Opening Statement

Showing posts with label CB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CB. Show all posts

Sunday 25 October 2015

On the Wynne Ultimatum + Teacher Bashing!

[Or "Feasting on the Corpse of Ontario Collective Bargaining!"] 

With the dumbfounding "Wynne Ultimatum" and a mad frenzy of media teacher bashing perhaps unseen since the Harris Years, it's been a "week from hell" for many of our province's teachers and education support workers! Despite the fall of Steven Harper! And quite unfairly so! 

As my October 25th blog below shows, the OCSTA and OPSBA school board bargaining agents ["trustees"] received $4,572,632 in Collective Bargaining payments for 2014-15 alone! Surprise! Guess what? It turns out that's about the same as the total controversial amount received by all the teacher unions combined, from the MOE since 2008! 

News of the teacher union payments has certainly gotten John "Cued" Public and Jane "Ontario" Doe royally p.o'ed! However, please note; the amount was clearly spelled out in a well known MOE July 15th memo [LINKon GSN grants for Special Education! How come it wasn't breaking news then? Or for that matter still isn't, except on our decidedly underground but still free social media?!? 

Instead, all we hear in the mainstream media is the media teacher bashing frenzy which reached a feverish pitch Friday over the teacher union CB payments! The school board trustees at most got passing mention that they had received some kind of undisclosed funds too. It was usually towards the end of a fiery denunciation of our teacher unions being given a lot of tax payer dollars. Further fuelling the flames, the totals are now considerably more than originally estimated since the provincial auditor released the numbers covering the 3 sets of negotiations from 2008, 
for AEFO, ETFO, OECTA and OSSTF combined [LINK]

Seems there's an inconvenient truth here; one that's too inconvenient to mention in any detail! Namely that the Wynne government has awarded ALL the parties involved in the troubled negotiations with payments to cover the huge cost overruns associated with, what they now admit, is their new, flawed, collective bargaining model!

No matter that ETFO and CUPE have been without a contract for 14 months! Or that AEFO, OECTA and OSSTF quite frankly settled for bad ones! The OPSBA and OCSTA trustees' huge windfall, in the face of their frequent intransigence in refusing to negotiate, has not been deemed worthy of public notice. Obviously, the neo con media doesn't care about our right wing trustees' $4,572,632 payment. It's out for only one thing -teacher blood!

Premier Wynne has been pretty mum for a long time now on the floundering, nay stalled collective bargaining talks. Then came her rather puzzling announcement Friday. She has threatened to deduct pay from the remaining teacher and education support worker's who still don't have a contract, for -get this: NOT performing volunteer activities for free, if they don't reach a deal by November 1st! 

One assumes that like the other big wig "leaders" in the AEFO, OECTA and OSSTF teacher union provincial offices, she's been hunkering down for some very self serving damage control, especially since the shit hit the fan over the huge pay outs. The same money that some are now referring to as "hush funds" for the whole huge debacle, after the teacher numbers hit the news this week.

Quite arguably, this was payment to cover cost overruns related to the flawed Liberal government's CB process, as the premier has explained. Certainly, 1000's of hours were spent in wasted negotiations going nowhere. In the real world that does cost money. Unless of course our teacher officials pack a veeeeeery big picnic basket. Then raced from far and wide across our province, heading on foot to Toronto whenever beckoned by OPSBA, OCSTA and the MOE. Perhaps sleeping instead in their chairs for days, weeks and months on end. While Kathleen and Liz fiddled about endlessly with their "new CB model" and tempers burned! 

Be that as it may, our supposed union "leaders" still look as thick as thieves in my books. Having feasted on the rotting corpse of collective bargaining in this province, these patricians then took the "Wynne fall" money to just pipe down and go convince their members to accept whatever table scraps they were able to bring home for the plebs, their teacher members. 

For shame! Did they dig in their heels and fight long and hard to get back your sick day banks? No, far from it! They have reportedly negotiated to fund the CB cost overruns with them, as the classroom teachers receive pennies on the dollars under the new sick day bank "cash in" agreement. It's quite the stink! A big mess all around! 

So. What have we learned this week? Well, if you didn't know all ready, it must be a very disturbing truth to learn so late in the game: the media is not a very accurate reflection of reality! Nor do they seem to be prepared to do any owning up any time soon; and the damage is all ready done!

Alas! If you are an ETFO teacher, or a CUPE education support worker, then you know you are getting kicked in the teeth for everybody else's shortcomings, by both our illustrious premier, the Education Minister and our mainstream media! 

ETFO members can at least take some consolation in that your affiliate has unequivocally stated that they are not interested, in nor will they religiously accept, any 30 pieces of silver in payment for this shit storm. You certainly are owed a lot of our respect for still standing on principle! For leading by example!

The notorious OECTA Code of Silence has firmly descended over anything and everything OECTA once again, always a very ominous sign. As for our OSSTF education support workers? Well, maybe you can still get Elliott off his duff to pull something real and substantial for you out of this dung heap. Who knows? Good luck!

The fresh breath of air that otherwise welcomed new hope in Ottawa this week did not provide us with much relief in Ontario, as teachers. But of course education is a provincial portfolio. And even in Ottawa, Trudeau is still a newbie when it comes to actually standing up to our countries real Neo Liberal powers that be. 

The whiff of despair, must seem quite palpable in the teacher and educational support worker trenches. Still, see my field report on the resolute ETFO Wynne Wednesday rally last week. Or the flurry of CUPE member tweets as they once again proudly and steadfastly donned black every Friday. 

We were all once a part of a proud Ontario teacher union movement that stood tall! Let's hope that there are some real leaders out there at CUPE, ETFO and even OSSTF who still are willing to do so as push comes to shove! That they are not about to follow the sad example we've seen so far; of those who will collaborate and acquiesce, giving in to the all too self evident deep, dark cynicism, and manipulation of our Wynne government and a Vichy union mentality. The alternative does not serve us, our provinces working families, or the future generations whom we teach, very well! Let's hope it's not too late!


Friday 20 March 2015

A Spring Blog Update!

Updated March 24th!

Hello cyber-landers!

Please note: Some possible relief! In more ways than one! This blog is mostly for those of you who aren't just interested in the teacher contract postings! Plus, after the longest, coldest winter on record, spring finally arrives as of 6:45 pm EST today! Whew! It will be great to finally emerge from hibernating in my man cave here in Toronto Canada. And so, some notes on my future directions in blogging at this site, that is; where are we headed next?

Recently, I've focused a lot on the Ontario teacher contract negotiations. There's my blog on Free Speech and Grass Root Renewal [Here]. The initial contract offers [OECTA][OCSTA][OPSBA]. More info will definitely follow, including a new Spring Contract Guide blog!

I've highlighted the concerns with OECTA AGM 2015 [AGM]. Unfortunately, the members political bed has been made. Now you must sleep in it. Quite frankly, OECTA is royally screwed as far as being a member based organization goes. There really is no nice way to put it! However, if you have that much trust and confidence in OECTA's ability to still negotiate your next contract, then so be it. Ditto the other affiliates if they still feel the love

It's beyond me how OECTA's union practices can be tolerated, considering the track record past and present, especially with all that is now at stake but -good luck! The new generation of teachers have no idea of what's been lost, in more ways than one! However, this debacle is no longer my fight. Fortunately I am retired. Deal with it or don't! Your Comments are always welcome! But my own focus and energy are moving on ..... this is just too depressing!

Go snow! Go!

My monthly all affiliate Teacher Free Speech News and Views blogs [Jan] [Feb] [March] remain very popular and well read. They will continue as a "catch all" location for teacher, school, union, party politics, national and world news and entertainment etc. etc. etc. from a progressive, Canadian perspective. There will still, of course, also be separate blogs on different issues of interest. However, there's much, much more of interest than OECTA, OECTA, OECTA ..... and teacher contracts! But if you have another interesting teacher perspective that we should consider, well, guest blogs of course, are always welcome! [Here]

In Other News: This blogsite will very shortly reach 600,000 reader visits. During the past year, there has been about a 50% turnover in my readership. About 55% are male. Most readers are between 20 to 55 years old, the largest group being aged 20-35. A large proportion are now from the US and Europe with an interest in our union movement; it's organization, media and political strategy. In many ways we have done quite well. However, a lot of the reader interest also seems to be on the many other regular features on my site. Here are some topics you can look forward to:

The 2015 Federal Election: Prime Minister Harper's neo cons have got to go! [HereI plan on working the next election, with blogs to follow. Canada heads to the polls in October, though there are some rumours that the election might be called earlier than that. More details forthcoming. Stay tuned!

Back to Cuba!

Cuba, Cuba and more Cuba: Why oh why did I come back early from the warmth of the sun, sand and sea to the dead cold of a Canadian winter?!? [Last Trip] Alas. Retirement is still new too me. Perhaps with time I will eventually better get my timing right. 

There will be the promised update on the Cuban schools. [CSP] Also a report on the reactions I've encountered there toward the much touted normalization of relations with the US, and so on. I've decided to return to Cuba very soon. Just to hang out in Santiago de Cuba. Visit the teachers. The schools. Enjoy some sun by the pool. The fiestas at night. Then I can tell you more. Important work, so someones got to do it! Might as well be me!

With so much time on my hands and so little reason to go outside this winter, I finally managed to clean out the deepest corners of my closet. As you might guess, I found a whole box of stories, poems, journals, photos, memorabilia from my past travels to Cuba, mostly from the 1990's. So far I have published two short stories here; Christmas In Cuba [Here] and On the Road In Cuba [Here] about the early days of the Cuban School Project. Cuba and the Night is still being posted.[#1][#2][#3] There is still a lot more, including a short novel, A La Habana! [Excerpt], which I might work on at the trailer over the summer. 

Cuba seems to be of great timely, topical interest as of late. It's strange to cannibalize my own writing. Whats still good? How to frame it? The story, in my mind, is still all about "engagement", a major difference in how Canada, unlike the US has approached Cuba. In my experience that's been through the Cuban School Project which I started and continue to direct. I will try to be careful not to get too long in the tooth. Cuba truly is an enigma. I want to show both the pros and the cons of what has and still is happening to try to provide some meaningful insights and to do the story any justice!

I am considering adding a "donations link" for my Cuban School Project [CSP] but so far have resisted any commercialization whatsoever on my site. The focus of the education relief work has always been "Made in Cuba". It is carried out in a direct hands on manner, by myself working with the Cuban teachers and students sans any outside influences, so as to maintain it's integrity. Fortunately, it has proven very successful, against all odds and the work is still ongoing. It's very professionally rewarding, much more so than even my teaching career here in Canada. I want to keep it that way, so I still haven't decided how I will proceed with fund raising. Any tips on possible donations or grants would be much appreciated!

BTW: OECTA TSU recently donated $400 to the "Toronto Friendship School" and the next edition of our Ingles Para Ti  workbook. Many thanks from the students and staffs at the Cuban schools! As educators, we can make a difference!

You might've noticed that "Kulture Kult Ink" is the url for my site, not "tsu3rdvp" anymore. It reflects my current interests and reality in the broadest sense. Bob Marley and the Beatles are still on tap. Expect a lot more music, movie, television reviews etc. etc. etc. I am toying with the idea of also setting up an online radio and a t.v. station, if you will, for more of an audio visual experience. The internet has made "Manufacturing Dis-consent" a very viable option to challenge our political, social, cultural and economic assumptions and the staus quo. I will want to explore that a lot further in the daze ahead beyond just the union scope.

My Twitter account [davidchiarelli] continues to provide frequent new links and the like. Kulture Kults Klassik Lp o' the Day is a new feature with lots of music and video links to brighten up your day. I will keep it esoteric. Never a dull moment. Subscribe! Check that out too!

Remember, you can Comment below each blog in our open forum discussions. And your Teacher Free Speech News Link Archive 2011-15 is located for your convenience at the top left column on your screen. I dare say it's become quite an interesting and worthwhile research tool. My tweets direct you to backgrounder links of current interest. You might also want to just go take a gander and explore the archive yourself.

In Solidarity!

David C


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Teacher Strikes: What was ETFO Offered?

Thanks to Anon for the part of this missive below. I am looking online for the rest, though it is a slow process, and with the nice weather I like to get outside after a month or so of hibernating indoors. Anyway, I will add to this blog as more info becomes available Please stay tuned!

From the latest ETFO bulletin: OPSBA [Ontario Pubic School Board Association] and the Crown presented their central bargaining agenda to ETFO’s team on February 23. The tone established during previous meetings changed considerably when OPSBA tabled numerous disturbing concessionary demands. 

Those demands included:

· increased supervision time for teachers;

· no supervision time limits for daily OTs who are called in for assignments that are shorter than a full day;

· complete control by principals and school boards over the quantity and timing of diagnostic assessments – which would undermine the support for teacher professionalism and teacher judgement clearly expressed in the Ministry’s January 2013 document called PPM 155: Diagnostic Assessment in Support of Student Learning;

· the ability for principals to direct how teachers and long-term occasional teachers use their prep time;

· a requirement that ETFO endorse the revocation of Regulation 274 to the Ministry;

· the removal of all staffing and hiring language in local collective agreements;

· the removal of all class size language in local collective agreements;

· the removal of all entitlements in local collective agreements that are superior to central items;

· a written agreement from ETFO that the work day goes beyond the instructional day (i.e., teachers can be assigned teaching/non-teaching duties before, during and after school by their principal or school board);

· changes to sick leave provisions (90% coverage to 85%);

· provisions that allow principals and vice principals to return to teacher bargaining units and be placed in teaching positions ahead of surplus teachers and occasional teachers and with their seniority intact;

· DECEs may be assigned responsibilities outside FDK classrooms when the principal decides.
Monetary concessions demanded by OPSBA and the Crown included:
· 0% funding for compensation;

· the 97 day delay on salary grid movement would remain;

· the elimination of all degree and qualification-based allowance language (i.e., allowances for Masters degrees, PhDs, etc.) from local collective agreements;

· the elimination of all pregnancy and parental leave superior entitlements from local collective agreements.

The public school trustees have spoken!


Friday 6 February 2015

Teacher February News + Views!

Hello newbies! Everybody else: Welcome back! See the categories below for your latest Ontario Teacher Free Speech News + Views links. Updates are later included in larger type. The 2011-15 Archives are located for easy reference top left of your screen. My Blogsite Acronym Guide is @ Here! 

Snow! Snow! Everywhere snow! I just got back from a short trip to Cuba. Met the teachers. Got to the beach. Photos: top left slide show! Story to follow soon ....


A cellphone video of two teenage females assaulting a police officer outside of a local high school goes viral amid much amusement. Listen: when it's okay to swear, and hit teachers at will with virtual impunity nowadays, what sort of message do you think young people are getting about respect for authority figures in general? See my blog @ School Safety?. The news story + video is @ Funny eh?

Ontario's new sex ed curriculum is released. The provincial government says it will not be "cowed" by social conservative critics, this time. The program will be implemented at school beginning this fall. It is the first overhaul since 1998. See "Party Politics" below. A separate easy access Sex Ed blog, has been posted for your teacher free research, resource, erudition and discussion purposes has now been posted on my site @ Guide. News story @ Sex Ed

5 myths about the new sex ed curriculum are refuted. What do the MOE documents really say? @ Huffington

The times they are a changing: For contrast, the CBC digital file archives from "Take 30" show us how the sex ed debate unfolded in Canada during the 1960-70's @ CBC

MOE adamant new sex ed curriculum, due within weeks for implementation this fall, won't be pulled off the table this time around unlike in 2010 Sex Ed

Boo hoo hoo! We can't add. We have a deficit. Oh no! We have to negotiate new teacher contracts! TCDSB @ How Covenient?

TCDSB faces 2 unpalatable plans for cutting suddenly discovered $16.9 million deficit. Program cuts are pending. The MOE has appointed a consultant to work with the troubled Catholic board. Trustee Rizzo stresses under funding is also a big issue @ Rizzo

Trustee Rizzo alarmed + feels betrayed by board staff over $10 million accounting "estimation error" in benefit payments @ Hard to Count?

TCDSB Trustee Rizzo not impressed!

BTW it was great seeing local OECTA TSU/ TECT Presidents Dave Sollosy + Mario Bernardo respectively on CP24 news during the meeting last night eloquently keeping close tabs on TCDSB accountability @ Needs to be Done!

Q+A on Toronto measles outbreak, vaccinations, autism, school etc @ Measles!

Fear vaccines can cause autism high despite medical assurances to the contrary @ Autism?

The case against vaccine causing autism in children is explained @ Measle Parties?!?

Toronto Public Health says students will need to be immunized to attend school @ Proof Needed!

100's of inoculated London Ontario students face suspension @ Measles

MOE Sandals cheesed with TDSB response to directives: Principal hiring process, Quan provisos and school repairs found wanting @ Not Far Enough!

PC's accuse OLP of using crisis to shut out community leaders and fast track school closings. Sandals claims new guidelines for parent input will be in place in about a month. Interesting: no mention of teachers. Also, how'd the NDP miss this one Andrea?!? PC's

Axe hangs over 48 TDSB schools as trustees scramble to meet MOE's "Directive 9" cut deadline @ Star

Advocates argue changes to funding formula could save schools. Some are of the schools also used as Community Centres for Adult Ed and Daycare. BTW: Differences in Catholic and Public land development taxes distribution vary too. Article @ Global

Local Schools are "community assets" @ Globe

MOE Sandals claims the the province knows "schools are more than just buildings". However, critics argue they still aren't adjusting the funding formula to acknowledge their use as "community hubs" @ Inside Toronto

Liz: Bad school numbers! Bad! Bad!

ETT president John Smith speaks out against closings @ Toronto Elementary

Local Neo Cons must be gritting their teeth over this one: Survey shows 69% of Toronto residents would approve of a tax hike to keep the schools open as Community hubs @ Survey

60 local TDSB schools are being targeted for possible closing as the MOE cracks down on the scandal plagued board @ Yiikes!

How do our politicos decide which schools are closed? Sometimes they might just be playing the number's game @ Star

NIMBY? Majority of school closures would be in city's poorer neighbourhoods @ Star

Mapping the school closures @ Torontoist

Meanwhile know that many TCDSB Catholic schools are currently over capacity. An aggressive international students recruitment program with fees of $3500+ is underway. This could get very nasty!

Pay Back Time: What to do when you are caught red handed?!? Senior TDSB staff scramble as their pay hike violations are rolled back. For many it boils down to a question of whether they should quit or pay back the money @ TDSB

Educators Matter is seeking stories about teachers and staff who have selflessly helped others in a significant, and meaningful way @ You Matter!

Alberta teachers possibly face up to 2,500 layoffs as province's oil industry tanks with the world market. Controversial Oil Sands Project now a pig in the poke? Hmmm. Story @ Alberta Bound

Quebec MOE unfazed by marijuana strip search of 15 year old female student. Ontario MOE says it would be a no go here @ School Strip Search

OECTA's Catholic gay teachers continue to be the only group in Canada who can be legally discriminated against contrary to our Constitutional Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The OECTA TSU Human Rights Committee hosted a well attended + very constructive social for the union's LGBTQ members, allies and friends on Feb 5. Provincial President James Ryan and local president Dave Szollosy were in attendance. A handout on the teachers' existing CB rights as well as the text for a motion to be forwarded at the March AGM creating a new working group was presented. Notice will be forthcoming for the next gathering this spring. I will repost the handout on a separate blog in solidarity for your erudition. Guest blogs are also most welcome of course. Stay tuned for updates!

Code of Silence Alert? Tight!

"Observed at this month's OECTA COP"/ or "The Mystery of the "My OECTA includes Marshall Jarvis" T-shirts!": Objectively speaking Marshall was one of our top Catholic teacher union warriors during the good fight against the Ontario Harris Eves Neo Conservative government. Marshall deserves this recognition. The honour is due whatever political differences now exist years later. As a retired OECTA political activist and a fighter on our front line classroom and picket lines, I don't doubt this. 

However, during my OECTA years I saw 2 different management styles of delivery for General Secretariat service; Marshall's political one, and the more arms length administrative style of Greg Pollock before him. Putting aside the obvious politics of the moment, I have to wonder if the deeper problem facing OECTA right now is a question of which approach is best for the organization, and hopefully not one of personal allegiances. As such, the t-shirts timing is certainly questionable to say the least!

Do the t-shirts presence at an OECTA COP the month before the OECTA Provincial Presidential election at March AGM smack of a power play? The very thought makes me wince. Is there a move a foot to manufacture consensus for a Hawkins, O'Dwyer Jarvis triad at the head of OECTA after the March presidential election? Or to make sure whatever way it goes, that the union continues to be managed in the same way as it is now, without the deeper and more open discussion that should entail? 

more important question of direction in governance is what needs to be resolved to clear the air and help OECTA get it's mojo working again. At such, the mystery t- shirts regretfully seem quite disturbing and distasteful considering the more recent controversy's since the 2012 MOU, Marshall's other considerable and noteworthy contributions to the association notwithstanding. See my Teacher + Union in the January Teacher Free Speech News + Views for more info @ Here

You can easily make a cone o' silence too! Or something like that!

MOE admits inconsistencies in tracking info on "violent incidents" at school boards across province. Great! Also note how the info only includes attacks on students. Meanwhile the boards are playing innocent. However, my experience in Toronto was that everybody has got one of those them there darn "Cones of Silence" [see above] on, when it comes to disclosure. The public has no idea of how bad it really! Read @ Sun

Parent transfers her autistic child from a Catholic school in Algonquin and Lakeshore citing the board's inaction on a violent incident involving a death threat and bullying @ Inaction 

Toronto parent carries a sign advising others her son is autistic for when she has to deal with a meltdown in public @ Idea

Expect some details finally on what the province is offering teachers at this month's Collective Bargaining talks. If the OPSEU negotiations are any indication, it's very slim pickings indeed! Teacher union affiliate updates continue to be posted on a separate blog. The OPSEU details as well as some upcoming provincial CB + OLRB meeting dates are posted here. More news continues to follow as it comes to my attention. Please feel free to provide Comments + info in the space below the blog @ Ontario Teacher Free Speech Contract Guide! 

Solidarity forever? USW Toronto Crown Plant cannery strike enters month 17!!! Please check your beer and pop cans to see where they are made and BOYCOTT!!! Pass it on!!! News article @ Star and my first hand blog coverage of the strike from Oct 2013 is of course still @ On the Lines!

A new Supreme Court ruling might've just struck a major blow across Canada against the neo conservative war against our union movement when it comes to limiting our right to strike @ Precedent?


Queen's Park legislature resumes: 6 big issues for the Wynne government @ OLP

Useful: Visit the Queens Park website for orders, notices, committee meeting dates and more details etc. etc. etc. @ Here!

Behind the scenes with Pat Sorbara; Premier Wynne's controversial Deputy Chief of Staff and allegedly one of the most powerful unelected figures in the government @ Sorbara

Pat Sorbara sits tight while police investigation mounts into Sudbury election scandal @ Globe

Former NDP MP/ Liberal candidate Glenn Thibeault handily wins the Feb 5 Sudbury Ontario provincial by election. BTW, he had the mine workers' endorsement. Would seem like another wake up call for our "well, we're not a socialist/ union party anymore" Fed + provincial NDP to me, but hey ..... @ OLP

PC McNaughton breaks party ranks to wade into sex ed debate.

Premier Wynne accuses some sex education protesters of being homophobic @ Wynne

PC Leadership Race Schism: McNaughton + Brown appeal to anti sex ed protesters, Elliot plays coy. Meanwhile party supports the new curriculum @ Split

PC MPP Rick Nicholls advocates students opting out of evolution studies @ Dinosaurs?

No to evolution + sex ed? Social conservative pandering threatens effort to reform PC's into a moderate governing party @ Leadership Race

5 spectacular PC leadership meltdowns @ Issues

PC's wrangle with their spectacular knack for clutching defeat from the jaws of victory during the the past 4 provincial elections. Possibility of rapprochement with teachers also discussed Leadership Race

Dept of Do As We Say: The OLP majority government continues to preside over a new QP legislative season unfazed by the opposition protests over yet another patronage scandal. Why don't the PC's and NDP get any traction? Don't Ontarian's care? Or, is it more an incredulous question of them usually being guilty of the same unsavoury patronage politics of which they doth protest so loudly Cohn 


Bill C-51: Canada's New Terrorism Act, is to be passed into law asap!  News story now moved and incorporated into my Feb 23 blog: Is Canada Under Attack 2! @ Here!

Obama's recent speeches on terrorism and Islam avoid the jingoism of Harper + Bush. Indeed, one might want to consider promoting better development and growth throughout the Muslim world rather than continue waging tragic wars we don't win. [Saaay: wasn't the US victorious in the Iraq War 13 years ago?!?] However, Obama still continues to publicly ignore that the west and it's allies do not have a good track record, to say the least, in the Muslim world. 

The US and it's western allies continue to prop up corrupt, oppressive regimes [ie: We like the Arab Spring. Oh wait -no we don't!] and exploit the region for natural resources [read oil]. That has created a historic and ongoing void where terrorists can readily spread hatred and recruit extremist followers. 

The real truth of the "terrorist threat" actually lies much deeper than the usual usual platitudes and glittering generalities we constantly hear in the media both in the US and now in Canada. Are the "terrorist attacks" really being mainly fueled by terrorist hatred of "freedom" and "democracy"? These might help manufacture consent for dubious adventurist wars but alas, quite frankly, folks in the middle east often have historically much more profound reason to hate us! See how! More @ No Justice No Peace!

Canada's "Fox News North" goes the same direction as US "Target" stores: out of here! Yes, "Sun News" went off the air for good early Friday the 13th! Sun blames the low viewership for it's neo con rants on being denied access to Basic Cable TV Packages here in Canada. No more nasty attempts to Manufacture Consent for their right wing agenda on the public dime by blaming unions, pinko's, ne'er do wells and Muslim extremists for the nations ills @ Going Going Goon!

Raoul Castro to retire! Calls presidential election!

Cuban President Raoul Castro has announced that he will be stepping down! Cubans will be going to the polls in 2 years to choose a new leader. I haven't seen any coverage of the announcement in the mainstream news. Find out more soon here about local reactions to this and the recent announcement of efforts to normalize Cuba US relations. A separate blog on my recent February Cuban School Project visit to Santiago de Cuba is forthcoming. I'm still just trying to readjust to the deep freeze back home here in Canada. Brrrrrrrr! Stay tuned! 

Here's an odd sign of the times: police in Pakistan are instructing teachers on how to use firearms against terrorists @ School Attacks

How well do Prime Minister Harper's Federal Conservatives understand or care about the needs of the average Canadian working family? Not very, according to these revealing charts @ No way!?

After Pride survey finds only 16% of London Ontario LGBTQ feel safe with their same sex partner in public @ No holding Hands?!?

In Canada we love to brag about just how cold it is and how much snow we get! No doubt this recent "snow train" video is a klassic @ Toot! Toot!

Harper Weed Control: Go ahead given for growing 9000 more medical marijuana plants in Halton Region @ Agri-Business High!

Up in smoke: Ontario's "Peace Natural" Co. required to recall legal marijuana that's too strong. What BS! Word is street boo is stronger + cheaper. What to do Hi Low!

Justin T on Flag Day: Casual + Calculated = Cool?

Fed Lib's Justin Trudeau + Jean Chretien attended a packed rally at U of T Mississauga Campus Feb 16th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag. Justin pointed out the Maple Leaf Ensign was very controversial at the time. Many British Canadians still wanted us to fly the Union Jack! [Indeed you will still see it on our Ontario provincial flag today!] Jean pointed out the PET Liberal government was "building diversity" to the largely well healed + educated ethnic audience. The auditorium was packed with potential voters from the Toronto 911 riding's, no doubt central to the festivities! 

Justin was casual but calculated, a chip off the old block? Dunno what the old man would've thought about his stand, or lack thereof, against Bill C-51; the Harper "Anti-Terrorist" Act [see above]. Of course, that leaves the NDP's Tom [We're not A Socialist Party Anymore!] Mulcair alone in the anti-"Anti Terrorist" Bill bull pit but with little or no chance of toppling the Harper Conservatives once and for all in this year's federal election. All is certainly not well in our true north weak + cold! 

Goon but not forgotten: Rob Ford fishes around for pocket change for charity by auctioning off memorabilia from his recent fiasco as Toronto's mayor @ Ebay


Leslie Gore: Now it's Judy's turn to cry?!

60's Teen Dream Queen Leslie Gore dies of cancer at age 68! "It's My Party" [1963], she could cry if she wanted, aaaaaand you'd cry too -if it happened to you! Sorry! Loved it! Couldn't resist! Hey! Did you know Leslie was also a 60's proto-feminist. Yup! Life was not ALL "Sunshine Lollipops" [1965]! Check out her grrrrrrl klassic "You Don't Own Me!" [1964]. Tres rad! Not something a "nice girl" should think or say at the time! Seriously! Obit + music videos @ It's My party!

No! It's Bryan's Party: Johnny Bi Bye!

BTW: Ever heard Bryan Ferry's straight faced cover version of "It's My Party" [1973]?! Well, it's the early seventies now .... and so was "Ferry"! Very! Get it?!? Heh Heh Er...... most folks on our side of the Atlantic missed the point about "Johnny" . Still Bryan was a hit in the UK, where even Elton John could publicly admit that ..... Gasp! No! Really?!?! He's what???? ...... C'mon! Next thing you know somebody will be claiming that Liberace was actually gay!!!!! ...... well anyway, it's @ Youtube

Get it: Liberace = Liberation?!? Never mind ...

17 dirty reasons why Apple is NOT as trez kool as many folk might think @ Apple sucks?

My Youtube Bar below this main column presently features a selection of Gorillaz videos. My fascination lies in the groups fabulous combo of klassic 21st century pop music and graphic materials fueled by my rediscovery of the band's albeit pre-existing recordings on glorious vinyl. Nice big gate fold covers! Yummy warm vinyl sounds! You will find a selection of their trez kool videos there! Enjoy!


Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!