Opening Statement

Showing posts with label OCSTA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OCSTA. Show all posts

Sunday 25 October 2015

On the Wynne Ultimatum + Teacher Bashing!

[Or "Feasting on the Corpse of Ontario Collective Bargaining!"] 

With the dumbfounding "Wynne Ultimatum" and a mad frenzy of media teacher bashing perhaps unseen since the Harris Years, it's been a "week from hell" for many of our province's teachers and education support workers! Despite the fall of Steven Harper! And quite unfairly so! 

As my October 25th blog below shows, the OCSTA and OPSBA school board bargaining agents ["trustees"] received $4,572,632 in Collective Bargaining payments for 2014-15 alone! Surprise! Guess what? It turns out that's about the same as the total controversial amount received by all the teacher unions combined, from the MOE since 2008! 

News of the teacher union payments has certainly gotten John "Cued" Public and Jane "Ontario" Doe royally p.o'ed! However, please note; the amount was clearly spelled out in a well known MOE July 15th memo [LINKon GSN grants for Special Education! How come it wasn't breaking news then? Or for that matter still isn't, except on our decidedly underground but still free social media?!? 

Instead, all we hear in the mainstream media is the media teacher bashing frenzy which reached a feverish pitch Friday over the teacher union CB payments! The school board trustees at most got passing mention that they had received some kind of undisclosed funds too. It was usually towards the end of a fiery denunciation of our teacher unions being given a lot of tax payer dollars. Further fuelling the flames, the totals are now considerably more than originally estimated since the provincial auditor released the numbers covering the 3 sets of negotiations from 2008, 
for AEFO, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF combined [LINK]

Seems there's an inconvenient truth here; one that's too inconvenient to mention in any detail! Namely that the Wynne government has awarded ALL the parties involved in the troubled negotiations with payments to cover the huge cost overruns associated with, what they now admit, is their new, flawed, collective bargaining model!

No matter that ETFO and CUPE have been without a contract for 14 months! Or that AEFO, OECTA and OSSTF quite frankly settled for bad ones! The OPSBA and OCSTA trustees' huge windfall, in the face of their frequent intransigence in refusing to negotiate, has not been deemed worthy of public notice. Obviously, the neo con media doesn't care about our right wing trustees' $4,572,632 payment. It's out for only one thing -teacher blood!

Premier Wynne has been pretty mum for a long time now on the floundering, nay stalled collective bargaining talks. Then came her rather puzzling announcement Friday. She has threatened to deduct pay from the remaining teacher and education support worker's who still don't have a contract, for -get this: NOT performing volunteer activities for free, if they don't reach a deal by November 1st! 

One assumes that like the other big wig "leaders" in the AEFO, OECTA and OSSTF teacher union provincial offices, she's been hunkering down for some very self serving damage control, especially since the shit hit the fan over the huge pay outs. The same money that some are now referring to as "hush funds" for the whole huge debacle, after the teacher numbers hit the news this week.

Quite arguably, this was payment to cover cost overruns related to the flawed Liberal government's CB process, as the premier has explained. Certainly, 1000's of hours were spent in wasted negotiations going nowhere. In the real world that does cost money. Unless of course our teacher officials pack a veeeeeery big picnic basket. Then raced from far and wide across our province, heading on foot to Toronto whenever beckoned by OPSBA, OCSTA and the MOE. Perhaps sleeping instead in their chairs for days, weeks and months on end. While Kathleen and Liz fiddled about endlessly with their "new CB model" and tempers burned! 

Be that as it may, our supposed union "leaders" still look as thick as thieves in my books. Having feasted on the rotting corpse of collective bargaining in this province, these patricians then took the "Wynne fall" money to just pipe down and go convince their members to accept whatever table scraps they were able to bring home for the plebs, their teacher members. 

For shame! Did they dig in their heels and fight long and hard to get back your sick day banks? No, far from it! They have reportedly negotiated to fund the CB cost overruns with them, as the classroom teachers receive pennies on the dollars under the new sick day bank "cash in" agreement. It's quite the stink! A big mess all around! 

So. What have we learned this week? Well, if you didn't know all ready, it must be a very disturbing truth to learn so late in the game: the media is not a very accurate reflection of reality! Nor do they seem to be prepared to do any owning up any time soon; and the damage is all ready done!

Alas! If you are an ETFO teacher, or a CUPE education support worker, then you know you are getting kicked in the teeth for everybody else's shortcomings, by both our illustrious premier, the Education Minister and our mainstream media! 

ETFO members can at least take some consolation in that your affiliate has unequivocally stated that they are not interested, in nor will they religiously accept, any 30 pieces of silver in payment for this shit storm. You certainly are owed a lot of our respect for still standing on principle! For leading by example!

The notorious OECTA Code of Silence has firmly descended over anything and everything OECTA once again, always a very ominous sign. As for our OSSTF education support workers? Well, maybe you can still get Elliott off his duff to pull something real and substantial for you out of this dung heap. Who knows? Good luck!

The fresh breath of air that otherwise welcomed new hope in Ottawa this week did not provide us with much relief in Ontario, as teachers. But of course education is a provincial portfolio. And even in Ottawa, Trudeau is still a newbie when it comes to actually standing up to our countries real Neo Liberal powers that be. 

The whiff of despair, must seem quite palpable in the teacher and educational support worker trenches. Still, see my field report on the resolute ETFO Wynne Wednesday rally last week. Or the flurry of CUPE member tweets as they once again proudly and steadfastly donned black every Friday. 

We were all once a part of a proud Ontario teacher union movement that stood tall! Let's hope that there are some real leaders out there at CUPE, ETFO and even OSSTF who still are willing to do so as push comes to shove! That they are not about to follow the sad example we've seen so far; of those who will collaborate and acquiesce, giving in to the all too self evident deep, dark cynicism, and manipulation of our Wynne government and a Vichy union mentality. The alternative does not serve us, our provinces working families, or the future generations whom we teach, very well! Let's hope it's not too late!


Friday 2 January 2015

Ontario Teachers Winter Contract Guide!

Welcome to my independent "teacher free speech" winter guide to news + views links for the ongoing Ontario all affiliate [AEFO, ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF] teacher contract talks! Earlier related links are provided below. My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 

March 15, 2015

OSSTF announces 7 units will be prepared to strike by the end of April: Peel, Durham, Halton, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, K-W! 10,000 teachers will be involved!

OECTA to begin strike rallies April 7, with strike votes being held April 23-24th. Why so late? No way OECTA will be the 1st with an MOU deal this time, watch to see!

March 3-8, 2015

OECTA President James Ryan indicates "clearly and unambiguously" that the affiliate does not support the "regressive" initial contract offer it has received from management [OCSTA/ MOE]. Further meetings are set for March 9, 10 and 11th. Similar responses are expected from the other affiliates. Story @ Star

Initial Proposal details are here @ OECTA and @ OCSTA

Information concerning the Management side (OCSTA Trustees’ Association and Government) proposed changes to the Collective Agreement at the Central Table: Some of the impacts of the employer’s initial proposals to OECTA TSU members are presented here:

1. All existing superior provisions from our hard-won local agreement are replaced by central terms and shall not continue

. For TSU this will mean loss of UPB day access
· Loss of family illness days etc.
· Current ODA schedule for dental plan payments at risk
· Loss of bereavement days for in-laws, grandchildren, aunt, uncle, fiance

2. Wage Reductions (not all members will be affected by all)

· $0 – no salary increases for 3 years
· Loss $2,000/year – delayed grid movement to 97th day (over 3 years)
· Loss potential $50,000/4.5 years for those injured at work by reductions to WSIB       top-up
· Loss $25/day from reducing Short Term Sick Leave and Disability plan from 90%        to 85%/day
· Loss $500 for non-renewal of Attendance Recognition Plan
· Increased LTD premiums as application required after 30 days of illness

3. Hiring Practice

· Fair Hiring Provisions and Regulation 274 revoked
· Teachers displaced as a result of principals and vice-principals returned to  bargaining unit – with their seniority intact
· Mandatory reduction from full-time to part-time if a teacher is unable to return to work due to illness or injury

4. Loss of Rights

· Loss of “Teacher Professional Judgement”
· Board can compel Independent Medical Exams with a doctor of the Board’s    choosing to qualify for sick leave

5. Leaves Restricted

· Board permission required for ALL leaves
· Loss of UPB days including for medical appointments
· Loss of days for attendance at court
· Loss of days for teachers’ own graduation
· Sick days not automatically renewed at beginning of school year

6. Claw backs

· Removal of all Collective Agreement language related to Dual Credits / E-learning
· No early Retirement Incentive

7. Grievance Process

· Creation of a central Dispute Resolution Committee made up of 3 representatives of the union, 3 representatives of the employers and 3 representatives of The Crown (NOT equal representation).  The Crown maintains the right to give or with hold approval to any proposed settlement between the employer and employee bargaining agencies.

Feb 12

ETFO Provincial CB dates are Feb. 5, 6, 23, 24/ March 2, 23, 24. Local bargaining is scheduled for on or about Feb. 23 in various locals.

Feb 8, 2015

Expect a provincial benefits plan to be in the works. The big question then becomes who runs it? The province? The boards? The unions? Interesting OECTA angle: if it's the unions or province then health + benefits are no longer an issue for it's LGBTQ members.

Feb 5, 2015

In lieu of much detail about what's actually on the teacher union provincial bargaining table, 5 months after your contracts have expired, one might be well advised to keep an eye on the terms being rejected in the OPSEU talks: wage freezes, cutbacks, concessions and the like. Teachers too? More @ Read the Tea Leaves?

Jan 25, 2015

OECTA President James Ryan disputes claim internal turmoil over renewal of the General Secretary's contract threatens to divert attention from the ongoing provincial bargaining process @ Sun

Jan 23, 2015

Conciliation on January 9th [see below] resulted in all matters but 2 being agreed upon as being within the scope of provincial bargaining. A ruling on #1] seniority as the basis for all teacher transfers and #2] teaching assignments/ surplus provisions [changes in employment status resulting from fluctuation in student enrolment] is pending from the OLRB Chair. 

Continuing provincial negotiations are now scheduled for Feb. 10, 11, 27, 28, March 9, 10 +11th.

Jan 19, 2015

Some further notes: The OLRB case number is 2465-14-M. Briefs were submitted by Dec 19th 2014, followed by the Jan 9th 2015 hearing date below. OSSTF, ETFO + CUPE were to receive the briefing copies on a without-prejudice basis. The briefs address why the parties either propose [OECTA] or oppose [OCSTA] the issues being dealt with at central bargaining.

A teleconference was held on Thursday Jan 15 with the next scheduled hearing on Monday Jan 19th. All info from the conciliation remains confidential to the best of my knowledge. 

Jan 9, 2015

OECTA/OCSTA OLRB Hearing: My unofficial report as an observer: The reps and legal council for the Catholic teacher union, school board trustees and government met with Judge Fishbein for submissions on Friday. President James Ryan, 1st Prez Ann Hawkins + 2nd Liz Stuart, the provincial CB team + General Secretary Marshal Jarvis were in attendance for OECTA. On the surface, all was cordial between the key parties involved in the case; much more noticeably than other OLRB hearings I have attended between various groups in the past. Regretfully CUPE was denied a request for intervenor status based upon a Pharmacy Plus case submitted for Fishbein's consideration and had to leave. 

The hot button issues under contention are listed below. After meeting privately with the legal councils Fishbein announced that all further proceedings are to remain confidential as an OLRB "conciliation" process based upon "outcomes" begins. Each party left for separate conference rooms to prioritize the issues to be discussed. 

Recourse to an OLRB hearing to determine what falls under the scope of "provincial bargaining" in the current round of collective bargaining has been mandated through the provinces new CB act for all three of our Ontario teacher union associations. ETFO has not requested a hearing. It's negotiations remain ongoing. OSSTF's case begins Apr 1 while their talks also continue. However, OECTA's negotiations are on hold until the issues at the OLRB table are resolved. Nor will an OECTA provincial strike vote be held until after the hearing is over. It would seem OECTA won't be first to nail an agreement unlike in 2012. That could be prudent considering the difficult position that put the union in during the 2012 talks.

The hearing will continue this Friday at 9:30 am.

Backgrounder: Info on new CB Act and OECTA Provincial CB team @ Here

Other updates: ETFO talks resume Jan 21+22

Jan 2 2015

OECTA OLRB [Ontario Labour Relations Board] hearing dates are set for 9:30 am January 9 + 19th 2015. They will be held at:

2nd Floor, 505 University Ave, Toronto

The hearings are due to a lack of agreement upon 5 items which OCSTA [Ontario Catholic School Trustee Association], the employer does not want included within the scope of provincial bargaining: These issues are:

1. All matters relating to sick leave (the employer insists on excluding attendance management programs);

2. Seniority as the basis for all teacher transfers;

3. Teacher working conditions and workload as they relate to Individual Education Plans (IEPs);

4. All matters relating to health and safety issues; and

5. All matters relating to staffing provisions.

OECTA Provincial is following due process in referring the matters in dispute to the Labour Relations Board. CUPE, ETFO + OSSTF have sought intervenor status at the hearing. Provincial bargaining can resume after the issues are clarified by the OLRB.

OSSTF's first OLRB hearing date won't be before April 1, 2015.

See you there!!!!


Your teacher free speech all affiliate self directed study guides have a plethora of info and links to documents + pretty much everything else you will need to make any sense of what's going on yourself.

Here's the guide from this fall @ Here! [Link fixed!] 

Here's the guide from last summer! Remember, we are STILL without a contract. See @ Summer

Remember Bill 122 [the new teacher collective bargaining act]? Here's a study guide @  Bill 122

CB? MOE?? ETFO?!? OECTA?!?! OLRB?!?!? OSSTF?!?!?! My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 

Further links to follow!


Sunday 2 September 2012

Behind the Scenes: OCSTA + COCP

[You'll find more weekend news links at bottom of today's blog]

Without doubt many OECTA members along with the other affiliates are very critical about our OECTA PDT MOU. We need to be fair and objective as OECTA members, however one might feel. It is very important to consider why two of the non monetary gains are so important for us as OECTA teachers at school; Fair and Transparent Hiring Practices and the recognition of Teacher Professionalism. I'm not saying they justify the deal, just that in and of themselves, they are often very significant and badly needed at school.

Both are big gains that we wouldn't want to lose, whatever happens next. The other affiliates need to understand their significance. As Catholic teachers we must examine them extra carefully. They explain why the OCSTA Catholic trustees are involved in the protest, both against our PDT deal, and Bill 151 [the Liberal legislation]  Also why some OECTA units are now holding strike votes. All is not as it might seem!

Essentially, OCSTA, the Catholic trustees, and the COCP Principals and V.P's are attempting an end run to change the terms of the OECTA MOU out of sheer, naked self interest, and also to cover their own legal and political butts for whatever happens next. By applying for conciliation, before local Collective Bargaing talks have barely begun, is offensive, disrespectful and especially diabolical, whether the public or us realize it or not!

OCSTA is fighting to have the Fair Hire and Teacher Professionalism Assessment clauses removed from our PDT agreement, to protect their special management rights and privileges. Tim Hudac protected the public boards by having these removed from the legislation this week at Queen's Park. Our boards want to be exempted too! Furthermore many are keen to torpedo the whole OECTA PDT deal. Why? When we consider local contract negotiations, as folks in Mexico would be apt to say, they'd get the whole enchilada too. They are now losing the ability to screw us around with the funding dollar numbers, and school facts and figures, a persistent CB problem for many years.

Consider recent news developments: OECTA North Eastern president Louis Clausi calls the the board trustees on their nonsense and calls for a strike vote. The news reporters, columnists, protesters, and even ETFO and OSSTF are having a laugh fest; an OECTA unit on strike?!? The North Eastern board is one of about 13 Catholic school boards seeking conciliation to block the OECTA deal. The MOU opposition is often not necessarily coming from the local units, but rather is being created by the trustees when they request conciliation at the very beginning of the CB [Collective Bargaining] process. To protect themselves, our OECTA units are then forced to call a strike vote strictly because of the trustees actions. Louis provides a very excellent overview of the situation and the many other problems we often  have faced with our Catholic school boards. Note his no bars hold criticism of management rights and privilege:

The OECTA Peel Catholic Elementary unit has also decided to hold a strike vote. Why? They need to protect themselves because their board applied for conciliation too. Conciliation? Who'd want to be the board's buddy indeed?!? See:

Go to the OECTA provincial website. It provides a much more thorough explanation of the strike and conciliation process than I could ever provide. This link should take you directly to their excellent info piece:!ut/p/c1/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3jDIBNLI2cfIwP30GBjAyNLdyNzc4sgQ3cvI_1wkA6zePdQJ9dQI0N_A3_jQDMDI49QC

You will also now find two excellent OECTA position papers explaining in careful detail the two MOU non monetary issues. Their loss of privilege really cheeses OCSTA off. To uncover the fox in sheep clothing in the OCSTA news links and COCP [Council of Catholic Principals] secret letters since spring, go to and see:

#1] Why Fair and Transparent Hiring Practices are necessary in our OECTA schools:

Nepotism is totally unacceptable in a modern publicly funded school system. Unfortunately it's still often common in many of our school boards' hiring practices, when hiring is based upon who you know, or becomes a favouritism game. Some boards still insist on only hiring Catholics, another red hot button issue! Frankly ask yourself, are our school boards really acting Catholic in how they exercise their management rights and executive privileges? With their hiring practices? Staff scheduling? The open position lists in our schools? As Catholic teachers it's wrong not to be critical, and seek redress for such immoral corruption at our schools. Let's be frank, it needs to end! The Fair Hire clause of our MOU is a good first step in that direction.

The lack of proper accountability and transparency in our boards' hiring practicesOECTA MOU, provincial has scored a major coup! The rest of our corrupted staffing processes can now also start to fall into proper place from there.

For more info on why the MOU's recognition of teacher professional assessment is so necessary in our OECTA schools, also see:

Teacher professionalism, in the OECTA PDT MOU, only refers to diagnostic testing. However, it is our boards' lack of appreciation or respect for our teacher professionalism that is the much bigger problem it starts to address. You are a highly trained, qualified and dedicated professional. You usually know your students best. Endless, senseless student diagnostic assessments might help some paper pushers higher up justify their well paid jobs. There is often a whole paper treadmill of statistic based edu-babble "analysis" that thrives and perhaps only exists because of the constant flurry of testing and retesting in ad nausea. Of course, as a result you get an often huge, exhausting and demoralizing additional paper workload. It takes time away from actually teaching your students. You can also suffer mental stress and burn out! Many members do! What for? The huge dollar amounts being wasted as we are called to tighten our fiscal belts? The OECTA MOU is an important first step in addressing this nonsense by in effect telling the boards' to pull up their pants, tuck in their shirts and show us some professional respect as Catholic teachers.

Please don't ignore these two very important OECTA MOU gains, whatever else you think about the deal. The Ministry is agreeing to support us with these first steps. We are finally getting up from under years of school board abuse hidden by their so called "rights and privileges". This represent a huge change of perspective in carefully calling to question OCSTA's often senseless and misrepresented management rights and questionable funding figures at our PDT meetings this year, and in our local CB negotiations of year's past. Know OECTA has done very well in finally bringing this to the MOE's undivided attention.

Let me be clear. Of course not all our school boards are bad, nor are our trustees, principals or VP's either. Our Catholic schools are often full of very highly trained, ethical administrators and teachers alike. The MOU, despite all it's shortcomings is also a big step forward in helping OECTA take a stand against the abuses of power and authority where and when they happen. Unfortunately these are often not uncommon either. OCSTA and COCP aren't being completely honest and upfront when they publicly protest against the MOU and Bill 151. Our brothers and sisters in the public school unions may not well understand OECTA's very troubling relations with our boards. Perhaps your school boards' are often not so draconian and abusive as ours can be. Our own OECTA members might be often overlooking these issues too in the war of words over PDT, MOU, and Bill 151.

Don't be fooled! It's absolutely necessary to be very aware of our special problems with OCSTA and COCP, whenever they hop on the protest band wagon. In the smoke and mirrors of educational politics, all is certainly not as it might seem! At school we hear a lot of talk about Catholic values, faith, and a sense of social justice. Lets live it instead! As Catholic teachers we can make a difference! Our actions must speak louder than words! Let's not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. There are many important fixes that need to be made in our schools! Keep that in mind as we continue to fight the good fight to truly make them Catholic!

Will OCSTA and COCP have the final say? Not if Principal Weatherbee is any indication...... :-)

More to come later....

Teacher Union News links for the Labour Day Weekend:

Monday Sept.3rd

My photos of the Toronto Labour Day March are being posted in the top left slide show on my site.

Some others:

Toronto Labour Day with OSSTF D12:

Labour Day with OECTA in Windsor. See:

Labour Day in Sudbury with ETFO:

Hamilton Labour Day with OSSTF

Andrea Horwath at the Waterloo Labour Day Parade

PS: Send me pix of your group + I'll be glad to post!!!

In The News: 

Star Editorial examines the state of the Canadian unions on Labour Day 2012:

Check out blogger Darcy Casselman's Flying Squirrel on the ground review of the K-W by-election. An excellent local overview of all the candidates [including Green and Communist] concluding with  his own well considered and explained perspective of both the big picture, and how he will vote. Probably best read I've seen yet on K-W. Really nice weblog Darcy! See:

Next Day??????? Some scuttlebutt and a hot scoop from the Labour Day Parade! Stay tuned!

Saturday Sept.2nd

 Some kind words of support for us:

Public Response Labour Analysts + Digital Agency in the K-W Record:

Ottawa Citizen Column on why we need unions:

PR 101: Good article on why our unions have to focus on how we represent ourselves to the public. Also interesting commentary on the relationship between unionism and the middle class:

Toronto Ex-Max Webster Axeman Kim Mitchell rocks for teachers. Thanks Kim:

Meanwhile back in the trenches:

ETFO's Sam Hammond claims more teachers are retiring as legislated austerity looms:

Putting Dollars First! This column packs punch! See:

And back on the K-W by-election front:

Martin Regg Cohn's prognostics of the possible problems of a by-election loss for Dalton + Tim. Short on rhetoric. A good read:

A Record Editorial on why Ontario's fate is in K-W's hands. Gosh I love this stuff!!! A yummy political strategy read:

O.K. here's where I p.o everybody. Let's look at propaganda verses counter propaganda aka nasty election campaigning:

Lib flyer

NDP tweet:

Commentary: The election rhetoric is being ratcheted up to the old fall back techniques every politico uses at some point, while getting indignant about the other side using them too. One's the plain truth, and one's just lies, depending upon what side you are on. Yawn. First brush would suggest to me the union NDP caucuses are having a field day over the Liberal woes.The Liberal are worried the NDP is going to split the vote, letting the Conservatives win. Suppose I'll stroll down the middle. An NDP win is by no means certain but would further spice up the parties political games- man/woman-ship. A Conservative win? Either way, might make the Libs regret having written off the reliable teacher support they've enjoyed since 2003. Which is worse for us though as teacher's, the Libs or the Cons? With equal respect to my union brothers and sisters on whatever side of the by-elections, I just hope this doesn't ultimately lead us back to another debacle like the Tories 1995 provincial election win. Final analysis? Personally, I've pretty much always favoured minority governments. They have more give and take with less all or nothing results. Still they are unstable. I fear if this one falls the Tories will be back with a passion to eat teachers raw just for lunch. Ouch! I hope not. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Here's an example of social media being put to good use for rallying the teacher troops to help Fife. Most everybody loves Facebook. I also love the wham bam touch with Mulclair. The NDP are good at putting their all into one riding by-election wins, so who knows? All the details at a very convenient glance. Not much is missing in action here. See:

Agree or disagree I've always respected TECT President Bernardo's logic. The local K-W unit is neutral from what I understand, even though provincial has endorsed Fife. Toronto is the city the rest of Ontario loves to hate. I wonder about the local response with us knocking on their front doors to tell them what to do. Will need to pick Mario's brain on this one:

Here's two great teachers blogs you should read. Check them out more often if you think I'm getting to ornery. First helps the reader empathize with the teacher over hard pay and sick day cuts when she is at school, often above and beyond the call of duty, to help their kids. Bravo! See:

Mrs. Weir comes across like a real trooper too. Very nice! She's a hard working but badly and unfairly treated school lady in a personal just plain folk anecdote about getting a bad rap by the Libs. I'd guess she remembers what the teacher bashing was like with Harris, and gets the message across bang on without even saying so. Score + 1 for the teachers, 0 = the Liberals and anyone else who doesn't like us! Nice work! ETFO take note. See:

More below. More to come!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

OLP Recall Legislature Aug. 27!

More Links added.....

The OLP [Ontario Liberal Party] has recalled the provincial legislature at Queen's Park for an August 27 vote on their "Putting Students 1st Act" aka the "anti strike legislation". Depending on your POV [point of view] it's either a self serving politically motivated anti democratic attack on our labour act, or a decisive move to finally enforce their April MOU [memo of understanding] deadline in time for school to go back on September 4th, after months of unsuccessful attempts at negotiations.

Just to briefly summarize, the OECTA [Ontario English catholic Teacher's Association] and AEFO [the french language school teacher's association] have MOU's in place for when our last contract expires on August 31. OSSTF [Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation] and ETFO [Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario], while agreeing to a wage freeze remain strongly opposed to any of the other clauses forward in the MOE [Ministry of Education] original terms and those negotiated in the  OECTA-AEFO MOU's.

ETFO and OSSTF have strike votes pending for late August and September. ETFO could stage a one day protest strike if the legislation is passed, but otherwise both claim that any workplace actions would not interrupt the beginning of the school year. The OLP remains adamant that the anti strike clauses in it's legislation are to "put students first", in case of any disruptions this fall, and if the legislation is passed, for a 2 year period afterwards, between now and our next contract in 2014. Both the pro and con sides remain locked in a war of words about possible legal challenges to the new legislation and what the outcome would be.

For their part the OCSTA [Ontario Catholic School Trustee Association], OPSTA, their public school counterparts, and the provinces principals and vice principals association oppose the MOU's, in regards to fair hire, teacher profession assessment's, and in the AEFO case, teacher on call clauses. Both the Ontario NDP [New Democratic Party] and Conservative parties ostensibly remain opposed to the legislation, the first for it's alleged attack on labour rights, the later because it's not harsh enough and doesn't include a grid freeze too. Both remain non committal on how they will vote.

The OLP one seat minority government faces two by-elections on September 6th in Kitchener Waterloo and Vaughan. This has become the battleground for all sides to make their case in the ongoing  battle of ideas and words that has raged all summer long. A two seat win would give the OLP a majority in the legislature, in which case neither NDP or Conservative support would ostensibly not be needed after that.

Whew! I know it's dangerous to over simply, but I hope this helps put the current crisis in some reasonable perspective for any of our teacher's who may just be trickling back home from summer vacation and are in need of an update on the situation.

My previous blog or two provide many further news links for the events as of late. You will find many other going back man months. All my blogs are listed in the Blog Archive below this centre column on my site,and so on and on and on..............

And so, here's the latest news links on the OLP announcement of a date for the Legislature's summer recall:

Here's the Government House leaders press release:

The Toronto Star reports:

The Windsor Star reports:

The Canada Press reports:

The Toronto Sun reports:

OCSTA Catholic trustees and their public and french schools counterparts oppose OECTA-AEFO MOE:

NDP press statement, including reference to OCSTA:

OECTA President Kevin Dwyer warns of school board's intentions in opposing OECTA MOU:

ETFO's press release claims legislature recall is OLP political gambit:

Here''s an "Education Law Alert" report by the BLG law firm, more of an overview really, but worth a read:

An interesting blogger analysis

OECTA TSU and TECT have sent out notices to our members that:

OECTA Provincial's Kevin Dwyer and David Church will be explaining the OECTA MOU and answering questions at Wednesday August 22nd's TSU TECT membership meeting, tomorrow at Roy Thompson Hall Toronto, commencing at 1pm to 4pm.. Hope to see you there. I also plan to post a blog report for my readers.

More news links to be added. More below.......

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!