Opening Statement

Showing posts with label OECTA Provincial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OECTA Provincial. Show all posts

Monday 17 September 2012

A Vichy Mentality?

Sept 20 daily news links included at the end of this blog.......

As an OECTA member, the many protests when Bill 115 became law last week sure brought back lots of memories from when we were on the teacher front lines during the Harris Years. Being faced with far worse cut backs and threats to the very existence of our union seemed to bring out the best in us all. OECTA's commitment and participation were second to none during the province wide protest strike when all the teacher unions were all out on the streets for 2 weeks. Excellent communications, and organization helped us mobilize our members to rise to protect our jobs and our schools. It was really disheartening to sit back and do nothing now as the Liberal government and the Conservative opposition banded together to strip our contracts and ban key sections of the Ontario Labour Act. I still strongly feel the necessary urge to get out on the streets to protest now too!

We have all seen the MOU [Memo of Understanding] that was reached on July 5th when our members were off on their summer holidays. Unfortunately, many of our TSU [Toronto Secondary Unit] members were unable to attend the OECTA Provincial presentation at Roy Thompson Hall in late August. Many would not even have been aware of it.

I have received many antedoctal reports from our TSU members who were far off in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Others were cottaging without internet or snailmail connections. When they got a phone call, or went into town to check their email, they were totally shocked. There were maybe 4 or 5 info pieces on the members only OECTA Provincial website, which was hardly enough for piece of mind, even if they did have a password to read them. I'm glad if this blogspot was of some help in letting you easily access the great debate and different informative points of view that raged across the province this summer.

As you may know, OECTA TSU will now be holding 3 meetings across the city to hear and answer your questions and concerns. They will be: Oct 1 at Senator O'Connor CSS, Oct 2 at St. Basil's and Oct 3 at Marshal McLuhan. Unfortunately we have not yet received info on whether our Provincial Executive members will be there. My understanding, at present, is that TSU President Rene Jansen will be there instead. I will enquire further at our next executive meeting. One appreciates Rene's effort but does this seem right to you? No, it doesn't seem right to me either, whatever the reason or excuse.

As I mentioned in my last blog, we now know both OECTA TSU and TECT's [Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers] retirement gratuities became little more than collateral damage when the MOU deal was reached. We were among the few OECTA units with retirement gratuities, which we have fought very hard to keep for many years. Our board couldn't believe it's good fortune! Neither unit president voted for the MOU when OECTA Provincial presented it to the local presidents at COP last July. And now? We are told it's a done deal. Basically, our hard  fought gains were a part of the trade off when OECTA provincial decided to gamble with a roll of the political dice on the MOU and the Ontario Liberal party.

No? Am I being disingenuous here? Go check the reader Comments below my blogs from this summer. Listen to your colleagues often deep sense of anger and betrayal around your staffroom table. If anything, I have been accused of going too easy on OECTA Provincial's decision to sign the MOU, as well as our union's lack of participation in the Bill 115 protests. I can accept that. My goal is not to indoctrinate or be pedantic. My blog attempts to provide links to all sorts of info from many different points of view so you can think and decide for yourself about the great controversy we face, even within our own ranks. Let me assure you though, it has not been easy to see provincial sit quietly on the sidelines, outside the forum of action and debate, unlike when we had a gun held to our heads by the Conservatives, and even the NDP in years past.

When OECTA says Bill 115 is unacceptable, that is not enough. I also have to question the letter we were sent by President O'Dwyer after Bill 115 passed into law this week. I posted it in a previous blog. Here is a link, in case you wish to refresh your memory:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3jDIBNLI2cfIwP30GBjAyNLdyNzc4sgQ3cvI_1wkA6zePdQJ9dQI0N_A3_jQDMDI49QC_

I am uncertain about the tone and underlying message of this letter. Is OECTA just glad Bill 115 is out of the way so we can start local collective bargaining using the MOU? Maybe I am wrong. I hope so. I realize Bill 115 has a time limit to it, that can be extended an extra year. But what a fine tool the Conservatives now have for dismantling us, if as the polls suggest, they were to win the next election. Any strategizing on OECTA's behalf, as with the Liberal party, could soon backfire terribly for us all. Our tried and true friend; the Ontario Labour Act, is now on "pause". Wouldn't it be a horror show if it were "turned off" or gutted and we were left with the Ontario Ministry's Employment Standards. Read these and weep:

OECTA has developed a Vichy Mentality in the recent education crisis. Normally as a teacher union, we can either vigorously oppose or isolate ourselves when we feel powerless to change an unfriendly education policy being forced upon us. At the union level one may protest vigorously or even engage in civil disobedience, like during the Harris Years. Or you could argue you're just too busy at school to worry about this now, and don't want to get involved, like many of our members as of late. On the other hand, if you think Vichy, one will instead cooperate and modify our own policies to appease the perpetrator of our fears in hopes of saving our own butt, or at the least minimalizing the damage. Perhaps we argue a gun is being held to our head and we have no choice but to do so.

Perhaps I stretch the analogy too far. The original reference is to the Vichy Government during WW2, which tried to appease and cooperate with the German invaders as they occupied France. In our sense this does not include the same racial overtones. However, draw your own conclusions about how, or even if, there is a parallel to the OECTA "Road map" and Bill 115. Ouch! This hurts but it needs to be said.

Unfortunately for the Vichy, that didn't later stop the Germans from taking over all of France. The Vichy Mentality is a very risky and dangerous path to follow as the French later found out. Is it unlikely that this could happen to us? Or are we now safe with the Liberals after having signed the MOU? Let me take this one step further. Are you even sure the minority Liberal government will still be around a year from now? Unless they make an about face with us as teachers, which would seem highly unlikely, we had better now darn well hope the NDP insurgence continues to grow, as we sit uselessly on the sidelines of the great political struggle going on all around us as OECTA teachers.

It is very hard for me to say this. I have worked for many years with our leaders up at OECTA Provincial and usually hold them with the utmost of respect. I also worked many years with the Education Minister Laurel Broten when she even fully supported us in the Tory defeat, and fought alongside her to help keep them at bay for nearly ten years since. Still, it is wrong to sit in silence when we think something is wrong. It is our union. We would be in neglect of our ethical responsibilities when hard questions need to be asked, and we don't do so, for the good of us all.

OECTA's MOU agreement on July 5th, and indeed our silence and inaction during the passage of Bill 115, need to be directly addressed by our provincial executive with the membership now! Otherwise we face a great divide between those who support the policies and those who don't which will not just go away, even with the passage of time between now and our spring AGM [Annual General Meeting]. Hopefully we will see some real leadership. It sure would be helpful, in Toronto at least for a start, on Oct 1-3, since we have taken an especially hard blow with the grandfathering of our gratuities. It will be truly sad if our own unit president, who voted against the MOU at the Council of Presidents, is left to explain and answer for OECTA Provincial's actions come Oct 1-3. Let's hope Provincial will meet and communicate more directly and more thoroughly with our members in the days ahead. The window of opportunity for a honest, and constructive membership dialogue is closing fast!

At first Vichy France seemed like a good idea. Are we going the same way with the OECTA "Road Map", and our lack of involvement in the Bill 115 protests?


Thursday Sept 20:

Yes! I corrected the dates. Guess you can tell  I haven't been around school much this week.

Fife + Drums in KW Record as new NDP MPP takes her seat at Queen's Park. She's also using Liz's old constituency office. Liz really could be a pretty good sort herself. See:

Student protests 4 teachers in Ottawa, at school and out front MGuinty's office. See:

Student protests in York Public not 4 teachers, or so frames it. The student movement at Richard Green High School is really interesting, and the Twitter debates go both way, as the students flex their political wings. I am trying to refind the link. Great stuff, but be wary of this articles spin:

Who is using the students as pawns? reprints article from Michael Laxer's blog. A well argued leftie spin. See:

Boo hoo! Waterloo Public board can't hire their friends any more without needing to consider seniority too. Record writer D'Amato tries to frame the issue in a stinkerooni of a neo con reverse argument wherein she is worried that only white people will be hired now. Those big, bad unions! See:

Half the meet the teacher nights are cancelled in Greater Essex Public. Board acknowledges they are strictly voluntary. Teachers do need to be willing to meet parents during the day, of course, and there is this thing called the telephone that the parents can use too. Too sarcastic? Maybe. See:

Hudak's Conservatives sure are holding a lot of nomination meetings between the beer drinking and golfing events as of late. What is he thinking? Hold your nose and go see:

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives latest "thought provoker" is a video on CB as a fundamental right. A Dummy Guide? Ha. This group is pretty good. Go see:

London Free Press Sun Media opinion piece by Brian McLoud sees McGuinty switching back to Premier Dad. He's trying to move the polling numbers back to a more popular + relatively Liberal centre while the NDP and Conservatives fight it out from the extremes. Quit credible regardless of whether McGuinty is successful or not in reversing his bad slide. See:

Arf! Arf! Just 4 fun. Lassie the reading dog to the rescue in literacy fight! Makes 4 a good pet too. Actually, this is pretty interesting, though I just chuckled at first. See:

Lassie Come Home!!! The students need you!!!

Wednesday Sept 19: 

NDP lead provincial polls. Election would result in Tory minority government, a Liberal opposition, + party in 3rd place due to distribution of votes + seats. See:

Toronto Star primer on the teacher dispute. A very general overview for folks who are just starting to wonder what it's all about. Doesn't mention CUPE or support staff. Thanks 4 pointing that out Wendy. See:

With local Windsor OSSTF winning a 95% strike vote, talk of teachers' "ramping up" job actions start to spread. ETFO strategy is to continue to try to negotiate new contract locally as if Bill 115 never happened. Local union goal is to "increase pressure" beyond no extracurriculars + McGuinty Mondays. The Windsor school board director is off to Toronto Monday to meet with MOE. Start reading the tea leaves dear reader! Look for these same sentiments across Ontario as local unit strike votes receive very similiar if not higher numbers of teacher support.

Former ETFO head David Clegg speculates on elementary teacher walkout as local strike vote tallies continue to pour in from across province. Voting should wrap up in early October and then.....? If Liberal cabinet intervenes.....? Ker Booooom! Expect mucho fireworks in weeks ahead. The wick has been lit! See:

Belleville writer group's Colin McKay discusses possibility of a huge general province wide strike in support of the teacher's fight for democracy in opposing Bill 115. Hmmm. I'm thinking back to the 90's..... Widespread labour support, rumoured to include rotating strikes at car factories and nuclear plants didn't materialize in time, as the all affiliate province wide teacher protest strike claiming "We won't back down" collapsed from within. At the time it was the largest in North American history. The province's teachers' were eyeball to eyeball with Tory Premier Mike Harris and, with all due respect, ETFO blinked. Many of us were at the massive Queen's Park Rally that day and can remember the terrible shock when it happened. Just as we were about to go over the top, OECTA-OTF President Marshall Jarvis looked out from behind back stage and waved his head no. Still, that was then and this is now. You figure it out. I'm only an ETFO member in spirit. Read:

For a good place to start, but not end, studying the 1998 protest strike, see the Troublemaker's Website labour history account of strategy and events, which inexplicably doesn't refer to OECTA or ETFO, nor do I see reference to the "Common Front", as our teacher + labour umbrella group was called:

Scott Stinson considers the yays + nays of the no extracurricular strategy, and with reservations decides nay, it will backfire on the teachers. See:

Tuesday Sept 18:

Heeeeeeeeere's Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim! Hudak's on a real roll now:

He'd also like to fix arbitration so teachers don't win all the time, I 'd suppose even when we are usually right. Seig heil mein fuhrer!? Welcome to the second coming, with Lil' Mike:

Windsor Mayor doesn't think Tim's idea would make arbitration any more fair:

Dalton + Tim pretend they don't know each other. As if. See:

If politics doesn't work out for Dalton maybe he could become a car salesman? See:

Hudak gives up politics to drive a tractor! Guess what he'd be good at raking up? One can only wish! See:

<<<Incorrectly included article on MPP pay raise has been removed. No huge increase.>>>

NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo at the Runnymede CI student Dalton Monday walk out in Toronto: writer Nora Loretto proposes a real radical list of ways to protest Bill 115 in her "Dear Teachers" letter:

Brampton students protest in support of teachers on McGuinty Monday. McGuinty appeals to teachers "better angels." Blech! Gag! You just stripped my CB rights and you want me to do what?!?

Of course a lot of students disapprove too, with extracurricular sports and fundraising being the most recent focus of attention:

ETFO now posts links to media coverage of protest events on their website. Wow. What a great idea! ;-)
Got to love their website. See:

Thursday 13 September 2012

Fireworks: OECTA Letter + More Teacher News Links!

OECTA Provincial President O'Dwyer latest letter explains the teachers' union's official position on what Bill 115 means for our members. This will be very controversial. Remember, OECTA TSU's MOU member info meetings are Oct 1-3 across Toronto, for any questions you might want to ask. OK now: Breathe in. Breathe out. Here's the letter:
September 12, 2012

Dear OECTA Member,

Yesterday the Ontario Legislature passed Bill 115, the Putting Students First Act, which quickly received Royal Assent. Now that the act is law, what does this mean for OECTA’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and for you as an OECTA member?

The MoU that the Association signed with the government on July 5 is now in effect. As a result the school board cannot change the terms and conditions of your collective agreement. Your employer cannot lock you out. And you cannot undertake job actions of any kind.

Because passage of Bill 115 has erased all uncertainty about the status of our MoU, OECTA’s local and provincial negotiators are now engaged in local bargaining with renewed energy. They must complete the process by December 31, 2012. The MoU will be incorporated into the Association’s collective agreements province-wide and will guide negotiations in every bargaining unit.

The end of uncertainty also means it’s business as usual in our classrooms, in our gyms and on the playing field.

We have come a long way since February, when we first learnt of the government’s demands to freeze teachers’ salaries and cut other benefits. My last letter to you explained how the Association mitigated the original government parameters after several months of negotiations. OECTA members now know the monetary conditions under which they will work for the next two years. They can also begin to appreciate fully the enhanced respect for their professional judgement and the improved treatment of Long-Term Occasional teachers provided by the MoU.

Bill 115 does not spell the end of collective bargaining for OECTA members. At the conclusion of this collective agreement, August 31, 2014, the Association will once again be operating under the full provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, which governs collective bargaining.

I encourage you to visit the Members’ Centre of our website, 
You can read the memorandum of understanding for yourself, as well as other information on negotiations across the province.


Kevin O’Dwyer


For the above news link see:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3jDIBNLI2cfIwP30GBjAyNLdyNzc4sgQ3cvI_1wkA6zePdQJ9dQI0N_A3_jQDMDI49QC_dQHw9jAw

OECTA's Sept. 11 Collective Bargaining Update on "Passage of Bill 115: Putting Students First" is available at:

Also see President O'Dwyer's Sept 7 interview video from TVO Agenda on "Putting Students First":

Comments? See my Comments link at the bottom of this blog. Please, don't shoot me! I'm only bringing you the news, and all the news, so help me God, or whomever else you might like..... :-)
In other teacher news:
Toronto Star's Martin Regg Cohn criticizes public unions for not negotiating, and now surrendering moral high ground by "putting students last" with extracurricular "pause". Not for the publicly faint at heart? Cohn has often spoken out strongly against government tactics. He is definitely not "anti-teacher". Agree or disagree, like with most of his recent columns this is a must read for a balanced consideration of the problems at hand. See:

Toronto Star article on public confusion over extracurricular boycotts. Who's doing or not doing what? See:

Doorey's Blog provides legal backgrounder on whether government can legally freeze wages:

Has McGuinty painted himself nto a corner with wage freeze strategy? See:

Gratuities? Teachers verses MPPs? What b.s.! See:

Wednesday's Star editorial cartoon "blasts" Liberals for picking a fight with teachers. Ha! See:

Come to the University Court House Toronto at 1pm Saturday Sept. 15 to protest!

More news link updates to follow!

Comment link below................................................

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Welcome Back: Teacher News Links Sept 4 to 6th!

See By-Election Results as they come in at:

[Last Updated news links + info added Sept 6, 9:45]

Welcome back!

Busy! Busy! Busy! Back to school means back to our routines! I survived day one, and if you are reading this, well then, you must have too! I will be regularly adding news links to articles and original documents etc. etc. etc. about our teacher struggle here in Ontario Canada throughout next week as I also tend to my classes .Keep checking in!!! 

For those of you who may have just gotten back, and haven't had time to check your mail, here is a link to the OECTA PDT MOU [Memo of Understanding]:

Here is a convenient comparison chart of the terms:[1]

The OECTA Q+A[1](1).pdf

Only OECTA, AEFO and the EA's have signed an MOU on behalf of the province's teachers. The Liberal Government is currently planning to legislate our MOU into law for the others. You will read many different views and news stories on this below. Here is what the MOE [ Ministry of Education] is claiming about Bill 115: The Putting Students first Act":

Here is Education Minister Laurel Broten's statement:

Please see my July 14th Blog OECTA Study PDT and previous summer blogs for more information My Blog Archive is located below this main column.

September 6th

The top two staff concerns with the OECTA MOU at my own school in Toronto are:
1] sick days/ gratuities + the 2] ratification process. There are ALOT of very upset teachers!

Stay tuned for election results in K-W and Vaughan tonite when they become availalble. News links and commentary will follow. Latest polling showed NDP win in K-W, Lib in Vaughan. McGuinty is allegedly heading for the election celebrations in Vaughan.

In the News:

Vote today! How to quickly find out where to vote if you live in K-W or Vaughan:

TVO's Steven Paiken on Projecting Ontario Politics into this fall and the post Drummond era:

National Post columnist Scott Stinson confused by conflicting polls in K-W. Speculates outcome still uncertain:

OFL [Ontario Federation of Labour] President Sid Ryan claims anti union rhetoric will cost the Cons and Libs the by election in K-W:

People for Education presentation to legislation committee on Bill 115. See:

See the ETFO presentation here:

Succinct ETFO fact sheet on Bill 115 concerns. Also includes easy to use letter writing kit and riding locator on line, so you conveniently contact your MPP with your thoughts on Bill 115. See:

It's Dilovely blogger makes direct teacher pitch for our profession in plain talk that's easy to understand and empathize with, while also tackling some pretty big issues. Nice! See:

September 5th

NDP surges in K-W/ Libs in Vaughan in by-election polls on eve of vote:

Con loss could mean party knives out for Hudak. He makes light of latest K-W poll:

McGuinty notes teacher salaries have risen 25% since 2003. Requests pause in wage increases in light of recession:

Latest Liberal campaign flyer on teachers in K-W:

Dufferin Peel Catholic Elementary votes 91.8% in favour of strike action in response to board "conciliation". [Also see my Background OCSTA COCP blog from last week!] Orangeville Banner reports:

OSSTF Communications/ Political Action Department succinctly summarize their main points on  Ministry of Ed and teacher conflict:

People for Education denounce Bill 115 vote at Queen's Park Sept.10 as too soon:

OSSTF provides Stop the Bill writer kit to help teachers protest to your local MPP. OECTA?!? Por que no? See:

Latest ETFO TV ad. My same concerns as before. Teacher talk and emphasis on contracts verses something that would evoke general public empathy. Dalton broken promises theme has been used by Tories for ten years now. Hypocrite is almost a ten dollar word. I'm confused! I saw a great ad on t.v. featuring a teacher student reunion. Evoked fond memories of favourite teachers who made a difference in life. Now there's a real choke-me- upper. ETFO too!? Two fisted right + left punch would make good sense. Will show when I find link. Meanwhile:

Walkom Toronto Star piece provides overview of Ontario concerns outside Toronto. We often ignore these here in the city, seems Dalton does too. Yes! There is this whole big province just beyond the outskirts of Toronto! See:

New OTF President will lead us into next pension talks:

Scuttlebutt: McGuinty will be at by-election celebrations in Vaughan tomorrow, not K-W. Hmm......?

September 4th

In The News: September 4th:

Welcome back to school from the MOE ]Ministry of Education]:

Welcome back to school from ETFO

Toronto Star K-W By Election article on candidates and issues gives recent polling results by Forum Research for the riding as: Cons: 34% Libs 30% NDP 30% , same as last weeks Nano`s Poll. Yikes! A vote split with the Conservatives going down the middle? We'll see. Meantime go to:

NDP Federal Leader Mulcair + Provincial Leader Horwath speak at K-W on Labour Day:

Windsor Essex Catholic secondary unit President Brian Hogan denounces Lib's teacher attacks in Windsor:

An advance poll indicator of voter turn out on Sept. 6 by elections. Read the tea leafs:

Teacher Affiliates all assure parents there are no feared school disruptions on first day of classes in Windsor. Look MOE! No job actions or strike! :

Possible ETFO, OSSTF + CUPE job actions this fall? See:

Hmmm. Alfred E. Newman "mad" McGuinty blocks him on Twitter:

No joke: Some schools are starting late in the morning in belief students will arrive on time if they can sleep in late. Great way to prepare for the workplace, eh? How about they just go to bed earlier? Is somebody actually getting paid to think these things up? Can I get a job there?!? Can I sleep in late before going to work in their office? What next?!? See:

More below! More to come!

                          Team TSU with family and friends at this years labour Day Parade!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Brock Breaks OECTA "Cone of Silence"!

Oecta Halton Elementary Unit President Richard Brock has become the first member of the Council of Presidents to publicly speak out against our OECT PDT agreement. Richard Brock's comments came on the heels of Premier McGuinty's recent statement that he wants the other Ontario teacher affiliates to voluntarily use the agreement as a PDT "road map" for their own deal, or he will recall Queens Park to legislate the PDT terms for their next contract, by August 31. And so the drama continues! The irascible Brock is quoted in the Globe and Mail as saying;

“It’s a road map to disaster,” Richard Brock, president of the Halton Catholic Elementary Teacher’s Association, said in an interview on Friday. “I’m disgusted and embarrassed by it.” 
Mr. Brock said the union agreed to concessions without seeking “one iota” of input from local bargaining groups. He plans to explore every avenue to unwind it, including going to the province’s Labour Relations Board.

The OECTA PDT consulting process has been very contentious, even among our own membership. Mr. Brock is angry that provincial did not seek "one iota" of input from the local unit CB [Collective Bargaining] committees on the many concessions they agreed upon in our MOU [Memo of Understanding]. He would seem to be perfectly correct on this point with the caveat that the local CB teams were in contact with Provincial during the spring before it was signed. The surprise MOU itself only required the Provincial Executive and COP's consent for ratification purposes on and then after July 5th respectively.

OECTA's PDT process could be changed for future purposes by motions and amendments at our OECTA Spring 2013. The reps from each unit can also express the membership's pleasure or displeasure with the way the deal was made when voting for the next provincial executive at that time. Otherwise, whether one agrees or disagree with President Brock, and the way it was carried out, the OECTA PDT agreement is a done deal.

What was the ratification process? I am including the OECTA PT Timetable from June 21st to July 5th below so you can better  follow what happened at the executive end. You will note that our provincial negotiating team reached an agreement with the MOE at 8:45 am on July 5th. It was approved at an executive meeting held between 10:45 am and 12:30 pm. An OECTA press statement followed at 1pm. There is a timing discrepancy between the MOE and provincial announcements that caused some confusion and concern, but you can read that below. I will defer that for now so as not to digress.

Next, at the July 10 COP [Council of Presidents' Meeting] 42 unit presidents voted for, and 24 against the July 5th OECTA PDT MOU. Members have since privately talked with their different unit presidents to find out how they voted, but most of us wouldn't know, as nothing official has so far been been released. We have not seen the recorded vote made at the in camera COP meeting. Nor have any of the presidents publicly stepped forward to denounce the deal until now.

Our OECTA private member website contains a copy of the MOU, the PDT timetable, a Q+A on the agreement, as well as President Dwyer's provincial letter to the members, and a collection of past CB Bulletins. Most if not all of these have also been previously forwarded by snail and email to the members,
if you have been around to read them. A new posting wasn't added until the letter about the London Catholic Board, dated August 3rd. OECTA Provincial has also emailed out copies. I will address the London issue in my next blog.

President Dwyer and General Secretary Marshall Jarvis have been scheduled for speaking engagements late this month and into September with at least some of our units. We know they will be meeting the Dufferin Peel members on August 23rd. We are awaiting the announcement of a similar Toronto Secondary Unit meeting, currently thought to be in either during the last week of August, or the first week back to school.

It would be my guesstimate, and that's all it is, that any further public announcements by the individual presidents would occur during that time frame. Provincial will ostensibly be coming around then with more information since all of our members will have returned from their summer holidays. Meanwhile those presidents, executives and members who like Richard are "disgusted and embarrassed" will probably have to continue to wait before any further discussion ensues with provincial over whether or not our PDT agreement is "a road map to disaster", as he claims.

The frustration is quite palpable amongst many of the members corresponding with me. I can appreciate Richard Brock's candour. As a TSU executive member, I officially met along with our other officers, to advise President Rene Jansen on how we thought he should vote before COP met. Rene also assured me that he would be making an announcement explaining to our membership how he voted and why. It's been a long wait. It would be my best guess that none of these announcements are scheduled until the end of the month. Then again, President Brock has now broken the silence. What next?

Much of today's info is a rehash of my previous OETA PDT blogs which you can still find in my Blog Archives for July and August. More info on the ratification process can be found on my July 10th blog: What Next?" I told you then that I advised Rene not to vote for the deal. You know the score. Sigh! Alas! My statements are my own. They are supported by publicly available primary resources,documents, statements, info and opinions etc. etc. etc., that are freely and widely available in the mainstream media if not the OECTA site, and so it goes, and on and on and on.

Officially speaking, I don't know what more I can say about OECTA's PDT information strategy. As far as ratification goes, we were all sent Provincials PDT Q+A which states:

Q.  Will I get a chance to vote on the provincial agreement? A.   No. This is a memorandum of understanding between OECTA and the Ministry of Education; this is not a collective agreement. The agreement has been ratified by the OECTA Provincial Executive, who are your elected representatives. You will have a chance to vote on any local agreement that may be negotiated by your local collective bargaining team.

I don't think provincial can be any more blunt than that in explaining the nuts and bolts of the OECTA PDT decision making process. It will be very interesting to see how our members react in the month ahead as we  all return to school after simmering over the OECTA PT for the past two months. The Ontario Liberal, Conservative and NDP political circus will still be carrying on. The MOE August 31 contract deadline will  loom large over everything that happens from here on in. Without doubt, we live in very interesting times. They may be just about to get a whole lot more hot blooded however one might feel about our PDT deal!

Richard Brock will no doubt continue to "explore every avenue" including the Provincial Labour Board to "unwind the deal" from within. Successful or not, one suspects he will not be alone in his quest! Intentional or not, and in my opinion it most certainly is, it seems like there is an "OECTA Cone of Silence" secret mentality hanging over us. My baby boomer readers will recall Agent Maxwell Smart and the Chief always entered the "Cone of Silence" when talking about important, secret matters in the TV Comedy "Get Smart". It was always inevitably to useless effect. Indeed, our own Cone of Silence is certainly creating a lot of anger and suspicion on it's own, by it's very secretive nature, outside our provincial office.

Will our members suspect that where there is smoke there is also fire? Or will they be glad for the way provincial has made and handled the PDT deal in our summer absence? I've discussed my own views on executive accountability and transparency in my "Confidentiality Agreement" blogs last November and December. I distrust big secrets equally of course, be they from the church, the school board, or even our own teachers' union. We are quick to the fight when our school boards act secretively and expect us to just go along with their plans. It is wrong to allow our own association to act the same way, if that's what's happening now, as it most certainly seems.

Do you know how to grow mushrooms? Quite frankly it makes me wince, as I consider the answer, to even suspect that is what is happening here. I can quite easily understand Richard Brock's angst, despite my usual high regard for our OECTA leadership. It's very disconcerting and apt to make one fear for the worst, when we are left in the dark about what's happening, by those who we choose to represent us. These feelings quite naturally take root in the deafening silence. Do good Catholic teachers just willing wait and not question authority because that's what we are told to do? Not me, nor many of the rest of you either! As Maxwell Smart was apt to say, "Sorry about that chief", but we need some good answers, better too soon than too late!

The complete Globe article with Richard Brock is at:

You will note that the Globe article also discusses the trustees, most notably the public school board. I look forward to further commenting on our Catholic Boards, in particular the Lindsey Catholic Board, in my next blog.

You will find the OECTA PDT time table below. It covers up to and including July 5th. As with the the MOE time table from my last blog, you might want to consider the language and information very carefully as you read and begin to compare, for your own erudition, our slim OECTA info piece.

Here it is if you haven't seen it all ready:

June 21, 2012
• A Special Council of Presidents’ meeting is held to provided council members with a detailed and omprehensive understanding of the status of the PDT talks.

June 28, 2012
• OECTA presents the government with a comprehensive offer that meets the government’s fiscal
parameters and achieves real savings, while protecting student learning in the classrooms and is in the
interests of Catholic teachers.

July 4, 2012
• The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association leaves the PDT table at approximately 11:30 p.m.

July 5, 2012 (times are approximate)

8:45 a.m.
OECTA signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government.

9:30 a.m. 
Unit presidents are notified that both the government and OECTA will hold press conferences to provide an update on the status of the PDT talks.

10:30 a.m. 
Minister Broten holds a press conference announcing that an agreement has been reached with OECTA and provides a significant level of detail about the agreement.While the Minister’s press conference is taking place, the OECTA Provincial Executive meets to consider the MOU signed earlier in the morning. The Provincial Executive is required to ratify the MOU prior to release of any information to unit presidents. This meeting was held from approximately 10:45 a.m. to approximately 12:30 p.m.

12:40 p.m.
Unit and OTBU presidents are notified that the agreement was ratified by the Provincial Executive and are provided with OECTA’s news release regarding the agreement.

1:00 p.m.
OECTA President Kevin O’Dwyer holds a press conference at OECTA provincial office as the OECTA news release is distributed to news outlets and posted on the OECTA website.

2:20 p.m.
Unit and OTBU presidents are provided with a letter to members from the president and a chart providing details about the agreement. Both of these are posted on the OECTA members-only website and will be mailed to each member.

Get Smart? "The Code of Silence" Model #1:

Model #2 Alternate: Even more private but don't forget your breath mints!

Marshall! Kevin! What's with our OECTA Cone of Silence anyway? Enquiring minds need to know!

The last word? See the reader "Comments" link below my last blog......

Monday 18 June 2012

What Was Said: A Secret OECTA PDT Deal?!?

ETFO and some in OSSTF  were saying they believed a deal was to be signed last Friday by 4pm. We are nowhere close to that. OECTA President Kevin O’Dwyer has indicated to OECTA presidents that the issues identified are not accurate and clearly no deal has been signed.
The information sent out by ETFO  reflects somewhat positions stated by the government from the outset. ETFO is not at the table and so comments about Government talks by them are speculation. Efforts like these undermine solidarity and confidence and are not consistent with OECTA bargaining practice.
It is unfortunate that ETFO has chosen to act in this manner. The challenge we face with our affiliate partners remain but we must focus on every effort to build solidarity and move forward. [sic]

OECTA's response is to ETFO President's Sam Hammond's message to his local presidents which was leaked earlier. It reads: 

It has come to my attention that OECTA is close to reaching a Provincial Discussion Table (PDT) deal with the government and the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA). An OECTA deal will potentially affect the welfare of all teachers in the province. Despite repeated requests, OECTA has not advised ETFO about the content of their ongoing discussions with the government and the OCSTA.
If the current information is accurate the potential OECTA PDT deal is not one that would be acceptable to ETFO. We have been advised from a number of sources that the OECTA PDT deal includes, but is not limited to, the following components:
The deal will address the government parameters only 10 days of sick leave at 100% salary, that do not accumulate from year to year. 124 additional days of sick leave at 66 and 2/3% salary. 2 unpaid PA Days in 2012-13. 4 unpaid PA Days in 2013-14. Extending the salary grid to 15 years. No salary increase in 2012-13 and 2013-14. Agreement that the grid will be restructured for 2014. We are uncertain re the status of retirement gratuities but few OECTA local collective agreements include gratuities so forfeiting them would not be as detrimental as it would be to ETFO members.
It appears that there will be limited opportunity to bargain local issues.
The details in this email are based on the information that is available at this time. We will provide you with additional information when it becomes available. OECTA has continually refused to disclose the issues they are negotiating with the government and OCSTA. The information provided here is from multiple sources that we believe to be credible.
We continue to be committed to maintaining the integrity of ETFO local collective agreements and to bargain collective agreements at the local level. This information may be shared with ETFO members. [sic]

Commentary: Let's be big boys and girls here. The above statements are hardly secret or confidential anymore. They have been sent out and distributed to tens of thousands of ETFO and OECTA members. Please do not get angry and claim that I am "spilling the beans". Readers have been visiting my site non-stop for the past 24 hours or so seeking information.

Please know: OECTA does not bargain in public nor make public statements about private talks as a part of it's "Quiet Diplomacy" approach to any negotiation talks. This is nothing new. It is how OECTA does business. So I don't see why that should now suddenly suggest we are hiding anything or trying to make secret deals despite what the flurry of accusations and innuendo suggest.

There hasn't been any indication until now, at our local executive level, or in my discussions with my various OECTA contacts, that there are any outstanding conflicts between the different teacher affiliates, who despite their different strategies, have all collectively refused the government's PDT offer, OECTA included. That is until now, with this. Please don't start pointing any fingers our way. Any about face in PDT strategy, especially at this most delicate of times, is not OECTA's style. We are always quite steadfast and true.

OECTA has categorically denied that there is any truth to the rumours, as summarized in OECTA TSU President Rene Jansen's statement to our members above. Indeed there has been nothing in recent weeks to suggest that we were anywhere near a deal with the PDT talks whatsoever.

As you know, rumours of an impending Ontario provincial summer election fly. Premier McGuinty could visit the Govenor General within the next two days. The writ could then well be dropped for a July 19 Ontario Provincial government, if we are to believe the unfolding news stories, as I write this blog.

If anything, the mere suggestion that the Liberals would consider an election gambit at this point in time is, one fears, a clear sign that their party strategists think they can go it alone without our teacher support. The Liberal government's PDT demands may appeal to a soft conservative vote that has always liked it when the Conservative Party have gone after us in a similar manner. They might support the Liberal's should they call a snap election. However the demands remain unacceptable to all the teacher affiliates, OECTA included. We will not fearfully change our position.

I seriously doubt that any of us could rally our OECTA members to support a Liberal election campaign now, even if a "secret deal" were suddenly reached. The trust, since this spring, just is not there.

Anything else? This is strictly my guess: Should a summer election be called watch for OECTA to only offer support to a Liberal riding that is in great danger of a Conservative win. The Conservatives, as per our "Who Speaks for Student's?" campaign are still clearly the least pro-education of the 3 main Ontario political parties. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of NDP support, perhaps even in an instance where it is so close that they could snatch a seat from the Liberal government. With exam time upon us and summer holidays approaching, this is all very speculative of course. It would seem unlikely to me that we could do much if anything to rally our members to any side, should we so wish, as we all head out the school door for summer vacation.

What a mess! There are a lot of big political gambles being made. An OECTA "secret deal" with the Ontario Liberals isn't one of them! Any such gamble especially at this point in time, if ever, is unsound at best, and can only muddy the all ready unclear state of Ontario education politics now, for the summer, and in the fall ahead. For shame to believe otherwise!

PS: Comments to this blog are being posted without prejudice as long as they contribute to the discussion by providing further information or clarification of a constructive nature. Thanks.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Bill 13 + GSA's 2: What Was Said?

The following OECTA press release explains OECTA's support for the provincial government's recent Bill 13 GSA Amendment.  OECTA agreed to provide "a supportive statement given the importance of this matter to the well-being of our students". OECTA's talking points supporting that statement are added afterwards for your further consideration. Also see the legislation itself and Cardinal Collin's statement in my Bill 13 + GSA's 1 blogSome points to consider are provided at the end of this blog.

May 29, 2012: Catholic Teacher's Support Students Naming GSAs

TORONTO – The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) supports the amendment to Bill 13, the Accepting Schools Act, which would allow students to name a club a Gay Straight Alliances (GSA), if they choose. 

“For our Association, the bottom line is to always meet the needs of our students,” says Kevin O’Dwyer, OECTA president. “Providing safe, inclusive environments and eliminating bullying wherever we can is paramount. If the students feel that a club should be called a GSA – that it makes a difference to them – then, we respect and accept that choice.” 

GSAs are student clubs that provide an opportunity for students, regardless of their sexual orientation, to work together on fostering schools that are respectful and safe places for all students. The primary goal of GSA clubs is to undertake discussion and engage in activities that will make schools more welcoming places for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered (LGBT) students and prevent bullying. 

“Many adults have commented on what should be done in schools to help prevent discrimination and victimization of marginalized students,” says O’Dwyer. “The reality is, this isn’t about the adults – it is about the students and student relationships – and we need to empower the students who are a key part of this equation.”

Research has shown that:

• students who identify as LGBT are at higher risk of experiencing bullying and are three times more likely to commit suicide than heterosexual students;

• not using the word ‘gay’ leads to further marginalization of students for whom the word speaks to the core of their identity;  

• in schools where GSAs exist, students have more favourable outcomes related to their school experience and the level of psychological distress they encounter and lower rates of suicide.

“As Catholic educators, we believe that EVERY student is worthy of respect, dignity and love, and we affirm the sanctity of all human life,” says O’Dwyer. “We cannot expect to address a problem if we cannot openly discuss that problem, regardless of how difficult that conversation may be.” 

OECTA represents the 43,000 professional women and men who teach all grades in publicly funded English Catholic schools in Ontario.

For more information, contact:
Michelle Despault, Director of Communications
416-925-2493 Ext. 509

The following message was sent on behalf of our OECTA President Kevin D'Wyer. It contains OECTA's main talking points for the association's support of the GSA Amendment. The key messaging is:

OECTA supports the amendment to Bill 13, the Accepting Schools Act

For our Association, the bottom line is always meeting the needs of our students and providing safe, inclusive environments and stamping out bullying wherever we cannot about what name a club has.

These clubs are really about students supporting students in the fostering of respectful and safe school environments ­ and if the students want to call their club a gay-straight alliance then we respect and accept that choice.

If having a club called a GSA will help, in even the smallest way, to foster a culture of understanding, encourage respect, and prevent students from being isolated, marginalized or bullied then how could we not support that?

As Catholic educators we believe that EVERY student is worthy of respect, dignity and love and we have an obligation to ensure that our hallways, cafeterias and classrooms are physically and emotionally safe places for ALL students.

These clubs are not about us, the adults, they are about the students so it's not really about what we think these clubs should be called. What matters most is that these clubs, these safe spaces, do exist in our schools.

We know it is not good enough to tell a student that it will get better when they leave school ­ we need to do everything we can to make our schools physically and emotionally safe spaces for our students today.

In addition to the above OECTA legal counsel is examining the matter.

This matter will be addressed further during a special  session of the COP. 

OECTA [Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association]
65 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 400
Toronto, ON  M4T 2Y8

Tel:  416-925-2493 
Fax: 416-925-6940

Points to consider:

OECTA seems to be stressing that much stronger measures are needed to make our gay students safe at school, than those Cardinal Collin's refers to in his statement [See Bill 13 + GSA's 1: What Was Said blog below]. Our teacher's association is clearly supporting the government's position rather than Cardinal Collins. The only point all three parties can seem to agree upon is that we all want what is best for our Gay students so they are safe from bullying at school. Unfortunately there isn't any similar agreement on the best methods for doing so.

Despite protests to the contrary, the provincial Conservatives actions in the Bill 13 debate at Queens Park, and indeed with their own alternative Bill 14, does not match the public rhetoric of Party Leader Tim Hudak and his MPP's. NDP support in the legislature would most likely see it passed anyway, despite the Liberal government's minority position, and the political posturing of the provincial Conservative party.

OECTA Lawyer Paul Cavalluzzo has pointed out that any teacher assisting with these clubs could face a legal challenge in court. They could possibly lose their teaching certificate if a complaint was lodged at the OTC [Ontario College of Teachers]. The complaints could just as likely come from proponents of either of the side of the GSA issue; for or against.

The Ontario College of Teachers is investigating how to set up a Equity AQ [Additional Qualification] course for teachers who wish to work with the GSA groups. It is far from finished and numerous Catholicity issues for our faith based schools will most likely arise.

The central flaw in the legislation, from a legal point of view, is that it is too vague. Ultimately then, we can assume GSA's in the Catholic Schools will become a Supreme Court of Canada Challenge. It would need to be proven that our denominational rights would be at risk if GSA's were to be allowed in Catholic schools. The separation of church and state would be one issue. Denominational verses human rights would be another. Our denominational rights would need to be clearly defined and then tested in a court of law. This is far from clear cut. Objectively speaking the outcome, either way, could be very uncertain.

The issue of public funding for our Catholic school system has gained much attention from those who would argue that the government is funding a discriminatory religious group, as a result of the current debate. The BNA [British National Act] of 1867 would protect our right to Catholic schools, but continued funding or how we fit within the Ontario school system is less certain. Until 1985 we did not have full secondary funding. During the Harris years the Catholic trustee association agreed to trade off our right to privately collect taxes for Catholic schools in exchange for a promise to extend our per student funding. Unless the Catholic schools decide to revert to being a private system we would not be able to continue as we now exist should funding be removed. Even Cardinal Collins has not been in favour of that happening. [See my blog list below]

In Newfoundland and Quebec Catholic school rights were removed in a public referendum. Would the majority of Ontarians, including Catholics, continue to support our publicly funded schools if the debate were to result in a referendum here in our province?

The Liberal government remains adamant that it will continue to support funding for the Catholic school system. In the past the provincial Conservatives have fared poorly with their plans for Charter Schools and multi faithed funding  for the other religious groups in Ontario. Will other religious groups rally to Cardinal Collins call to protect our faith based rights in Ontario when their own schools do not receive public funding like we currently do? What other political options might be proposed to resolve the Catholic school funding issue once and for all, one way or another, if it arises in our next provincial election, which could be anytime within the next 3 1/2 years?

Of course there are no easy answers, and in the meantime our gay student population need our help, which according to all concerned, is a situation we need to fix. Only one thing is certain: We are all faced with a rough ride ahead!

For more info on the GSA issues please see the following blogs in my archives below this column.

They are:

May 5: RAC Religious Affairs Update: includes my notes on OECTA Lawyer Pal Cavalluzzo's summary of the implications for Bill 13 at the OECTA Respecting Differences Equity Conference.

March 27: Bill 13 Accepting Schools: includes a link to a video explaining the arguments against Bill 13. There is also a link to info on the OECTA Respecting Differences Conference.

March 13: Windsor AGM: Rights and Sexual Identity: includes the other approved OECTA resolutions for Equity and Inclusivity, the arguments given both pro and con, and some discussion on the democratic process at our AGMs.

March : PDT, GSA, Inclusivity + Fee Excitement Ahead: includes info on how Equity Issues have played out at past OECTA AGMs.

January 9 Archbishop Tom Collins Appointed Cardinal: includes my own observations, discussions and experiences with the cardinal, whom I respect very much.

Oct 5 OECTA Diversity, + The 3 Party Platforms: includes an overview of the provincial party platforms and support for our separate schools.

I hope this helps! As Catholic teachers we need to keep very informed on this issue!

Monday 12 September 2011

A Visitors Guide To My Blogspot Site!

Greetings to my many readers from outside Canada, most notably the Ukraine as of late! Also everyone from the US, Saudi Arabia, South America, the Caribbean, the UK, Russia, Europe, South East Asia, Afghanistan, and Iran. On and on the list goes! Wherever you are, I'm glad you are coming to my blogspot, and am truly honoured. I'd like to let you know what's here and how my site works. This then is my non-OECTA-TSU teacher union member guide to my blogspot.

I am the 3rd Vice President of our Catholic teachers union here in Toronto, OECTA-TSU [Ontario English Catholic Teachers  Association Toronto Secondary Unit]. TSU is the local unit of our province wide OECTA organization, representing about 2200 secondary school teachers. We are responsible for collective bargaining , monitoring it's implementation, and assisting our members with their work related problems. We also take an active lead in working with our school board administration on JSS [Joint Safe Schools], JHS [Joint Health and Safety] and Joint PD [Joint Professional Development.] We are very active politically at the provincial level through our OECTA Government Relations department as an "educational advocacy group" for our students, schools and profession, with the Ontario Ministry of Education and our three main Ontario provincial political parties; the Liberals, the Conservatives and the NDP [New Democratic Party]. Full info about our unit can be found at

This blogsite is my personal way of communicating teacher and union news and views to the members who elected me. The views are my own. However, this is not all I do at this site.

This blogspot also includes a lot of my own personal writings on my travel, political and other interests, including music and diving etc. etc. I will pretty much share anything of interest that comes across my scanner if I think it is appropriate or worth discussing. Since you don't live here you might also be interested in my many posts on life in Toronto, and other related pieces, from my Toronto Ontario, Canadian perspective. For what it's worth I am locally born and bred here in Toronto. I think that is much reflected too!

This then is how you might access the different features on my site:

Slideshow: Top left corner. Contains my latest photographs, usually related to my posts or school and union life here in Toronto. It also features photos from my travels and many various non-school activities.

Side Columns: Photos and info on my travels and other activities, right now snorkeling on the left, the Cuban Schools Project on the right, and my Mexico trip to the Mayan ruins in the centre below the blogs.

Bottom: There is a large number of flash games, and other novelties, myYoutube bar with different themes and quite a bit of just for fun stuff. Also one big intriguing photo at the very end few seem to see.

The Directory/ Archive: This is below my blogposts in the centre column. You can check out my postings by the month. As a rule of thumb, school and union related postings will be archived throughout our school year months of September to June. July and August are my holiday postings on everything else. Of course this can vary but use that as a rule of thumb, especially if you are interested in OECTA TSU.

The Centre Posts of course are my most current blogs. I usually post every 3 or 4 days, sometimes more, rarely less. Some may be just work related, which you might find interesting if you are a teacher. Others are a lot more wider in scope and will deal with various issues school or otherwise related. These are more like my own think pieces on an important topic.

Below each post is a Comment Bar. Please use this to provide your own constructive thoughts and comments. I'd also like to know which articles, topics and features etc. interest you so I can provide more of these if I can. Please also contact me by email at

Welcome to my blogspot! Please pass this link on if you know others who would be interested. And keep tuned, it should be a very interesting school year ahead!

PS: Hope to hear from you soon. Would love to know where you are from etc. etc. etc.

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!