Opening Statement

Showing posts with label CPCO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CPCO. Show all posts

Monday 16 July 2012

OECTA PDT: Catholic Principals Refute Deal!

[Sorry! Spacing concerns remain.]

Today's "In the News" links at bottom of blog.

The letter as posted below was Googled at:
If that doesn't work Google "Jim Minello, July 6,
letter to the Catholic Principals" to  publicly see the pdf.

CPCO [Catholic Principal Council of Ontario] President Jim Minello sent the following letter to our Catholic Principals on July 6. Apparently under PPM 152 they are their own bargaining agents. As such they want  to open their own PDT meeting with Education Minister Laurel Broten, along with the [OPC Ontario Principal's Council].They also plan to meet with the OCSTA [Ontario Catholic School Trustee Association]. You will recall OCSTA walked out of the talks on the night the agreement was reached. The principals seem to be essentially objecting that "administration" views were not considered in the OECTA PDT agreement since all the "key partners" were not represented when the deal with the Ministry was struck. It will be interesting to see the Education Ministry's response!

Further links and commentary follow below.

July 6 CPCO Letter:

Ontario Catholic Teachers Reach a Deal with Province

You may have heard that the province has reached a labour deal with OECTA as published in the Toronto Star July 5th. OECTA also sent out a press release outlining some of the key elements of this two-year deal. The Memorandum of Understanding is available on the CPCO home page It is important for members of CPCO to understand that this is a memorandum of understanding solely between OECTA and the government. Neither the Ontario Catholic School Trustees, nor their representatives, the partners, including CPCO, were part of the process during the final negotiations. All of us were very surprised by the press release.

The OECTA release of the key elements of the agreement infers that OECTA has bargained on our behalf. Nothing could be further from the truth. We were not part of any negotiation with the government. In fact, with the implementation of PPM 152, local principal and vice-principal associations now have the right to negotiate their own terms and conditions. This is an important position to keep in mind. In fact, CPCO recently supported a letter sent from the Ontario Principals' Council (OPC) to Minister Broten requesting permission to begin our own tri-level meetings to discuss terms and conditions.

You will read in the newspapers and in the OECTA release that all Catholic educators, including principals and vice-principals will have three unpaid days in 2013-2014. Additionally, you will read that these three days will occur during three professional development days. Attendance at PD days, paid and unpaid will now be optional. Short term leave and disability plans has been revised to protect educators who may need more than ten days off for serious illness, pregnancy or surgery. Retirement gratuity plans are grandfathered on a go forward basis and teachers have gained partial payment of salary grid increments over two years.

I want to reiterate that at this point we only know what we have read in the media. Since a key partner was not at the table during the final negotiations, it is safe to say that the views of management were not represented in this final round of negotiations. Obviously, we need to meet with our partners at the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association to determine the exact nature of this agreement and the actual language that has been agreed upon. Once we ascertain this and how the negotiation process evolved without the key partners at the table, we will be in a better position to comment publicly and with you, our members.

Jim Minello

A link to Policy/ Program Memo 152 [PPM 152] can be found at:

A link to the Catholic Principal Council of Ontario [CPCO] can be found at:

A link for the Ontario Principals Association [OPA] can be found at:

The OCSTA [Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Website] is at:

Commentary: I've perused Memo 152 and don't see where it specifically says CPCO, or for that matter OPC, is the Catholic principals' bargaining agent, but I might be missing something. Go see for yourself through the link above. I'm wondering if Jim isn't just desperately fishing around for something, anything to cling on to, but that at the Provincial Discussion Table, only the Catholic trustees truly represent management?

I've checked the OCSTA, CPCO and the OPA websites above, and don't see much current information posted for a while. Maybe it's posted on the "members only" page? Very secretive! Very Catholic! Everything seems private and under control, until the self ordained God the Father types become conspicuous by their absence. Then much to their chagrin everything blows wide open in their face. Tut! Tut! It seems PPM 152 is open to some interesting, self serving interpretations! It will be very interesting to see what comes of all this! We know the trustees did not fare well!

I seriously doubt CPCO is weighing in on the "nay"side of the OECTA PDT debate because of any heartfelt concern for us as teachers. That's how I read President Jim Minello's officious tone anyway. I don't doubt we have many fine, concerned and dedicated Catholic principals working with us in our schools! Still, I suspect here it's mostly a question of arbitrary power and control personally slipping out of the Catholic School boards' administrative hands, regardless of who is supposed to be representing their "management rights", OCSTA or CPCO. I'd have to give this letter a big thumbs down despite whatever doubts we as Catholic teachers might otherwise have about the OECTA PDT agreement.

Archie's Principal Mr. Weatherbee.

Also in the News:

Peterborough Catholic School Director surprised by OECTA deal, guestions legitimacy without OCSTA's participation:

ETFO President Sam Hammond slams EQAO funding and bureaucracy costs in light of teacher PDT cuts. See:

Saturday 5 May 2012

RAC: Religious Affairs Update

I was out of school much of this week for meetings, events, and symposiums relating to my Religious Affairs Committee [RAC] portfolio. As TSU 3rd VP, I am not a release officer. I still have a class at school, in  my case with the AU-DDME's, and a roster of fine OT's [Occasional Teachers] I can call upon for excellent coverage. Let me bring you an update on what is going on.

Tuesday was the Right To Life [RTL] Youth Leadership Conference. 200 students were in attendance which was good, only down about 40 or so from last year. Quite frankly I think there were some teacher's who weren't interested in exposing their students to the guest speaker Michael Coren. He's a local talk show host with a very abrasive, bully like manner. Everything is always just a big joke but he can really hurt people, and I hardly find him a good role model for building consensus, more so he's someone who seeks and provokes confrontation to make his point. Is this really the way we want the Pro Life movement to go with the students in our care?

That aside it was a good speaker's list, and the mass at St. Basil's was very moving. It's a beautiful old downtown church, right across from St. Mike's College University of Toronto. There was a small lunchtime business crowd there too, for the express mass, in a very idyllic, uplifting church setting.
I found it very inspirational just being there celebrating the mass with our students.

There have been some false rumours going around that OECTA TSU boycotted the Youth Leadership Conference this year, so as executive liaison I felt it was very important that I be there. Our support will be ongoing. Last year we contributed a significant amount to Right For Life for the conference; fliers, the student's lunch and so on. I purchased some teacher and student guidebooks on how to set up a Pro-Life Club at school, which I distributed to the interested parties, in hopes it helps.

This year we are spreading out our donations more for various Respect For Life Week activities We will be distributing wrist bands in your teacher mailboxes for Respect Life Week. Please wear it, or give them to the students. We are sponsoring a guest speaker from the Respect Life Week Catalogue. Bev Hadland-Turner is a well respected youth counsellor who will speak on "Straight Talk About Sex, Love and Dating." She is free to speak at you school to the students on a first come first served basis during the Respect Life school week of  May 14 to 18th. Contact our RAC Chair Mark Sherlock via his board directory email to book her asap!!!

Next day I attended the TCDSB NCC [Nurturing Catholic Community Committee] Witness to Faith Symposium on TSU's behalf. We have been offered a seat on the committee, to which I have been appointed. All the CUPE affiliates were also invited. We were welcomed by our organization's name in the opening introductions. I was directed to a seat at the table side front where I sat with TCDSB Director Bruce Rodrigues, and later Cardinal Tom Collins joined us for lunch.

I have met with the Cardinal a few times before on your behalf, when he was Archbishop of Toronto, but it was a special honour to be able to congratulate him now in person on his new position within the church. He later graced the symposium with a homily on faith, which I recorded on my Ipad 3. I have posted an excerpt on my Davechiarelli Youtube Channel. The full homily will be broadcast of the Light and Salt Channel May 7th, but I managed to capture a nice taster, which is inspiring to see.

Cardinal Collin's Homily [Excerpt] Click Below:

Director Rodrigues actually taught at my school, JCM, back in the eighties or so. I was surprised he still remembered so many of the staff names. He looks kind of small and diminutive, not in a bad way, rather unassuming like, at least when I saw him. I could sense a serious heaviness to him, expressed perhaps best by his eyes, that would suggest he definitely has a lot on his plate and he takes it very serious. Anyway, he was also a pleasure to talk too and I later passed on his greetings to our staff back at school.

The student choirs at lunch were extraordinary, and there was a delightful group of dancers lead by their teacher.I think they really captured the joyous spirit of the occasion. As we all know, community building is very important if we are to survive as a Catholic school system, and it is not always there. I was pleased to discover Superintendent Geoffrey Grant has made it a priority and invited a very broad representative cross section of our Catholic community to bring us all together as a part of the NCC. A teacher, parent and student from each school across the board was also invited to attend the symposium, so I should think somebody at your school must have gone and can tell you more.

I ended the week at the OECTA Reach Every Student Conference: Supporting Marginalized and LGBT [Lesbian, gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered/ Trans-sexual] Students in Catholic Schools. It was jointly funded by the provincial government, the Catholic Principal's Council of Ontario [CPCO], and of course our own Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association [OECTA]. OECTA Lawyer Paul Cavalluzzo presented  a very informative legal analysis of the implications of Bill 13: The Accepting Schools Act which will require that anti-bullying measures for LGBT be implemented in all our schools, along with a club of some sort to help these students.

Paul Cavalluzzo noted there are many, many legal right verses denominational right  issues and other gaping ambiguities in the act which will probably have to be tested by Supreme Court challenges. They could be quite a concern for teachers accused of being too conservative or too progressive in offering assistance with the students and the clubs. It will be very risky. You could even end up before an Ontario Teacher's College [OCT] tribunal and risk losing your license to teach. Of course it is a very good cause, and very important to a lot of our students but.....................whew!

The OCT presented a workshop on how they are setting up an AQ [Additional Qualification] course for teaching LGBT student's but it is still just in the planning stages. We are facing some very interesting and difficult years ahead! There doesn't seem to be any easy answers either! I think this was one of the best forums for intelligent discussions on the issue of LGBT students that I have yet attended. Any hyperbole on all sides of the debate was openly challenged in a constructive exercise to try to make sense of the issues, no easy task!

Our TSU delegates finished Friday with dinner on Church St in the village. We enjoyed a well earned break and enjoyed some intriguing TSU election talk with much merriment and mirth. Having been acclaimed as your TSU 3rd VP certainly leaves me in an interesting situation. I can just move about talking with everybody on all sides and was touched by the congratulations.

I am beginning a Who Speaks For Teachers? thread as part of the Election Edition of my blogsite later this week, with more links to my new Youtube channel. My coverage will be very teacher issue orientated. Please stay tuned!

Photos from my week of RAC work is being added to the slideshow top right corner of my site screen.

Cardinal Tom Collins speaks on Faith at this week's NCC Symposium. See the link above to watch and hear him on my new Youtube Channel! 

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!