Opening Statement

Showing posts with label BTC [Beginning Teachers Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BTC [Beginning Teachers Committee. Show all posts

Thursday 26 April 2012

Michael Powers Vs Vanier Championship Game!

As promised I have uploaded the Championship Game to Youtube on my new Davechiarelli Channel. I filmed the final Competitive League Championship playoff game using an Ipad 3.

Some of you will recall when I got hit in the arm with a volleyball. The Ipad went flipping up into the air and landed on the court screen first suffering nary a crack! Yiiikes! All was well but this is definitely not, repeat not, recommended! Volleyball can  be a dangerous sport! Anyway, it was lots of fun, and a great game.

For some reason I had to split the game video into 2 parts to upload to Youtube. I am a novice here. If I can find a better way, or anyone can advise me how, I will try to put them back together for some seamless viewing. In the meantime, enjoy!

Michael Power Verses Vanier Championship Play Off Game PT.1:

Michael Power Verses Vanier Championship Play Off Game
Pt. 2:

PS: Subscribe on Youtube to my new Davechiarelli Channel. Lots more great videos to come! Complete TSU Election 2012 Coverage begins May 3 to May 23! See it all here on Youtube and/ or my blog!!!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Thursday Volleyball Update!

10:00 pm

Hey ho sports fans! We are looking good for the tournament! Our BTC [Beginning Teacher Committee] Chair Helena Suite will arrive early at PJ2with Sparky Stelmacovich and Claudio Chichiarelli to make sure everything is set up and ready to go for our 4pm start time. Our committee members will arrive as they get out of school. Any extra help is much appreciated, please see the BTC there before the games!

We've got 2 referees confirmed with 2 more strong maybes. Now I know why everyone is so thankful for our volunteer referees! The Competition League can get pretty tight, so please let's respect the referees calls and make sure we first and foremost just enjoy the good sport and comradeship of the games with our fellow teachers. I am still working on getting plenty of referees, so please contact me asap if you can help out! Whew!

I picked up the water bottles, granola bars and fruit snacks for during the game tonight. The drink tickets too. We will set up the tournament schedule [Round Robin] on bristol board outside the gym. We would appreciate the help of anyone who's expert at this in case we have to make any last minute changes!

Some schools don't have a full team, so we've asked any individual players to come early, and we will see what we can do. Better a few too many than a few short, and at the very least, if you are so inclined you could perhaps play relief on another team. Please see us before the games begin.

We've got two custom made trophies, about a foot high, one for each league, and a bunch of medallions too, for all our outstanding athletes. It should be fun, so please show up by 4pm, and let the games begin!

Photos will follow on my slide show in the top left screen. When you click on them it takes you to Flickr where the enlargements are. Kindly forward any you take of your team etc. too! I will start posting them this weekend, so please check back here later.

Please stay tuned for any further pre game updates. There is a lot more info that follows below. I have provided a map box in the left hand column, to help you find your way to JP2. Scroll down and you will see it....

11:00 am:

Our BTC is busy getting the trophies and medallions for tomorrow's tournament starting at 4pm. The gyms will be setup in advance but we are still short one or two referees!!! You need to be tough nosed but fair, the competition can get pretty rough. If you can help out or know anyone else who can please email me asap!

We are planning on a Round Robin, best 2 out of 3. I have one team cancellation. If your school does not have a team please come anyway, see us at the registration desk, and I'm sure we can plug you in anyway. Some teams always show up short or need a substitute and so on. The more the merrier.

We ask everyone to sign in, personally, at the front table by the gym, so we have an accurate count for all the teams etc. Guests are asked to do so too. We will use these lists for drink tickets afterwards, so please sign in.

More updates to follow over the next 24 hours and see below:

Tuesday 17 April 2012

TSU Volleyball Update!

Our Beginning Teacher's Committee [BTC] is busy finalizing all the arrangements for our TSU Volleyball Tournament at Pope John Paul Secondary from 4-8pm this Friday April 20th. There will be another official notice coming out. The TSU office is very busy, so let me share the basic details with you as Executive Liaison for the committee. You have been sending me a lot of questions and it has been hard to reply to them individually, so many of the answers are or will be posted here too. I will continue to update this post until the games, so please stay tuned.

OT's without a school may send me your name and we will find a team place for you, so don't miss out!.

Okay. So far we have 6 Competitive League Teams registered from Neil McNeil, Loretto Abbey, St. Basil's, JP2, Michael Power, and Cardinal Newman.

So far we have 3 Recreational Teams: Cardinal Newman and 2 from PJ2.

There are one or two teams who haven't told me which league they want, or given me their team member names. I sent out emails today for confirmation purposes for all the teams I have registered, and to get the missing info from the others. If your team does not get a email then contact me asap so you don't get left out!

Registration will remain open until Thursday morning when we will create the roster.

The 3 gyms have been booked at JP 2, with set up taken care of. However, we are very short on referees, so if interested or you know somebody who might be let me know asap.

In other news, in response to your questions and so on;

The tournament is intended for active TSU members. Some teams are short one or two players. In such cases you may register an OT or past teacher from your school, as long as they are still a TSU member. LTO's count as a regular member of your school for tournament registration purposes. Student teachers from your school may also play on your team. OT's who submit their name to me but don't have a school will be available for rotation or to top off your team numbers.

You may not sign up "ringers" or other pros using the above as an excuse to make up and register a super team.

Both Leagues are Co-ed.

There aren't any fees to register or play in the tournament, the cost will be taken from the BTC budget.

Two trophies will be awarded by our host BTC after the tournament, one for each league.

All team players and school members who come to the gym to cheer you on are invited to our ceremony afterwards, the location of which will not be disclosed until during the games as usual. We will provide food and refreshments once again for the awards ceremony and social. Wink. Wink. Wink. Please don't be a party crasher if you are not involved! It's very tacky. Join in the games!

Remember, if you still wish to register a team, by all means do so, but please email me by Thursday morning when we sit down to do the roster.

You can use my board, hotmail or gmail email account to reach me if necessary.

Most of the teams are from our east end schools, lots in the competitive league, but the recreational too. What's up west enders? Does the east rule? Please do not tell me you are afraid of their prowess!!! Nay! Sign up a team now to uphold your school honour, and maybe show the others how the game should be played.

We will be arriving at 3pm Thursday to set up for the games and plan to start at 4pm prompt. Usually the games wrap up by 8pm and we head off to the awards ceremony and social.

See my April 4 Volleyball Tournament post with more info by scrolling down the page.

More details and updates to follow.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

TSU Volleyball April 20th at JP2 4-8pm!

Yes! It's official. The volleyball tournament is on for April 20. We are experiencing delays in getting the announcement and flyers out. However, you can register now! All TSU members can play. Please send the following to my hotmail address as listed in Highlights;

Please send me:

1) your school and team members
2) which league; Recreational or Competitive?
3) your contact person and phone number

The location is at Pope John Paul 2 at:

685 Military Trail
Scarborough ON M1E 4P6

Postal code is for GPS users. A search map is also included beside
this blog for your convenience in getting directions.

The registration deadline is April 16.

There also is an ad on the back page of Hightlights which I have reposted here
for referral until the good copy is sent out.

The tournament is organized by our BTC (Beginning Teachers Committee). Hooray BT's!!!

Food and refreshments will follow after the games. Team players and school staff who come to cheer you on are invited. Trophys will be awarded then for the winning team in each league.

If in doubt fear not! More details will be posted here. Please share my link. Email me for my phone number if need be. The official flyer and letter from TSU is forthcoming. In the meantime, I hope this helps get the ball rolling.

Let's play volleyball! Look forward to seeing you there!

Monday 27 February 2012

TSU Volleyball Rescheduled to April 20th!!!

Please note: my post on the Education Minister follows this late breaking news. Read on....

You all should've been officially notified by now or very shortly. As your Beginning Teacher's Committee [BTC] executive liaison, I want to make absolutely sure nobody is confused and gets the dates mixed up. The same with the team registration procedures. Please share my blog link with your coaches and staff as you see fit.

The TSU Beginning Teachers Volleyball Tournament at PJ2 has been rescheduled from this Friday March 2nd to Friday April 20th. That is the only Friday the gym has not been pre-booked by another group with a quite similar name to ours. This may have created the confusion with the previous booking. Our committee could've rescheduled the tournament for a weekday in March. However with holidays and what not, plus the fact Fridays usually work best for our members, April 20th it is.

The tournament is of course open to all TSU teacher members from our TCDSB schools, offices etc.

Our committee sincerely regrets the delay but hope the new date can still work well for you. It gives everyone extra time to sign up team members from your school and practice some more. From what I understand the competition could be very fierce this year.

We will be organized, as before, with the tournament being held in all three gyms at PJ2. There will be a Competitive League and a Recreational League. You can register teams for both. It will run from 4-8pm. The awards ceremony will follow.

To register your teams please forward the name of your school, the leagues and your team members names to the BTC email address that is being provided by the TSU main office. You may also contact me at the gmail address above should you have any immediate enquiries.

It promises to be another great Volleyball tournament! Let's get practicing if you haven't all ready. If you all ready have, well then I'd be willing to bet you better get practicing some more. The stakes for the Competitive League Trophy could be very high this year!

The festive awards ceremony afterwards is open to all team players and those teachers from your school who come to the tournament to cheer you on like last year. Those who do not participate in any way are asked please not to attend. Other events are held regularly throughout the year, by the Social Committee, and these are open to all our members. However, the volleyball tournament is run and paid for by our Beginning Teachers Committee, on a much more limited budget. Of course we always want to be reasonable. Please don't hesitate to contact me via my gmail address above if there are some special circumstances we may have overlooked, or use the BT email address once it is sent. This will help our committee in ordering the food and refreshments, and making sure we are fair, and you have a great time.

The Beginning Teacher's Volleyball Tournament is a longstanding yearly TSU event, organized and run by our BT Committee, which is made up of teachers with five years or less employment with our board. They also organized a BT pub for the new teachers to meet and connect with their colleagues from our board. Likewise they help organize the Provincial BT Conference where our new Catholic teachers from across the province get together to share information and experiences. A Niagara Wine Trip is also in the planning for this spring, to which everyone will be invited. Details will be forthcoming and we look forward to seeing you then, if not at the upcoming tournament.

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!

Communist Girls ARE More Fun!
See below ...

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Girls Are More Fun #1

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls are More Fun #2

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Grrrls Are More Fun #3

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Communist Girls Are More Fun #4

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?

Art at the Paris Louvre: What does it mean?!?
A careful analytical study!

Help! I Have No Arms!

Help! I Have No Arms!
Please scratch my back.

I can't find my underwear!.

I can't find my underwear!.
Have you seen them!

Weee! I can fly!

Weee! I can fly!
Look! I can crawl thru walls!

I have a headache!

I have a headache!
And a broken nose.

I have a square hole in my bum!

I have a square hole in my bum!

Here try this, it's very good!

Here try this, it's very good!
No. You have a bird face.

I have an ugly baby!

I have an ugly baby!
No I'm not!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!

Let's save all our money + buy pants!
OK but I need a new hand too!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

Oh no! I got something in my eye!

You don't look well.

You don't look well.
No. My head hurts +I have a sore chest.

Would you like a bun?

Would you like a bun?

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!

Chichen-Itza: Lost Maya City of Ruins!
The Temple of Kukulkan!

Gotta love it!

Gotta love it!
Truly amazing!

Under Reconstruction!

Under Reconstruction!

Temples + Snakes!

Temples + Snakes!

The Snake!

The Snake!
It runs the length of the ball field!