MOE Sandal's inflammatory, anti-teacher remarks were based upon a "secret report" from the mysterious "School Boards Co-operative Inc" [SBCI] which she still hasn't seen fit to release. Moreover, it seems Liz hadn't even read the "secret report" before she used it!

A recent Globe + Mail news article, reporting what little is known, obtained OECTA President Ann Hawkin's letter. It has been publicly circulating on the internet and is reprinted for your erudition below. It explains that MOE Sandals has apologized to the Catholic teachers for her sick day statements and elaborates on the sticky question's of the SBCI's "secret report". The text is below. The news report's Globe
As you are no doubt aware, last week Education Minister Liz Sandals commented on a Globe and Mail article, which cited a report by School Boards’ Co-operative Inc. (SBCI), about a perceived increase in teacher absenteeism. Like many of you, I found the Minister’s comments to be inappropriate. Ontario teachers are dedicated professionals, and the Minister’s insinuation that teachers are abusing sick leave provisions is unfounded. The comments demonstrated a lack of respect; certainly, the Minister is aware of the tireless efforts of OECTA members, who consistently work to ensure they provide the highest quality education to Ontario students.
 In response, I spoke with the Minister to raise the serious concerns shared by all OECTA members. The Minister acknowledged that her comments were insensitive, and she expressed to me her sincere regret. The Minister also assured me that she does not believe teachers are abusing the sick leave policy in any way.
 The Minister agreed that the SBCI report, and the way it has been reported, is misleading. The Minister also expressed frustration that SBCI has refused to provide the Minister’s office with any data or methodological information that would allow the Ministry to assess the report’s claims. Without SBCI releasing the data and explaining its methodology, there is no way to verify that absences due to sick leave have increased. Regardless, it is both speculative and inflammatory to say that any possible increase is due to changes to sick leave provisions.
I remain concerned that companies such as SBCI, which market attendance management programs and have a vested interest in making teacher absences an issue, have been allowed to frame the public debate. This is especially problematic while collective bargaining is ongoing. I am also disappointed that the Minister and public were so quick to accept the idea that Ontario teachers would abuse sick leave provisions.
While I am thankful that the Minister has acknowledged her mistake, I will continue to promote the integrity of Catholic teachers, and press for more rigorous oversight of the activities of companies such as SBCI.
Ann Hawkins/ President


So .... What did you think of OSSTF's "Charter"?

One winces at the MOE's ongoing teacher union divide and conquer strategy! Who's in the OLP's good books now? Suppose an apology to the province's public school teachers at ETFO + OSSTF will follow .....?

MOE back door apologies between government and our leadership elites, who then share it as they see fit with the teacher membership, to me, is like back room deals. For an open, transparent, member focused union movement -it's very suspect and it sucks!

Government directed teacher bashing, based upon "secret reports", is highly inappropriate, unprofessional, hostile and counter to good governance. The MOE is long overdue for a Cabinet Minister shuffle. Education Minister Liz Sandals should publicly apologize DIRECTLY to ALL of the province's TEACHERS and step down immediately. But what's more likely? To save face, watch Premier Wynne tactfully shuffle Liz's deck chair on the OLP Titanic elsewhere in the much anticipated larger cabinet overhaul ahead!


On Teacher Free Speech + Grass Root Renewal @ Here!

On OSSTF's Charter of Public Education in Ontario @ Here!

On OECTA: Manufacturing Consent @ Here!

On Why You Need A Good Teacher Union @ There!


Thursday 2 July 2015

Teacher Free Speech Summer 2015 Contract Guide!

My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 

September 1, 2015

Details on the OECTA ratification vote:
At their Special Meeting today, the OECTA Council of Presidents voted to accept the Tentative Agreement proposed by the Provincial negotiating team and the Provincial Executive and to recommend it to the membership for ratification.  Tomorrow morning the details of the Tentative Agreement and a summary will be available on the Members’ site of the OECTA web page.  On Thursday, a video summary of the proposed settlement will also be posted.
On Monday September 14 at 4:30, TSU will host a General Meeting at the Ontario Federation of Labour Building (15 Gervais Dr.) to review the proposal and deal with questions.   On September 10, voting credentials will be sent to all members for internet voting (remember to record your number!)  Voting on the Tentative Agreement will take place Thursday September 17 – all day.  More details will follow.

August 25, 2015

OECTA tentative deal reached! Code of Silence remains tightly in effect with few to no details. Many members report only finding out about the deal from the media again like in 2012. I have it on good word that OECTA was determined not to sign a deal before any of the other affiliates this time around. Wonder if that's significant with the timing? @ Blog w/ Links!

August 20, 2015

OSSTF reaches a tentative deal!!! President Elliott dedicates a lot of his speech to the "Heave Steve" agenda. Wonder if that is a part of the [unofficial] deal? Trudeau Libs could be in bug trouble in Ontario come the October federal election! News links, video and commentary continues on my blog @ Here!!!

ETFO Sam Hammond announces ETFO WTR Phase 2 strategy @ Link

MOE Education Sector Bargaining Labour Info and Updates @ Link

August 18, 2015

See and hear ETFO President Sam Hammond's opening address for yourself at the union's 2015 Annual Meeting. This year's theme is "Bargaining for the Future, Respecting Our Past" @ Hammond

Visit the three main teacher union sites for info on the key issues in the tortured MOE OPSBA contract talks: OECTA @ Here! ETFO @ Here! OSSTF @ There!

August 14, 2015

OECTA resumed talks August 12 + 13th. ETFO and OSSTF are scheduled for August 18 + 19th. MOE Sandals continues to insist a deal is possible before classes resume in September. Apparantly the unions were at an impasse, OECTA having amost reached a deal before exhausting the possibilities. ETFO and OSSTF had been insisting they would not return until key demands for teacher concessions were removed from the table.

What's really going on?!? Links to follow, also see below .....

More timely news links are also being forwarded during summer hours via my twitter acount @davdchiarelli

August 6, 2015

AEFO enters conciliation @ Globe

What is "Conciliation?" A "No-Board" report?!? Answers @ Here

CUPE's 55,000 education support workers will now also be in a position to join teacher fall strike actions too @ CUPE

CUPE Local 2537 expresses our education support workers frustration at being ignored by the government during the teacher labour talks to date @ CUPE


The perfect storm continues to unfold as AEFO and CUPE now also move into position for job actions this fall. WTR seems to be the first and most immediate strategy on most minds. Barring any surprise OLP collaboration, and surprise deals, the teachers and education workers would seem to have created a formidable front to further their "no concession bargaining" goals during the difficult school year head.

Some suggested "look fors": 

As in the spring, the Wynne majority Liberal government will be mightily tempted to legislate rather than negotiate their unacceptable demands in the form of a new contract. Meet the new Mike Harris OLP! It could even prove a popular move with the public, to the detriment of the cause, when done so alongside the continued teacher bashing media campaign being carried out by the OPSBA

Watch for the teacher unions to use strike action sparingly at first, with widespread prolonged strike actions possibly used moreso as a part of the "end game" for an arbitrated settlement, or to mount another lengthy, constitutional challenge, which could possibly prove much more iffy for the OLP!

Watch for OPSBA to promptly attempt to resume the public boards OLRB case, still unresolved from 2013, over whether EC's should be considered voluntary or not @ [Link]

The right to exercise civil disobedience, like the right to strike are democratic principles that cannot be excluded from the teacher strategic arsenal as all else fails. Fickleness, a Vichy Mentality, government collaboration, and/or going it alone for one's own advantage have often crippled Ontario's teacher union movement in the past. Experience has definitely taught that responsible, and committed unionists will need to remain eternally vigilant lest we get sold out by our "leaderships" backroom deals again. With the stakes so high, there won't be another next time this time around .....

Wynne majority gov't settles comfortably into office! Hey! No wait! That's .....

July 23, 2015

OECTA President Ann Hawkins tells the Toronto Star that the Catholic teacher union was close to a deal in June;

After 14 days of bargaining in June, we were very positive. We thought we were close to a deal. But their last pass to us actually went backwards. So I had to say to them, we’re going to be exercising our options. We’re hoping that they get serious and provide us with a proposal that I could actually get ratified. [Link]
The OECTA Code of Silence is still firmly in place at the uppermost of the toppermost! There's no reference to this, ahem, little detail .... in any of the OECTA "Strike Updates" sent by the union to keep rank and file members in the loop and up to date. Not in June. Not now. But Ann tells the Toronto Star. Interesting slip up!

July 16, 2015

In it's July 15th confidential strike update emailed to members July 15 and leaked by The Daily Observer [Link], OECTA provided guidelines for it's anticipated September work-to-rule campaign. The email claims that the “goal is to obtain a negotiated settlement.”

The 33 regulations include 28 services teachers are to withdraw. Among these are:

  • Not participating in the preparation of report card comments.
  • Not being permitted to take work materials home – all marking, planning and preparation within the 300-minute instructional day.
  • Not attending meetings or undertake tasks related to any Ministry of Education initiatives.
  • Not attending staff meetings, department meetings, divisional meetings, curriculum nights, meet-the-teacher nights, parent/teacher interviews or any other such activity.
  • Not to mentor or provide extra help during lunch or prep time, or outside of the regular class schedule.
There is a "Catholic exception": OECTA teachers will be permitted to participate in the "sacramental preparation of students" during their 300-minute instructional day.

For a full list see the OECTA Memo Here!

OECTA would seem to have exhausted their sole focus on the PDT talk option to their satisfaction. With OSSTF announcing that their WTR strategy kicks in on July 20th Star, all 3 major Ontario teacher unions are now in virtual lock step for a province wide WTR, public and Catholic, when classes resume this fall! 

July 2, 2015

This blog continues my indie coverage of the Ontario teacher and education worker union contract talks. It provides a DIY guide to resource materials and news links so you can follow the progress or lack thereof to date. You can review the resources, info and news links to date for last spring @ Here! Last winter @ There! Last fall @ Here! Last summer @ There! 

Also, my Teacher Free Speech Guide to Bill 122 [CB Act] 2014 is @ Bill 122

Possibly, there will be little to report until we approach September. We will have to wait to see. Please continue to check back, and use the Comment space below. All hell could break lose, like with the surprise OECTA MOU on July 5, 2012. If so, this will be a very busy summer blog indeed!

Meanwhile, contract stripping and management control issues still continue to dominate teacher union concerns. There has been very little noticeable progress on either. The Wynne OLP has clearly demonstrated that they would rather legislate than negotiate a deal. OPSBA has been actively engaged in an ongoing disinformation and teacher bashing media campaign. AEFO, CUPE, ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF face little option but to advise their members to prepare for widespread teacher strike actions when classes resume this fall.

This spring saw the province's collective teacher union membership exercise overwhelming strike action votes within the mid nineties range. OSSTF's "Magnificent 7" strategy [Here!] launched the first local teacher strikes at targeted boards across the province. Meanwhile ETFO moved forward with the first two stages of it's administrative WTR plan [Phase 1] [2]. OECTA handed out buttons and by the end of June had filed for conciliation too, like ETFO and OSSTF. See @ [CTV][CNW][Star]

You will find the latest new links added above as they become available over the course of the summer holidays. Stay tuned!

We live in very interesting times indeed! My latest teacher union and political party news coverage also continues on the Teacher Free Speech Summer News + Views blog @ []. Coverage of the important developments this year to date can be found throughout my monthly news and views blogs @ Jan @ Feb @ March @ April @ May and @ June

Thucydides [500 BC] warned that those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it. Don't let that be you! As responsible teacher free speech unionists, we want to support the strike effort, but to do so knowledgeably, with our eyes wide open, even though any real "hard information" is often not forthcoming [Here!]. You will find my Teacher Free Speech News Archive Link 2011-15 useful to help understanding what happened before, over the years; the good, the bad and the ugly, so we hopefully won't repeat the same problems again. Explore as need be @ Teacher News Archive!

Finally, no matter how trying it gets in the days ahead, always remember, we NEED teacher unions, but ones that truly serve their members first, foremost and always, for we are the union. So, of course, we support our union strike actions to secure a fair and just contract deal, according to our traditional union values. However at the same time, as responsible, well educated and concerned members we mustn't also be afraid to think, discuss, talk and ask questions, while we educate ourselves and others to try to make sure that is so. Let's keep our teacher unions on track working on our best behalf! Here then is why you need a teacher union Link!

In Solidarity!

David C


Monday 23 February 2015

Guide to Ontario's New Sex Education Curriculum!

Updates posted in large typeset!

My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 


Part 2 of your Teacher Free Speech Guide continues 


Campaign Life continues it's sex ed protests across the province outside 107 MPP constituency offices as classes are set to resume for the fall @ Campaign Life

The Peel board announces it won't exempt students from learning about gay families and gender issues @ Star

The Ontario government releases a new TV add promoting the new sex ed curriculum that is about to take effect @ CBC

JUNE 30th

Social Conservative Mike Coren explains his controversial change of position on LGBTQ at the Metropolitan Community Church @ Toronto Star

June 18

PC party leader Patrick Brown fought and won his spring leadership race in large part by engaging and inciting the provinces anti-sex ed vote. He's been awfully silent ever since. You can read about his strategy in the "Party Politics" section of my spring "Teacher Free Speech News + Views" blogs. It begs the question, where do the protesters go from here? Or the PC's, who as a caucus, supported the new curriculum?

Anger and resentment, once ignited, continues to burn, now widely out of control. Witness the recent attacks and altercations at the June 7 QP Rally where NDP MPP and ordained United Church Minister Cheri DiNovo was swarmed by protesters who erroneously thought she was "mocking" them Now/ Video andTwitter Also the recent HCDSB Catholic board meet on the new sex ed curriculum where police had to be called in after angry parent protesters started to fight and spit as they lost a vote @ Sparks Fly!

Is this the message that responsible "religious" parents wish to send out? And where is PC Patrick Brown's leadership now that the situation is spinning out of control?

May 19

Ontario's new PC party leader Patrick Brown signed up 41,000 new members to win the leadership race. Many are from the province's multicultural community, opposed to the Wynne government's new sex ed curriculum and support for abortion and gay marriage. Often overlooked, in the great debate, is the fact that the PC's support the new sex ed curriculum. But will Brown stay the social conservative course, now that he has won? @ Brown

Former right wing Catholic columnist Mike Coren claims many extremists in the "Church of Nasty" have turned on him since he came out in support of LGBTQ. The attacks have been very personal, brutal, and none too Christian. Hmmm. Just like his own columns back in the day @ Coran

Mike Coran is on the outs: no longer right?

Multiculturalism, religion, and Ontario's political discourse over sexual intercourse @ Sex Ed?

On favouring a fact based approach to sex ed @ Pros

May 5

Thousands of students were kept home from school in the first day of a parent strike against MOE's new Sex Ed Curriculum. In Toronto, 1350 students were absent at Thorncliffe Public School, 400 at Gateway public and 590 at Valley Park Middle School. More @ Sex Ed?

A Fact Check on criticisms of the new Sex Ed Bill. What does the curriculum actually say @ Sex Ed

April 29th

Premier Wynne refuses to withdraw new Sex Ed Bill despite parents renewed protests @ Wynne

Here's a link to the Parent Strike Facebook page. They are threatening to withdraw their children from classes the week of May 4th to protest the new Sex Ed Bill @ Parents

National Post editorial argues pulling kids from school doesn't make sense. Incorrect claims about the new Sex Ed curriculum explained @ Post

Difference between required "curriculum" and "prompts" may be causing some parent confusion over what new Sex Ed Bill requires to be taught @ Prompts

5000 parents protested the new Sex Ed Bill again on April 15th as part of a renewed second wave of the attack which seemed to die down after somewhat fizzling earlier in the year @ QP

QP: Angry parent protesters are back for another round!

Ontario's long awaited overhaul of the Ontario Ministry of Education's [MOE] Sex Education program Grades 1-12 was finally released today, replacing the last curriculum documents from 1998. Implementation is due in the provinces publicly and Catholic schools this fall. Minister Liz Sandals is adamant that extensive consultation has been completed and that the program will not be withdrawn again, unlike the last time in 2010.

After all is said and done, it will be you our provinces teachers who are on the front lines in the classroom. You are ultimately responsible for properly instructing the students in your care. This is a teacher free speech blogsite. We don't toe any party line here from parents, parish, school boards or union in discussing issues or concerns.  

It's important, though not easy in the course of your busy day, to readily find the information you need. Also to be able to have an intelligent and meaningful self directed discussion on the daunting task at hand. I hope this blog can assist you at least in some small way!

Below you will find a compendium of news and research links for your erudition. There's also a link at the bottom of the blog for an open forum free speech discussion on the issues that arise, should you wish

I support the need for the new updated sex ed curriculum. I have complete faith in our teachers' ability to implement it in a positive, constructive and responsible manner for the good of our youth. Also note, I work on the premise that to be well educated, we need to consider every point of view [POV]. This blog will post complete information as is practical, and not censor news and views links or commentary because I disagree.


MOE media release @ Feb 23

MOE Curriculum documents 1998, 2010 and 2015 with parent guides, tip sheets, daily PH Ed info + other support materials @ DOC LINK!

More specifically, for your convenience:

New MOE Curriculum Gr.1-8 @ PDF

Parent Guides to Human Development + Sexual Health Gr 1-12 @ Here including Gr 1-6 and Gr 7-12

MOE Tip sheets for Online and Consent

Equity + Inclusivity 2014 Document @ PDF

MOE cited Supporters of new curriculum @ Pro


What's new, grade by grade shown at a quick glance @ Here!

Another good summary of the changes is @ London Free Press

New curriculum is "most up to date" in Canada @ CBC

Critics are ready for a good fight @ PC's 1st

Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto provides Q+A on how new curriculum will be incorporated within the schools Family Life program. They are not protesting the initiative @ Catholic Schools

ICE [Institute of Catholic Education] will provide resources for the provinces publicly funded Catholic schools. Cardinal Thomas Collins explains that the parent's role is always pivotal in inculcating Catholic values @ Collins 

TCDSB will incorporate changes within their existing Family Life program @ Catholic Board

Cardinal Collins: Catholic school support is nuanced but on track

Reality check? Key phrases being used by critics are refuted in an article concerning the 5 big myths about the new sex ed curriculum and what the MOE documents really sayHuffington

It's important to read the documents for yourself rather than be told what they say @ National Post 

Concerns exist about how the program is being implemented, including the parent consultation process @ Toronto Sun

They are not radically different from the proposed 2010 curriculum @ Toronto Sun

The existing 1998 Ontario curriculum does not take into account changes in legislation and policy including same sex marriage and inclusivity @ Toronto Star

New curriculum seeks to bring sex ed into the digital age @ Globe

Online sexting concerns explained @ CBC

School straight talk on sexting, consent, body parts, mental health + other relevant life skills are badly needed by today's youth @ Cohn

The students behind the "Consent" petition comment on the new curriculum. Out dated existing program was written before they were born @ Students

Is new sex ed curriculum reactive rather than written from a sex positive approach? Some critics argue it doesn't go far enough @ Positive?

Contrary to popular misconception, the old Sex Ed program was not better back in the day @ Sex Ed

Arguments on why the new curriculum isn't age inappropriate is @ Global

Parents need to educate themselves and also have an open dialogue about the issues with their children for the program to work @ 610

Parents as First Educators explain their opposition to the new curriculum with numerous news links and a petition to support their point of view @ PFE

Campaign Life petition explains it's concerns about the consulting process @ CPL

Conservative pundit Michael Coren is critical of the critics @ Coren

Criticism of the new curriculum is sometimes fueled and fanned by extreme attacks against Ontario Premier Wynnes sexual orientation and her alleged Liberal sexual deviant agenda @ Vox

Premier Wynne takes aim at PC McNaughton's comments about her qualifications for introducing the new curriculum as Ontario Premier. Is McNaughton homophobic? Video included @ Wynne

Key 2010 protest figures are back for the fight. Some consider it an "indoctrination" on gender identity. Other specific concerns are outlined, including teaching youngsters about masturbation, anal sex, sexual orientation + expression, anal and consent @ Christian College

Rev Terry Burns explains the protesters indoctrination and social engineering concerns @ Right

Concerns are expressed about the new curriculum and Catholic gender theory @ Cambridge RTL

Some PC leadership candidates expected to appear at the Campaign Life QP anti Sex Ed curriculum protest rally. However the party is divide. As official opposition, they are quietly supporting the changes @ Feb 24 Rally

PC leadership candidates McNaughton + Brown appeal to sex ed protesters. Elliot plays coy @ Party Split!

PC Brown, parents + other protesters explain their concerns @ Video

QP Rally turns nasty. 2 PC leadership candidates show up. McNaughton accused of homophobia for comments about Premier Wynne. About 300 anti sex ed protesters apparently attended. Video provides a good cross section of parent concerns @ McNaughton

Fear mongering and politicising the new curriculum changes does not help our youth @ Ottawa Citizen

MOE Liz Sandals presents new curriculum for public hearings

More to be added ....


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!